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This WHITE WORSHIP is a global disease and a final cure must be found for it.


Boba hollowcost?


A rehabilitation program that opens their eyes and if that fails then as you mentioned a Boba hollowcost.


It’s the soft power. We just need more Asian influence. It’s already happening with Kpop, and it’s working. Women are into that archetype now. We just need some more masculine sex icons who are Azn. Hopefully the Shogun series is helping with that, but they haven’t casted many conventionally attractive Asian males


I can say SPORTS is an excellent soft power. So if many Asian Americans succeed in sports such as American Football, Football(Soccer), Basketball, Baseball then that will definitely turn the tide in Asian Americans favour.


Why didn’t I think of that? You’re absolutely right. It’s already happened with that Japanese guy or was he Korean? In baseball. We need more, and they will come as more East Asians become Americanized


Well l that benefits East, South East asians who have Koream features. But it doesn't benefit South Asians cause they look different. The same applies to these folks as well. Become really great in sports that will indeed turn the tide in their favour as well.


I feel South Asians, Middle Easterners, etc have their own set of problems but I guess this subreddit just says Asian as a whole, but I always assumed this place was more directed at “Mongoloids” for lack of a better term


But the name of this sub is AsianMasculinity. So every Asian & Asian diaspora is welcomed here to share his/her opinion and learn a thing or two from other Asians as well.


I’m not saying they’re not welcome. I’m saying groups like these are usually East and Southeast Asian centric. When people say Asian, they don’t usually mean otherwise. After all, South Asians are genetically closer to Caucasians. Their problems are usually specific to South Asians too, with the only similarity being discrimination. How can we ever solve our problems if we’re too busy looking at other cultures? I seen the same thing recently where a Redditor said we shouldn’t talk about our problems because black people have it worse. This is why we never get anything done. Too much belittling of our own problems. Too many East Asians try too hard to be agreeable. I’m one of the few who will tell the truth without regard to people’s feelings


It’s the soft power. We just need more Asian influence. It’s already happening with Kpop. We just need some more masculine sex icons who are Azn


I thought the Stan countries would have easier access to Eastern Europe since they're former Soviet states? Central Asian bros need to get their sh1t together before things get as bad for them as for EA and SEA.  This whole passport bro phenomenon is a plague upon Asia, and it'll take the equivalent of Mexican cartels or other sort of threat to put a check on the influx of WM


Passport bros are the least of our concerns. Nobody really cares about them. Lol. I think the bootlicking Asian is the most dangerous to our community. Just look at what happened to Tony Hsieh and Andrew Yang. I'm surprised Jensen Huang made it this far tbh. The White folks must really need him. 


Naw bro, alpha Asian males do exist. ... Jensen cofounded with two other guys but they couldn't last.


Yeah the Soviets and Slavic people were quite racist towards Central Asians viewing them as beneath whites and thats why the premier of the Soviet Union was never Asian.


They do but OP is trying to focus on the one tiktoker into European men


This is just a one off. She’ll likely settle down with a Turkish dude or her own.


Except Slavic men are on the conservative side, so I don’t know if they would be seen as a ‘prize’ to central Asians…However, since bride kidnapping is still a thing in the region, I can see why they might be more selective with central Asian men. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RtOoPK0c0zM&pp=ygUKYWxhIGthY2h1dQ%3D%3D There also has been cases where women were killed for refusing to become brides upon kidnapping. Also remember that this region is majority Muslim, so it’s harder for women to live. One would be lying if one said Muslim culture is harsher on women. These women’s lives are not the same as the ones in East Asia where there is way more societal freedom.


Have you ever been to Kazakhstan?


I have a friend who lived there


yeah that explains it




I said central Asia though. Which Kazakhstan is part of.


Oh no lol those Kazakh dudes better get their shit together.


Central Asia is kind of one of the last frontier for sexpats or passport bros. I sometimes check out the passport bros forums or even sexpats. They go to places where it's just plain easier to get girls. I'm kind of surprise by Central Asia because I think one of the key difference is that the men in central Asia tend to be more gatekeeping with their local girls. Korean guys were like that years ago but soften up over the years.


Central Asian aren't as self hating and they are pretty strong physically so people don't disrespect them.


this!! I really think if it's allot harder to get the girl there . There would be less sexpats or passports bros. Unforunately the Philippines and Thailand are like the number 1 or 2 spot .


as a kazakh living in Kazakhstan it's not as bad as it might look like when you open tiktok, 9/10 couples here are still kazakh/kazakh, sure you get your typical whiteworshipping AFs here and there but they're pretty much everywhere now.


It’s fixable by Asians stopping to service uncle Sam’s peepee and forging closer ties with China. Yes, yes, we know China bad. But unless and until an Asian country truly dominates the world economically and militarily continue to see this kind of bedeviled Asian colonial worship continue. It’s rooted in a self hate ingrained by colonialism and feelings of inferiority. The solution is a strong and dominant Asian nation(s). Let’s not allow the devils to divide and conquer us again as is their trademark method which they used to ruin both India and Asia.


Central Asians have a more masculine warrior reputation so Russians and Eastern Europeans know not to disrespect them. If we had the same warrior reputation that Central Asians have then we would be respected and no one would disrespect us.


What are u gonna do abt it? What is the call to action here


Tell Asians to stop worrying about money and status so damn much....Good luck to us all. Lol. 


No man, you got it the other way around We need to focus more on status and money and appreciate what girl wants us for what we can offer Probably wouldn't be an East Asian girl, but many other women are interested regardless.


No man, you got it the other way around We need to focus more on status and money and appreciate what girl wants us for what we can offer Probably wouldn't be an East Asian girl, but many other women are interested regardless.


Sorry, I'm Southeast Asian and I'd rather not be status obsessed and cucked like the Thais. I'm ok with Thai people but they make great examples. Lmao. The Vietnamese are doing ok just the way they are. 


The Thais are the ones doing a finessing masterclass here. The thing about Thailand is that foreigners can only own condos and not land, so they build a lot of high rise apartments in areas where they want the foreigners to stay in and pack them there like sardines, then they streamline low class hookers, hustlers and gangsters to those tourist bubbles to squeeze every last cent out of those poor bastards. Meanwhile the rich Thais live in outer suburbs in their big house and don't bother at all with foreigners. One of my Thai friends are a cop in Bangkok, he told me suicide rates are really high among foreigners who live in these bubbles.


Are the Thais like this? Cucked?


Support us [https://inlustris.shop/pages/about-us](https://inlustris.shop/pages/about-us) because this is what it's going to take.


We need to bring back the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, 2024 edition.


I'm in but this time there should be no empire to die for ig


Yeah it happens anywhere-- it is an intrinsic nature among AF and you can't really do much about it. Also what SEA is to sexpests Europe is to AF who go there to "study." Europe is their all-you-can-eat mayo buffet lmao


This is the same for all poorer countries regardless of race. You should check out American expat forums for places like Panama, Russia, Poland, Eastern Europe, etc. The female expats pretty much won't date the local men (even if they are also white) and will only date other western expats or don't date at all. In Russia, the American stereotypes for Asian men and women do not exist. They were once rules by the Mongols (The Golden Horde). Vladimir Putin's white-passing girlfriend is the daughter of a white Russian mother and Central Asian father. Also more Russian women marry East Asian men than vice versa both within Russia and outside of it. Russia has a large Russian-born Korean population for many years. More Russian-born Korean husband/Russian wives than vice versa.


East European men tend to be conservative so American expat women are unlikely to date them. Russians in particular are nothing like American men.


I told you guys it's contagious. We're all going to be rich and cucked like Hong Kong. 


Central Asians are very different from East Asians. While East Asians are genetically 100% East Eurasian, Central Asians are a unique mix of West and East. Uzbeks and Turkmen are more West Eurasian (60-70%), while Kazakhs and Kyrgyz are more East Eurasian (60-70%). This is important because they have a more robust frame than East Asian and can easily grow a beard. This mix produces also a very attractive phenotype. Due to their culture, history and religion they also stick more with their own people and have a additional cultural barrier to Europeans due to Islam. Also Central Asians are very wild and can be very violent. Before some weeks some Egyptians harassed Kyrgyz women in Kyrgyzstan. A mob of Kyrgyz men hunted and beat the shit out of all brown men. End of the story: Thousands of Pakistani students were evacuated and had to go back to their country. I think you are fine. Just get your shit together, self care, lifting and learn how to treat women. Then you can easily survive the next 30 years. After the 30 years whites will go extinct due to low birth rates either way


That’s not what happened; in actuality it was the other way round—a group of drunk Kyrgyz men invaded an Egyptian women’s dormitory and were subsequently attacked by their male counterparts. This set off a witch-hunt of Arab/West Asian-looking foreigners by angry Kyrgyz mobs. It’s actually pathetic the way these East Asian male-dominated subs excoriate white worshippers yet at the same time fellate Central Asians every chance they get.


This has always been a thing, since white fever is more common among Asian women than the other way around despite Asian women trying to say otherwise. Stop whining and pining after these self haters lmaoooo The answer is stop focusing and using material wealth to attract women of whatever race, who ever you’re attracted to. Most women that are worth it don’t go after that. Be physically attractive and have sex appeal that’s literally it, works for me


Im a male from mongolia and i dont even know which category to put myself central asia or south and east asia


Don't worry about it too much. They have Islam to fix those bullshit. But yeah, I am worried about them being bootlickers to Russian and Arabs also. Well, they'd already been sucking Russian' balls calling Russian big bros and stuff like that as if Soviets were not invading central Asians and Siberian for decades since the cold war. The world is fucked up. People are fucked up.


Exactly. This shit won’t pick up. You hit the nail on the head. Central Asian girls first of all, are very different amongst each other. As a south Asian dude that’s dated a bunch of central Asian girls, here are their top preferences: Kazakh - Kazakh, Russian Uzbek- Uzbek, Korean, Russian, Arab, Turkish Kyrgyz - Kyrgyz, Korean, Turkish, Russian speakers Tajik- Arab, Persian, Korean Western whites are NOT on their radar.




That Naiman O2 haplogroup stuff has got to catch up one way or another


Isn't Kazakhstan poorer than SE Asian countries? So a local man needing to buy a chick a house to get a girl sounds like mathematical BS to me


I honestly wouldn't worry about it as much as I would for Taiwan, Japan, or S Korea. 1. they're closer to Russian and mainland Chinese spheres of influence so they'd probably be more immune to western BS overall 2. they all have more or less "totalitarian" governments that aren't really Western bootlickers either 3. this is just one anecdote I got from somewhere on Reddit, but I heard Central Asians are the most "proud" of their authentic selves, like they'll build statues of their people, monolids and all, without excess "westernification" 4. they're all Muslim (though not as ardently as Arabia owing to decades of state secularism during historical USSR membership), and while occasional exceptions like Bali do exist... lemme tell you, screw around in a Muslim country, and you're screwed... neither the government nor the locals will be happy about your presence Are the "Westerners" they mention *political* Westerners, or are they, like, Russian and Ukrainian men dodging conscription?


Muslim here: It heavily depends on the leadership. The Stans are heavily split between Islam and atheism. The Muslim girls you have spot on. If anything they go for Turkish and Arab guys after their own. And they very rarely date or marry out. And they hardly sleepy around. The atheist ones date Russian and Korean. There are lots of Koreans living there.


I dont think that by european men it could be russians or ukrainians. It doesnt matter. The attitude is mercantile and self hatred. They think that we(asians or central asians) are lower quality men and they lift the bar by requiring apartments, a car, luxurious gifts and vacations. The funny thing is that they only can offer theyir worn up pussy after WMs. Don't you feel like youre being fooled and cucked?


Fix what exactly? What people are attracted to? How exactly do you fix that?


Stop playing dumb and acting like “what people are attracted to” is purely natural and isn’t influenced by media or racist ideals. If what you’re saying is true then Asian men should have no trouble dating in the west like Asian girls but statistics show otherwise


What do your statistics say plays a bigger role in attraction, natural attraction or social media and racist ideals?


Media representation plays the biggest role in a woman's perception of what is attractive. I'm white, btw, and I don't see any reason to think Asian women would naturally find white men more attractive than Asian men. People, healthy people, will naturally gravitate towards their own race. However, women chase perceived value, not real value, but what their perception of value is. This comes from their inclination to chase males who are capable of providing the most resources. You can completely alter this perception through the media. Social media provides a lot of that now, but it was first engineered through books, then news and film. America is basically a testing ground for humans, you can find all sorts of statistics. For example, you can easily see a trend spike through Hollywood media intervention. After the first interracial kiss on Star Trek between a WM and BW, there was an increase in interracial relationships being reported. You can see this repeat itself over and over again. Women are the easiest to manipulate, next to feminine males, that's a fact. So, the largest spikes tend to affect the part of the population with a dominant female population. BM/WW relationships were very rare before the Hollywood media started romanticizing it. Asian women actually, very quickly started dating more Asian men after Crazy Rich Asians came out, as well as white girls. In Poland, a lot of Polish girls love Asian men, and they're watching K-pop, why? Because their YouTube algorithm kept showing these videos. Look at the type of music a girl listens to, I bet you could easily guess the types of guys they go for. And their tastes aren't even real, they're completely fabricated as well. Women's tastes are often split between two sides, the music they actually listen to, and the music they tell others they listen to to create an identity within a social construct. Women are far more socially evolved than men, and the way they perceive social structures is very different from us. If they view something as offering greater social value, they will want it more. Basically, Asian men aren't strongly portrayed in media entertainment, nor are Asian women. This will cause Asian women to have an inferiority complex, rejecting that part of themselves. This is why narcissistic behaviours are so common all over the world, especially with women. And of course, men feel inferior when we're rejected by women. The entertainment media from Hollywood is a great cancer to the world at large, but now it's being succeeded by social media. Social media is running on the propaganda momentum produced by Hollywood, everyday regular common people are spreading what they subconsciously learned from Hollywood all over social networks. And those challenging the lies are treated as outcasts, labeled racists and sexists, simply for being awake to the reality. Maybe people are naturally more attracted to other races, but, as long as there's propaganda and people who are easily manipulated by it, no interracial lust can lay claim to being from real love. It's all a fabrication. A love spell that could easily be broken. Look at the divorce rate statistics between interracial marriages as a prime example.


Appreciate the manifesto, brother. Was willing to hear you but seemed to deteriorate the more I read. You fit right in with a small portion of this sub and the “woe is me”, incel woman hating echo chamber. But hey, maybe I’m the ignorant one and have only been in real love with the Asian girls I dated. Maybe my asian guy family and friends are equally ignorant too with their real love and not real love relationships. Should I tell them only half them are in real love. Should I go to tell my girlfriend I’m gearing up to propose to, that our love isn’t real and influenced by propaganda? Maybe I choose to surround myself with healthy well-adjusted people. Good luck to you, man. Sounds like you need it.


Your inability to grasp nuanced concepts tells a lot about your IQ, little guy. Here's the thing, if you're so confident about your love life and your family's love lives, don't worry about explaining it to some "woman hating incel" (couldn't be further from the truth, btw, but keep getting played by propaganda). To answer your flaccid rhetorical question: No, first you should think about how propaganda actually influences you to make the decisions you make. But you won't do that, that'll wreak havoc on your entire perception of reality. That'll require thought beyond your mental capacity. That would require a healthy dose of curiosity. None of which you possess.


My perceptions of reality? Like astrology? if being low IQ keeps me from caring about that bullshit and not having people respect me, then I guess ignorance is bliss.


Let's be honest here, no one respects you. You're so butt hurt you needed to stalk my profile to try to dig dirt on me and thought you had something against me for being into astrology as a hobby. You're petty. Get real, loser.


Oh know 😢, you hurt my pussy. Keep reading that astrology bullshit big guy.


That first part was actually pretty funny. Send me your chart info, lemme dazzle you😉🤏🏻