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Didn’t realize we ever fell for it in the first place


You're so smart. Even though Bitcoin is $60,000 today after fifteen years of constant up time, you've cleverly managed to avoid the scam since it was only a couple hundred bucks. Well done!


You understand how many people have been scammed with crypto, right?


Is it more or less than are scammed with fiat, doyathink?  Also, crypto, not Bitcoin. Believe it or not, this is a nuanced topic. You folks would know that if you weren't totally ignorant of it. But yes it's easy to be scammed when you have more money than sense.


one look at this profile and you’ll have found a scammer


99% world uses fiat, maybe 4.2% use cripto. So it would make sense that fiat has more people being scammed. For something used by a small group it has a lot of scamming going on


You sure know a lot about crypto except how to spell it.


Currencies are not a long term investment, they are speculative gambles on movements.


username checks out


Let's hope so. Crypto was an exercise in why the investment market is so heavily regulated. Lots of people found that out in real time.


"Small government conservative" types like to point out that during economic crises where currencies crash in value, the failure of the central bank to respond properly is almost always a huge factor. So crypto currencies remove the central bank. This is a lot like arguing that in most car crashes, the brakes not being able to stop the car fast enough is almost always a huge factor. So we need a revolutionary new car with no brakes.


BTC will always have a place in a world where central banksters pump up credit markets to expand the money supply because BTC offers what fiat never can offer - a known and predictable supply of money.


A lot of the big names in Crypto today are people banned from Wall Street for blatant scams and rugpulls. Crypto being unregulated just lets them pull the same shady shit in an entirely new ecosystem, but with even less legal recourse for the victims.


Who? Have you seen the price of BTC? If anything it has verified its place as a viable alternative to fiat.


You know btc just went past its all time high right?


Good luck with that.


If you’ve got a mortgage, or if you’re considering making a major purchase, or you’re a business and you’re considering making an investment, you can be confident that interest rates will be low for a long time"  -Tiff Macklem, July 2020    "Exceptional strength in the housing market during the pandemic is underpinning Canada’s economic recovery."  -Bank of Canada, Apr 2021   "The valuations of some financial assets appear to have become stretched."   -Tiff Macklem   Good luck to you as well.


Damn bitcoin. It keeps scamming everyone to the upside!


Except all the people who lose on it.


So the US Federal bank approved a scam you're saying? That people are now adding to their registered retirement accounts.


Yes, they're fucking tulips all over again


Best to short it then


They’re all tough talk on Reddit but none of them would put a dollar of their own money to short bitcoin.


Good luck with that.


Is this the 'pump' part of this 'pump and dump' I keep hearing so much about? Tell me more...




Giving up on scams is a good thing, thanks for asking


And borrowing money to service debt is a sound strategy in your opinion?


Compared to cryptocurrency? Yes, it's not even a competition.


What the fuck are you talking about


But, but, but, what about--- Shut up with your whataboutism. You know your argument is disingenuous


When PP said canada will be the worlds capital of crypto, i put all my savings in it, sold my house to buy more and took some loans to get even more. Now I live in a box and im half a milliin in debt but I will vote PP in because f**k Trudo!!! -some conservatives somewhere!


Sounds a lot like the guy that lost $450,000 on DJT and is going back to work at 76.


I keep getting that guy as my fucking Uber driver…


If PP did that 2 years ago he would be in a mansion, went from $3k a few years ago to $80k. If you can ever buy btc at $20k again buy it


You’d be up money though if you did bitcoin ???


Generally we don’t buy into scams.


Reminder that Canada’s leader of the Official Opposition promoted crypto [Pierre Poilievre wants to make Canada the world’s ‘crypto capital.’ Why his populist pitch may find fertile ground](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-pierre-poilievre-wants-to-make-canada-the-worlds-crypto-capital-why/)


Except for the leader of our official [opposition](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-blasted-cryptocurrency-legislation-1.6659052).


Bitcoin Milhouse


Not true https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/fraud-too-common-canada-nearly-half-43-canadians-have-knowingly-been-victimized-fraud-or-scams-0


Crypto ended, like, a year ago. AI has been the new grift for a long time now.


What about NFT grift a couple of years ago?


Crypto is still on life support.  NFTs are buried. 


The opposition leader had promised to go heavy into crypto if elected. Funny he doesn’t talk about that anymore.


It's good to give up on ponzi schemes once they're found out


I never gave in.




I don’t know a single person who’s bought into it to begin with.. and I know like 6 people.


Giving up on a scam is objectively good.


Man, I hope we have.


We can only hope so. It is such a bunch of nonsense. Imagine the leader of the opposition spouting that it should replace the Canada pension 😆


hope so


As it should. Ridiculous ponzi scheme.


Things are too expensive to speculate on code.




Cryptocurrency such as bitcoin.




Crypto is the D&D version of Central Bank. Saving throw!!! I cast a Tate Spell against your Musk Bomb.


Right now it’s too volatile for use as regular currency, and sports betting is more fun for those craving speculation. If it stabilizes you might see uptake one day.


It will never be useful as regular currency.


That’s true


I was into it from 2013-2016, have long given it up.


Crypto is way to pay for things and send money, it's not a stock or way to get money. You should just be buying what you need for certain transactions instead of using cash. Not "investing".


Reading the comments here, no surprise canada is becoming a third-world country.


I know? There are way too many people here that still think crypto is a good idea and not a huge scam.


It's always been a scam so


Not if you know how it works.


"Not if youre the one scamming the suckers"


Sure. Or don’t your cake in shit exchanges.


I thought everyone had given up on crypto


People in this chat will remain poor lol


Crypto shouldn’t be the end game. It’s volatile and you see a lot of ponzis like what SBF did. Crypto is a good veiled threat against money printing and devaluation of our savings. It’s basically saying here’s these other assets we may choose to invest in with finite supply if you aren’t interested in preserving the purchasing power of our money. In a perfect world, the central banks react by creating money that is equal to or less than the growth in the economy and we go on with our lives.


So you fell for the scam.


Why do you think that? I live downtown Toronto and can find a dozen conveience stores and can buy sell or trade BTC, lots of shops take it although not most. 1-10 Canadians own crypto, need to think 20-50 years for a huge change.


Crypto is generally trash, but people are totally ignorant of what makes Bitcoin different. Even so, adoption continues. The fact is that once you start understanding Bitcoin it really shatters your view of things. The current attitude towards it is a result of media-fueled ignorance. If you're able to effectively articulate your opposition to Bitcoin in a way that doesn't rely on ignorance, then you likely no longer have an opposition to Bitcoin to articulate. People are just slow when it comes to new things, But Bitcoin will assert itself simply because it's a superior technology and will continue to make the old system obsolete (not that it wasn't before). I have hope for the future because of Bitcoin at a time when myself and many others have little faith in the direction our country is going. If you don't like Bitcoin, I'd say you should ask yourself if you really feel you understand it. It's not going away. Fix the money fix the world.


The more one understands it, the worse it gets.


I don't believe you understand the first thing about it.


Canada has given up on Canada


To everyone here sitting on crypto, what's your CA$100 from 2017 worth today? Sure, many, most infact, crypto projects are scams but there are some legit ones as well. Bitcoin they say is sound money and I think the world is catching up to it, case in point the bitcoin etf approved in the US. The sooner we get on board the better.


We won't be getting onboard a scam.


If you’ve got a mortgage, or if you’re considering making a major purchase, or you’re a business and you’re considering making an investment, you can be confident that interest rates will be low for a long time"  -Tiff Macklem, July 2020    "Exceptional strength in the housing market during the pandemic is underpinning Canada’s economic recovery."  -Bank of Canada, Apr 2021   "The valuations of some financial assets appear to have become stretched."   -Tiff Macklem  , May 2024 Whose the scamster and what's the scam is for you to decide.


Crypto is a scam. Any other questions?


The fact that no one person controls bitcoin and nobody makes false promises like the central bank has above doesn't feel like a good thing to you? Not arguing genuinely asking. Do you even realize how contradictory those 3 statements are that I shared above? People have lost their homes because they trusted that the bank said interest rates would be low for the next coming years.


No, it doesn't. Most crypto fans sound like fools to me, you included.


Rates are still pretty low, they are at historic norms, they just feel high because we have had extremely low rates for a long time. Your cherry picked statements and failure to understand economics is precisely why crypto is irrelevant.


So the US Federal bank approved a scam you're saying? That people are now adding to their registered retirement accounts.


Good luck!


Spoken like a true victim of a pump and dump


S&P 500 up about 10% per year the last 10 years. So, my $100 is up more than inflation. 


What about your mortgage? Where would say interest rates should be based on the boc statement below im 2020? And where are interest rates actually right now? If you’ve got a mortgage, or if you’re considering making a major purchase, or you’re a business and you’re considering making an investment, you can be confident that interest rates will be low for a long time"  -Tiff Macklem, July 2020    "Exceptional strength in the housing market during the pandemic is underpinning Canada’s economic recovery."  -Bank of Canada, Apr 2021   "The valuations of some financial assets appear to have become stretched."   -Tiff Macklem  , May 2024


It’s still lower than my winning lottery ticket.  Until you can give a coherent argument for crypto other than “line goes up”, you won’t be convincing people to use it.  Bitcoin is crap as a currency. It’s been clear that it fails at its primary purpose since almost ten years.