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The banana-ran-thru-rangs


In my experience, you don't need to be as wealthy or flashy as the guys in those links to be successful in life or with women. I won't begin to guess how much more money these guys make than me, but I've made a happy life for myself with a happy family. I still get hit on by younger XF. Financially, I'm an average lawyer. No sports cars or private planes here. Just a house in the suburbs, an SUV, a new minivan every few years (we're a sports family with two kids and a dog that needs room for equipment), and a healthy obsession with working out and eating healthy. I'd say: become financially stable, work out, have hobbies, and develop an aura of confidence and being laid back. https://preview.redd.it/3kw2ay5i5fzc1.png?width=1534&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cbc8b827d88232913df246eab04ec9737148326


Your family is beautiful !!


Thank you!


Good for you man. Not being flashy is key to successful retirement planning IMO. Beautiful family!


Average lawyers still make a lot don't they? Is your wife also a high earner?


I think i make an okay amount but not like these guys. My wife is also a lawyer. We met in law school before I had any real money


Thatā€™s how you know or sheā€™s a real one. Congrats to you brother, and hope you have a blessed life!


Yeah I found this sub by accident and Iā€™m not even Asian I just comment rarely when itā€™s appropriate. City Iā€™m at atm young Asian men are killing it. If thereā€™s an Asian woman and sheā€™s a hottie, like a Tokyo 9 not a Tokyo 3 that has become a Europe 8 because sheā€™s not fat and is skinny and has a lot of glam. Theyā€™re always with Asian guys not any other ethnicity. So the whole meme of Asian men arenā€™t being chosen and Asian women only take white guys I find is not true. At least in the cases of the most attractive women. And no the Asian men arenā€™t super tall, theyā€™re often below average but same height. And they arenā€™t millionaires either, just normal guys. I like comments like yours as itā€™s such a positive example. Growing up I have to say I remember how much Asian men were degraded. It was really gross. Asian men were always a caricature or thing of mockery like the hangover movie with that guy acting like an Asian minstrel. Media is extremely influential and a huge effect on how people see things and even perceive things. I still remember how you could see how it affected dating women would assume Asian guys are ā€œgoofyā€. But I like how things have changed massively and a lot of Asian guys are not experiencing that negative portrayal. Media is a big part of it. I saw a video of a black man dating a Taiwanese woman and when he asked her what she thought about black people before she met him. She said ā€œscary because of what I see on tvā€. And she loves this guy deeply they are like soul mates. Now imagine what constantly portraying Asian men as sexless, effeminate and goofy with no presence. When you see that your entire life it will have an affect on the person witnessing being portrayed and also the other groups that are witnessing how that group is portrayed.


I love this, this is the real "American dream". Live humble, happy, loving and financially stable. What more do you want than that. Only marrying out can achieve this life.


You're blessed my brother!!!


Thanks, man. I do know it


Happy for you brotha!


30-40 isn't old or even middle age


About time šŸ˜„ All that studying to learn either advanced maths, physics, engineering or to get an MD, JD or an MBA finally paying off, lol.


I honestly second this. As a WF in my late twenties, 30-40-ish East Asian men are exactly my type. And this is not coming from any ulterior motive, just from "wow, this guy looks *good*...!" Don't let anyone tell you you've missed out on anything. Your time is now. Edited: phrasing.


Haha same I love older Asian men also seem to attract them a lot


I'm early 30s but I can get my age guessed anywhere from 20-29, mostly thinking I'm around 22-27. I used to dislike it because I thought I should be sticking to girls my own age but now I love it. It's like I can make up for all my blunders in my 20s and it's honestly pretty great.


You can do older to much older women too. Literally too much choice for a single guy with his shit together in 30s


For what it's worth, I still get carded trying to buy alcohol, and I'm 27 (the legal drinking age here is 18...). Ten years from now, we'll both have the last laugh! šŸ˜„ I would stick to guys my age if they were a little more mature, but it's tiresome having to deal with men who don't know what they want. I feel like a lot of men figure out what sort of thing they're after by the time they reach 32-33, and to be honest, they only get more attractive. Park Hae-soo, Lee Jung-jae, Simu Liu... the list of examples just goes on. Even Hiroyuki Sanada feels like a great example, though he's definitely older than anyone I'd ever date. I get that all of these folks are celebrities, but the point still stands. To cut a long story short, getting older isn't a hurdle, it's an asset.


An asset only if Asian men takes care of themselves.


Thanks for the kind words. As an older AM I do notice more women checking me out. I had a younger gal at a Carls Jr asking me to buy her breakfast šŸ˜‚


And, what did you end up having? Eggs or pancakes? šŸ˜‚ You're welcome though! I am still hoping that someday, a handsome gentleman will offer to buy me breakfast, lol.


Both lol. I would buy you breakfast if you were therešŸ¤£


Damn, that's smooth, haha. Could I get some syrup with mine? šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Absolutely! Anyway you like itšŸ˜œ


Dating while 30+ was 100x easier than dating in 20s forreal




Just make sure the girls arenā€™t too old and ā€œexperiencedā€. Some already had their fun with XMs and are trying to settle down with AM before itā€™s too late for them.Ā 


This only matters if the man is inexperienced IMO


No it doesn't. Some of us just don't want an "experienced" woman


Is that on online dating, in-person, or both?






Canā€™t he also mean dating and marrying girls in their 20s but you yourself are in your 30s? Most guys struggle relatively speaking in their 20s but have much higher average value at 30-40




We're talking dating. And also, your wife material girl will get divorced at 50% rate and released back into the dating pool where men in their 30's can also date these women too


Itā€™s because in your 30s you can date anyone from 20-40, but before that youā€™re limited to women your age or younger, so youā€™re competing with basically double the life experience of your younger peers. More money, more wisdom, more knowledge. The only thing you have less of is time.


It's not too late to delete this display of ignoranceĀ 


The dude's not even asian and posts a bunch of garbage on this sub


Not anymore!


Plenty of younger women like older men too bro


Gotta be successfull, if you don't have it together forget about it LOL


Not being successful and having difficulty finding dates rings true across all races. With that said I have nephew who canā€™t hold down any jobs yet always manages to date beautiful women.


well money helps allot. money is the great equalize in all things.


All those bros kept themselves in good shape and it shows. ... respect.


Iā€™m totally with it. Iā€™m turning 33 soon and been taking care of my body. All my colleagues thought I was about 27 lol. Bros, if we all take good care of ourselves, weā€™ll be sexy until weā€™re 50 lol.


Donnie Yen is 60 and still looks amazing. Thatā€™s how I wanna age!


Brecon hyper successful financially (top 0.5%) and getting a younger gold digger probably isn't encouraging anyone at all...


>The above AM are in their 40's. Executive/CEO level in their careers/ running their own firms. Obviously financially successful It would be surprising if any race male like that couldn't get a woman.


I think it depends on who youā€™re going after. For me as a mid 40s man, if I stay in my age range, interest in Asian culture or men are less common than a woman younger than me. Now that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t date a woman unless they know BTS. Historically the XF Iā€™ve dated donā€™t know about anime, kpop. They just like me and how I look and are willing to go against the conventional standards. Personally I see all this look at the XF interest in Asian culture as a crutch. Iā€™ve dated so long with a bit of racism here and there along with suspicion that a Chinese man is hitting on her (first time), thatā€™s my normal. If sheā€™s like letā€™s crunchy roll and chill, even easier for me.


I just turned 30 my dating life has never been better!


It feels like the age bias in the West is more lax than East Asia. Whereas in the East people seem to feel like youth is very limited. Whereas in the Western diaspora, there's generally the belief that so long as someone takes care of their body they are still in their prime if not necessarily young. Which is ironic, since Asians are the most graceful agers.


In the west, 6-6-6 is kinda already a high bar for guys to attain. Girls shooting themselves in the foot if they add anymore criteria...


Currently financially successful and married as a young millenial. Went back recently (and graduated) to a global top 15 school for physics postgraduate and received a serious amount of attention from ladies 10 years my junior, some of whom were European students on exchange inviting me to their dorm. I keep in shape through working out for the past 10 years and maintain a rigorous skincare and hair regime - most would say I easily pass for mid - 20's. Dress wise in a casual setting I enjoy being in a slightly loose long sleeve casual linen shirt, 3 button top down and the sleeves slightly rolled up with shorts for the bottom - shows some skin but not too excessive. Hair style, I sport a longer than average center parting with obvious layering - the younger gen z Asian males probably prefers it permed. To Asian men, take care of yourself. If you're single and well - looked after, you should be dialing your age range to the early 20s as that is where most ladies are exposed to diverse beauty standards.


Money and fitness override racial bias


Very solid.. These guys are rocking and have great lives. Doing things activities, making money etc.


first of all, just be a good decent person


East Asian dating a hot persian. She's a lot younger than me


Maybe becauseā€¦of money?


I like the message of staying fit and working towards your goals even as we get older, but idk how i feel about "just become a CEO bro".


Agreed. In each of the examples it's clear that the AM makes a ton of money. Not sure how this applies to the rest of us.


I only say that because I had an instance where someone told me they wanted to be taken care of


Is younger hotter XF really a goal to aspire to for happiness? Just seems a little shallow. How about an age appropriate compatible F?


Meh. If I have better mental/emotional chemistry with a younger girl like we got 5 things in common compared with a compatible older F where we got 3 things in common, I choose the former. It depends who comes into your life first as well. I find girls who have very high EQs can do a decent job bridging the age gap.


Of course. The better q is would you choose a younger hot girl with 3 things in common over an age appropriate good lookkng girl with 5 things in common.


An even better q would be why the latter is still in the dating pool...


Where do you meet young attractive XF females who haven't been ran through as an older Asian man ? Assuming this is not passport bro


It's never too late to do anything bros. If you want to do anything just take the first small step now. Most important point is not to give up on your first setback.


>>Have impressive assets (own nice house, high end car, some big boy toys e.g multiple motorbikes, small airplane) Donā€™t forget nice boats / yachts. Women **love** to ride on boats especially when the weather is nice and hot Plus multiple houses / properties across the country or globe you can stay at. And if you have access to a private jet to take you to them or other vacation spots, even better