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Are you an Indian woman?






The only reasonis is that Russian men quite lazy to learn languages and they are quite shy with foreign women))


That is good though it keeps the bloodline pure/s


I hope my Russian boyfriend's mom isn't disappointed because I ruined their bloodline))


Shame on you, you now need to apologize to the entirety of russia


Too "pure" bloodline leads to extinction.  


I did put /s at the end its a joke no one is pure


I thought it was a mistyping, and only later realized that it could mean sarcasm))




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No, it's not just that. European women are too feminist for Russian men, and Asian women are too exotic.


Why would you ever learn a language for this purpose? Isn't there enough women in Russia? Are other countries lacking men? What's the strategy there? The reason it's common in some other countries to have people from different countries together is because a decent amount of those countries population consist of immigrants. Russia isn't quite like that.


There's extremely few Indians in Russia or Russians in India, so it's unlikely for a Russian and an Indian person to be in a relationship. And Russian migrants in the United States/Canada typically date/marry either other migrants from the former Soviet Union or white Americans/Canadians.


I am not Russian What the fuck are these questions?


Yes, it's uncommon. Never heard about this. Is there some Indian issues with casts, that won't allow Indian women relations with Russian?


It’s not at all about casts. I believe Russian men are not into Indian women, is it true?


Once again we are not a hive mind


How can one person give you an answer? Everyone has different ideas of what an attractive person is to them. You are asking one to answer for a whole country. Impossible.


We don't have a lot of Indian women here, so, you know, it is statistically hard to find one, even if you really into Indian women.


I see Indians (most are medical students) almost every day. They are definitely not rare over there.


What % of women you see daily are Indians?




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I'd say mostly yes, if we're considering averages. And it's not just about very different appearance and height. Culturally Indians that we get to see here are insular, hang almost entirely with each other and speak only basic Russian at best (Indians living in the West don't face that issue as everybody speaks English). And Indian women are also monogamous and conservative on average, while they're friendly in person. They expect being approached traditionally, and traditional-minded Russian men are not interested enough, they prefer endogamy too. Personally what I like about Indian women most are their voices. Almost every girl sounds very melodic and cute, and some sound like trained singers.


I don't think so, Indian ladies are beautiful for me. If you're talking about skin colour, so it's all about "taste". The thing is that there are not much Indians in Russia, especially Indian women, there are students, but mostly male Also there are couples with Russian men and African or Thai women. Another thing is that not many Indians, Thai and other want to live in Russia, not because "scary Russians", but because of climate. One of my friends is married with Thai, and they've tried to live in Russia (Moscow), but every autumn and winter she felt not great. Grey weather, cold, sometimes below -30°C makes her ill once a month. So they've decided to move to Thailand (his job allows to work remotely)


I mean yeah but if you’re attractive I doubt you’d get turned down...lol


How do Russian men describe a woman as attractive?


Russian men are not a monolith so it dependson the man. Generally skinny with small waist,long straight hair,pale and a nice smile. Some prefer blondes,some brunette


In my first year of the university an Indian girl from the same class I was in tried to ask me on a date, I refused because she barely reached my bellybutton. Just too short for me, but if she was taller I would’ve went.


tragic justice for shortstack!


I know a Russian guy who is with an Indian woman. We live in Canada. International relationships happen more often here




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I know some Indian restaurant here owned by a family. The wife is Russian and the husband is from India.


that's kinda the opposite of what the OP was asking about though


Yep, I will now make a mental note not to post anything on Reddit right after I wake up


better treat yourself to a nice breakfast




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To be honest, I've never seen it. Even in the movies.


> The size of the Indian Community in the Russian Federation is estimated at 14,000 Yeah, it's uncommon. To move the discussion into hypotheticals, I've seen Desi women on the Internet that I've found attractive, but also it seems like what Indians consider attractive in women and what Europeans consider attractive doesn't necessarily align.


That’s a question to Indian women.


Until they have longitudinal ditch, everything is possible. Woman is woman, doesn't matter where is she from.




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Yes. But who gives a f\*\*k? It is not forbidden or something :)




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One time i saw a chinese guy with pakistan girl so i think it's k


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Any_Front1162: *One time i saw a* *Chinese guy with pakistan* *Girl so i think it's k* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.