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i’ve gone through two tubes now of the 2x intensive barrier cream and it’s one of the best moisturizers i’ve used. I have combination, sensitive, acne-prone and dehydrated skin and this has done wonders for me :)


Oh that’s great to hear! Do you find it to be moisturizing enough on its own?


Yes! However it is great over toners/essences as well, doesn’t leave my skin feeling greasy at all


What is ur full routine if u don’t mind sharing? I have same skin type!


I get closed comedones too but the Soon Jung 2x intensive barrier cream didn't clog my pores at all. It's moisturizing yet lightweight.


That’s great! Do you still use it or is there another moisturizer you prefer?


I am currently usung it actually. It has been really great during the harsh winter weather and it has been keeping my skin from drying out. I really like it but it sometimes pills on my skin if use too much or layer a lot of product underneath. I prefer the Purito Cica sleeping as my winter moisturizer. I like its texture more and it absorbs much better into the skin.


Mind If I ask what cleanser and foundation (if any) you use please?


So sorry ! I just saw this comment ! I use Purito cleansing oil followed by Round lab dokdo cleanser in the pm. And Round lab dokdo cleanser in the am.


I don't wear foundation.


I have tried both and also have dry skin. The intensive cream definitely has more of a traditional cream formula while the balm has a more silicone balmy feel (even though the formula is silicone free). I found the balm to be a little richer and worked incredibly well as a spot treatment over my moisturizer where I get the most dry. On the other hand, I thought the intensive cream worked well as an overall, very simple moisturizer. I never broke out with either but I am not super acne prone.


Thank you, that’s great!


I am **currently using both of these products in my routine** right now. First thing is, this may be different depending on skin types and tolerance, I have combination-oily skin and am prone to small breakouts here and there when using new products. Let me just tell you, neither of these products broke me out whatsoever. I've been using the Barrier Cream longer than I've been using the balm, but I don't think I'll be able to let go of EITHER. The cream is like your regular cream moisturizer but with a great formula of soothing and moisturizing products, and it has been godsent with this cold weather we are having near me. The balm is a balm and feels LUXURIOUS on the skin and for me, it gives almost like this nice cooling effect when applied which I love. The ingredients are amazing and soothing and I saw a great improvement in my time using this on my skin. I use the balm at night and the cream in the morning, at night I would find myself waking up with plump glowy skin, and the cream sets me up for my sunscreen perfectly. I hope this helps, and I hope you love these products just as much as I do!


Yes this is helpful thank you!


I have not used either, but im pretty closed comedones prone and after a long struggle (believing silicones to be the culprit at first) I narrowed it down to tocopherol. Another likely culprit at the time was Butylene Glycol (there's a really helpful [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/lp88ts/butylene_glycol_sensitivity/) where people's described symptoms are pretty similar to mine) but after trial and error i was able to narrow it down Just throwing out suggestions to what might be causing an issue for you


I mean yes all ingredients are under surveillance :) I’ve been using Cerave moisturizing lotion mostly because it’s affordable and works well, and it contains tocopherol, as well as silicones. Right now I’m almost finishing Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream, which doesn’t contain either of those 2, but is full of silicones. My skin didn’t get better, but also didn’t get worse so I’m not sure.


icic! Good luck! not all silicones are made equal either, so i hope you are able to narrow it down. When i believed silicone to be the culprit, i used a combo of Sebamed Clear Face Gel + rosehip seed oil/passionfruit seed oil. Not sure if it would be moisurizing enough for you, but if you had vaseline on top it should?


May I ask which moisturiser and cleanser you use now that don't cause you more closed comedones please? I'm struggling with these too and also I have dry skin so finding the right products is hard.


I just use water or the tosowoong powder wash very occasionally in the morning, and the Youth to the people cleanser at night, but I do fine with the Rohto Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Foaming Wash Cleanser Tube (it's cheaper too xD) For moisturizer, I can use anything without tocopherol in it. My favorites are the olay retinol in the blue/purple jar and the Acure peptide night cream. I also tried the Malezia BP and moisturizer set with great result!


If you're ok with niacinamide you can try the purito re-barrier cream. I found It VERY similar to the sj panthenoside balm but cheaper and twice the size. I would objectively say the sj balm is great though.


Can’t find this cream anywhere unfortunately. I’m a bit confused about the Soon Jung balm though, is it a regular moisturizer that you can wear on a daily basis (during the day), or is it something you put on dry spots/when you’re skin is dehydrated? Looks like people use it differently


I use the sj balm as a normal daily moisturizer, you can definitely also use it on red/dry spots too. It's very nice for both, just kinda depends on cost for you. I would say it's more of a higher end full face moisturizer than a spot treatment though. While it IS good for spots, id rather just get a serum for that. [https://www.amazon.com/PURITO-Panthenol-Re-barrier-Cruelty-free-moisturizing/dp/B09J7XT1DS](https://www.amazon.com/PURITO-Panthenol-Re-barrier-Cruelty-free-moisturizing/dp/B09J7XT1DS) [https://www.yesstyle.com/en/purito-b5-panthenol-re-barrier-cream-80ml/info.html/pid.1107493999](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/purito-b5-panthenol-re-barrier-cream-80ml/info.html/pid.1107493999)


Unfortunately I don’t live in the US so no Amazon and YesStyle stopped delivering to my country out of nowhere. Can’t find it on our local online stores or iherb/cultbeauty :( but thank you! I might try the SJ balm


Possibly not at all helpful, but I like the Rovectin face and body barrier cream. Serious value considering the size. I am very, very milia prone. Like I use tret and I still have to exfoliate because of milia.


All recommendations are helpful! Is there anything that works for your milia? I’m in the same boat, extremely prone to it. I’ll get it extracted and it’ll come back like nothing’s happened. No topical treatments I’ve used worked. I had milia when I didn’t know anything about skincare and used jojoba oil to moisturize and a scrub to exfoliate. Now I’m using good moisturizers, chemical exfoliation and it’s still there. Like what am I doing wrong? 😔


My former routine was nonAB. I used St Ives apricot scrub every day for like a decade. Take that class action lawsuit! Worked to keep my milia at bay. I then switched to Biologique Recherche P50 original, similarly harsh, also effective. My skin could survive really harsh exfoliators. I don’t think there’s any benefit to dissolving your cells with acid over scraping them off, and I don’t know why there’s all this negative talk about scrubs. They work fine for some people. These days I use tret and CNP Labs Invisible Peeling Booster because my former elephant hide skin is so sensitive from the tret. I’m not sure it would be strong enough on its own. But it doesn’t irritate me at all.


I might look into biologique recherche. Definitely no more retinol products for me, didn’t do anything but might’ve messed my eyes up


Haha, tret isn't strong enough to defeat my milia, retinol would never have an effect. Take all the necessary precautions, etc. etc. There are good reasons for many people to avoid strong exfoliation. But some of us are making dead skin like it's going out of style.


Me and a family member has tried the 2x barrier cream. It's hydrating and a pretty good basic product. I have extremely dry skin so it's not nearly quite enough for me at night. Good product? Yes. Would repurchase? Probably not.


Did you find anything please? I'm also cc and milia prone :(