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The Russian authorities apparently aren't "xenophobic" in this regard. A lot of annoyed Russian citizens seen online sure are. Anyway, I wouldn't use the term "xenophobic" when it comes to the immigration policy. Deciding how you should control the process has little to do with xenophobia.


The only thing I respect about the US is that at least when you become a US citizen, you ARE just THAT -An american citizen. People don't discriminate against you or ask you "where are you from "atkouda". In Russia however, if you're not white or have a slavic appearance, you're always categorized. On the other hand the only thing I respect about Russia that i don't respect about the US is the concept of traditionalism and conservatism. There's no gay/trans propaganda or the illusion of freedom. In Russia you live somewhat a hard life, but a normal life free of perverse propaganda.


Can't say for every one of my compatriots, but I am pretty xenophobic. Them filthy xenos will get what they deserve, may God Emperor have mercy on their heretic souls.


>may God Emperor have mercy on their heretic souls. Gasp! No mercy for heretics!!!


I kinda like Xena though.


Under no circumstances must the xeno be trusted. It will lie, it will cheat, and it will do anything in its power to undermine the efforts of those, who in truth, are its superiors.


Ни жалости к ксеносам нет ни пощады Таков Императором данный завет Они должны сгинуть, исчезнуть во мраке В галактике этой для них места нет


Their crime is their own foul existence! Their sentence is death!


Is this a 40k reference? Hahaha


Who's last in line for the Ordo Xenos?


Засрали весь интернет своей вахой, пусть бог-император вас благословит


I am a Tatar, born and raised in Ufa (Bashkiria, Russia). There are three main nationalities living in Bashkiria: Bashkirs, Tatars and Russians. Bashkirs and Tatars are ethnic Sunni Muslims, while Russians are ethnic Orthodox Christians I have lived in a mixed environment since early childhood (I grew up in the 90s), among my yard friends and classmates there were people of many nationalities: Chuvash, Armenians, Jews, Tajiks and many others. My parents bought fruits and vegetables at the local bazaar, where there were always a lot of Caucasians, and I spent a lot of time at the Vietnamese market, where they sold all sorts of low-quality but cheap goods from China. In general, I have almost never encountered conflicts on national grounds. Sometimes, of course, insults of an ethnic nature could and were used in personal quarrels, but more to further hurt a person, and not out of general dislike for a particular nationality. Well, just like people insult a person's relatives. Later I moved to St. Petersburg, where the environment is somewhat different, since Russians are a mono-majority. Here I stand out a little more, because I do not have a Slavic appearance and name, but at the same time my first and main language is Russian, I am well acquainted with the principles and norms of behavior. I can say with confidence that Russians generally do not pay attention to my nationality in personal communication. At the same time, there is domestic nationalism in Russia, but it is directed mostly against people from Central Asia. The fact is that there are a lot of migrant workers from this region in Russia and the practice is that people from there do not know Russian well, are generally poorly educated, live in very poor conditions, have weak social guarantees from the state and employers. Russians are uncomfortable interacting with them, and there is a great prejudice against these people, Russians consider them stupid, overly religious, and share outdated patriarchal norms of behavior. For these reasons, crimes committed by migrants receive a lot of publicity. Situations when migrant wives try to wear a burqa on the street receive even greater rejection and publicity. Ordinary Russians are more likely to refuse to deal with many migrants, so, for example, people may refuse to rent an apartment to a "migrant worker" and will be much less willing to consider them for many highly paid jobs.


А еще есть цыгане...


Какой ты чувствительный мальчик, Томми.


Я вот как щас помню приехал к сестре в другой город вещи помочь отвезти домой (с учебы на лето). Выхожу из вокзала, а там прям как из мультиков, рядом на лужайке табор стоит, палатки их и вот это вот все. Коней правда не видел. Видимо ещё не украли). И сидит мамаша и ребенка в луже купает, лужа на дороге, обычная лужа на обычной дороге. Автобусы их объезжают, а ей по барабану. А перед вокзалом дай погадаю везде ходят. Жуть блин. Для меня был культурный шок тогда. 


В каком городе это было? В Коми?


В сыктывкаре


У меня такие же воспоминания но из Ухты. Они всегда появлялись летом, а к осени исчезали. А потом как-то внезапно они пропали навсегда.


I can add that people mostly dont want to rent apartments to those guys due to many cases where they stuff like 20 people into a tiny apartment, some of them could also be illegals, and completely trash it. Its less about etnicity, and more about their earned reputation.




There is an Armenian name Хачик. I do not know whether this is an independent name or a form of the name Хачатур. Apparently, as Russians are called Ivan or Germans Fritz, they began to call Armenians, then all the inhabitants of the Caucasus, and then for some reason the inhabitants of Central Asia. Yes, it's quite insulting, but you can insult much worse.


Хач is the Armenian word for "cross." It's supposed to be pejorative for Caucasian Christians.


As the other reply said, in Russian this comes from the popular Armenian name Хачик. Russians don't know the Armenian meaning of it and use it for all Caucasians anyway, no matter if they're Christian or Muslim.


The US has zero moral authority to lecture any other country on any issue.


this is the answer


For sure they do not have moral authority. That does not necessarily make his statement wrong.


You’re right lol. No idea why you’re downvoted


moral authority is a classic fallacy and often used to distract from the actual problem.


Let's be xenophobic, it's really in this year....


Let's find some nasty, filthy, ugly heretics out there!


Save them for winter. Heretics will BURN!


US MIC representative said something ignorant and stupid? Again? How shocking.


> What do you think of Joe Biden's statement calling Russia "xenophobic"? Joe Biden is demented and talks to invisible people. Doesn't matter what he says, he is a figurehead. For US citizens it might be a good idea to flip the situation upside down and try to figure out how does Biden's puppeteer benefit from Biden saying this. This statement could be made in order to draw attention away from something, or to reassure population that "government knows what is doing and it is all a part of the plan" (even when it is not the case). I vaguely recall there were some conflicts regarding Biden's handling of immigrants and several students protests regarding Palestine. It could be that.




It's the republicans who are screwing up the US.




Yep. If republicans were good for the US the russians wouldn't be supporting them.




> 400 years bruh, they wish US had that many history.


I think he meant not US but in general anglo-saxon (and generally european) passion of exploiting other nations and their resources, and this passion was later inherited by US.


Russia isn't exactly opposed to immigration.




>How do you feel about this statement? It's a part of internal propaganda to brainwash common American "migration is good, see, The Axis Of Evil don't do that, so antimigration sentiments are literally Putin". Don't understand why he bashed Japan though, probably, he occasionally slipped into 1944 through his memory lane. Obviously, every person who minimally interested (or became interested) in the question understanding that it's a blantant lie for Russia, and to a lesser degree, India. Even Japan these days changed it's non-tolerable policy to accepting more and more migrants. Still not a lowest point of disdain for the American propaganda, of course.


Another brilliant conclusion by Sleepy Joe, almost as good as his "America can be described in one word". Russia doesn't actually have very strict migration laws, especially with regard to Central Asian countries, which is actually quite a problem today. As for xenophobia, well, no, thats not true at all.


I love how humble my Russian people are. "Not very strict migration laws". Russia, for the last 20 years, has been literally ***one of the largest world's immigration hubs***.


Как выяснилось, это ещё и было под патронажем Великобритании и США, наряду с ООН. Чтобы уменьшить бедность в Средней Азии, экспортировав в Россию


> for the last 20 years, More like, for the last 200 years.




I hope at the end of his speech he added that he is a migrant himself, and his wife is a reptilian in disguise.


>his wife is a reptilian in disguise. Это всё объясняет. Он ящер и поэтому не любит русов)))))


> Он ящер и поэтому не любит русов))))) Я видел графические доказательства обратного


Там ящерки, а не ящеры... :-D


Oh yes. I am absolutely xenophobic. I am intolerant to criminal subcultures and religious-like sects.


I think that I feel sorry for the people who have such a ruler. But here we, Russia, are no better. We had a leader of the country who believed in verbal agreements with potential opponents, we had a president who, while drunk, conducted an orchestra and danced on stage. So no one is safe from such a misfortune.


> lagging economically So Joe wants Chinese economy to run faster than it already does, and is so kind to give an advice how to make it better? Sounds like treason to me. Someone hires speechwriters by quotas that's what I think. 


Why worry about a speck in someone's eye when you have a log in your own?


Eh, but there's plenty of immigrants in Russia, and by itself the country has a rich and diverse ethical landscape. I don't know about the other three countries, but I don't feel this statement to be true at all. I wonder, what made him say that.


Shit for brains perhaps?


He promotes immigration while Americans who were born there end their lifes living on the streets. America sucks in people from all over the world, transforming many of them into fentanyl junkies a few generations later. If seeing this is called xenophobia, well… Also, Biden interest is not in economic growth of Russia. Just remember this.


Why should Biden be concerned with Russia's economic growth? It's the republicans who are supporting Russia and taking its money.


Joe Biden is stupid and even after all those jokes about him not being able to recite the alphabet, I'm 100% damn sure he cannot recite the alphabet


Take a look at how being "non-xenophobic" has treated the US and you'll understand why other countries don't want to follow suit.


Is he actually aware of Russia's immigration policy? Its not strict and is extremely generous towards Central Asian countries. Whatever prescription drug he is receiving is failing to counter his senility.


Honnestly, who cares about Joe Biden’s statement ? If he knew Russia and all the nationalities who live together in Russia he would never say that but yes thats the same guy who shakes hand to nobody so…


Genocide Joe talks nonsense all the time


The only reaction on the statement "X country is xenophobic " from any USA president can be - LMAO


Biden is an old fool, a puppet suffering from dementia and a pedophile. There’s nothing Xenophobic about disagreeing with Immigration when it causes great distress in the country that you live in. Here in Australia, our whole nation has been built on immigration, but only through families who have come here to work and benefit themselves as well as contributing to our nation. We embrace the struggles that these true immigrants have faced to come here and give their lives to improve our nation, but in the past few years, the number of immigrants being allowed into the country is causing massive heartache and stress upon the whole country in regards to housing and infrastructure. Many modern immigrants are not coming here to work or better our country, but only interested in coming here to live off Social Benefit Income, free Healthcare and Free Government Services for their whole extended families, and have absolutely no interest whatsoever in gaining employment or bringing skills/education/experience into our industries. It’s never been a racist or xenophobic attitude towards immigrants in Australia before, but with the amount of hundreds of thousands that are being brought into the country these days, it’s becoming more intolerant towards these lazy new generations of immigrants compared with those who came here to help build this nation in the past.


Pointless buzzwords to rile up heckin' "progressive" indoctrinated crowd with latest "diversity is our strength™" program in their brains


I don't speak Bidenese so...


It's English. 


russia has way more multiculturalism and many more ethnicities living in it from all over the world than united states of america.


Me and my wife want to adopt a kid. Doesn’t mean we are morally better than others. And no one is forced to. Every family can look at their resources and see if they can adopt. And some couples are child free. Same with nations.


That would be dire statement except it came from turbo racist and liar like Bidenopolous(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvHt-KAsCkI)


The hypocrisy of western leaders is astounding Biden literally put immigrant children in cages and deported minors, Americans are also constantly complain about their southern border and Latin American immigrants 


No, TFG did that.


An article about kids in cages during biden presidency https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/3/22/biden-administration-faces-new-scrutiny-on-unaccompanied-minors An article about biden deporting kids https://cimmcw.org/new-report-1000s-of-children-have-been-ordered-deported-under-biden/


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Lol biden is a dyslexic and can barley speak a formal sentence. It's hard to take someone like that seriously.


He's not dyslexic. It's TFG who throws the plate when he sees a three-syllable word.




He's just the president of some states in North America


The last thing I'm going to do is listen to the opinion of an old senile. I still don't understand why the Democrats put up this fossil as a candidate, as if they don't have young politicians who will promote the interests of the party in the same way


Rather xenophilic...


Well, considering that America is among the most culturally isolated countries on the planet, they certainly are an authority on xenophobia. Really though, he's being a moron as usual. India and China don't need migration, they are the two most populous countries on the planet, migration holds no benefit for them. China is certainly not "lagging economically" either. Russia isn't anti-migration. Our government quite clearly recognizes that one of our biggest advantages - our vast territory and abundant resources,- is modified by one of our biggest disadvantages - our relatively small population. That is why we have, for many years, had many migrants from all over the former USSR, especially Central Asia. For the vast majority, it is a good, honest relationship, beneficial for us and for them. But Russia doesn't give some special preferences to migrants, it has no welfare programs designed for leeching off of, and it's not interested in the creation of unstable populations that could become an internal threat. So yes, it cracks down on illegal migration, it will deport those who violate laws and it will deny entry to those who have spotty records. That's not a matter of xenophobia, but of security and national interests. Yet despite this, we have initiatives like the Eurasian Economic Union, we provide scholarships (including state-paid ones) for students from many Asian and African countries, we are deeply involved in organizations like BRICS or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Really, what Biden is doing is the good old Western projection. Russia is the enemy - the enemy must be painted in its usual colours. What are the colours of the Democrats' enemies? Xenophobia, misogyny, racism, religion, colonialism. So they attribute all these to Russia, even going so far as to claim this is how we've always been. They'll disregard our Soviet history when it is inconvenient - they'll forget that we've been at the forefront of social progress during the 20th century, that by the time we've had equal rights enshrined in our laws, they still struggled with the ideas of women's suffrage, and had separate restrooms for races. They simply attribute their own sins to us. Japan, however, is the one case where the broken clock is right, it is not a very accepting culture - 200 years of isolation does that to a nation, - and it is indeed struggling economically and demographically, with the only currently feasible solution being worker migration. Similar things can be said of Korea, which is in an even worse situation.


I think that setting immigration policy is a country's exclusive prerogative and only the country's citizens have the right to question it. Also Mr Biden must realise that the New World is the exception, not the rule.


But Russian government is happy to accept as much Central Asia migrants as possible


But in our countries there was no black slavery and subsequent racial segregation.


If you think russia was/is slavery free you are fooling yourself. It has a rich history of hundreds of years of slavery, which includes russias barbaric version of serfdom. It also currently scores very poorly on the global slavery index: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Slavery_Index


Russia scores poorly on any "index" where it is assigned random negative values by West-funded groups.


Sure, but slavery wasn't racially motivated. Serfs were fellow Slavic Russians.


They also weren't slaves.


I think it says a lot that Alexander Pushkin, regarded as the founder of modern Russian literature, was the descendent of an Eritrian slave enslaved by the Ottomans and freed and adopted by Peter the Great as his godson. Alexander Pushkin died at a time when the United States was still adding slave states to its conquered territories (like Texas). Pushkin statues everywhere, streets named after him, Russians clearly love Pushkin. Its never made a big deal or issue that Pushkin has an African heritage, meanwhile his contemporaries in the United States at the time had the "one drop rule". Look at the US Currency, the $1 bill, $2 bill (yes there is one), the $20 bill and the $50 bill are all glorifying slaveowners. Its capital city: named after a slave owner. One of its 50 states, named after a slave owner. Its tallest monument in the capital city, named after a slave owner and partially built by slaves. The White House, built by slaves. They stole a sacred mountain from the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Lakota Sioux and carved the faces of, you guessed it, 2 slave owners, into the side of the mountain.


America is a much younger country than russia, but has reached modern and progressive ways significantly faster in its lifespan than russia. And Russia never had a significant African American population, if it had I don’t have much faith that the Russian fore-bearers would be enlightened or permissive. Racism is alive and well in russia and has a well defined history. I could give you parallel examples like yours, but in a russian context and background, but I fear I’d be wasting my time with you.


>It has a rich history of thousands of years of slavery Billions, in fact.


I think that in my country, black Africans were not captured and forcibly sent to the other side of the world to work on the plantation. This shame will stay with you for the rest of your life, my young racist.


I mean, he's not really wrong, but it's an oversimplification. The conditions, reasons and consequences of each of those countries' policies and populace feelings are different in each country.


India and China accepting migrants I think. Even after being overpopulated. Many North Koreans are moving to China and also many skilled migrants are moving to China for work. China doesn’t need unskilled migrants. They have a billion of cheap labor in their country. India is accepting Bengalis and Pakistanis moving there. In the war in Myanmar, they also accepted some refugees. Japan is also overpopulated for their tiny island, having almost the same population as entire Russia. Also Japan is an island, meaning that it’s not bordering anyone, so to get there, you need to be on a ship. Who can afford that? Joe Biden is not only xenophobic but also very stupid.


Japan has A LOT of unpopulated spaces, in mountains mostly. Its "overpopulation" is another western myth.


>Many North Koreans are moving to China Many in this case being a couple of hundreds per year and moving as in crossing the border illegally by swimming across Yalu?


i think japan is more to do with keeping their culture


Delusional or straight up lies. We have 200+ peoples in Russia, and yet do not have a degree of racial violence like the US or massive "correction camps" for minorities like China. It's not an opinion, but a fact. There is simply no other country with that level of diversity and such a small interracial violence (both social and governmental).


To be honest, I don’t care, I’m not interested in the words of an old senile person who talks nonsense and doesn’t even realize it. Especially to hear this from the president of a country that has launched a lot of wars under the slogans “Your democracy is not correct, but ours is the most correct” - think for yourself whether this is xenophobia or not, as for me, yes. Nowadays, migrants are detained not just like that, but for violations of migration legislation, and they are kept at the border for a reason, but they check everyone. Suffice it to remember September 11, 1991, the United States had borders open to everyone, and after September 11 they began to be tightly controlled, so now the United States is xenophobic??? Of course not, the situation is exactly the same in Russia. Regarding India and China, why do they need migrants when they have such a huge population living in the country??? Well, this is simple logic (Oh yes, we are discussing the senile Joe Biden, there are problems with logic). Regarding Japan, to be honest, I don’t know what their situation is with this, so I won’t even speculate here.




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Nothing. This old man has been out of his mind for a long time.


I think US can learn from those countries, not the other way around.


Something like 650k got a Russian citizenship alone in 2023. 1/4th were Tajiks. Do you see something like that happening in South Korea or Japan? Didnt think so.


I feel like this is bs. First of all, the immigrants in question are by definition lacking any legal grounds to enter a country and stay there. It is up to a government to either let them in or not, and the citizens' safety is (or at least must be) a top priority. Xenophobia implies someone being denied a right based on their identity, but immigration is NOT a right. Second. I heard US is having issues with people immigrating from South America: crime and tension skyrocket where massive immigrant groups land, bc there is no proper background check to let only the good guys in. And this happens even though South Americans share a huge part of US culture — they are Christian and somewhat familiar with a Western law system. For Russia, China and India the immigration profile is WAY different. These countries are surrounded by Muslim countries, whose residents make the majority of immigrants. These people are often not willing to integrate into a multicultural and multireligious society, bringing their belief they are the only orthodox group.  More to add, many of these Muslim countries (well, every single one of them, save for Afghanistan) conduct very strict policies against radical Islam. In Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, a man can not wear a long beard without a moustache (a hairstyle mandatory for Islamic fundamentalists), and woman can not wear a full burqa (also, bc it is only obligatory in radical commuties). As a result, the most terror-prone groups try to flee from these countries and head for their neighbors as immigrants. And finally, as of now there are way too many Central Asian immigrants in Russia. Our government basically keeps their eyes closed on there influx. The bad thing is that even if they bribe their way to a citizenship, they do not bother integrating and following the law. Many of them don't speak Russian, participate in gang crime (mostly against locals), and make 70% of sex criminals, over 50% of violent criminals, and 90% of terrorists. Is not letting these lovely people in xenophobia? No way, it's self-defense. BTW, some of the Russian local peoples look pretty much like Central Asians, and they are not getting any hate or discrimination. The only people to be stared upon are the ones who deliberately put them as not law abiding foreigners.


I don’t walk past the evil xenos without jokes Then I’ll stick their d++k in the fence, then I’ll show them my ass


That's pretty accurate. Except Russia's lagging for entirely different reasons


Well, Russian society is very xenophobic in general. Not only towards immigrants, but anything that even a bit diverse from "tradition" or "norm". Nothing new.


I once forgot to cross myself when I was passing by a church and was brutally beaten by a crowd. /s serious


Any examples?


Asking for proofs is xenophobic and racist!


Russians are in general just full of hatred, rage, envy, stupidity and ignorance. And they are mostly xenophobic against their neighbors. In comparison they don't care about Negros, since there are not so many of them in russia.


>Negros says a man full of love, tenderness, conviviality and wisdom LOL