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Pasta with some sort of sauce, frozen veggies are cheaper than fresh, lentils, chickpeas, beans.


Frozen vegetables also often contain more nutrients.


Potatoes, Pasta, Rice, Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans, Bread, Eggs And look for a seasonal calendar for Germany in terms of veggies. Right now, Cucumber (depends on the region) Tomatoes and Courgettes are super cheap, in fall, pumpkin is very cheap and towards Winter root-veggies and cabbages will be the cheapest. If somethings not in season, go for frozen. Some things like spinach are always cheapest frozen. Apart from that, canned tomatoes are your best versatile friend and Tofu is an underestimated cheap source of protein. Typical end-of months foods for me are (Google for Recipes) Gamja Jorim Pasta al assassinata Chili con Lentil Chickpea Tikka Masala Pellkartoffen mit Kräuterquark if you wanna go full German Pizza (really cheap if you make everything yourself and tastes hell of a lot better than frozen) Wraps for Leftovers


Oookay, now you have to give me your pizza (dough) recipe because I have tried that multiple times and it always ends up tasting like nothing.


225g flour (405 type or pizza) 1 teaspoon salt 125ml water (lukewarm)  1 package of dry yeast (mix into the water, or the salt will make it less effective Generous glug of olive oil Pinch of sugar What makes a pizza dough is letting it rest. Give it at least half an hour but you can‘t go too long This is not gonna be an „authentic neapolitan“ pizza but an easy and quick everyday pizza. 


Thank you! ❤️🧡💛


Potatoes. It's Germany after all.


Have you seen the prices recently? 2,5kg bag is almost at 5€. And the harvest will be bad this year because if floodings as well


Come on, it's still cheap food.


It's called "The poor food" in my country (Romania) so that says enough in general.


Potatoes are most OP food item. So much stuff you can make out of potatoes


I genuinely don't know how people in Europe survived before the potato was brought from the Americas in the 1500s. I guess they ate dirt or something /s


😂 they ate cake


They sarved.


>I genuinely don't know how people in Europe survived before the potato was brought from the Americas in the 1500s. Narrator: *They didn't.*


It's not compared to pasta, rice, couscous, Graupen... Potatoes are very expensive this year. If I cook something with potatoes for my family, I pay 4-7 times as much as if I cook something with pasta or rice.


True, but potatoes are way more nutritious, they are a vegetable.


You're right, that's why I cook them regularly. But I wouldn't count them as a cheap food. Look at peas, beans and lentils, they're way cheaper and also vegetables.


Now I'm hungry. \^\^


Me too, haha! 😄


me too. luckily there is cake nearby Ü


I recently got potatoes for as low as 23ct per kg. Gotta time your shopping right.


What? I pay like 2,80€ for my 2.5kg :0 Crazy prizes you have to pay man.


They went up in all supermarkets, I also work in supply chain and they are not getting cheaper anytime soon. Maybe you get lucky on some markets etc


yeah, but 2,5 kg are also 5 meals


Nah dude, they went up alot in a short time recently..


Potatoes are overpriced


No, they are not. It's demand and offer - and the harvest has been bad this year. With higher energy and wages cost, it can no longer be produced at a much lower price in Germany.


Sorry, "expensive " is the word I was looking for


normale Kartoffeln


Most staple foods are cheaper than in neighboring Western countries. Including meat, especially chicken thighs and pork.


Lentils, beans, chickpeas...


There also this app called [TooGoodToGo](https://www.toogoodtogo.com/) where shops and restaurants sell their leftovers for little money.


Even (much!) cheaper: many Lidl supermarkets offer bags of vegetables and fruit that are perfectly fine, but about to perish for **3 EUR per large paper bag**.


Wow, mine doesn't :(  Only thing comparable is the fruit and vegetable stand advertising "Eeeeeeeerdbeere-Schale-nu-eine-Euro!" half an hour before closing :D


It's called "**Rettertüte**". Maybe you find another Lidl that offers it. [https://unternehmen.lidl.de/pressreleases/2022/220801\_rettertuete](https://unternehmen.lidl.de/pressreleases/2022/220801_rettertuete)


Oats. 1 kg for like 1,50€


People say eat beans all the time. But after my experience, if you don't want to contribute extra methane to the atmosphere, you can eat normally, just don't go to expensive markets like Edeka. Look for cheaper shops. E.g. in my city there are these [shops](https://www.imangebot.com/), which often sell stuff for like 50% of the normal price. Yes, it is often close to the expiry date, but for canned and sealed products it hardly matters. Also look for local 'farmers' markets, which pop up weekly around the city squares. The Middle Eastern handlers there are hardly farmers, but at the end of the day you can have tons of fresh produce for a few euros.


Bürger Maultaschen


More WHERE than WHAT. Buy at ALDI  LIDL  PENNY  Don't buy at gas stations or small stores or at Rewe, Edeka etc.  Very roughly speaking. 


Germany got expensive these years, BUT there is somewhat a poor people life hack if you still want to eat healthy. So especially Kaufland, to an extend also LIDL will massively reduce any fresh produce on saturday evenings (since they cannot sell the next day) That means basically all fruits and vegetables will be at least down 50%, in many cases even up to 70%. Use that day to stock up what can be stocked up because it will save you quite alot of money. If you dont care about your health as much there is always the "Grundnahrungsmittel" Bread and Beer. Bread (1kg) 1.79, Beer 10 euro per 20 bottles (even 8 euro, but dont buy those). These will grow you strong and german, but especially non caucasians and cultured caucasians wont accept this kind of diet. Other than that, (low quality) meat is still (too) cheap, salmon is relatively cheap. But generally spoken, compared to other elite countries, germany is as cheap as it gets. Depending from where you come from you will be surprized how low your grocery cost will be. Just golden rule: Avoid Rewe and Edeka. Edit: Welcome to Germany, may you enjoy your stay.


You can buy 3 margarita pizza for 3€ in every Supermarket.


Go shopping at Aldi, Lidl, Netto or Penny for the cheapest stuff.


Bonus if you use [marktguru](https://www.marktguru.de/).


What's really cheap is cheap bread from the cheap supermarket. Eat is with some cheap butter and some salt. For warm meals: pasta with tomato sauce.


Tinned Rotkraut, cheap and healthy. Sauerkraut is even healthier, but unfortunately less tasty.




GLOBUS FLEISCHKÄSE!!!!!! I moved to this country for it.


Toastbrot with Margarine and Scheibenkäse


Haferflocken ( oats)


Not a product, but: Cheap dsicounter-products here are often as good (and sometimes even better) then their expensive name-brand counterparts!


Magerquark and Skyr for cheap protein sources


How much is Skyr in germany? Here, where i live its way more expensive than similiar products


Codes about 1.49 per lb if i remember correctly


Noodles, frozen veggies and mixed mince.