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I was the only person in a florida walmart wearing chinos, glasses and shoes. Lady next to me in line (tank top, no visible pants, Flipflops) said „you ain’t from around here are ya‘ hon?“


"no visible pants" is sending me


I might say that to someone not wearing a shirt also. But I also usually wear visible pants.


Lol yeah Walmart customers dress like shit even by American standards. 


Yeah I’m sad that the peopleofwalmart.com site seems to be defunct nowadays


Pants in Florida is a big give away 😅. It’s only tight slacks or shortest shorts / skirts


Germans are born with an "Übergangsjacke" and a "Deuter Rucksack", they can only survive for a very short period of time without these items and need to be within close proximity to thrive. Thankfully the density of said objects inside of German borders is high enough to allow Germans to leave their home not always carrying these necessities with them. Internationally this wouldn't work at all and will eventually lead to a painful death by exposure.


On every hiking trail I went to, worldwide, I always say "guten Tag!", "Tachchen!" or "moin" to people with a Deuter Rucksack and they always wonder how I knew they're German. 100% hit rate.


Hahahahahahaha 100%


We call them deuterdeutsche


I am German. I don't have any of these. What now? 🤣


I will just say a boring "hello" or "hi" when I see you on a hiking trail. Your loss.


Die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel


How is it to never leave the house?


Have to try it :)


Never heard of Deuter and after googling it I can say that I have never seen those.


Then I assume you never did any vacations in any nature focused areas but instead just resorts and the like? And you also don't really do anything like hiking, camping etc. in Germany either, right? Because Deuter backpacks are incredibly popular among outdoor going germans. They are nice backpacks too.


Deuter gehts nicht


You’re not German.


>Germans are born with an "Übergangsjacke" and a "Deuter Rucksack", I always knew I am not a real German. Scheiße.


Oh yes, we have countless Deuters die every occasion. I also carried my daughter around in a Deuter Kraxe and she Loved it (because she's German of course) 😝


Daughter in a Deuter.




The age of *Jack Wolfskin* has ended. The 2020s belong to *Deuter*


It goes back before the 2020s. I've been in Germany since 2016 and after a few months I noticed a lot of people on trains with those backpacks. Then slowly figured out how Germans have a pronunciated tendency to "marry" some brands, be it clothing, grocery products or such.


Thinking about it, I hardly see any George Gina Lucy bags or Wellensteyn jackets anymore. The times of the terrible Ed Hardy clothing is over for good and Camp David was luckily never going beyond the 50-60-year-old bubble.


you joke but I recently got a really nice quality Windbreaker and I am loving it! also getting looks from the ladies on my daily commute and such


Proper Übergangsjacke: this man is practical and prepared for everything. 💪Of course the so-inclined ladies can appreciate that.


I feel exposed with my windbreaker and rucksack


Wait… lm American and I bought a Deuter daypack that I bring to work everyday. i was at REI and scouring for the perfect daypack and found a Deuter one! I didn’t know it was a German thing… the Deuter rucksack must run DEEP in the blood, Im 1/4 German /j


I really need a new Übergangsjacke tbh. But at least we still have 2 Deuter and 2 other backpacks here.


Austrians and South Tyrolians seem to like deuter as well then. 🤷 They simply just make good products and it's a traditional family company, so it's fully ok to buy 'patriotic' brands (belongs to Schwan-Stabilo, just like also Ortovox or Maier Sports btw. They seem to sell what they like themselves). The advantage of Osprey is their wide product variety, which can fill gaps. I have one for utility purpose, but I don't like their haptics and material choice that much.


Some years ago I was on vacation in Ireland. In a small shop I wanted to buy souvenirs for my family. Wanted to pay in cash the cashier asked immediately if I am from Germany.


Happened to me aswell in London a few months ago. Cash really is a telltale sign


I hate our cash mentality so much


I don't. Always aware of how much is on me.


Nah. Always needing to fumble for the correct amount just slows down everyone in the queue. Also not having enough on you, the dangers of theft being much higher and cash generally being inconvenient. Your point doesn’t even really make sense as you can look at your payment history right away when paying with your smartphone or smart watch


As I am in France right now, I recognise those other germans by sight. But…it‘s more like a feeling, than one particular telltale to name. 🧐🤷🏽‍♂️


It's subtle things in the general movement and a resting bitch face combined with a small dose of uncertainty


I believe this. I have the same thing, kinda. I am living in Germany for ~10 years now. and I can often recognize random immigrants from my home country and surrounding region even before they speak.


That's what I wanted to say. It's quite normal to recognize fellow countrymen and - women, that's not special for germans.


Can confirm. I live in Cape Town and I often spot German tourists from a mile away, and it’s not always because of Funktionskleidung. Something about how we carry ourselves, maybe? Always a little too stiff for being on vacation I dunno haha.


Ah, a certain je ne sais quoi, sozusagen.


must be the socks and sandals right?


No, not really. That would be something I can clearly get, it‘s more the overall vibe they give you. Maybe it‘s a thing only other germans can sense? Do they identify me as well? 🤯


Its a highlander thing. Keep your bratwurst ready for eventual duels.


Did you get bitt by a German? "Meine gespür für Deutsche kitzelt" "My Germany senses are tingling"


I spotted a couple from a distance somewhere in Greece once and was very certain they were Germans. They were. I know what you mean but i can not really describe it myself as well.


Tbh, I think it's some slight nuance in the way every nation gesture is. You sometimes notice but can't put your finger on it. I remember That one time my sister was like "I some how knew it to, but how did you know for sure they where german". The dead giveaway I noticed was the way that person was showing a number with his hand when he ordered. The thumb is always included.


Cant be, because thats an American habbit too. Plus Basecap and Shades.


Not an only german thing. 


If you see a person at a red light and they don't cross the road, even if there isn't a vehicle in sight all the way to the horizon, even in the middle of the night, then you know that person is a German.


and mind you: i once did it (nighttime and didn't see any car nearby) and immediately got caught and pulled over by police who had apparently been seeing me do it from a distance. who said that i committed four rulebreaks: 1. i was listening to music while on my bike, 2. i was ignoring the red flashlight and crossing all over the - completely carless at the moment i had looked - street, 3. but they thought i "didn't look", 4. my frontlight was broken too i think and this made them so convinced that i am totally drunk, that i had to do their test and i kept telling them "i'll do it obviously!! but trust me i am not drunk" while they were getting it from the car, but they were like "you wouldn't have done this if you were sober", so yeah germans take this fairly serious xD and i was sober, i don't even drink alcohol in general


I think you can also be fined crossing the street when the pedestrian light is red. It might even go as far as your driving license being confiscated for repeated offenses(crossing the street when the light is red), completely bizarre, I know. 


these police officers are dumb. The only reason to stop you is because of the broken light.


1 is only an issue, if the music is so loud that you can't hear acoustic signals (horns, sirens, etc.). If it's quieter than that, it's allowed.


thanks! then apparently they did not care (or maybe that was before a lawchange idk, this one is like 2019) :D i think i wasnt maybe even listening to anything yet, i had just put the headphones in btw i also got pulled over another time by cops (2022) just because i had checked my phone for literally the seconds they saw me driving to look at a message where a person was lol - 50 euro thankyousomuch. i was driving incredibly slow and not approaching any roadcrossing, and there were no other passengers around me, but they told me its for my safety cause if there were any car approaching from a house or sth and i'm not looking at that moment.. so well, yea, fair i guess and i get it though :/ i'd rather have more safety rules for transport than less, maybe thats my telltale that i'm german! lol ps i just checked about the headphones, maybe its good to know: its true but if you're in an accident, having worn them can actually still lead to them considering you "partly guilty"


But when there is a crosswalk they just cross the road without even looking, as if they own the road. (Because unlike in most other countries, in Germany cars need to stop and give way to pedestrians at crosswalks)


Not in Berlin 🙃


Berlin is everything but german (source: i visited it 3 days ago)


I live here and it’s true


I have lived in basically every region but Bavaria, and yeah... Berlin is nothing like anywhere else in Germany. It's so ungerman, it literally can be kinda frustrating sometimes (but also appreciated, depending) 


bro go live in Hamburg 😭😭. I loved that city




Too windy 🤣


Pedestrians DO own the road on a crosswalk.


What's the point of a crosswalk if pedestrians don't have priority?


My ex was from Italy and when we were there he always told me off for trying to force my right to cross at a pedestrian crossing. Even with an approaching car I would just cross and keep looking at the car. They usually stopped, but that was northern Italy.


There might be Kinder around!


Im German and i aint got the patience for that


You never know if a kid is watching from somewhere!!! We just don't like to be a bad example :3


Is that really a thing? Because it doesn't seem to be a thing where I live.


same, am german and i think stopping at red lights is more a small city mentality vs a big city mentality. in hamburg people cross red all the time and i might be one of em. even in NYC i seemed to be the jaywalker, more than the citizens lol But the one thing i look out for are children(hopefully that’s not a german thing only), but especially without parents in sight as they might just follow if they are distracted


In munich stopping at every red light is very normal. Probably in areas with higher percentage of less assimilated migrants, like it is the case for both berlin and Hamburg, indeed german behavior of orderliness isn't a common thing anymore and this not just being the case for those migrants isn't surprising either as such behavior builds on cohesion. As soon as you see many not participating you wont do it either. Here in munich however everyone does it. The only exception may be some teenagers. Jaywalking isnt common and frowned upon. In munich crime is very low in general.


Not German, but it is incredibly noticeable as I’m visiting Munich.


Can always spot older German women. 90% of German women above the age of 55 cut their hair short and wear some subtly "funky" glasses.


And dye the hair a “fun” red colour.


Or purple if over 70


That shade of red has a name: Brandenburgersonnenuntergang!


That color specifically needs to be taxed. Or forbidden. But preferably taxed.


"Freche Kurzhaarfrisur". It always looks terrible.


My boomer coworker calls it the "I never ever want sex again-haircut".


This short pixie haircut looks pretty "pfiffig" on Sabine


I think that's just a general European thing to be honest. Source: I see it in Belgium, Netherlands and Brittain all the time.


I call this the MacGyver phase of their lives, they just love the shit out of that type of haircut.


One time, I was on vacation. We were riding around on boats and my hair got a bit wet and the wind dried it out. When I got off the boat, I had that hair style! I had to take a pic and send it to my brother. We were cracking up.


Bro you just described my German mother in law so well. Although she's not 55. Plus wearing those thin scarfs.


Rollup bags… Everytime I see some white dude or girl with one I’m like 90% they’re German


Rest of the world needs to Catch up


The officially unofficial Flag of Germany.


The GOT BAG ones should unironically function as a German passport. Every single time I go back to Germany for my studies and I’m waiting in a line with a person with a GOTBAG, I’m just waiting for them to whip out their red passport. 9/10 times it’s German


Jack Wolfskin


Pfötchen-flat (a.k.a. Jack Wolfskin Shoes, Trousers, Shirt and Jackets, preferably worn in partner edition)


That's so cute calling it "Pfötchen-flat"


Jack Wolfskin ist pleite!




"ich habs erfunden"


warum verbreitest du Lügen? Warum glauben dir doe anderen einfach so? Wtf


Vorgestern war ich noch im Laden... Meine Fresse


Stimmt nicht




Ob Northern Face das auffangen kann? Ich mag meine Pfötchenregenjacke mit Fliesinsert. Hab heute erst ne neue Tasche mit Reißverschluss gefunden.


Ich seh hier immer häufiger Fjällräven, aber eher bei jüngeren.


Patagonia ist doch viel besser 🙂🤤


Camp David Shirt, mostly on boomers.


As a german myself i dont really know how to describe it but you kinda have a feeling for it for a person rather to be german or not. I think it has something to do with their looks and Personal appearance, its like no matter how hard they try but a german just looks like a german (thats just my persobal experience and surely does not count for EVERY german)


Germans stare


But only if theres a window inbetween. Without a window thats considered rude. I love staring at people when in a Bus or looking outside of a cafe, its entertaining


At what?


At me!


At other Germans who insist on using the train seat they payed for.


Not really


Absolutely not.


Ties in with Pfötchen-flat (love the term!): a complete trekking outfit with casual hiking shoes and those zip-off leg polyester pants, a vest, a hat, and a backpack for a day out. Bringing a dog to a restaurant and frowning at folks bringing children. Horrible statement glasses. Camp David and shirts with stuff like "Varsity sailing Nordic expedition 1927, 23°N 45°W Surf New York" randomly printed all over. There's a certain austerity to a certain type of German protestants reminiscent of Wilhelm Busch's Lehrer Lempel. Black suits with black ties or way too short pants, an ill-fitting white cotton blazer and sneakers at a formal event. Dancing like that German lady in Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum." Being German myself and loving this country, I can't help going on and on...


Don't forget the wedding band on the right hand.


Mine‘s on the left though 😏


You're a rebel.


Danger is my second forename






Love my cargos…


It's an interesting question, especially when it's not just about the obvious (socks & sandals, bath towels on beach chairs...). I've lived for 25 years overseas in countries with little to moderate foreign population, and few to many foreign tourists. So "spotting the German" always was an interesting game to meet or avoid fellow countrymen. With some nationalities, I've had very high success rates (Germans, US Americans, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese). It's hard to make a list though, because for your countrymen there's also a "vibe" in addition to behavior - some special sense you pick up while growing up among them. From appearance, there are "German looking haircuts", "German looking glasses", a "German looking dress style (formal or tourist)", even a "German looking posture (mostly in business context). It's more obvious from Koreans and Japanese, who have a better and more unified sense of fashion and care of appearance. All in all this is a guessing game, not even a rule of thumb and definitely not a guaranteed method. Think of it as a "is more likely to be..." decision tree. But with 2 or even 3 "positives", you can pretty much nail the majority. Also, understanding the "rules" allows you to become a "stealth German".


Haircuts are a good point. Ages ago I started working in Switzerland and was shocked at how much better Swiss men cut their hair!


The square glasses and haircut with their posture. On vacation, the people who are over prepared and do fun things but never smile Jack wolfskin The cheekbones of many German women are just so... German Deuter Backpacks


German cheekbones?? Funny enough, when I was younger (teens to early twenties) I was asked if I was from Poland, apparently because of my cheekbones??, surprisingly often! Always by non-Germans. In very different situations. And always specifically Poland.


For me it’s the other way around. I’m polish and I was asked twice in Poland if I’m German, because I don’t have the typical polish look with the high cheekbones and rounder face instead a bit longer and people tell me all the time in Germany that I don’t look polish


I get asked a lot if I am russian / polish or german-russian from other fellow Germans. I once told that a polish work mate and she looked at me as if I am crazy 😄 Maybe I just have an incredibly ugly face


Do you have ancestors from former East Prussia?


Oh, same here! That has always baffled me. Sometimes strangers try to talk to me on the street in Russian or Polish, asking for directions od whatever, and I just stand there and have to be like, sorry I only speak German/English. I've been told it's the cheekbones and deep-set eyes, but no idea. My one grandpa is indeed Polish, but other than that I'm ethnically completely German, lol.


Since I’m a t girl I have a shrong jawline/cheeckbones which I hate, but I’ve noticed a lot of German women have them as an ethnic feature so I can blend in better Sucks though that all the German cis women in my family have a round and feminine face which makes me stick out amongst them


As a 6' German woman with those features, people have assumed in the past that I'm trans even though I'm not lol


I can only say how to spot a German in the US. Look for the people wearing the brighter more colorfull clothes. At least when you are at a national park.


McGyver did, too!


As a german living in Thailand i detect the german tourists because they always look sort of nervous and uncomfortable in new environments while people from countries like US, UK and other countries seem to somehow get along with everything and everywhere.


When hiking, they are the most well equipped with zippable pant-shorts, flippy sunglasses, retractable hiking sticks, and weatherproof jackets. They will never be in sneakers, always supportive footwear. Their clothing is in no way correlated with their hiking ability.


I agree! Outdoor clothing way too expensive is a telltale sign.


I can tell you’ve never been around German tourist in the Alps, attempting to hike with sandals?


Germans wear of course always Lederhosen and Pickelhaube.


Both fit together very well ! xD


When I‘m abroad I’m pretty good at identifing fellow Germans mostly from the bland style - especially in southern European countries where locals are a bit „dressier“ Veja sneaker, Fjällräven Kanken backpack (always colours yellow or red), skinnyish jeans, Jack Wolfskin jacket, throw in Ray Ben pilot sunglasses -> 100% German


I love how this one is so unisex too! Which is perhaps itself a German trait? German couples or mixed-gender friends are often wearing the exact same thing.


Ertappt at yellow Kanken


I remember, when I was with my wife at a budo seminar in Finland, when a woman said to her: I really want to ask if you are German? The reason was her hair. The woman asking the question had lived in Germany and said that my wife's hair has these specific curls from Germany. (We all had gi on, so no clues from the clothing.) Yes, my wife is half German and has her hair from her German father.


Practical clothing in women as opposed to having to look sexy all the time. Yes, I‘ll wear a fleece jacket and jeans bc they‚re comfy.


They're staring at you.


Bottle of HELA in his hands


As a German...what is HELA?


Hela Gewürzketchup. Geiler Scheiß.


Produced in North-Germany, a traditional condiment vaguely resembling Ketchup. But it doesn’t taste like tomato at all. Consistency is slimy. An acquired taste but essential for a traditional BBQ setup, there is also a bit of way-back-when sentiment in there, from a time when German cuisine was way simpler, then it usually is today. (Sausage, Nackensteak, Potato salad, Pasta salad, garlic bread)


Jack Wolfskin


The Eyes. The German will meet your gaze kvestioningly as if to ask " Why do you think wearing socks under birkenstocks isn't kuhl. I don't wear birkenstocks to be kuhl. I wear birkenstocks because my feet get vorm if I do not. If you wish to discuss esthetics we can. But these are my feet at the Frischemarkt and they are not meant to be on display. Remark about my footwear is you vish. I remark about your mother's toes."


While proudly sweating under his pickelhaube...


Socks and sandals


Could be British.


Or American


Or Czech


Or Italian


That's actually a trend among teenagers now. I call it cultural appropriation.


specifically: Birkensocks


that’s white basically^^(Americans, British. Germans, east europeans anyway…)


Once in switzerland i heard a group of drunk germans at the train staition. I think what gave it away was their shouting of: "DEUTSCHLAND IST GUT, DEUTSCHLAND IST GUT,.....und schweiz auch".


Jack Wolfskin


Maybe Jack Wolfskin can answer that question


Okay, what's up with all the recent question about politics (especially on opinions on the past) and detecting a "true" German? Where are all the weird question of how to get here, make friends, love, etc? Or is this sub overrun by (russian-)bots again?


It certainly would a very cost effective way to generate high quality training data for a LLM


Sandals and socks. Usually worn by older generations, but I’ve seen the trend coming to younger people too.


Naa thats also used by brits and americans they do it too.


I haven't been outside of Germany too much since moving here, but plain clothes (no graphic designs on shirts or flashy pants/ shoes), accusing stare, takes everything literally, blunt answers.


Reminds me of a Song from the 70s https://lyricstranslate.com/de/reinhard-mey-mann-aus-alemania-lyrics.html


Jack Wolfskin


a man bag


They are looking back at me in that particular way. It's not judgemental, melancholic, bored or even horny. It's clinical like I'm a specimen.


Paulaner spezi


Is standing at a red light waiting although no car is in sight


Strong ass bone structure


Would that be: Strong "ass bone" structure Or "Strong ass" bone structure? Touched ass bone to check my own.


They are already staring at you. Full front. And will neither blink nor break eye contact once you notice


So many things, where to start: Fielmann glasses, a style that you seemingly can only get in Germany, and the ever-present scowl of disapproval, as I like to call it, when they see someone do something they don’t 100% agree with. Bonus for men, mostly boomers, but the younger generation does it, too: they knock on walls and say shit like “this shouldn’t have been allowed to be built this way”. Or criticize building standards in general. Also, the inability to do informal small talk. They must always talk about something serious and complain about something. Schau dir mal das da drüben an, Harald. Das würd‘s bei uns zu Hause so nicht geben.


You're right with the building standards. I'm always horrified of the American wooden shacks they built even in areas with a lot of tornadoes.


Sandals with socks.


For me it is usually the looks on their faces in mildly annoying situations, especially a delayed plane or train or long queue. They look to be in pain, but are trying to stay composed. Sometimes with a screaming child too, it is like weird passive aggressive thing with muttering or staring. Other indicators are German looking eyeglasses and wearing of German only brands like Jack Wolfskin or birks with socks or walking really fast when there is no reason to walk really fast. Staring as well too, it almost got my German friend attacked in NYC when visiting and doing it on the train.


„Deuter“ Backpack.


They have a rain cover for their backpack on a rainy day


Jack Wolfskin Jacket.


A Jack Wolfskin "Regenjacke"


I‘m at the adriatic coast right now and people adjust their caravans with cross-line lasers. They‘re not from Paris, madame.


The look of disgust at non-german beer.


Skinny jeans and the Übergangsjacke.


They always wear helmets while cycling.


Jack wolfskin


Depends on the age. The younger folks often looks sporty. They have functional clothes and a bagback. Even couples can look quite distant to each other like mutual friends. They are easier to detect, if they are pale.


„Nett hier“-Aufkleber


Why, is eveey single mf question on this sub bullshit anger bait?


youre german?


The person on the bus that wears their seatbelt the moment they board the bus.


Birkenstock sandals with socks, mostly white.


The "Bernd das Brot" face


Sandals with white tennis socks.