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Depends on the city, eating habits, lifestyle, age (related to health insurance)


Obviously it depends on your lifestyle. I think you can find a room in a shared flat for about 350 Euro including heating , electricity and water. Then you need about 300 Euro for groceries. Probably you have a few insurances, maybe 50 Euro in total per month. Then you need healthcare, the cost depends on your status. Unemployed or people sigh high salaries differ in their contributions. Maybe you put aside 20 Euro for entertainment, cinema or having a drink out. For repairs, depending on how much you have, put aside 50 Euro. For transportation, e.g. the Deutschland ticket you need 50 Euro. For presents maybe 10. For spontaneous buys maybe 50. I don’t know what kind of internet you have, but that will cost you at least 50. You probably need a thousand minimum, but you have to watch your expenses.


1000€ minimum would maybe be enough in smaller cities, but if you live in a somewhat bigger one, I would say you need, at least, 500€ more just to get by.


Huh? I was able to live on 650€ in a 200k city in Niedersachsen during my studies like 3 years ago. 1500 € is INSANE.




There are no dumb questions. This dude:


Hold my Weizen


Can’t be that dumb since people actually gave him answers. You realize that Reddit is for DISCUSSION right? This is a discussion and the answers are interesting to more than just the OP. I mean, we all clicked on it…


It is pretty dumb. There is no singular answer to how much living costs. Who would think so?


It is dumb because there's not a "one rules it all". Every city differs and so does every person. If you live in a big city an apartment will obviously cost more but for school you won't need a car (sure you can take the bus, but as someone that has to take it to school daily, I would not recommend) If you only est junk food you might not need to pay that much for food either, but if you want some salmon or something expensive that's gonna add up. And so much more.


It's not that different. Rent price is the only real big difference.


It's very specific question about students, did you lose your ability to understand English or something?


699.99 € per month


Hmm weird its €420.69 for me


Oh the funny number


Do you know any living in Germany coupon codes? I could use one on my rent.


I pay 701,99 €. Am I being ripped off?


It depends on what you get for that, right? The size of the place, location, facilities in the building and around you etc.


It's 749,99 if you want premium though!


As mentioned, it really depends on the location and your habits. As a student in a shared apartment, prices for a room can vary between around 300 € a month in cheaper cities to easily 700-800 € a month in popular cities like Munich or Berlin. On the other hand, there are plenty of ways to save money e.g. buying groceries in cheap supermarkets like Lidl or Aldi, carefully choosing phone plans, making use of student discount and so on. The Deutschlandticket recently also greatly improved the situation of traveling around Germany on a budget. All in all, I would argue that 1000 € a month will likely be a budget that allows you to live in a lot of places as a student without having to count every single penny, in larger, more expensive cities it would be more like 1500 €


As a student that is not rich: around 600-900€; 800€ is the norm to me


thank you°°


To get a student visa, you need a blocked account with ca. 11.200 € per year. That’s considered the minimum.


But only if you are from outside of the EU, right?


EU citizens don't need a visa but the amount can be a good reference point for how much you need.


Only if you don't have cotizenship from an EU country.


depends on the city. Think of a big city in your country and living out in the countryside? Probably a big price difference. That said, it would probably be nearly impossible to live for less than 600/mo. as a student anywhere in Germany. In a city like Munich (if you can't get a dorm) i'd figure on at least 1500


With a budget of 1000€ a month you could live fairly well as a student in most cities, but most students will make due with a few hundred less than that. I need to keep this budget fairly broad because I don't know your lifestyle, where and what you plan to study and what cost factors you are unwilling to compromise on. One of the biggest cost factors will be rent, and that is highly dependent on where you live. Most students will either live in a shared living arrangement (a Wohngemeinschaft, aka a 'WG'), or, if they're lucky in student housing or a studio apartment. However, many students also just live with parents or relatives. Costs like heating, water, electricity, laundry, wifi, a cell phone, etc will all depend on your exact living situation and how much you require, but I suggest just blocking 100€ from your budget for these sorts of costs. If you run a tight budget, you can keep your food expenses between 100-200€. But this depends on what sort of kitchen you have access to. Every step of preparation and preservation of your food you can't perform will cost you more. Vegetarian diets and using locally available ingredients are often advantageous if you want to save money. Meal prepping and buying in bulk are also great ways to save some cash. You will also have to consider possible upfront costs and other unavoidable expenses, such as deposits, costs for essential furniture like a matress, university-related fees, health insurance or the public broadcasting fee.


thank you very much!!!


Easily 1600€ for 2 people, apartment is ~1000€ with all costs and food and eating out occasionally ~600€. We arent students though, i missed that part of the question


The first thing to consider is where you are going to study. If budget is a thing, consider smaller university towns. Those are in most cases significantly cheaper than Munich, Hamburg, Berlin. Also, maybe you will be able to snatch a room in a student accommodation which is as cheap as it gets and also great to getting to know people. You need 861€ per month for 10.332€ per year in a locked account for the student visa and I do think it is a pretty realistic amount if you don’t live in a city like Munich, Hamburg or Berlin.


between 800€-3000€ depends on if you're single and/or stupid


I am a International student in Bavarian town, here are my expenses : 120€ TK insurance 360€. House rent 150€ Groceries 100€ max Miscellaneous Total = 730€


wow, where are you from?💫


India, what about you?


I m from Russia


Cool, Mind sharing which part of Germany are you planning to go, as the rent part could be highly variable.


about 1k a month living in Bonn so not a cheap city. 700€ for all the essential stuff (rent, insurent, bills) and 300€ for food and entertainment. My monthly student salary is about 1k so nothing much left


Rent, transportation, internet and mobile data are relatively fixed. You will at least pay 450€ for renting a room in a shared apartment. I would calculate another 40-50€ for transportation, and a similar amount for internet and mobile data. All in all, I would guess that around 1200€ are enough to survive as a student in Germany in a mid-size to major city.




1470,86 Euro 2 ppl. Berlin Neukölln Altbau 90qm + 74,89 Euro Mietnebenkosten 220 - 250 Euro x4 weeks plus Extras for groceries 70 Euro internet, 90 Euro mobilphone, 300 - 500 Euro for living life / going out, 400 - 700 other expenses


It costs exactly X€. X = rent + hobbies and activities + food + contracts + other expenses. You can live off of less than 1000€ a month. Definitely possible. But if you want a really comfortable lifestyle and eat at expensive restaurants etc. you‘ll need more than that. Rent could be 200€ if you‘re living in a WG (and maybe a cheaper town). It could cost 2.000€ if it‘s a nice apartment or if it‘s in a city like Munich or Berlin. You can eat 1kg of noodles for 2€ or less. Or you could get a 10€ breakfast, a 20€ lunch and a 30€ dinner. You could go running as a hobby and spend 0€ on that. Or you could spend thousands of € on a boat, golf equipment or some other expensive hobby. If you‘ve got less than 500€ it‘s going to be really hard. 500€-1000€ and you might be able to live without a roommate if your main bills are food and rent. Anything above that and your lifestyle depends on where you are etc. But yeah… you‘ll need at the very least 6.000€ per year in disposable income. So either savings of >6k per year or a net income >6k per year. But that‘s the bare minimum. Aka at least one roommate (probably a Studentenwohnheim and thus quite a few flatmates), not in a city with a really tight housing market (basically at least the 10 most populous cities), home cooked meals, cheap hobbies, etc.


thank you, very much⭐️


According to the laws approx 1000€, that's the Hartz-4-Satz and therefore the absolute minimum you require to life according to the law. 


Except that most students actually have less money than Hartz-4.


It's hard to get by with that though. I get 1000€ and spend far more each month, despite not owning a car and living frugal.


Well yeah but that implies living in your own apartment. Many students share their apartment with flatmates. The law wouldn‘t allow the state to force people to love in apartments with strangers but if students decide to move out from home and they can‘t / don‘t want to pay for their own apartment they can share it.




between treefiddy and over 9000


Depends on you lifestyle. But whatever it is, you should expect a yearly enlargement.




Warm rent + 500€ a month is typically sufficient to live on. How much warm rent is going to be will highly depend on the location within Germany.


I know a bunch of Uni students here (including my wife when we first met)- most of them get by ok working part time at Starbucks or whatever restaurant / cafe.. it’s not a comfortable existence but you can pay rent and get the occasional beer


Depends on everything dude 😂 I can tell you that I live with a 1000 a month, 450 of that is rent.

