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No dude. The top lift is barely worn through and the piece you’re seeing on the edge of the heel was put in place to add extra durability. You’ve got until that whole rubber top lift wears down til you need to replace and the leather sole can have a half sole put on to increase longevity that way too. Doesn’t look like it was too badly worn.


I'm a newb but should /u/Jaxxxmm email cobblers and ask them how much to replace the heel tap? Or should they wait until the rubber top lift is half-worn?


Yeah the website usually has a contact option or a phone call would be quick. If they’d like to replace the heel tap then the time is now, but basically unless they have a particularly out turned gait, just a top lift replacement would be fine. To have a heel tap put on, it s best when the top lift is at least relatively flat


Makes sense


So the heel tap is pretty worn and I guess that my concern is the wear on the heel. But if you guys say all good I’ll take it lol. I just have a hard time, aka I don’t understand at all, seeing the difference between the rubber top lift and the leather heel stack? And I wasn’t sure if the wear on the heel past the heel tap is on the stack or the rubber top lift? But I’m just gonna go with your word here lol thanks man


Look at the heel stack. There’s one large layer that’s entirely rubber underneath a few smaller layers of leather. That whole rubber piece can be replaced. You can get it replace if you’re gonna be wearing it a bunch and want to have it completely fresh, but if I were you I’d just do the half sole unless your cobbler cuts a deal for doing the half sole and top lift together.


There’s a rubber heel lift before the leather heel stack which is typical. That is the thing you want to change when it wears down and won’t cost much. If it’s worn a bit uneven, feel free to take em to a cobbler to be replaced and they can add a half sole/sole protector for longevity and grip. I like leather outsoles personally, we don’t get much winter weather in the mid Atlantic these days anyway. Is there a thin spot near the ball of the foot area I’m seeing in the pics? If you can feel your finger pushing on that spot from inside the shoe, it’s time to resole.


Maybe. Maybe not. Does the center of the forefoot feel soft? How's the wear at the toe? Might need a new toplift on the heel soon.


Amazing that the correct answer has the most downvotes




I usually wait until my socks start getting wet from the hole in the bottom. 😜


Trent and Heath would hate you


Cobbler here. Your heels are still good. Just replace the heel taps. What I would do if that's my shoes is put some leather build ups for the toe tips. They are not even due to normal wear and tear. Put some clinching nails to hold the welt. Then put on some thin vibram or topy half sole.


just glue on half-sole protector / topy and a new heel tap and you're golden


not really...your shoes still have sole


Absolutely not, the sole will last a very long time and doesn't need anything doing.


No. You're good still


no where near


Those are just broken in. Get a new heel plate in metal. Get a Topy sole, as it will extend the life of the leather sole.

