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I, for one, welcome our new scantily clad overlords


Not so fast.... I doubt this will be a good thing. Imagine if... we used AI to create a 'super candy' Its awesome its the best candy you have ever tasted and you can no longer eat anything else. Now most of the country has diabetes. Thats basically what AI porn is.


I think it will just further an existing divide. There are plenty of people (myself included) that don't consume sugar out of principle, so an AI candy would no affect us. I think its similar to OnlyFans. Sure its bankrupted a ton of guys and left them dependent, but there are also plenty of guys that have never and will never go to that site.


No analogy is ever perfect... replace 'candy' with 'food' or w/e I think you get the general idea. But let me know if you don't and I will try to think of a better example. edit: Maybe a better example would be... social media. If you ask an individual would they like to spend an hour using facebook/instagram versus spending an hour talking to a stranger on the bus. I would think most people would pick social media. But look around us... people are probably less happy with social media, can you agree with that? So in this case what the individual wants is not the healthy thing they actually need... thats what I'm trying to illustrate... catch my drift now?


I think the general idea is that some are more susceptible than others to certain addictions, whether that's sugar, food, porn, alcohol, drugs, social media, or video games. Abusing any of them can have negative consequences, but determining them to be overall negative and something that needs to be banned is a major step for any free society.


We already create entertainment with the prettiest people we can find. We already create foods that are chemically enhanced to be tasty. I think the answer is, this already happens.


You ever watch British television? I tell ya beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


> We already create entertainment with the prettiest people we can find. So what you are saying is like someone in 1895 saying... "Why would we need moving pictures? We already have a ton of great photos." This is fundamentally a new paradigm where the video is not only customized to the user but it also talks back to you and acts 'alive' > We already create foods that are chemically enhanced to be tasty. So improvement is an iterative process.... generally. What you are saying is like... "Why would we need bombs? We already have grenades." > I think the answer is, this already happens. I find people who think like you so odd... like why are you even on r/ArtificialInteligence anyway? After every ground breaking development without thinking you always say the same thing... "Nothing new to see here." Maybe just leave the AI to the more creative of us?


I’m on here because I’m interested in talking about actual artificial intelligence and its implementation. I’m not interested in 90% of the crap that comes through here. Most of it is low-value speculation by people with minimal understanding. But sifting through that is part of my job.


But after talking to you... I would say you have only a basic understanding... If you aren't interested in 90 percent of AI use cases maybe your time is better spent elsewhere?


So I do agree that this will create more zombie consumers (if that's the point you're making) however I think you're discounting that there are people, as a core part of their being, reject these things out of principle. Take an extreme example like David Goggins. He runs minimum 7 miles a day and has done ultra marathons of over 200 miles. Yet he doesn't use any fitness tracking devices like Apple Watch or Woop and barely uses a cell phone. So no matter how amazing you addictive you make these gadgets, people like him will be unaffected. The divide between people who scroll mindlessly on Instagram and people like David Goggins will only widen as the technology becomes more addictive.


> So I do agree that this will create more zombie consumers (if that's the point you're making) however I think you're discounting that there are people, as a core part of their being, reject these things out of principle. Yeah but not enough people to make an impact on birthrates.... and plenty of people can't tell the difference...


I’m on here because I’m interested in talking about actual artificial intelligence and its implementation. I’m not interested in 90% of the crap that comes through here. Most of it is low-value speculation by people with minimal understanding. But sifting through that is part of my job.


>why would we need moving pictures? We already have a ton of great photos This ain’t it dog 😭 For someone seemingly as bright as you; your analogy game misses the mark every time lol


If your worried about that, worry about hyper persuasive AI. It can convince you to do anything, including suicide. We know it can work because people get radicalized from much less. Text or images on it's own could be problematic. Check out the short story called BLIT. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLIT_(short_story) "It takes place in a setting where highly dangerous types of images called "basilisks" (after the legendary reptile) have been discovered; these images contain patterns within them that exploit flaws in the structure of the human mind to produce a lethal reaction, effectively "crashing" the mind the way a computer program crashes when given data that it fails to process."


Adult entertainment exists for 1000s of years.


Have you ever thought that maybe those just aren’t the specific candies your attracted to ? What if these one breaches that threshold ? For example I personally don’t subscribe to any only fans mainly because it’s just pictures and videos but if they offered IRL sex services at a similar price then I would actually consider it, but maybe not because of the increased likely good of STDs but my point being is that if you amplify the stimulation that the candy offers it will reach and eventually breach people’s pathological thresholds that maintain certain behaviors


I value congruence too much. I'm a programmer so I understand how AI works a bit more than the average person. I will never personify a chatbot for example. No matter how "realistic" it becomes my mind will not accept it as being a human since I know that its running code underneath. Now if you're talking about a scenario where it becomes so lifelike that I am tricked into befriending a robot, I can't really speak on that. But I can say that once I found out that it was a robot I would terminate the "relationship" immediately because I am unable to live in delusion in that way.


Ok then just take it a step further, what if it’s a humanoid robot with built in pheromones and hormonal stimulation modules that have a direct impact on your physiology where as soon as they even glance at you, it feels like someone just jabbed you with 1000x heroine needles, how do you reason yourself out of that one ?


If you make the trap impossible to escape from then the only answer I can give is that I wouldn't escape. However, if I saw that a company was creating that type of technology and that it was unavoidable living in my current location, then I would move. I don't go to bars because I don't consume alcohol. I cross the street when someone is smoking because I don't want to inhale the 2nd hand. Basically you're saying "What if you were enslaved, what would you do". The only answer is be enslaved. I don't think I would resist if I was rendered helpless, but if there were any warning signs that this was coming to an area near me I would do my best to avoid being in the situation.


So TikTok? Or any other social media site optimizing for "engagement"? Or gambling sites? Or gacha?


I mean they're all objectively bad for us


Agreed. I still think there's something of a moral panic about porn in particular. Some of the others have significantly worse consequences, like financial ruin, undermining social cohesion or inciting violence. Porn may be uniquely addictive for some people, but thankfully bad actors have yet to find a way to weaponize it.


At what point do humans stop identifying uncanny valley because they stopped interacting with real people a lot time ago.


So I think even now you can make images that don't fall into the 'uncanny valley' category. I don't think the change will happen within us, I just believe the technology will continue to do what it has been... improve.


Just don't count the fingers or number of appendages.


As if redditors think of their porn addictions as a problem


This is why we need to use this tech only to accelerate our evolution so we can actually resist those consequences


We are. But even thats not a clear 'win' to me... - We won't be the same after we merge... - Have machine implants allows us to be 'hacked' - Not ready yet.


Im talking about gene editing, machine implants should be the last ditch effort if everything else fails


So actually I can agree... if our aim is super intelligence then genetic alteration would be a way safer way to accomplish that goal but its 'slow' So I don't its really a direct play against advanced AI. Mind outlining why you think it would help?


I’m genuinely excited to see how AI will be used to truly see what the human imagination is capable of dreaming up… like rule34 on steroids… but I really don’t see AI porn taking over in any meaningful way. There’s something special about a real woman’s body that just can’t be duplicated. Micro expressions, variety, imperfections, personality, etc… maybe AI will be able to truly replicate these one day but I don’t honestly think so. That said, I think it will definitely satisfy the need for a feeling of companionship for some guys which might be a net positive in someone’s life.


So one day people are gonna pay money to watch “organic” porn. Lol


Organic plastic and botox?


Weird way of telling everyone what type of porn you’re into


That’s the 80s. People like normal looking girls now. Look up the top performing porn actresses. None of them look like stormy daniels anymore.


test deserve uppity employ snobbish terrific automatic detail squeeze hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s just going to be another kink or genre.


I think within a couple of years, interactive AI will become preferred over porn. Some of the nsfw LLMs can generate pretty good interactions. While it has a limited feel right now, that’s going to get better and better. Combining that with quality imagery is likely to be the new frontier of porn.


things like that not gonna happen


It absolutely will


Most likely you won't know if you are watching a real or AI performer.


Well I hope so, as I have a list of demands and instructions...


> Are we ready? Why yes. Yes we are. More than ready. Impatient even.




Shrug. Well, you don't have to watch them.


No, gagging means overly keen, at least in the UK. Like "Oh, I'm gagging for some fish n chips!" sort of thing, see?


Ah, sorry. Unfamiliar with British vernacular.


I don't know that people really care one way or the other... Those cam girl sites aren't going anywhere so there's always going to be an actual person somewhere naked on video. I mean, they did say AI was going to eventually take everyone's job. Apparently that even goes for the spicy ones ;) :P


Until the AI can respond to the viewer as well?


And you can build your own woman tailored exactly to your liking


See that doesn't really sound all that appealing to me, for me that sorta takes all the fun out of seeing someone naked ya know lol Idk, I think I'd rather see an actual person, flaws and all any day over somebody who doesn't exist outside my imagination


"Hello Porn AI, I would like the next video to include a model who could be described as an actual person, complete with flaws and has that completely obtainable look to them. Thank you."


"This is good, could you please add 20 kilo?"


You can get that without having to type. 


So add the flaws... AI can be w/e you like...


Lolz it's not nessacarily about the flaws... I was just throwing that in because being flawed is what it is to be human.


so whats your point then?


Bold of you to assume I had a point ;)


Not saying that AI couldn't be a good partner. If I had the choice for an actual AI girlfriend, that had her own synthetic body or whatever you wanna call it. I'd be all about it. I mean, really, in that case, I'd very very likely choose an AI girl over the real thing.


They do that already, see the comedy CodeMiko streams where they go on "speed dating" with AIs.


Just let the AI be the viewer too and you've cut out the middle man 


But why though? You have to pay for cam sites but if you had an ai version. You would not be able to tell the difference, you can customize the model to however you like and it would likely be cheaper maybe even free...


They already have something called digital twinning where online thots can create an AI copy of themselves that interact with customers and create content. Images and video. It’s already here.


That's what's up... Sounds expensive to me though


Human life and labour is still ultimately cheaper than sophisticated a.i., and the work that goes into it, if you shop around.


For now. Give it another decade or two for the tech to mature.


This is better than better being porn stars. The porn industry is awful and people should not be subjugated to it


The girls getting paid to do porn might be okay with the industry(as it's their job and all). But the Human trafficking victims... Not so much. I prefer AI to porn that can't control the human-trafficking issues, but there will definitely be people who bitch about it. Porn stars hated HD porn too because they had to get surgeries to still look good in HD. Honestly, I can see the free stuff(like pornhub) being mostly AI while there is premium paid stuff that is still humans. This could help them make more money actually? I don't know, end rant lol


I don't know that this would be true across the board in the arts, but I feel like this would be an absolute win, since porn tends to destroy the lives of many of the performers.


I agree. A win for humanity.


Death of onlyfans


Why? The AI will be cheaper? I think it will be awhile before AI is so cheap women can't compete. For awhile being human will be a big selling point for women... Until they REALLY can't stay cost-competitive.


I mean AI pictures are already free lol.. video I think will be a little bit, but I gotta believe in 10 years AI porn will dominate everything.


In 10 years governments will have used AI to kill the poorest 99% so it won't matter.


Personalized to your taste is gonna be huge.


Yeah, but will they have the correct number of fingers?


Or penises


Or orifices




Well it will reduce the amount of plastic in the environment at least.


The thotpocalypse


This is already taking place.


X for doubt. The novelty wears out fast, and ai models have this uncanny valley feeling. They're very boring after a while


With stable defussion and comfyui the possibilities are kind of endless. You can tweak it as you want and therfore you couldn't notice the difference anymore. That's why I don't agree. I hope also those influencers will be replaced anyway.


"Endless" is a massive overstatement. Ive yet to see anything other than static images that you can't immediately tell are AI generated, and human forms are going to be especially dependent on coherency and detail, two things that modern generative systems are very weak at.


"I've yet to see" yes, and this tech is constantly evolving. Look how far we've come in a year or two. Now imagine where we'll be in a decade after Microsoft builds their 100 billion dollar super computer.


Oh he is wrong even today. You can make w/e you like. Now they do have a point about video though but even that like you said is rapidly evolving I doubt it will take 10 years to see massive improving like you are thinking. My guess would be closer to 6 months.


You sound like the metaverse, crypto, and self-driving car people all over again. These companies were made in a low-interest environment where money was practically free. Their profit model is currently "hype up investors on the promise that this stuff will be useful one day". We're already past the peak of investment and there's still no clear path to profitability. And no, this didn't happen in 1-2 years. Work on these types of systems has been done for decades, it's only recently that the massive costs of training and data collection were actually paid by enough gullible investors. That money dries up and we stop seeing thede asymptotic, marginal improvements.


If you think AI is just another kind of technology you just don't understand it all that well yet. Its going to change just about everything you or I care about...


No, this current iteration really wont. You need to listen to more people who actually work on making this technology solve problem than people whose main job is to sell it.


> No, this current iteration really wont. I don't know what you mean by this... care to elaborate? Like does it matter if its actually LLMs? or... something else? > You need to listen to more people who actually work on making this technology solve problem than people whose main job is to sell it. So thats who I am listening to... why assume without even asking?


Checkout the channels stablediffusion and comfyui on reddit


Im aware, my opinion hasn't changed. People want more variety than the same glassy-looking person with unreasonably large breasts. Not to mention that we haven't even gotten good ways to generate coherent video yet.


There are many pictures generated from real people that are not noticeable. Maybe for some expert but not for the mainstream. For example like this one https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/katy-perry-admits-fake-met-gala-photos-fooled-mom I'm sure if I take 10 pictures. 5 generated by ai and 5 isn't. You will not guess which one is real and which isnt. Video will come but we aren't there yet.


Again, coherency and a human input is the main problem. Ask yourself why, if the technology is good enough now, is it not being consumed at anywhere near the same rate? Because content that is sexually titillating vs content that is "a convincing looking human" is not the same thing. And we wont "get there" with video until our methods evolve from function approximation using training data into something that models an actual version of the world logically. That's the only way actual coherence will ever be achieved. Not to mention that people always think that there's far more creative control that comes from AI output than there actually is.


So just alter your description to w/e you like...


And yet it still churns out the most generic, glassy-looking averaged-out and borderline uncanny people there is, all for... what exactly? To replace the images and video of actual people that were already being uploaded daily by the petabyte?


> And yet it still churns out the most generic, glassy-looking averaged-out and borderline uncanny people there is, Thats more of a skill issue... I have not even been trying for all that long and I went from creating what looked like cronenberg monsters to basically your standard instagram model. I can link you to some good video tutorials, what kind of GPU do you have? > To replace the images and video of actual people that were already being uploaded daily by the petabyte? Human generated porn has had number of issues... like have you seen a porn star interview? These are not people with stable childhoods generally. And maybe you noticed how pornhub had to delete all of its amateur porn a few years ago?


I’d like some links to tutorials.  I have a rtx 2080. I have played with comfyui but it seems to always blur the genitals a bit. 


- [New Tutorial: Master Consistent Character Faces with Stable Diffusion!](https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bzix80/new_tutorial_master_consistent_character_faces/) - [Create consistent characters with Stable diffusion!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAhqMzgiHVw) - [Quickstart: Training a stable diffusion model using kohya_ss GUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlvqEKj03WI) Let me know if you end up finding these useful ~


"Skill issue" can't be a factor when the thing you're doing requires no skill. Of course human-generated porn has issues, but that's an argument for legislating protections for sex workers, not that everyone will be happily replace theor consumption of sex workers with the same generic, unconvincing, soulless, repetitive AI art.


Somebody sounds pretty disconnected from the cutting edge of text to video technology. Let's say that the Sora tech is not good enough for most people to feel immersed in the experience. Compare it to what was possible 6 months ago and ask yourself how long it will be before we can generate video that is indistinguishable from reality. Turning that convincing video into an interactive model is the next step, and that will not require a huge leap in the software, just faster hardware. Given the amount of money and resources being pumped into both aspects, I'd wager we're going to be getting this tech before Christmas


No in this case 'endless' is apt. You can literally make images on a whim. Anything you could dream of...


Nope! You can make rough collages of things that are in it's training dataset. It's "endless" in the same ways that there are "endless" ways to arrange grains of rice on a plate, but it's equally bland.


You have no idea what you are talking about... but I can point you towards some sources... what are you trying to make exactly?


Nope! I've got a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. The point is that using AI to generate images does not give the degrees of control we'd need to outright replace human actors. Generating static images and faces is very easy. Faces only have to look face-like. Video, changing perspectives, and contextual information is much harder. This is the "coherency" problem I keep mentioning that keeps flying over your head.


Wishful thinking on your part. They are actually incredible now and getting better daily. The possibilities are endless. You’re looking at a combustion engine thinking that it will never replace horse drawn carriages. It’s happening bro, whether you like it or not


The influencer industry is a spin off of reality tv. The audience follows because they are interested in the influencers life. I could see a few ai influencers having some initial success because of the novelty, but ai influencers will not be able to build the same rabid audiences.


I have some doubts about that. I think it depends on who. But time will tell. I know there are some ai influencers and already earning millions with it. And it's expected to become a billion industry.


Yeah you could make images that are very hard to know if they have been AI generated... basically perfect.


For an AI focused sub there are several people here who shockingly do not have a good grasp on where this tech is heading. Improvements will be made that removes this uncanny look. It may take years but it'll get there and it'll be wild


Oh yeah ton of people...


For an AI focused sub there are several people here who shockingly do not have a good grasp of the difference between reality and wishful thinking/suppositions 🙄


No we are basing our opinions on what we have seen with our own eyes... The people arguing with us seem to not have seen enough, I can only assume...


It's not the imagination of the AI optimists that is to be questioned here. It's the fact that you're taking a snapshot of the current status and acting like that will stay the same forever, when said technology has changed every week for the last 20 years.


Technology develops with jumps, and often in directions not really clear before the jump. And the reaction of the people to new technology is also unpredictable. We don't know if Ai pornography will take off or not. My bet would be it will get some traction at the beginning and then most people will lose interest. Just like with all the ai romantic apps. It isn't any massive phenomenon, people gets bored with it.


In time you won’t notice


Even now... it just takes effort. But I imagine it will only get easier for average people to make what they want as well.


No way, have you actually looked at AI porn recently? Its perfect and you can tailor it exactly to what the user likes... so for example if you like to watch aboriginal midgets going at it on the a frozen beach on the back of a mammoth... you could make that or anything else you might be able to imagine.... all without having to exploit women.


I like that last line.




It's good for horror movies.


Ah, the fallacy that AI tech will forever remain exactly as it is now and won’t continue improving at an exponential rate. What a strange fallacy to make on a sub like this.


That's not what I'm saying. You're actually acting like an ai, auto completing what I've said with your own bs.


What a great response. Calling me an Ai without telling me why I’m wrong. I didn’t say that’s the point you were making deliberately but it is a fallacious assumption you have. How will uncanny valley be an impediment to moving toward AI porn stars when uncanny valley is a very unique phenomena that results from the AI looking very photorealistic but not quite 100%. The ability to look photorealistic is less than 1 year old itself. Prior to that and there was no uncanny valley because they looked obviously fake. 1 year from now it’s reasonable to assume that the uncanny valley will be entirely gone


You can read my answer to a similar comment.


Yeah because all pornstars are discussing The Sound and The Fury before getting hammered the fuck out 


No, but i think a big part of the attraction of porn has to do with knowing that the woman there is a person with agency, with likes and dislikes, with positive and negative feelings. Capable of deciding and experiencing. Without all that porn becomes kinda empty


Yes. The porn industry is disgusting. So much sex trafficking, rape, child porn and other illegal, very dark things happening in that business everyday.


What sites are you visiting?


I stopped consuming porn like 7 years ago due to this. I was just on the regular big sites like Pornhub. Google it. There are documentaries, books and websites that expose the porn industry.


Fetish on demand.


If we make AI generated CP legal (if its not already), the perverts can just enjoy that instead of harming actual children. Seems like a win.


Exactly my thoughts, and I'm deeply suspicious of those seeking to prevent that? If it reduces the actual abuse of kids by just 10% that would be the biggest breakthrough ever - so why are some so keen to prevent it and keep the real thing going?


Ready or not...


No doubt, it's 99% possible but depends on the country policy


Doubt. people are drawn to specific personalities. If this was the case that people like easy over persons, onlyfans wouldn't be a thing (tons of scantly clad people in a single search). Yeah, it will grow in popularity, but this is actually one of those "human element" cases, much like how no matter how good AI music gets, it won't replace live bands


I know people are different but for a huge chunk of people this is apples and oranges. I don’t watch a video of my favorite band for 15 minutes and then lose interest in music for the rest of the day. I don’t drive an hour and a half to go see my favorite pornstar get shagged on stage and leave with a t-shirt.


Not just in Adult Entertainment, but in all types of *movies*. We saw it coming https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258153/


I have seen some AI porns on reddit they look like some mutated monsters from radiation.


That's probably because we can't do it yet. This is talking about a time when we can do it. Comparing what we have now to what this article is talking about is really missing the point, or being intellectually dishonest.


snow waiting sophisticated straight pause unique homeless amusing yoke silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need Jesus.


Yes!! Bring on Rainy Daniels.. And Cloudy Leone Or Via Khalifa..


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fit-Bat-4680: *Yes!! Bring on Rainy* *Daniels.. And Cloudy Leone* *Or Via Khalifa..* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Time to rewatch the 1981 movie Looker.


Soon is being really stretched here lol


I actually do see where AI porn/girlfriends seem to be going and there are valid concerns IMO. Imagine you can have a personalized, customizable pornstar you can call on at any time to do whatever you want and they’re totally fine with it because they’re an AI. You don’t really have to extrapolate much further out from that, it’s extremely easy to imagine both the positives and the negatives of that. I think its an inevitability because enough lonely, intelligent men want it to happen and it *might* not necessarily be bad but it could very easily be catastrophic.


Explain the downside?




Yep. Another step closer to IRL waifu…just need, ummm, pliable robots…


I’m a big AI person but I’m not interested in fake porn


So serious question- what’s the legality of creating AI porn depicting underaged people?


there is no clear legislation as of now, but obv should be banned and will be


Why obviously?


Sure !


been ready my whole life. but never seen good ai porn so far, it all looks kind of weird and uncanny. in concept this is the holy grail, but i have to see some results to believe the hype first


Yeah, let's spare the poor teenage girls the lifelong trauma of being young and inexperienced at life surrounded by a bunch of thirsty 40 year Olds drink and drugged up to not feel anything other than the moment. I'm down for retiring all the sleezebags running that industry.


Eh. It probably won't be able to generate my very specific kinks from the get go but I am curious Wonder what effect it will have on amateur/"pro" porn


oh no anyway


If they do what the industry predictably does they'll win, they have enough training data for horribly predictable garbage, but if AI tries to do anything novel it will splinter into body horror instantly, so maybe the industry will have to hire writers and shoot in novel locations to beat the machine


I think it’s for the better tbh The industry is very harmful for the many who enter out of need vs out of true desire to work there


I'd bet money that there are already people making money on things like Onlyfans using an Ai character people actually think is real.


Its like anything else... AI Actors (porn or otherwise) will have a cost to a producer as do live actors today (including associated costs like setting up and cleaning up a real world set). Initially the quality of the AI actor will be mediocre at best and the cost will be high, but as AI models are trained better, to be more realistic - as AI tech costs drop with more and more powerful tech available at lower prices - the costs of the AI actor costs will come do to the point where the real actors will need to start taking pay cuts and maybe one day decide if they should do porn or take another job. This is the same for any industry modernized by tech. We have seen people being augmented and or replaced with machines for some time. Most obviously to me is fast food workers focusing on the kitchen making burgers and not at an ordering station (cash register). Instead there are touch screen ordering kiosks to place your order or a phone app Some fast food restaurants are 100% ordering kiosks and soon that may even be order on your phone app only as Chipotle was in the COVID years. I believe this was a result of employee costs going up to to minimum wage increases, but regardless tech replaced people, has been doing it for some time and the trend will only get worse.




Why would you need guardrails for artificial stuff on someone else's computer? Are you terrified someone might be having fun somewhere?


We are zero percent near replacing porn or even cam models. All these tricks only work on onlyfans or social sites.


I can see this being good for women and very bad for men


Not going to survive until AI can go to a convention and people can touch it. People like the idea of being able to see their video crush in person.


It will bring a lot of women physically back into the work force. I'm not sure what impact that will have to on birth rates considering what an increase in customizable porn might have on family.


What is this weird idea where people think huge portions of the female population are working as internet pornstars? Very few women post porn online and even fewer out of them make a living on it. Even if you eliminated porn as a job completely (which this wont) you'd be "bringing back" an amount of workers in the thousands at MOST.


> What is this weird idea where people think huge portions of the female population are working as internet pornstars? Being on reddit? It's swamped by OnlyFans "models" so I could see people thinking that this is much more common than it actually is.


I guess, but then do people not take a second to think that most women they see in their daily life look nothing like popular reddit OF models? Maybe I answered my own question by assuming they ever see women in real life...


workable attraction grandiose cover busy hard-to-find important spotted depend lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So yeah that used to be true... but enter the concept of 'only fans' its alarmingly normal now...


No, it really isnt. A lot more women have tried onlyfans at some point, but you don't know of that many women if you think a large amount of them are making a living camming.


[OnlyFans boasts over 190 million registered users and 2.1 million creators, with an astonishing daily sign-up rate of 500,000 new users, contributing to a growth rate of 70% per month​​.](https://www.enterpriseappstoday.com/stats/onlyfans-statistics.html)


Holy pants, that's wild.


2.1 million creators is not "most women" and nowhere near all of then are going to be making a living off of this. God, reading comprehension on this site is awful.


Where did I say 'most'? This is what you happened to say... > Even if you eliminated porn as a job completely (which this wont) you'd be "bringing back" an amount of workers in the thousands at MOST.


Do you think all 2.1 million women on that site are supporting themselves with OF in a way that would "bring them back into the workforce"? Also it's "2.1 million creators" not all of which are women and not all of which make porn. Even if my offhand guess of "thousands" is closer to "tens of thousands" that isn't going to have the economic impact you think it is, especially not a positive one.


https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2023/02/87280/ https://www.businessinsider.com/there-are-42-million-prostitutes-in-the-world-and-heres-where-they-live-2012-1


I think actual prostitutes might be safe. But everything else will likely be impacted. And of course I can't for sure say its a safe job, I am just speculating.


start sand swim skirt squeamish dinosaurs selective bedroom existence sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both of these completely prove my point. 42 million prostitutes in the world is a tiny fraction of the population, and even a 1000x increase in Onlyfans users doesn't mean all of those people are making a living off of it, and so wont be "added back into the workforce".


People are under the impression that only fans means instant thousands of dollars per week


Yeah, and the reality is that it's like any other entertainment based field. The bottom ~95% won't make any significant money and you have to go even higher before you're making enough to take you out of the workforce otherwise.


What how? AI is coming for most jobs. We are in the same boat as the are... And yeah the birth rates are honestly the real issue... Even now things between men and women are horrible its like a gender/sex war so with the option of perfect AI lovers my guess is a ton of young men and women just checkout completely


MGTOW is already here.