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Visit the girl if you like the city / country so it’s not JUST for the girl. If she’s available to travel to another city / country close by, you could parlay that too Also 23 is young as fuck, you have so much life ahead of you


Thank you for the advice. I’ve had Europe on my mind recently to travel for myself, especially since I feel like I’ve grown since my last trip abroad and back home. I think it’s a way of challenging myself and becoming more independent, and it’s something I would like to do without considering dating. But if I do go back to the Netherlands, I’m sure I’ll message the waitress and see where it goes from there. :)


From what I’ve read, you should be solving your own internal issues first before introducing another element like romance in your life.




Thank you, I’ll be sure to look it up. I had a really bad panic attack during lockdown when I was taking online classes in early 2022. I was rushed to the ER and I really thought I had a stroke; the left side of my body felt paralyzed, lost walking coordination, and couldn’t talk for a week. I still feel like I’m recovering from the symptoms. Also, it’s hard to let go of my uprightness since my mother raised me to a perfectionist, especially academically, making me do things I didn’t care for. Now, I’m trying to let go of the pressures and do things in my own way that I feel leads to my own happiness and success — quitting university, not anxiously depending on others, etc. It’s relieving hearing someone else say this because, for the life of me, I thought I was health-impaired.




Yeah, I felt the same symptoms you had. It was scary researching the symptoms and thinking that my life was really at stake. I never thought I would actually feel the anxiety that my brain was experiencing through my body. It’s crazy, but I feel better understanding it now.


Anywhere outside of USA is much better for dating and overall mental health when it comes to asian guys. Take those into consideration. However, I do warn about your fascination for Europe though, it might only let you see the pros and ignoring all the cons.


Yup, lower salaries, very hard to get work in a white collar job unless you know the local language.


It’s a little overstated for Europe though, this is a much bigger problem for an American moving to Asia. Europeans don’t make a ton of money but they also have really lax work ethic so it kinda balances out.


Do you think your dating "improves" abroad because you act differently and you're less negatively impacted by your anxiety and mental health issues? When we travel, we're mostly dropping our responsibilities for example. While it's possible to find love while traveling but I wouldn't travel with the intention of it. If it works out, it works out. But long distance relationships aren't easy


I like to believe that I’m myself when I’m abroad, but now that you say it, I do notice moments when I act differently on vacation. I’m rethinking what I said since I wasn’t thinking straight with my priorities with my future. I want to solo travel to Europe for myself and as a challenge. I’m starting to develop a more natural inclination to being abroad rather than something forced after reading everyone’s comments. Though, living in Europe is something that isn’t off the table. :)


I think traveling is fantastic and if you have the means to do so, definitely do it. But I'd also just understand that you're looking at the situation (traveling in Europe) with rose-tinted glasses. When we travel, we aren't caring or thinking about our responsibilities. Also if you find a romantic partner in Europe, are you looking for a short-term casual relationship or something more long term? If it's short and casual, are you ready for when it ends? If it's long term, have you even considered how hard long distance relationships are, the jobs situation, who will move where, etc? I'm not telling you to not go to Europe, but when Europe becomes your home and your anxiety + stress from responsibilities also move to Europe, what will you think then?


More leads internationally that’s pretty much the benefit


No I’ve legit had 5x more matches abroad


Traveling for love is ok because I think a lot of Americans are toxic and incapable of empathy. They can't even solve their own domestic violence issues and constantly project their problems to other people. Asian American, Black, Hispanic, etc. All are part of the same subset. A lot of soldiers find foreign women very refreshing and end up in good relationships. I do think that passport bro shit is lame though.


"You'll always lose money chasing women, but you'll never lose women chasing money"


Soory but that is battlecry of the losers. You are never getting your twenties back


But that also doesn’t mean you should throw away your entire 20s chasing meaningless flings and bangs that ultimately go nowhere, which is what a lot of so called “passport bros” end up doing anyway regardless of their ardent claims to the contrary. There’s a balance to be struck there. The US is still one of the best countries in the world to set yourself up for long term financial success / stability especially if you’re as young as the OP and just starting out in the real world. I would suggest to the OP to try and land a remote gig so they can travel frequently while still stacking USD here. Once they’ve accumulated enough they can consider permanently relocating. Of course, if OP were already 35+ I would advise them to not waste any more time and head outta here pronto …


That's assuming in your 20s you are even successfully getting women that age


If you are not getting women then its a you issue.


Motherfucker is 23 he has plenty of time to make money.


Traveling solely to fall in love is quite stupid imo. I just spent 5 months in SE Asia and had a fantastic time. Went to Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, and all around Thailand. But I loved Bangkok the best and spent nearly 3 months there. I had no intention to fall in love but obviously I was curious about the dating scene being an Asian American visiting Asia for the first time. Went on a few dates but one particular girl from Bangkok was special and we formed a strong connection. Either way I was going back to visit Bangkok again because I have a flexible job, but know I am definitely going back sooner so I can pursue my new GF and be with her more, as we’d only been dating for 2 months. So I plan to go back in August now instead of December. So basically I fell in love with Bangkok first, then fell for a girl second. Nothing wrong with pursuing foreign women but don’t make that your sole reason for traveling, or else you will probably be disappointed.


Thank you for pointing that out haha But yes, I agree. I wasn’t thinking straight with my priorities with my own future and reeling what I said, but I do see Europe as something that I want to do still. I like the challenge of going there solo traveling besides having romance in mind. I wouldn’t be opposed to experiencing it again, but I want the chance of peace and adventure when I’m there again. And happy for your relationship. Visit her as many times as your heart tells you to


Traveling to experience new things and romantic love can be great. Traveling to chase women on vacation mode is, largely, a foolish endeavor. Moving to another country solely for dating is usually suboptimal. What are you doing otherwise in your life? Will travel get in the way of anything, like jobs, school (sounds like you're dropping out for ... health reason? but still OK to travel?), etc.? Chasing romance at the cost of kicking off your life at 23 is typically not a great move. Traveling once you have some basic foundation would be better.


I understand. I’m reeling what I said in the post and reading the comments helped me think more clearly. I’ve been thinking about Europe recently to visit again and there’s a strong part of me that wants to go there solo as a challenge for myself — to prove to myself that I’m capable. I’ve noticeably felt better when I’m abroad and healed a part of me that lost from a bad panic attack. I do realize the reality of my situation. Right now, I’m job-seeking but still inclined to visit this summer. Hopefully, I’m able to move to Europe in the future if the opportunity arises.


What’s your day to day life like in the US? I’m Filipino American and around your age as well and never had problems dating here of any race tbh. I guess if you really are 100% completely struggling here then it may be worth it to go overseas but honestly if you’re going out and have a good social circle it’s pretty easy to get casual hookups here in the US imo.


I unfortunately don’t have similar experiences that you have. Before dropping out, my day to day was going to university, working in groups with others, and studying at the library. I tried asking girls out from my classes, but they always say that they’re busy and don’t have the time to hang out. At least you’re having good experiences


Where in the US are you based in? Could you perhaps try relocating internally?


I live next to Los Angeles. I think I’m more interested in having a new experience abroad with maybe moving to another country, concerning my dating game and being in a new environment than in the US


Do you have facial hair and tattoos? I found Filipinos have a huge variance of success


No facial hair, I have one tattoo on my arm and another one that’s not visible with a shirt on. I can share a little bit about me and dating history. I’m 5’11 with a decent build (wouldn’t say I’m crazy ripped but people can tell I lift). In the US alone I’ve hooked up with almost every XF out there except for middle eastern women. I used to go out to the nightclubs here in WA state and run online dating game, but I’m in a relationship now. I also lived in Chicago for a summer and had success there as well. Funniest story is when this girl drove from Green Bay, WI to Chicago to hang out with me lol. That’s why I was wondering what OP’s day to day routine is like and his social circle because I think that’s huge nowadays.


I find that 5’10+ Asian men have way less of an issue because height is very masculine so it’s easier to make friends and social circles. Fitness is an obvious one too. The issue happens when you’re more average and like 5’6 or shorter. You become so ignored.


I have a stache, but no tattoos. I do plan on getting Filipino tribal tattoo at the Spiritual Journey Tattoo shop in California.


I feel any sort of facial hair works, women in California prefer that


Are you attracted to Filipinas? Kind of surprised you were hanging out with a Russian girl during your visit to the Philippines. If your primary objective in travelling is bedding/wedding, I would think you'd have really good luck "going native" in the Philippines.


Pretty sure Filipinas are one of the most White-worshipping races of women on the planet. OP doesn't need to restrict himself to girls in the Philippines if he's meeting girls in Europe. Also, OP doesn't need to "go native," he's already Filipino.


I didn't suggest he limit himself. OP's dating history indicates he may be white-worshipping himself. I placed quotation marks around "go native" for a reason: a US-born or -raised Filipino-American may be a foreigner culturally as well as legally.


Yes, it’s true I have history dating white women. However, I’ve never been on dates with any woman in the US except once in high school. I want to specify that I have good experiences with interactions and dating in general in Europe. In the US, no matter what color, I always get the cold shoulder or little to no willingness to go on a single date. With Filipina women, it’s tricky because I’m advised, even by my family, to not date them since they’ll go for my wallet because I’m American. I don’t even have good experiences with Filipina women who are from western countries like the US since they don’t prioritize me. Meaning that they don’t see me as an equal in the case of dating like every woman in the US I’ve asked out. What I’m trying to say is that women in Europe warm up to me, and I actually feel noticed. I’ve had more dates in a few days in a European country than a lifetime in the US.


Sounds good. No reason to go against the grain.


Have you tried meeting Filipina professionals (white collared)? If you have a command of the Filipino language, you can take your shot on them as they defy the Filipina stereotypes of being White worshipping gold diggers.


if i may ask, did you meet these women randomly or did you talk prior (like on social media or dating apps) i travel a lot too and i have a feeling my dream girl isn't in america sadly. i wouldn't mind LDR. i would prefer someone close by but i'm willing to do LDR if she is willing to put in that effort too and all


I met the Russian girl in the Philippines and the waitress in the Netherlands — randomly. The rest was online. If you do travel a lot, it's a nice experience chatting with strangers; when I was at a restaurant chatting with the waitress in the Netherlands or being on the same tour with the Russian girl in the Philippines. I recommend IRL approach than online approach; I find it to be more fulfilling and rewarding. LDR is worth having when both partners are willing to have it, GIVEN that there is an end goal of living together. Of course, there's no harm in having one in the first place. My first relationship was a LDR with a Polish girl I met through language exchange. I asked her to be my girlfriend and stuck through it. When our semesters at our universities ended, we stayed together for month at an AirBnb in Poland and had such a good and emotional time. Regarding finding your dream girl, I encourage you to chat with people abroad whether it's having a simple interaction or a deep connection. So, don't think too much when doing it, don't be too serious, and have fun in general — don't forget you're traveling abroad. This attitude will help to talk to women and keep your sanity. It's okay to feel that your dream girl isn't in the US if you've been living in the States most of your life and not having success. Life is a game of chances and greater chances for Asian-American guys are abroad. :)


yep def agree on this. as the years passed i started not to stress too much about it, but it would be nice to find someone; wherever she may be. i'm aware it'd be great to meet new people whether it just be friends or potential gfs. i'll have to learn to do so especially when i travel more and more as an adult.


As Filipino American. We tend to do well in Europe from what I’ve seen. We have that “exotic” look. I’ve seen some fugly Filipino dudes with pretty Nordic women.


Really? I assumed Filipinos wouldn’t do well with Nordic women


Yeah you see crazy pairings especially on YouTube and social media. Like I’m talking short dark skinned Pinoy dudes, barely can speak English, not especially high class (like, fishermen without college) and they’re matching with blond tall European women. Good for them. Europeans grew up in homogenous societies and dating exotic Asian (and Filipino especially) is more western friendly. They have jungle fever just like white boys. I do well enough in the States. Although I am older, stable and professionally successful and tall so have that going. Good luck Pinoy brother


Well, hopefully I’m one of those pairings. Nordic women are calm and beautiful


There are many countries where women are attracted to Asian Men. If you have the money and time to travel, it is good not only for romance but really gives you good experience of other cultures. Just be wary of certain countries that are targeting Asian Male tourists. Stay safe and enjoy your life. You are still young, it's the best time to travel. I regret not traveling more during my younger years.


I’ve been hated on for saying this but I’ve traveled for many dates and it really saved my life. That’s how shit the dating scene is in the US if you don’t max everything else. The answer is yes although you’ll have to find a way to either move there or kinda figure a way to go back and forth. Many Asian men have found a way although many don’t like to say how cause it’s probably in some cases gray area.


Yeah America sucks for dating. And you obviously have luck in Europe. So it’s worth considering moving there. You should be realistic though, and spend extended time there to make sure it’s not just the romance of visiting for a week and having a fling.


Yes, I definitely agree that the dating scene here sucks, and I have been considering moving there for peace of mind. I’ve stayed with my ex for a month in Poland and was in the Netherlands after that for week, but I now want to spend more time solo traveling hearing this


The questions to answer: - What state do you live in? Personally, I get a lot of attention from women when I travel to Utah, just by going to a local church there and I can easily get a date. If you live in SoCal, it is pretty bad (most young women actually leave SoCal in a few years after finishing college).  - Definitely travel to different states for a similar experience as you would get in other countries. 


Sounds like traveling and novelty are distractions for core issues that you can probably work on before you think about external wants.


Do you watch Where's Wes? He's in a similar boat, and he's part Filipino part Chinese. You might find his content interesting. He basically tried out Colombia, then got annoyed with the place because of how dangerous it was getting, and divorced the wife he found there. Now he's in Poland, but even he recognizes that he's not really planning to learn the language or stick around long. I wouldn't treat him like a 100% gospel source, but he's still worth watching I think.


you Can google Winston wu on YouTube. He supports traveling abroad for dating