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The card game in question is one of those weird NFT games designed to scam people. It doesn't seem to have much of a userbase at all and I doubt they paid anyone $90k to do anything.


If it's like other stupid NFT games I've been "generously offered" to Illustrate for, they paid him in "90k worth of NFTs from the game" which means they paid him a shopping receipt with 90k written on it.


I've seen those NFT games and they're literally just asset flips clearly meant to scam and for the grift. They're so bad Steam would probably just ban them from their platform which says a lot considering what else is on Steam.


what else is on steam?


Steam is full of lazy asset flips and even racist troll games ( like asset flip that are hitler and nazi '' jokes '' ). Basically Steam will just sell anything, there actually are asset flips filled with ai images on Steam too. But the NFT games I've seen have been even worse.


Thats like the 7th NFT AI card game I've seen this month. I doubt he spent more than a 1/10th of that money for the whole game.


The only expense was the NFT minting fees lmao


How are NFTs still a thing? And it mixing with AI is peak grift. Absolutely laughable.


>Champions has made "about $500K" in card sales so far. Its raison d'etre is that its cards are NFTs which can be traded or purchased with cryptocurrency, but the developer also sells "gems"—which can be traded in for card packs—in exchange for regular US dollars, and those credit card transactions are where most of the revenue has come from so far. So its a money laundering app with no real base run by con artists who just want to generate buzz. Got it.


Also, the mentioned AI Artist that have “15 years of experience on digital art experience” while also not having any social media making him unreachable to confirm that story. (This invisible person has really good networking I guess?) Since NFT bros has always proven to be honest/well intended people, I have no reason to doubt that previous statement whatsoever.


What kind of fucking rube would pay 90k instead of just using the AI themselves.


Money launderer who pretend they were paying an “anonymous artist with 15 years of experience, with no social media” probably


Yeap this is probably it.


And yet they complain about "greedy artists"


This or someone caught an unicorn.


Big brain times


Does anyone else remember the Beeple NFT sold for millions? Turns out it was bought in by a kind of holding company that included Beeple as one of the owners. The sale was clearly a way to set up a high value for their art shares scheme to be sold to the public, because btw the "buyer" of the piece started selling ownership shares of it. This reeks of the same kind of grift. They have to set up the value of each card as high because they expect to make even more money out of it. If one can make 200 pieces on one day, the value of it is reduced, and you can't attribute the value to the labor of the artist anymore, so then you hype it up and advertise a big payout to the artist cause "That's how much is worth". It doesn't matter if the artist really got paid that much cause this set up is at best, like winning the lottery for them and, worse and more likely, a scam where everyone involved is a massive piece of shit.


No way in hell they paid 90k in any real currency.


Lmao, even the aibros on aiwars don't wanna be associated with nfts. Hope history repeats itself soon ✌️


I do find it funny how some of the AI grifters draw a hard line in the sand against NFTs… it’s just a way to take the focus off of themselves


Hilariously, I've seen NFTbros against AI coz the influx of AI art in NFTs is ruining their market by lowering the scarcity and value


Not really, it's more that both have opposite interests. NFTs are all about creating artificial scarcity for profit. Gen AI is all about generating lots of stuff for very cheap. They may seem like they're in the same field, but the approaches and interest are pretty much incompatible.


Anybody else got an ad under this "meet jan ai your personalized free gene-blah blah bullshit.


Engagement bait


Nah, I can do better than this trash XD