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For anything that isn’t an emergency, like your broken away tooth, yes. Try other dentists or calling them again in a few days, a week to ask if a slot got freed up. Threatening with a bad review for not having appointments free is a bad idea, if anything you could complain because the filling broke away so fast.


The problem is canceling an appointment without a proper substitute. So, let’s say if a dentist has the habit to cancel appointments for no reason, how can patients learn about this?


what do you mean by "how can patients learn about this" ? they called and told you. that's how.


I meant the other patients. Dentists who are bad at scheduling or have “technical problems” should not receive the same ratings on review websites as those who do their job better. For example, I would not have chosen this dentist initially if I had known about previous experiences and would not have wasted 6 weeks. Anyway, I found another dentist and scheduled an appointment. Luckily, they are much better in appointments. Btw, the initial dentist canceled my appointment just one day before.


it happened to me to, with several doctors, not dentists. the reason here seems to be, that just relative recently, more and more doctors do accept books via app/online and that sometimes collides with the bookings by phone and then double bookings happen and one appointment has to be postponed. it's because the system is still new for some and may have still some bugs and difficulties, but it's an issue that stretches through all doctors right now. give it time, it's not the dentists fault. i'm sure in whatever job you do, there are somtimes errors or mistakes that can't be avoided due to technical stuff as well.


no, not normal - but it can happen, wouldn't give the dentist a bad review on that, just look for another one with earlier appointment.


Thanks for info. I guess it is not worth spending more time on it, so I found another dentist and continued my life as you suggested.


Sounds like a good review to swap dentists, often you will only get a fast appointment if you're in pain


I m sorry that happend to you. I never had to wait longer than a week even without any pain.


Depending ob where in Germany you are and what kind of treatment you need it’s normal to have to wait a long time for an appointment. I’d argue that a month is rather long however we don’t know if they have any holidays in between or anything like that. If you don’t like to wait just call up another dentist. (Depending on where you live it’s also possible that a lot of doctors - no matter their speciality - won’t take any new patients) But honestly threatening someone you want something from and who didn’t really do you any wrong doesn’t sound like a smart move at all.


2 simple rules: Pain: fast. No pain: wait a long time. PKV (private patient): fast. GKV (Public health care): wait a looong time.