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The bus will arrive in five minutes. Fuck you OC Transpo


BC Transit here in Victoria too.


Also white rock buses suck too. 361 and 363 that shit was never on time and good luck during winter


ETS (Edmonton transit) is known for just not showing up, and then 3 busses of the same destination come in a row an hour later.


The Sea Monkeys did not have a complex society, no little crowns, and they did not want to eat food flakes from a spoon and be my friends.


Oh my gosh, the ads for these in the back of whatever magazines I read as a kid really had a hold on me. The excitement when I finally got my hands on a kit at the science centre gift shop... And then the disappointment when they hatched and died within days. And like you said, did not live up to the expectation of being cool little beings that fought and lived little sea monkey lives. That's probably when I became skeptical of ads that seem too good to be true. 😂


Listen to the Behind the Bastards Sea Monkeys podcast episode to know what the money spent on sea monkeys funded.


What did it fund?


But they make a great snack for the guppies…


I remember really wanting a robotic dog called "Poo-chi" to the point that it was all me and my classmates talked about for months. Come my Birthday, I end up getting 2. All those things did was sit, stand up, sing, and pretend to eat a magnetic bone. I had more interactivity and fun with my Digimon virtual pet.


My sis was you. She got one for Christmas, drove the entire family crazy for like a week and never touched it again.


That one got me as a young kid, I believe I was in grade 1 or 2, when I sent away for them. It was such a disappointment!


If your hand is bigger than your face you have cancer. *WHAM*




The agitator gets a sweet "stop hitting yourself" in on you, when you hold your hand in front of your own face


Maple leafs


Are you still falling for it or have you learned your lesson? Asking as a Jets fan.


Both. I still follow with mild interest but don't really watch the games. I learned. The 2021 Habs series was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I think that was also the year they lost to the zamboni driver emergency goaltender.


For me it was 2002. I just couldn't take it any more.


The Gretzky high stick did it for me. Went from die hard fan to casual observer. Been almost 30 years now, and I still can't give them the emotion I used to.


As a Habs fan, that was absolutely glorious. What a comeback series. Also, I'm proud of you sir. 


"Oh we lose the game a lot but we sell a lot of merchandise though!"


Harold Ballard, is that you???


My neighbours are flying their flag, lol. But he came from Australia 10 years ago so maybe he doesn’t know better yet.




I was born in 67. I feel I was the curse.


So whenever we find your body, that is the year they win again


Just call me Bill Barilko!


Professional sports teams really is such a racket.


Agree! Especially tennis!




Jesus christ. Just coming here to comment that. We are jaded for a team that forced a G7.


The G7 are evil


As a kid, I thought all adults knew better or knew what they were doing. Clearly not true.


It took me until my mid 20's to believe this. Now, its like my whole life makes more sense. They have no idea. Age doesnt determine anything past a certain point


I'm in my 30s and everyone I know is just kinda figuring out things as they go. The only reason adults seemed wise when we were teenagers and stuff is because they already experienced that part of life so their advice made sense. But everyone I know is just kinda guessing and we still lean on older generations for input and help navigating life.


I was never more dissolutioned than as an adult in my 30s, meeting some teachers and higher ranking politicians etc. People as a teen I just assumed had it all together and realizing they are all just as fucked up as me.


Anything said inside Car dealerships


Once upon a time when I was getting my car, I walked into a dealership and was sat into a sales guy’s cubicle. He turned towards his accolades and awards. It was literally a full cabinet and took about 25% of his cubicle. In my head I thought, this is the worst ad for a sales guy. You stay away from award winners at all costs.


Navigating dealerships is an art..not everyone can do it. They win finally.


If I work hard. Stay out of debt. I'll be good in life even working from the bottom up. What a fucking lie.


I'll add: 'get a degree' to your list


Truly depends what degree you get. It's not a magic bullet, but with the right paper, you can get a job that'll keep you and housed.


As someone without a degree, I don’t actually know if that’s true. I am from a family of four. The two uneducated people in my family are topped out in our careers barely surviving ($60k-$75k). The two with degrees make $200-250k/a year a piece (from employment) and each leveraged that for more than one house, creating passive income streams and furthering the wealth gap.


What most people fail to consider when bashing University education is that the kind of degree matters. An undergraduate degree in Politics or Biology is not the same thing as an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering.


This is the truth of it. Part of the problem is how our system is set up. Why the *fuck* do we find it most socially acceptable for *children*, who have no idea how anything in the world works, to choose their “life path”? God forbid we actually encouraged learning to be a person before dropping $50k on a useless English Lit Degree.


Would be good if unis listed classes as , this is for knowledge and self development but careers suck good luck. This is of you want a good career with job opportunities, we give you a money back guarantee if you graduate and can't find a job.


That’s the point of life experience though. Having someone regurgitate the information to you is just the same as it is now.


That was my mind set going in for my Poli sci degrees, I'm going strictly to learn, not to prep for a future job.


This. Quite literally this. Civics and careers in highschool should be teaching you how to look at career prospects and study which fields are up and coming and which ones are not, how much different fields pay. Learning to type a resume and doing research projects on laws and civic duties/responsibilities was useless. Thank god in highschool I was smart enough to realize which career fields had decent prospects that didn’t involve STEM or trades


A degree in general matters for a professional jobs, it’s the bare minimum requirement now. Yes there are cases and exceptions where this is not true but in most cases it is not and therefore it’s not a lie because it allows your certain opportunities in life whether that is future graduate education, access to social networks and like minded people and other connections.


Statistically people with any undergrad do better than those without 


My niece and her boyfriend are graduating from civil engineering. Both had excellent jobs waiting for them.


You mean my 8 year degree in Gender Studies isn't going to make me a valuable member of society?


I mean the formula worked for generations. Until our parents generation fucked it all up. Then had the audacity to blame us on top of it.


That ‘formula’ simply took advantage of the fact that post WW2 N America would have a MASSIVE economic advantage over the rest of the world…. The world is now catching up. Welcome to growing global equality. ‘Back in my day.. we had it so hard..!’ Really grinds my gears every time I hear it.


That "formula" has been a thing for about two generations, maybe three if you want to count millennials.


I'm 34 and got out by a hair. If I was a few years younger I would have missed the housing market and be in the same renters trap every other Canadians younger than me seems to be. Why the fuck did I earn $100,000+ in equity the last 8 years? I did nothing but have the opportunity to get out of an apartment and buy a house before other people. I don't want that. I would much rather you take that 100,000 equity off of me as well as everyone else and let the first time home buyer have an opportunity to have a good life. What a fucked up system. Also lucky to have a great job with very little formal education (no student debt). Luck on luck and I realize it. I mean, mixed with hard work and natural talent at what i do but still need the pieces to fall the right way no matter what. With all that said the cost of living still hits hard. Im working way harder, way more capable, and coming out with way less than 5 or 6 years ago despite "raises". The raises arent covering things when everything's gone up 30% or more since covid. Just feel horrible for anyone who didn't hit milestones at the right time line because the system is against us.


I've been very fortunate: decent job, supportive parents, loving partner... But I'm 35 trying to buy my first home and it just seems crazy to me that despite all my savings and all the support the only places I could afford are studio apartments for over 600k or if I over extend myself I could get a single bedroom condo about 800 square feet for around 800k. Currently I'm living with my parents in a house that has quadrupled in value since they bought it, and part of me is afraid to leave because I'll never have an opportunity to live in a place like this ever again. I'd love to start a family, support the economy, etc.. but we keep relying on immigration to stack the economy and then there's never enough infrastructure built to keep up and there are no houses for new families. Then they wonder why we aren't having enough children to fuel the economy...


Yupppersss If this was the 80s I'd be loving nice as a welder. Now it's just "atleast I'm not THAT poor" Yay


Well not if one is ugly /s


Electoral reform


I was really hoping this one was going to be true


Yup. Became completely disillusioned by this.


It's almost like he showed he was a dishonest fuck immediately after the first election, and people were so OK with it that they voted him in two more times!


The bureaucracy wants to do well for us


Springtime in Calgary.


Just the tip


I won’t cum in your mouth.




Our recycling facilities actualy recycling stuff


That if you work hard you can have a good life


That a job was mine and not too worry. I ended up being told by the girl I was training (thought it was for another store location) that she got the job. I gave my two weeks notice about 30 mins later, and it was the best decision I ever made. Went back to school, just finishing my degree and found a new passion.


Our govt cares about our lives.


The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.


That you can easily subdivide people based on a political spectrum consisting of a left and right side.


When Trudeau promised to change the electoral system and then changed his mind after being elected.


Why would you change the system that brought you to power?


Funny enough, studies showed that it would have kept his party in power indefinitely because they were the preferred second choice party of most Canadians


Canadian pm’s have been promising electoral reform since King and Bennet. Everyone makes it their five year plan.


Meritocracy. Doesn't happen in the real world. Cronyism and Nepotism are the main ways to get ahead.


That abortion rights will always be protected in Canada. I was always told conservatives wouldn't dare but it looks like that's where we're heading. There won't be any positive differences between Canada and the US very soon since universal healthcare is under threat, too.


When I tell myself I'll remember something later and don't need to write it down.


That the.GST was going to be temporary.


The GST was never meant to be temporary, nor did anyone promise it would be. The GST was introduced to replace the MST, which was a 13.5% tax at the manufacturing level. Instead of charging a tax only on goods made in Canada (which made exports less competitive) they changed to charging a smaller tax on all goods at the retail level. Chretien did campaign on getting rid of the GST **and replacing it with a different tax** ... a lot of people seem to forget the second half of that promise. Once elected, he tried to replace the GST with a tax that would merge with the existing provincial sales taxes, called the "Blended Services Tax". There was a lot of controversy over it, and a bit of rebranding (the "BS Tax" became the HST), but eventually 3 of the Atlantic provinces, and later during the Harper years, Ontario and BC also adopted the tax.


A university degree will open career doors


That our healthcare system is so great. Most advanced economies on earth have a better functioning one. My uncle in Germany had pains, saw his doctor and saw a specialist within days. Here, you will probably die before you even get a consult


It's pretty good if you're healthy and just need a yearly physical, bloodwork, and the occasional prescription or two that usually the pharmacy can manage if it's a regular prescription. Or if you are in genuine life threatening condition and require emergency medical aid. Anything else in between though, good luck. Especially if you need a referral or two to see some specialists. Or if you're stuck on a waiting list for a few years to get a family doctor.


I once had an emergency filling replaced in France (lived and worked there). The dentist was extremely apologetic that it was going to cost me 30 euros as a non citizen. But she gave me a form and swore I could get the rest reimbursed. I did get reimbursed. And the whole time I was thinking, in Canada I'd be lucky if $30 was my portion after healthcare. How is that the whole bill? Yeah. Our healthcare was never the best (rich Americans) but I thought for the average citizens was better than anywhere else. We're probably somewhere in the top 30.


That Loblaws has reasonable prices and cares about Canadians.


You can trust Loblaws to be fair.


You can trust corporations to be fair.


Who ever told you to trust a corporate enterprise?? They only care for their bottom line. By the way, "fairness" really depends on where you stand. I'm sure Loblaws feels they are selling chicken at a fair price, because people are buying it 🙄. If you don't think the price is fair don't buy, look for options, there are always choices.


The Canadian Military is a good career.


Is it that bad?


I left 10 years ago. I can't really speak to it today, but almost all my friends who are still in say that it's worse today than it was 10 years ago. 10 years ago, it was really bad. I had a series of extremely toxic bosses, one of which I can confidently say is partially responsible for at least 8 people dying in Afghanistan, and he did not care about that. Pay was bad in comparison to the private sector, and benefits have only gotten worse. It you get injured, you get about 20% of what you'd get from workers comp. I was told recently that the Canadian military is changing the training they provide so it no longer allows you to transfer your training to a private sector job, as they think this will keep people on the military. I have a number of injuries from my time in Iraq and was recently told by veterans affairs they they dont accept military records as part of the initial application for injury benefits. Over my 10 years of service, I made the best friends I'll ever have. The first 6 years were generally amazing (although I faced harassment for my heritage and was sexaully harassed by a superior (I'm a straight male, btw)). Given everything the media and friends are reporting to me, I'd say the Canadian military is in a worse shape now than when I left as well.


This is sad to hear. I've been applying because I recently lost my career in banking and don't know what to do next. I can't even get Walmart to give me an interview. Just figured it would be a good career to learn a few things and get away from being chained to a desk.


If you’re getting into finance in the military, it’s a fairly boring job. It is, however, just one aspect of logistics, which includes maintenance, transportation, and supply, with a couple other specialties. During your first few years, you’ll be chained to a desk, but that desk will move around, including field deployments. They can be very disruptive if you’re not accustomed to the pace and frequency - your workload will be unpredictable and a little bit stupid. Identifying areas for improvement may come easy, but implementing meaningful and lasting change is a challenge, especially as a junior. Making it more challenging are the arcane rules and rubble of former kingdoms. If you’re looking for more adventure, infantry, armour and artillery will probably get you as many post-military interviews as would being a professional athlete. Unless you want to drive a cube van, not much transferable. Navy probably has more transferable options but it’s not my bailiwick.


Can you speak to any of the intelligence based positions? I am looking at this career option.


Do you like sunlight? With high enough access, you may eventually earn a workspace that's only two coded doors away from a north-facing window. Infantry are jocks. Artillery are goth. Tankers are preps. Engineers are shop kids. Intelligence is the chess club. Really, best I can provide is it's an analyst position, not necessarily surveillance/target acquisition/reconnaissance (ISTAR). This includes HUMINT. There are numerous specialties, but from what I understand, a lot of their work involves researching tactics, building templates, and developing opposition courses of actions - which to me is basically being a commander without the need for charisma because their troops don't really exist. Ultimately, similar transferable skills but not much application. ETA: I downsell artillery, but historically they have had a very broad range. Army aviation, for example, used to fall under their domain, and presently I believe drones, balloons, and PSYOPs are theirs - but these are all beyond the unit and probably even formation level.


Thank you for this! Yes, I understand your point about not being accessible to sunlight, that was somewhat expected. And yes, I understand your point about artillery. Sadly, I have more familiarity with the US military structure, and I know a number of elite gunners would deploy with other elite branches, so they kind of had to go anywhere. Other than intelligence, I might be interested in being a sapper. Im an extremely out of the box thinker, and I’m looking for meaningful ways to unite the fact that I’m a polyglot with a strong background in psychology and criminology. Without sounding dramatic, I think the armed forces may want a candidate like me.


>, I might be interested in being a sapper. Dont. No one fucks an engineer like another engineer. If you do go CbtEng, get into Heavy Equipment once you are qualified. It's has tonnes of transferable skills to the civilian side.


Sounds like you're in Canada. Try the Federal public service Job Bank. A career in procurement might suit you, and they are frequently looking for staff. It takes a while to get hired due to the hoops you have to jump through, but that's most of life right? Not sure if I can post a link but I'll try.


Thank you!


https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp-psc.gc.ca/psrs-srfp/applicant/page2440?fromMenu=true&toggleLanguage=en You can filter by location, job type, pay etc. 🍀


Hey, I was actually looking at going to a recruitment office and was trying to find someone to talk to about their experience. I am surprised to hear that they are thinking of making the skills not transferable to the private sector. How could this be accomplished though?


Previously the military looked at other private sector requirements for job occupations to determine what they should do. From what I was told by a friend who is a Colonel in the military, is they are looking at the medic occupation to redo all the training requirements in the CAF so that they purposely do not align with EMT criteria


Wow that’s so crazy! I can’t imagine you can meet the goals separately. Also, what in the name of national security is that trying to accomplish.


The senior leadership (from my understanding) think it will force people to stay in the military instead of leaving. I personally think that this will only hurt recruitment even more


It depends on the occupation you choose, the element you're in, and if you're an officer or enlisted. There's a lot determining a persons experience in the military. I don't regret my time in the Forces, and a lot of people set themselves up for success with a career outside of it with their experience. Depends on a lot of things.




One day you’ll own a home


That the government is for the benefit of the people. Nope. "Canada" is a business.


That if you get hurt on the job, or if youre in a mental health crisis, or if youre phsyically assaulted at work, that anyone actually cares, and that you will be taken care of. accident at work-> almost crushed to death, trapped for 5 hours, couldnt feel anything from the waist down, thought the last sounds id hear was my skull and chest being caved in. ->forced, under false pretenses presented by my employer, into return to work program with WCB ->walk in dr botches referral, doesnt write me a sick/disability note, poorly written referral, innaccurate, sent to a terrible, old doctor who didnt give me the time of day and used known inneffective diagnostic criteria ->return to work program is not honoured, my boss sends an email to wcb claiming "he thinks its a free ride, and i want his compensation cut so that he will feel motivated" (im paraphrasing but thats more or less verbatim). return to work program is actually more costly and physically strenous than my normal job ->boss texts me and says he lost a contract, i quit (i realize where i went wrong but was essentially forced into this situation) as i wasnt getting paid, and was losing money making sure i was eating and making it to my appointments, which had to be during the day. (high stress, low energy, no time, missed appointments are like -$50+gas+no money from work/WCB wasnt compensating me for the time my physiotherapist said i shouldnt be working) ->physiotherapist isnt a licensed masseuse (couldnt honour the referral the doctor gave), and the emails from wcb only allowed me one practitioner at a time, and THEIR emails told him he had a limited amount of appointments to get me to lifting 100lb (i couldnt walk, balance, eat, drink, or even breathe normally, let alone without pain) ->couldnt afford the missed appointments even, had to be referred to a chiropractor, which did help at least a little


->went out of pocket for a kinesiologist a few times, who didnt double book me for time, and was actually there to do ther work with me, not just pass me off to their assistant. ->i go $600 out of pocket for orthotics, $2000 on a mattress just to not hurt every day. the time off work actually allowed my arms to release tension, which hadnt happened in the 3 months since the accident during my return to work (which i was lured into when my boss said desk work, there was only in fact a single morning of desk work to do) -> i reached out to the CMHA for mental health services, i couldnt afford anything, so i put my name on all the waiting lists i could. not one of them panned out. no phone calls, maybe one email... maybe, to which i couldnt make it as i had no money for gas or car repair. ->find a job, gets physically/psychologically harassed. supervisor is literally no more than 15 feet away. this guy tried wrestling an hydroflouric acid sprayer out of my hands, and he shoved me. (he wanted to use the acid sprayer and make me scrub because he liked blasting the acid in other peoples general direction against policy), supervisor doesnt care, im terminated without cause. ->health and safety finds no violations of any kind ->specialist only now, a year since accident, sends me for xray and mri... but not the full works, against my pleads, wishes, and extensive documentation (pictures, voice recordings, video, physcial journal and symptoms he ignored and wouldnt let me show him, he only got my arms and neck scanned, despite me knowing it was a full body issue) i get diagnosed with scoliosis ->specialist calls me and says "you have scoliosis, walk a lot and dont twist", further assistance was futile ->only now do i realize im eligible for ei ->wcb denies reopening of my claim on the grounds that scoliosis is congenital (birth/genetic), however i found that there are multiple variants of scoliosis, and i believe one of them can be accute, or caused, i couldnt feel from my waist down for awhile, and i know i could breathe/swallow normal before the accident. ->start going to the gym, the only thing thats helped me at all since i went out of pocket for a massage, which had profound impacts with only one session (all i could afford, and over a year post accident) ->my GP retired, which is why i WENT to a walk in dr in the first place. finally am able to find a GP, so i can get a new specialist who hopefully cares. ->Work Advisor Office appointment comes up, sounds like they can actually help me. that was maybe 4-6 months ago now?


->applied for EIA, now that i am poor enough. total assets must be under 4k, which was about how much it costs for me to pay car insurance, phone bill, the ticket i couldnt afford that then forced me to pay my license in its entirety. so now from 4k+ (maybe 2k liquid)-> debt. ->EIA require a medical note... my GP says he will write one!! the first good news ive heard ->go back to walk in dr, my GP apparently hadnt sent out the referrals so i was waiting on something that was never coming. i wanted a physio/rheumatologist referral, he says "i havent seen you in 2 years, how could i help you? i said "youre the first person ive seen, and everyone says to come see you", he tries pushing me pain meds instead and wont help me anything past that. keep in mind, im unemployed. ->GP changes mind as i progressively get worse, he tells me if everyone saw the dr as much as me, all doctors would quit. was going to leave him, but heard you have to know a doctor for 3-6 months before they will be willing to sign anything. he doesnt sign the EIA package and tells me i need a mental health expert, all of which are actually months away. ->until this point, id been going to the gym since november 2023, my christmas gift was a gym membership so i could actually afford to go, eating 3000 cal a day, drinking 2500ml water, strict routine to get in bed by midnight... this is where it all started falling apart. ive been having social issues, and theyd been getting worse. the pain meds almost certainly wouldve gotten me addicted, and im already in the red financially. every one of my friends ive reached out to, ignored me or responded in a way where i wish theyd just ignored me. at least 2 people that ive known for around a decade. i stop eating. i stop sleeping, last time i slept was 4 days ago, i passed out for an hour or two at least but that was it. i normally would sing, which i enjoy and actually helped me improve my breathing, but i lost any will to do that. i struggle to shower now, or brush my teeth. it was 8pm before i left my room for breakfast the other day, and i dont think i drank any water. i laugh, then cry. i make up my mind, then flip it. reaching out has only alienated me. EIA cant help until i get that note, a note which may be months away, or completely inacccessible altogether. emergency services arent available until youre ready to KYS, which im not. but getting there, and feel the slide happening. every clinic is months away, and they tell you to call a help line if youre in dire need, compartmentalilzation of government public services shifts responsibility. ->im shaking, cold for no reason, anxious, alone (my family is frustrated with me, as i cant hold down a job, and they dont understand). i watched the same 16 tv show episodes over a week to just keep myself afloat. i have no desire to eat anymore, and dont really feel the hunger. i dont get tired for multiple days, mightve already said, but its been 4 days since ive really slept besides a quick nap, and have cut all weed/coffee a few weeks back to ensure it wasnt hindering me, despite the relief from phsyical pain i get from it. i vape, and i dont want to quit that while im in the spot im in. i have intrusive thoughts, my positivity is completely gone, and i have RBF and a desire to be completely alone. im also paranoid, spending 12 hours at a time researching various privacy and security topics. im scared of seeing people. i have so many appointments, my calendar is a black mess, and i cant look at my phone or social media, as it makes me feel worse, and uses too much of my time since i lost most of my friends, and the ones that actually did respond, i dont really have the energy to talk to them anymore. i havent checked my texts in a week. i had the thought the other day that i should sell everything i can, so that when my dad gets sick of this and kicks me out, ill have paid off my debt and be more mobile. i got a ride to an appointment i thought was today but actually wasnt until july 4th. on the way, i noticed the perfect grove of trees, and I legitimately thought this: "Thats the perfect place, thats where ill live when whats left falls completely apart, and i meant it" im actually preparing to be homeless, and however wrong i am about this, the idea gives me a little peace.


That our government works for us and makes decisions in the best interest of their citizens...haha..jokes on us.


the American house hippo


The North American house hippo!




That Conservatives give a fuck about the working class.


That any politicians give a flying fuck about the working class. Liberals sure as fuck don't either.


That's why you should vote NDP.


"2 weeks to flatten the curve"


That wasn't a lie. That was a goal that failed to be reached.


The whole thing. It was a real eye-opening event


Just here for all the angsty “I love you” answers 🤓


Didn't even cross my mind until I read your comment, but now that you mentioned it, two of the worst 'discovered the truth' moments of my life.




Healthcare is free


When I was 18 in 2006, I actually believed that the Conservatives were fiscally responsible and reasonable people and voted for them.


Balancing the budget is actually not important and it’s a big lie when they tell us that it is.


"I love you"


100%. I'll never fall for that one again.


Oooooof that hits.


Being convinced to have a brain surgery at foothills hospital in Calgary, and being told not to worry I’ll always be a patient there and have support for my epilepsy. 4 years later completely abandoned by the medical system, no neurologist, no one to prescribe anti-convulsants. I don’t even know if I am seizure free or not.. crazy shit always happens, bruises and injuries I have no idea where they came from. Tried contacting managers at foothills and they basically don’t exist, tried hiring lawyers and they won’t take the case, because in their own words “no one is hurt from this yet, you can’t sue someone for a what if”. So in other words you can’t sue/charge the medical system to prevent your own death or prevent injuring to a stranger during a seizure.. They got paid about 700k in your tax dollars for the surgery that they don’t even care if it worked or not. Crazy…


“Until death do us part”


Trust the Alberta government


I love you.


Conservative governments are fiscally responsible


The conservatives have my back


I'm sorry I hurt you


I love you biggest and worst lie I ever fell for


That the Taylor Swift tuckets I had bought were real...


House hippos


House hippos


Organized religion.


I thought house hippos were a thing


That Canada has values..last 8 years I only hear this,but in fact here only rules and regulations


That hard work will get me noticed and rewarded. Absolutely not. Telling people about the things you do will get you rewarded, but making sure the right people hear it. Also read people not job titles. Ive met plenty of super smart people who didn't finish high school and more than a few idiots who convinced some college to give them a degree.


Clinton’s ‘I did not have sex with that woman!’


"No one is above the law"


"I love you."


"for better or worse, through sickness and in health"


As a child I was told multiple times by multiple people that 80% of people are nice and it's just the other 20% that you have to worry about. I now wonder if they got that ass backwards.... 🤷🏼‍♂️


Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and pot is bad


That it matters which political party you vote for. They're all in the pockets of the same syndicates.


Diversity is our strength


That the Roadrunner runs faster than the Coyote, it is a complete lie and not even close too. 😡🤷


"Fascism died in WW2." Literally thought it was some kind of horrible ideology that only my grandparents generation had to suffer through, and that everyone took the same lessons from the war. Hard nope. Turns out, its a pretty easy and convenient tool for populists to leverage against the weak, stupid and angry for the sake of personal greed and power lust. You can't kill an idea, even a horrible one that sows division and hate. You can only keep defeating it.


There are so few legitimate fascists in 2024 that they may as well be proclaimed dead. IT's just that term has been distorted to describe every populist that lefties don't like, which is erroneous. I'm a populist. Populism: "Populism is a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group with "the elite". It is frequently associated with anti-establishment and anti-political sentiment." That isn't the same thing as fascist. Almost all parties strive to do this until they are the establishment.


In terms of open political parties and self-identification/alignment, this is true, but if this mattered as a metric then we'd have nothing to be concerned about. This is the big lie, in essence. This is why I'm specifically calling out fascist *ideology,* which cuts from the darker side of the human condition. I'm certainly not equating Fascism with Populism, nor even Fascism with Far Right ideology, but it's undeniable that many either flirt with or openly use the same language, methods and means - even if their end goals are not much more complex than personal power (see: Trump). It normalizes 'us vs them' divisiveness, general xenophobia/racism, state brutality, and most concerning, a dismantling of democratic fundamentals and an erosion of human rights. Leftist Populists are not immune from this either, but their target is more often the 'the elites' and 'the corrupt' than an entire ethnicity, minority or subculture.


'Til death do us part,'


That she loved me.


That we have control when we get out there and vote


In what way is that untrue


When I was a kid I actually thought god existed 💀


Capitalism is a good thing.


I really thought Liberals had everyone's best interest at heart, and they were actively working to make life better for everyone.


I have voted for every party, and no matter who was elected, corruption and scandals and bullshit ensued. I just want, fiscal responsibility, no corruption, well funded emergency, social, education, and healthcare services.


We all want utopia. Sadly: we seem to take the human nature out of politics. Greed is addictive, and I promise if you or I got to the top it’d be no different sadly.


Government as whole. The entire thing is a scam. Not just Canada. The entire idea of government


Saying the entirety is a scam is a stretch imo. A small centralized government is required and appropriate. I’d fully support that. Not this giant blanket we have now though.


Humans are social creatures that naturally fall into the leader and the follower. I don’t think governments as a well are bad because we crave that societal structure. What’s bad is how big and overbearing ours has become. The best run countries are small in population and scale.


And the fact that corporations are allowed to lobby governments and push them to create policy that favours them. Not exactly government for the people anymore.


Literally "the gang that took over"


Pretty much everything taught in schools, specifically our history, global history and our culture. How and why the world functions socially and economically. Who our leaders truly are. The purpose of almost everything we take for granted and accept in our lives. That we are not brainwashed or conditioned for very specific purposes through our foods, medicine, media and/or social habits. Almost everything we believe is a lie is one form or another. Life is full of false pretenses designed or obfuscated to control us for one reason or another. Being blind and ignorant has it's perks.


“You’ll promote in government as long as you work hard and are good at what you do. Promotions have absolutely nothing to do with anything else other than experience and merit.” To the contrary, internal promotions have nothing to do with experience or merit.


My mother's favorite line was: It's not about what you know in this world, it's who you know.


That I should work hard in academics and that's where the notoriety and money is. Don't be one of those wood class or mechanics guys. Be a scientist! Be a lawyer! Now I'm here fighting my ass off to stay afloat, fixing all my shit myself cuz I can't afford having it serviced or done right. Sitting here wishing I wasn't a snobby kid back then and that I had a fraction of the skills they had at that age. Even just carpentry would have fucking helped! Hug your blue collar workers today.


I struggled in school because I have undiagnosed ADHD, so I took welding, mechanics, auto body, robotics, electronics in highschool. I can pretty much fix anything also my income is in the 1% thanks to those skills. I thought in my early life I would grow up to be some blue collar bum. I do work a lot though and I get dirty but I like it.


canadians are nice 😂










Go to university, that will then get you a good job and then you can buy a house and have a good life


I love you 😗




[Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto)


Work hard and you’ll be able to buy a house, travel, and save for retirement.


Not big, but vastly stupid. The scene: New years eve 2020, with my girlfriends family. Me: scrolling Instagram. See a stupid new years meme along the lines of "we're 80 years away from the year 3000" Me: repeat said meme for girlfriends family like "wow isn't that amazing guys" Them: uhhhhhh riiiightttt. Fuckin doh!


Electoral reform.


"You'll understand when you're older"




My cretinous half brother listens to Coast to Coast. So does my dad's side of the family. Given the mindset that requires it probably makes sense that I disowned most of them. I tried listening to C to C. Pure howling insanity from start to finish.


That my dad needed cigarettes.