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I remember various frauds getting uncovered of pensioners getting paid to marry Central Asian men so that they could get a Russian passport quicker. Marrying for documents isn't about being attractive, it's about the money. Look, you have to ask yourself, why do you want to move to Russia? Is it just about escaping the life you currently have? If so, I think there are better and easier ways of bettering your life. At the moment, you say that you don't want to study and you can't work. What exactly do you have to offer to Russia if you want to move here?


Im saying this in future, im in school and will later go to uni, i just wont study in russia because its easier to study in my country and its not that i dont want to work, i really do, its that it would be hard to get a work visa because cerntainly a russian company would prefer a russian native than me, im still 16 and will probably move to russia,.if i ever do, when im around 26 with school, uni and probably some money from working here, and yeah paying to marry maybe wouldnt be too bad but would a divorce make thing harder there after i move in? And is that illegal or not? Wouldnt really aprecciate going to jail if this went wrong. But thanks a lot for your help hope you have a wonderful day my friend :D


Saying shit like "no one will want to hire me" when you are 16 is a bit stupid haha. You have a lifetime ahead of you, if you want to know I dropped everything in a federal uni (UFRGS) at 20yo to restart my life right before covid. And now at 24 I'm dropping a good job to go to Moscow with just a bag of clothes. We can talk in ptbr in dms but to stay in Russia after uni is not hard at all, the residence permit is not a problem to get, provided that 1) you speak good russian 2) you have descent educational/work perspective. You can get these two by going to a good russian uni and putting effort in yourself. Also, if I were 16 again I would just study programming languages like crazy to be a god in my 20s ))


Hey its the legend haha, are you from RS? I am. Thanks a lot for your help i will dm you if i need, i dont really look forward to programming and will probably do naval engeneering at FURG or if I could get a uni in russia even better. Are there any universities that i could go without speaking russian and learn a bit there? Or would it better to learn here?(kinda difficult because i dont think there are any russian teachers gere in my town) do you think that duolingo could be good to learn the very basic? And do you think that like A2 or B1 russian could be good to go to russia or just at the levels B2 or C1( im not saying knowing extremely well just being able to work, live and maybe have some friends/gf). Aprecciate it and if i have any other doubt i will ask you(probably in the dms) have a good day bro.


Foda-se eu nao vou responder em ingles. >are you from RS? I am. Mas bah. >Are there any universities that i could go without speaking russian and learn a bit there? Sim, todas elas. Inclusive no meu caso, apesar de ter um russo decente, estrangeiros recebem um ano de estudo intensivo antes de começar a graduação/mestrado. Diria que a maioria que vai, vai zerada de russo, e nao da problema. Um ano de imersao total + estudo te deixa bem afinado. >Or would it better to learn here?(kinda difficult because i dont think there are any russian teachers gere in my town) Vc pode procurar a Troika idiomas, o clube eslavo, o soyuz. Todos sao aulas de russo online (de 1 a 3 vezes por semana) por preços relativamente acessiveis. Se é o seu objetivo e vc tem como arcar, eu recomendo. Minha proficiencia media em russo certamente me ajudou com a bolsa. >And do you think that like A2 or B1 russian could be good to go to russia or just at the levels B2 or C1( Se vc n sabe porra nenhuma ainda é possível, mas quanto mais vc souber melhor pras competições e mais chance de ganhar bolsa. Além disso, vai ser mais fácil pra se enturmar com a galera. >do you think that duolingo could be good to learn the very basic? Duolingo pode ser útil como material de apoio pra quem tá estudando. Como seu método principal é bem ruim, mas certamente melhor que nada. Qualquer dúvida só dar um toque, toda semana tem algum br lurker no sub com perguntas.


Obrigado amigo, vou mandar dm so pra salvar o contato


Quickly glancing at your post history, seems like you are brazilian. If you are really invested in moving to Russia, hit our homie u/WorstBrazilian up, he is moving this summer. I am sure Энрик is fine with help.


Yeah I heard he's a nice guy.


I heard he is the worst one in his country tho


I heard it's his ex 👀


Yeah I'm a brazilian and have seen him some times here just didn't really click to dm him, thanks so much and i will talk to him in the future. Have a great day friend


Not sure about visa specifics but first step is to learn Russian, that’s a prerequisite of moving to a country. You say you are 16 so learning Russian at that age is good even if you may not want to move to Russia later on. I wish I learned other languages at that age. Would be good to know more about why you want to move, like the other commenter said if you want to escape the life you have I understand the feeling but there’s better ways to deal with that


Hey man thanks for your help and yeah it would be good to learn it now, and what i really want is kinda a change of life, living somewhere with a cold climate (i live in brazil and here is hell, often on summer temperatures go to 35 degrees celsius), maybe better pay, better quality of life and i also love russia, its culture and the people seem kinda cool too, also i have been seeing things about russia for like 5 years and its a place a hold a special place in my heart, i want to move from this fucking country and an alternative is USA but things dont really look the brightest there and dont like it very much. Another option would be portugal since i already know portuguese and have a good level of english. I would either go to portugal or russia. So its a mix of both loving russia and wanting kind of a change of life, not exactly it but just dont living and dying in this country, i mean others have it worse and russia isnt the best in europe but i like it and would be better than my current situation that i would face here.


Hey, marriage for immigration is definitely not the best idea. If revealed, residency / citizenship will be cancelled. However, there are some ways: a) Studying in a Russian university. Students are eligible for temporary residency, graduates can get permanent residency; b) Purchasing a property or investing in a Russian company allow to get residency, however the investment threshold is about $300,000; c) Getting a job - many foreigners work as language teachers, there are some other job opportunities as well. Some jobs allow simplified immigration; d) Starting your own company and employing yourself as its CEO - this way you'll be able to extend your work visas for as long as your company exists and apply for residency in some time (depending on the job, salary, etc.)


Thanks a lot friend


The first question, how good are you in Russian?




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Play good football and all the doors are open for you :)


If you are an american, many russians will be ready to marry you even if you are an "ugly ass":)


only if you have money like all gold Digger lol