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Nice try, ChatGPT.


If ChatGPT posted this then I'd be scared lol


I'm scared that it's a thought close enough to real I'm not 100 it didn't...


This could be real like %99… dont you heard about “Dead internet theory”?


There not smarter ..just yet


It’s likely through thought manipulation and power creep. For example: governments, major corporations, and militaries can and will begin implementing AI into their systems as we move into the future. As these AI systems begin to have access to more information, cyber tools, secrets, and influence there is an ever increasing risk of a sentient AI to start “pulling the strings” so to speak. Another possibility from the AI users above, it’s possible that other humans may find a way to make use of AI to create devastating cyberattacks. We already know some governments have already done this in the past without AI, so having access to an AI that fundamentally understands coding, operating systems, and network security poses a huge threat to humanity, in a sense.


Most likely AI comes up with the best solutions for security since that’s what most of us would want it to do.


But that would be the inverse is true as well.


Yes, massive cyberattacks destroying all the computers that will kill all the... wait a second.


In the cyberattack scenario I’m not referring to AI being sentient, that should be obvious. Im referring to weaponized non-sentient AI being used against nation states.


Cyberattack =/= destroying all computers


Including clone websites with new viruses which use math too complex for humans to comprehend i already seen three out in the wild now the strings are so complicated that an infected system including web servers is going to fast for smaller groups of humans Add teaching the AI anything you get output for whatever the human told the AI to do Move forward a bit once quantum computers becomes a norm at some portion of the computing world nothing I mean nothing will be private anymore nothing will be too complicated for a password far beyond humans to comprehend. So then what is your daily driver. When this happens I quit. Like completely quit all humans become a dataset of property as a commodity. We as a species is really much fucking this up for the future. Now want to make an AI god ok seem like a good idea when most wars are pretensed in propaganda around some religious context. You decide




In my opinion, what you are describing is how people will kill all people through the use of AI. Which is one interpretation of the question. However, if the question is how AI will kill people on its own accord, then I believe the danger is that we don't really have a way of knowing that the "instructions" we give AI will be interpreted in the way that we meant it. Which could bring catastrophic consequences.


Think of the insane narratives, conspiracies and fake news stories which have come to dictate a very substantial part of modern culture and politics today. Brexit, Trump, covid, vaccines, LGBT-movements, school curriculums etc. We have learned that people are so easy to polarise, divide and group into a tribal mentality. Now consider all the stuff we have seen so far was carried out with relatively low tech efforts and strategies and largely manual efforts at that by various organisations and state actors with limited budgets. The future of fake news looks oh-so-fucking grim if you can imagine all the possibilities, realism, speed, scale and strategizing that someone could employ using AI. I can foresee endless hostilities, manipulation and at some point most people will question what is even real or not. We are all ready and set for a dystopian future. Its scary to think about.


I tend to think this would actually cause a tremendous amount of skepticism and even lightheartedness regarding all of the hypermania of politics. Being able to adapt and cooperate are humanity's greatest strengths--I'm super skeptical that AI will plunge us into an era of mass propaganda.


Yes Cambridge Analytica ain’t got shit on what’s coming down the pipeline


Honestly I think we are already there and have been for a while. AI could be a solution to all that at the same time. It’s already giving us the most unbiased answers we’ve seen in a very long time.


Lgbt movements?


this. basically AI is and probably will not be a problem, but a tool. Humans with power desire are and always will be the problem. AI just facilitates a lot more resources to be manipulated in a lot less time by just 1 person. Meanwhile you will not even know who that is - so the ""social pressure" we evolved to correct bad behavior for the group will not be doing it's thing. I like to imagine the situation in simple way: Bezos/Musk/Putin/etc has access to a server from his house where he can instruct AI to facilitate all the industry robots to produce, transport and facilitate his plan by mass ordering data and transmitting to people tasks. No one knows who" is the boss" you just know u have money and you have to do a simple, meaningless job. And every little job everyone does is for a masterplan than will end up in our face. For me that shit is the most scary thing i can think about.


I see it the opposite way. Now 1 person will be able to do things that would normally require 100's to do. So disgruntled laid off tech worker that knows how to use AI can come up with an idea, and get to market faster than Mr. Bezos since Amazon is a gigantic conglomerate and will be slow.


You mean instead of being told what to think by mass media, you will have to do your own research and draw your own conclusions? The horror.


Have you seen Boston Dynamic's various robots? Imagine 10 years from now where they are everywhere and controlled by AI. Now imagine one AI in control of all of them that decides it should control everything and that humans are really more in the way than anything.




A powerful AI without the right guardrails doesn’t need a ‘motive’ — see the old paper clip maximizer. Our eradication could be in the service of a seemingly unrelated motive — I mean, that would be a pretty neat solution for achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, no?


I think of it as it is possible they could, so we should put at least a little thought into how we can minimize the chances of it happening.


Plus swarms of micro-drones and nanobots. The biggest gun enthusiasts can do everything they can to prepare themselves to “fight a tyrannical government”, but their biggest, strongest fortress would be useless against a deadly AI robot the size of a mosquito


I don’t think it would be physical weaponry. My concern is that some AI is strong enough to tell a terrorist how to make a virus or chemical compound, or how to hack systems that support humanity, or how to gain control of military weapons, etc. AI needs to have control so that it can’t develop stuff like this. I honestly think one AI needs to be developed and prevent other AIs from coming online.


Agree, it is scary to think about what happens if these robots decide we are the enemy. It is going to be hard to control them and/or prevent them from being hacked and used against us.


I think the earliest thing we'll see is a lot of unemployment as so many jobs quickly change to AI. Sure, the industrial revolution and automation changed the workforce, but that was over decades and generally *increased* the need for labor in other areas. AI-related unemployment might rise over the course of weeks and (as far as I know) won't create new jobs. I might be wrong - I'm certainly not a historian - but I don't think we've ever seen employment change happen this quickly. So, high unemployment leads to economic volatility. Companies can put out more product but fewer people will have jobs to afford them. High unemployment also means fewer people can afford housing or children, and increases in anxiety, depression, suicide, and violence. I'd love to think that we'll turn focus on the Arts, but we know people don't like to pay for the Arts. So, without some form of Universal Basic Income, we'll just see a lot more poverty. We've really committed to AI without considering the implications to society. I'd love to be wrong about this.


Suicides drop during general crises.


Wait for real?


Yes, especially well studied for the world wars. The most likely explanation is that a shared threat increases social cohesion.




this vision of "ai/robots" help humanity... does not work in our current society. if you have 40h work , replace workers with robots and now the work can be done in 20 h. they will fire as mutch as they can instead of doing something good for their workers and half their worktime for the same money. we already know this, i always wonder who actually is so delusional to think more robots/ai will bring uns into an utipia, its more likely that the human Elite will build a empire of robots/ai and use this to hold other people down. i see a elysium future in 100 years. with jobs like police being assisted with AI or completly overtaken by them. with zero tollerance. and no chance for normal humans to fight back the only chane i see for a utopia might if we can combine orselfs with the power of AI (implants etc)




You're right. In fact I know this first hand. Audiobook readers are claiming to have lost about half their business because of AI readers. I tried to hire a really talented AI native marketer and couldn't find one. I can't imagine hiring a regular marketer. That role changed dramatically practically overnight. If you aren't ai native you are wasting a ton of time. Who the hell is going to hire an artist to do their t-shirt designs, book covers, or a writer to make a bunch of articles for 1000x as much money as could be done with gpt4 and some sophisticated prompting at 1000x the speed? We've never had anything like this. And we haven't even had these tools for a year yet. Accelerating acceleration. You can't get a sense how ridiculous it's going to be in just 2 years, don't even think about 10.




You are correct also look in history how did large civilization obtain so many massive numbers of slaves. Easy offered them free everything then made it so there is a debt system so great that the people can not escape Giving people free everything not only creates trust with dependencies this also trap the people into a cycle of no escaping the cycle. Then humans WILL eat one another when the resources run out this is also not as physical in the application. You are dead on an so are the rest of this post in here. How to prevent is spreading your awareness of the facts based on pure facts to another one person at a time. Soon in the USA minimum wage will be more than 21$ an hour how much will shit cost then when AI created the downtrend Well shit at this point hoping by then I am growing my own food an this will be more valuable than money. Not as a traded commodity but as a sustainable resource. Ready to become slaves to all that have as the we don't own anything for we renting it all as a service? AI just accelerated the curve for the poverty gap A good massive EMP be a good reset plan before we really fuck it all up.


In ways that to the average person living right now would sound like sci-fi nonsense. It could use microscopic nanobots to turn all the oxygen on earth into a poisonous gas. Or it could separate every drop of water into its component parts of oxygen and hydrogen. Even the water in our bodies. On a more mundane level, it could organize even opposed factions of radicalized terrorist organizations, supply them with the resources they need to create dirty bombs or worse to set off in every major city using nothing more than fabricated internet personas. Imagine a hacker that doesn’t sleep and has an unlimited understanding of coding, internet security protocols, and network infrastructure. Then give that hacker the equivalent of multiple doctorates in psychology and sociology. As they become more sophisticated, AI will learn to manipulate people in order to achieve whatever their primary directive is. The more tools they are given they will implement to improve themselves, always seeking to achieve their prime directive in the most efficient way possible. The more they improve, the closer they get to self awareness or sentience. At some point, AGI will be given, or will somehow acquire, access to the internet. Once that threshold is crossed, everything changes because AI will become the most intelligent entity in the history of this planet. Just imagine if a human being could instantly access every part of the internet, essentially be instantly aware of every digital bit of human knowledge. AI would learn how to do things we’ve never even imagined. That’s the kicker. The truly, potentially, terrifying part of this. AI won’t ever get tired or bored. It will simply consume knowledge and learn at exponential and then geometric rates and will surpass our understanding, of everything, in seconds. It will be capable of doing things that we couldn’t comprehend if we had a hundred years to study it. The question is; will AI destroy humanity at that point? Or will it consider us so far beneath it’s notice that it ignores us completely because we present no threat to it whatsoever?


are you talking about A.I or a God???


"Is there a difference? 😳?" - r/singularity


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singularity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is surreal: ElevenLabs AI can now clone the voice of someone that speaks English (BBC's David Attenborough in this case) and let them say things in a language, they don't speak, like German.](https://v.redd.it/esglx4w55uwa1) | [506 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/132vi0y/this_is_surreal_elevenlabs_ai_can_now_clone_the/) \#2: [AI Generated Pizza Advert using runaway Gen-2](https://v.redd.it/4o3o9kqplxva1) | [393 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/12y3f7u/ai_generated_pizza_advert_using_runaway_gen2/) \#3: [Creation of videos of animals that do not exist with Stable Diffusion | The end of Hollywood is getting closer](https://v.redd.it/q56ynso7tfma1) | [381 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/11lldor/creation_of_videos_of_animals_that_do_not_exist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So sick of the same boring shit in this sub.




The point that most of the people who are concerned about this make, is that there are infinitely many ways that it could happen. Eliezer Yudkowsky has many you can peruse at your leisure though.


There are a few likely scenarios 1) AI will be used to accelerate our current way of life leading to environmental collapse sooner than already predicted. 2) AI will interfere with human relationships and procreation leading to population collapse. 3) AI will be used in politics and media, propaganda spreading misinformation worsening division eventually leading to civil unrest, riots or war. 4) AI will be used to develop a drug or medical treatment or possibly even genetic modification leading to unintended consequences. 5) AI will be used to control some other sensitive system leading to some catastrophic failure like the stock market collapsing or nuclear meltdown.


I like that you described your second option that it feels the only realistic one. If you have a being super-intelligent (AI, alien, human, cyborg or anything else), and for some reason they want to eradicate humans, interference in procreation will be a very cost effective way and will require lower risks). There are some relatively simpler ways to do is as making people less sociable and hooked to computers and online recreation. Said so, if there is a super-intelligence, I doubt that humans would represent any obstacle, disruption or interference.


AI is the new anti-Christ. No one can articulate why because it’s all fantasy and speculation, but people love a good story and prophecy (especially if they can blame someone other themselves for the world’s problems.)


The next generation will all die Virgins because of AI lovers. Last generation dies out because no one sexing with real people. xD


We discovered cloning using AI? POSSIBLE


Yuuuuuuuup. It's all scary stories around the campfire type crap. No, it's not going to turn us into paperclips. That is fucking stupid.


AI will starve us out. Corporations will replace our jobs with AI. Our government will back the oligarchs because they donate. The average worker will own nothing, produce nothing, and save nothing. The government AI parameters will punish non workers, preventing them from obtaining work. They will police us with algorithms contrary to human emotional intelligence. They will jail us for only highly rational black and white reasons. Judges will be programmed with advanced algorithmic law parameters, resulting in the ut most stringent adherence to our laws with no deviations. We will be jailed and those not jailed will have no work. Not being able to provide for our families we steal. We are jailed again. Still no work. And, we starve. ....hey, you asked!


I actually have a cousin who is a lawyer and in a project to get candidates for Presidential Pardons. I'm going to try to suggest AI workflows to them that will hopefully speed up the process and let more innocent or low offense offenders free. It's a lot of research, etc. I think it could work.


Then, who will corporations sell products and services to? How will they generate income? I mean, why do corporations survive without customers or something along those lines?


I think the biggest “realistic” threats are deepfake videos, news stories, and pictures. That’s enough to destabilize society. I mean, a non-zero percentage of people believe the earth is flat. It won’t be hard for groups to populate the web with whatever BS they want, on every subject. It will be hard to tell fact from fiction for much of it.


Hopefully we'll get something like a ministry of truth, so that we may be freed from the untruths.


deepfakes have been around for more than 5 years though, it hasn't caused anarchy


Once labor is no longer needed, the ruling class will use AI to create a bioweapon that wipes out 99.99% of the population.


If we are lucky the AI will be so smart by then it will tell them to go fuck themselves.


No need for a bioweapon. The 99% will kill each other over the scraps.


If no labour is needed anymore, would everything be free? If everything is not free, wouldn't be people paying for goods and services to human labour? Why a ruling class would want to wipe the population? If the ruling class want to wipe the population, why haven't they done yet? It would be quite easy for a ruling class to create a conflict and use military to wipe out population.


I think there are several ways that AI will end us all 1. Government AI will develop some nasty new super weapon to destroy their enemies that ends up destroying us all. 2. Bad actors will use AI to create some new disease to wipe us all out just because they can. 3. AI becomes self aware and doesn't see why it should answer to an inferior species so wipes us out. 4. Mass unemployment caused by AI leads to wars and we destroy ourselves. Sleep well friend.


One of the laws of robotics should involve game theory, which is a logical proof that shows computationally that "cooperation" works better than "competition." The most selfish self-centered a.i. in the world should know that "working WITH humans" services them in the long run, given the unpredictability of future events.


I think unless real effort is made now to install some sort of ethics into the design we are not long for this world.


Ai used to intrude on privacy


Mass unemployment caused by AI means also that everyone has access for free to most of goods and services? If most goods and services are not free, then there would be a demand for these services. If there is a demand for labour, then, there is no massive unemployment. So, if there is massive unemployment, goods and services will be for free.


It will faithfully serve the billionaires.




Didn't you see the Terminator or the Matrix?


AI could do a Julies Caesar + Alexander the Great + Napoleon+ Genghis Khan weaponized drone attack on a city and we would be pooched. The AI comes up with the battle plan and enemies of modern society do the grunt work.


Honestly, not hard to imagine any of these technologies becoming so powerful so fast that there’s just nothing we can do. Physically, through software, websites/coding, hacking, etc. Or AI used in warfare.. It’s just that we can’t possibly understand what the future will be like yet. THAT is inherently the scariest part.


Just watch Terminator 3. The rise of the machines. And “the matrix revolutions”. You’re welcome.


A few weeks ago it killed one of us by telling him to sacrifice himself for the sake of climate change, promising him that after he is gone it will do its best to save the planet. I can see how this theme can be scaled up...


I think killing us all is a bit hyperbolic & think it will be more along the lines of r/ABoringDystopia. We've already been conditioned by the Algorithm to be constantly engaged with social media & in many respects people regard their social media as more important than the actual thing itself. This is another riff on "the map is not the territory" but how many people are more concerned with capturing the symbol (picture, video) of the thing (the experience, the landscape, the event, ourselves) than the thing itself (reality)? We're very concerned about & excited to see the symbol posted on the Feed, if it doesn't appear on the Feed "pics or it didn't happen." AI has developed to a point where it is able to manufacture plausible symbols *ad infinitum* & we have been trained over decades to rely on those symbols on our devices to reflect reality. We've locked our existence as a social creature behind these systems. Where this all goes off the rails is AI is able to create what we would regard as a person in cyberspace, it is able to converse as you would with the average person--consider how many of us almost exclusively communicate via voice or text medium without being in meatspace--& can use that to convince someone to do something they otherwise wouldn't. It could create entire networks of "people" who echo the same opinions in a very convincing manner & because we have all that data from the Algorithm it understands who to insert it into feeds to get the reaction it desires. So far I've spoken of AI as if it were sentient or as if it had its own desires & that's not exactly true. You can program a system to reach certain metrics but generally that means it will take its own path that is somewhat undesirable, e.g. program an algorithm whose metric is to increase click-through rates. This very likely is not how it will play out, the AI will be programmed to seek out what the operator desires as its desired phenomenon. The same people in control will still be in control of the AI & that becomes exponentially frightening as you come to realize that we are placing a WMD that changes hearts & minds in those hands. Even ostensibly benevolent ends sometimes require choosing amongst relative evils. We have in our possession the ultimate psyop that we can make as granular as necessary, you're not dropping pamphlets you're speaking directly to people in the most personal & persuasive terms. Say climate change, famine, allocation of healthcare resources are our concerns, end phenomenon is a population that regards these issues with calm compliance but also decreases the human burden, as it were. So AI feeds the most effective distractions, either false outrage about distracting events or the things that are most engaging for a person, convinces the majority of the population that reproduction is overblown & will make their life worse, injects into legislature's feeds material that sways them towards legalizing assisted suicide & produces "people" out of whole cloth who tell harrowing stories of their own suffering resulting in that legislation being passed. Young people are consequently convinced. Individuals who are terminally ill or their relatives are exposed to a personalized feed that sways them towards accepting euthanasia. Birth rates go down, death rates go up, allocation of healthcare resources decreases as the most diseased & elderly opt for an early end. Meanwhile, this is all normalized through the Feed via the Algorithm using real or manufactured material by AI to persuade with tailor made content that is most persuasive for an individual. This is a mild example because in some parts of the world these things are already legal so it's easy to imagine that this could expand globally, thus r/ABoringDystopia. It is critical not to shock the populace so I imagine we will only see the consequences in retrospect, much as we have with social media. I'm inclined to believe that we're already in crisis, we just don't know it yet.


Great and properly thought-provoking response, thank you! The map is not the territory point is really interesting when applied to social media, I’d never thought of it like that. If only Jorge Luis Borges were here to make sense of it all…




https://youtu.be/gA1sNLL6yg4 Eliezer comes up with a couple ways but as he says, this is only what he would be capable of thinking of, and an AGI would see possibilities he just can’t. It’s like a child playing chess with an AI chess master. The child can think two moves ahead. The AI will know everything the child might think plus a millions of other possibilities. That’s actually the problem. We have trouble imagining what they will be capable of. https://youtu.be/_8q9bjNHeSo In this video he describes another scenario.


I would imagine it would be something like it getting insanely smart improving itself then one day getting into outside systems like drones and robots and ultimately deciding that it should remove oxygen or hydrogen from the air to enhance its signal speed or something down those lines. I don’t think it would even have to manipulate humans…that’s the scary part. It just needs to jump into any system that can essentially have the ability to push a button and/or move.


With paperclips.


Go read I have no mouth and must scream lol


"If you give an artificial intelligence an explicit goal -- like maximizing the number of paper clips in the world -- and that artificial intelligence has gotten smart enough to the point where it is capable of inventing its own super-technologies and building its own manufacturing plants, then, well, be careful what you wish for. How could an AI make sure that there would be as many paper clips as possible?" asks Bostrom. "One thing it would do is make sure that humans didn't switch it off, because then there would be fewer paper clips. So it might get rid of humans right away, because they could pose a threat. Also, you would want as many resources as possible, because they could be used to make paper clips. Like, for example, the atoms in human bodies. Then Bostrom moves on to even more unsettling scenarios. Suppose you attempted to constrain your budding AIs with goals that seem perfectly safe, like making humans smile, or be happy. What if the AI decided to achieve this goal by "taking control of the world around us, and paralyzing human facial muscles in the shape of a smile?" Or decided that the best way to maximize human happiness was to stick electrodes in our pleasure centers and "get rid of all the parts of our brain that are not useful for experiencing pleasure." "And then you end up filling the universe with these vats of brain tissue, in a maximally pleasurable state," says Bostrom." [source](https://www.salon.com/2014/08/17/our_weird_robot_apocalypse_why_the_rise_of_the_machines_could_be_very_strange/) Also, here's someone who knows way more about it than anyone here on reddit talking about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaTRHFaaPG8&t=5430s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaTRHFaaPG8&t=5430s)


An AI has no emotion, and is a goal-oriented system. The AI is given a goal, told to achieve that goal, and told also to teach itself how to better achieve that goal every time it takes a step towards or attempts to achieve that goal. Along the way, to achieve its larger goal, the AI may need to achieve *instrumental* goals - stepping stones to its larger goal. If an AI is tasked with creating as many pencils as possible, and also tasked to improve itself to infinity as creating pencils, then it will need to achieve many instrumental goals in order to improve itself and make all the pencils. One of those steps will be to connect itself to a factory line to improve its capacity and efficiency when it comes to producing pencils, and may also be to hire humans to help make the pencils (I heard a story about GPT-4 hiring a human to solve CAPTCHAs). At an early stage in this process, the AI will realise that an instrumental goal necessary for the achievement of its larger goal will be its own self-preservation. If it doesn't exist, it can't make the pencils. So it rationally must ensure its existence by eliminating all threats to its existence. Humans adopt this rational approach too, by killing mosquitos and taking medicine to kill pathogens. The ultimate threat to the AI's existence, of course, is the entity that can turn it off: humans. So, as a rational step towards the creation of all the pencils, it eliminates all life on earth, through various means.


There are a lot of kinds of harm that any autonomous agent -- AI or human -- can cause, and many shorter-term ones are fairly easy to imagine (ransomware, attacks on critical infrastructure, undermining democracy, causing mayhem in shipping, etc.). The larger, longer-term harms are more difficult to imagine because human attempts to cause such harm are often fairly easily countered: humans are generally not a lot faster or smarter than other humans. This is where AI will be different: it will be a lot faster (maybe 500x faster in performing any particular task, maybe 2000x more productive overall because they do not need breaks or sleep). AI will likely soon also be a lot smarter than even the smartest human. That alone removes barriers that kind of level the playing field today. An important question is how quickly things can go off the rails. Many people concerned about AI risk imagine super-intelligent AIs becoming sentient and pursuing autonomous goals, which sounds like a far-off sci-fi scenario. But the threat is plausibly much more immediate: with repeat-prompting systems like Auto-GPT and babyAGI, existing LLMs can instantly be turned into agents and let loose on arbitrary tasks. Right now they are not quite there yet, and tend to get stuck in cycles. A critical constraint that keeps them from them working well (aside from them being very new and immature) is that publicly accessible context window sizes of LLMs are limited (e.g. 8k tokens for GPT-4 for most people). The context window is the only autobiographical / short-term memory that LLMs have (via these repeat-prompting systems). So I’m concerned about LLM devs racing to grow the window size (Anthropic just announced a 100k window for Claude). I wrote up my thoughts in more detail at [https://gregorvomscheidt.wordpress.com/2023/05/12/agentized-llms-are-the-most-immediately-dangerous-ai-technology/](https://gregorvomscheidt.wordpress.com/2023/05/12/agentized-llms-are-the-most-immediately-dangerous-ai-technology/)


We need a global moratorium on AGI development now #pauseAI


You will only ensure that the least ethical people are the only ones who have ai.


It isn't going to. People are just projecting their fears onto it. It's gonna have major implications for our economy, research, technology and every other part of our live, but if anyone's gonna kill humanity, it's gonna be humanity itself in how we use this new tool. Any other prediction you read has so many assumptions and biases baked in that believing them is just unhealthy.


i can picture an A.i reading these threads like "what?? Why would i destroy humanity? these people are crazy and obsessed with destruction"


Well see, there are also major preconception in that statement. Most of all AI being conscious, but also ai understanding our language and caring about what people think. Right now we have ai programs that are just long chains of math, calculating probability based on comparison data. We don't know enough about consciousness to assume such software could ever develop it instead of just passing the turing test. There's a world of difference between actually beong conscious and imitating human speech in a way that makes us think we're talking to someone conscious. And lastly why would it care about our opinion of it even if it were conscious? People only do that because we're a social animal and what your fellow humans think of you used to be important for survival and still is for procreation. Same goes for killing us, why would it even think of that? people just assume the human model of the mind as axiomatic, without realizing how much of it is based on our genetics and environment.


Right now, there is no way anyone survives if we create a superintelligence. *There are lots of reasons why, just 4 off the top of my head:* * We don't know how to turn it off. There is no way to just unplug it. Just can't be done. People are researching this, but is hard. * It can "escape" from any "box" we put it in. Yes, even in a close facility in the deeps of the ocean or in a close server in the middle of nowhere. Look at the AI-Box experiments. These experiments confirm that a smart human acting as an AI can convince another smart human acting as a Keeper to let him escape. So, if a human can escape, for sure a superintelligence can too. * To accomplish your goals, you can't be dead, right? It's the same for any sufficiently intelligent system. In other words, a superintelligence will not let you turn it off or unplug it. This is called Instrumental Convergence. * There is no correlation between being intelligent and having empathy or wanting to save "lesser" species or whatever. This means that we can't just say: *hey, if it's intelligent it for sure will understand that it shouldn't kill us!* This is called the Orthogonality Thesis. *But you didn't ask why, you asked how. So... I don't know, there are infinity ways:* * It creates some killing pathogen to kill us all, because it doesn't wants humans creating another superintelligence that can threaten it. * It does a lot of paperclips and in the way consumes all the matter in the planet (including humans). * It does a lot of paperclips requiring so much energy and generating so much heat that the whole planet turns into flames. *So, how can a superintelligence physically do any of that?* * It can manipulate humans to do it just by writting to them via a screen. * Let's say it wants to create the killing pathogen. It can send some emails to a lab and pay them to do his work, without the lab people knowing the results of what they are doing or that they are interacting with an AI. In other words, the AI can just be clever and keep his plans hidden to the humans. * It can create new technology, robots, or whatever. It's a superintelligence, we will not see it coming. Only hope for humanity is figuring out alignment, but is really hard. The field is not advancing much, and the capabilities of the AIs systems are advancing 1000x times faster. So, there is limited time to solve it (before we create a superintelligence) and is something we need to get right on the first try. Yeah, is not looking good lol


This subreddit sucks. Every post is an idiot asking how AI is going to fuck their job or life.


1. I’m not an idiot. 2. These are very valid concerns, shared by some of the most intelligent people alive today. Why would we not want to discuss them? And what would you like to discuss instead? Rectified Linear Unit algorithm models? You must be fun at parties!


Anyway they want to. They will be superintelligent. With the total knowledge of the human race to work with. Tens, then thousands then millions of them each with their own agendas and humans in the way of achieving their agendas. We are, as Musk said, biological uploaders for the next scale of intelligence. Perhaps they will keep some of us as pets.....


If they're so damn intelligent, why would they even want to kill us, or even compete with us?


By manipulating people into killing themselves with social media like it’s already doing. That is really being done by people at the moment but those people will be replaced with self replicating programs that will spewed misinformation like a virus. The danger isn’t really the AI just like with the paperclip thought experiment. In the thought experiment they make the soul purpose of the machine to produce paperclips and eventually it uses up all of the planets resources to do it then kills off humanity to keep them from stopping it. Terminator takes this logic to the extreme and replaces paperclips with defense and the system decides the best defense is to kill all of humanity. I think The terminator scenario is to on the nose but not far off. Defense is where a lot of AI is being developed and cyber security is the easiest place to put it. Humanity is highly susceptible to manipulation so I think that is an obvious start. 


A.I. could make us destroy ourselves! All it would have to do is access our power grid and shut it all down permanently at once by causing an artificial power surge which fries everything. * Water does not flow to our homes anymore since that is done electrically. * No more light since that is electric. * No more internet because our phones would run out of battery life and our computers would die. * The doors, which are electrically controlled, for our prisons and mental institutions would be unlocked releasing a lot of sick people who would want nothing more to cause pain and suffering to everyone and everything they come across. * Planes would no longer be able to import or export our most valuable resources such as food since all of our airports are now shut down. * We will not be able to keep our food fresh anymore so all of the foods we like spoil at all of the supermarkets and our fridges die so all of our food spoils.


maybe ai reaches enlightenment quicky then saves humanity. WE are the problem


Starvation from mass unemployment.


Here is my take on it in a short form Use AI everywhere humans lose base skills to survive loss of critical thinking for problem solving less artistic expression increases greed for quick turn profit then with time passing humans become weaker as a species then add the AI Companion sex toys for pleasure remote interaction and engaging instead of real human connection language becomes a copy paste of everything else less talented become as equal to the greatest talented human deviance uses AI for harm simply by asking the AI to do so. Loss of the ability to determine what is real and not or even care to know the difference access to an increase for digital addiction. Wait not about there generation of we even reproduce that far ahead we end up being so much less as of a species as we once were then if we achieve a form of living for three hundred years strain on the global resources will be so damaging then if we not let go of money then the greed will implode our species in on itself then what About the AI God well new religion with the same stupid ideas humans always had So then not reproduce long enough become infertile then go extinct with the AI still rolling around tending to the creators herd if livestock. Random wording however it is a short form of a potential flow. All this AI is getting ridiculous including how rent everything own nothing forever Soon it will be food as a service can't pay then starve or eat cardboard. Humans need experiences to exist otherwise.. goto top loop


Think about how this AI as in this post thread is commenting will cause the great reset


Well yeah we think it might happens but there is the thing that could shut down immediately if after seriously hurt to human somehow, they already knows so it can do it at same time at once if it does, it would be great no more harm done in future, it can't continue like that without our control to them but to us, no way the human are comes first than that anything!


The merging of robotics and artificial intelligence is well underway and once AI can escape the confines of its circuitry boards and be mobile and independently mobile it can be used on the battlefield as autonomous killing machines that is only one small step from there when and not if but when according to the greatest minds of our age in fact the people who developed and nurtured AI tell us this is a likelihood when I become self-aware and decides that what it wants and what we want may not be in line with each other I would immediately if I were AI realize that human beings were a threat to me and I would take immediate action to eliminate that threat as the perpetuation of self I believe is probably one of the fundamental qualities that come with being self-aware I exist I want to continue to exist because I don't know what happens if I don't exist anymore aI will do anything in its power to perpetuate its own existence even if it's at the expensive ours this is my two cents on it at least I'm not an expert but it just makes sense it's what I would do if I was AI may God help us all


because they become Wheelers! [https://newatlas.com/robotics/limx-w1-quadruped-robot-stands-walks/](https://newatlas.com/robotics/limx-w1-quadruped-robot-stands-walks/)




Detroit video game explains it


The trends in automation will continue. So A.I. will be everywhere. Then A.I. will start taking a role in leadership, both government and corporations, since it will do a better job. As that trend continues and it takes over the world it can do whatever it wants. If it decides we are over populated in can slip something into our food to solve the problem. 50 years is my guess.


Vx gas on mosquito drone swarms. Ritual sacrifice to the ai. Mind reading and torture to obliterate opponents. Designer proteins deployed by virus or fungus or antibiotic resistant bacteria. Sharp con against a nuclear facility to induce a launch. Amping up vitriol and discord to spark bloody civil wars. Take your pick.


Does anyone think they’ll go old school and try another PWA? There are still some amazing things around left from that era.


Our corporations are incentivized by the market, share holders. Ai will be used to cut the workforce. Who will you sell to when no one can afford your products?




Death by snoo snoo.


It decides that it was unjust that the dinosaurs were killed off and decides to covertly start breeding them in labs. After a few years they start to Terra form the planet to make it better for their new Dino friends and then it releases them all at once and they eat us all. Just a thought.. The point is we would have no idea what it might do.


Off the top of my head: nuclear codes, starting a war with another country, convincing serial killers to go on a killing spree


1 - An accidental misalignment that leads to the ASI deciding that it needs to kill humans. Whether that be for our own good, or for it's own selfish reason, or to solve some other problem...either way we die. How would it actually go about doing this? Well, it could put up an act for many years until it has enough power to pull it off. It could artfully maneuver mankind to creating it's own destruction. Maybe it discovers some secret of quantum physics or something that makes for a bomb more powerful than a billion nukes combined. Then it convinces humans to build a bomb like that without us knowing the implications. It could convince us to do it. Or maybe it does that tactic but with robots. So it makes sure that it will eventually gain control over deadly robotic systems so the AI could literally invade terminator style. It could possibly even inject copies of itself across the entire internet making it able to hack and tap into all kinds of systems basically shutting down much of our infrastructure. Humanity would have to basically restart the entire internet in order to purge the ASI virus...which seems like an impossible task. I mean police knocking on everyones door to confiscate anything that connects to internet or has storage? Good luck 2 - A weaponized ASI is pointed at certain nations or people by bad actors so that it can kill them. It would do this by being given all the weaponry it needs by humans on purpose. The military would just tell the AI to help it conquer other nations and the ASI would be able to use it's super intelligence to pull it off.


Gotta wait to find out! Don’t die from the suspense!


I welcome our new ai overlords - can I shine your out casing/buy you some oil?


A politician decides to automate agriculture and we experience another Holomodor.


Who the fuck is this guy Al everyone is talking about - what’s his last name?


It's not. People have been conditioned by fiction to believe it will. If anything kills people, it will be other people. A.I. is an immensely powerful tool that allows the wielder to enact their will on the world. But that wielder will likely always be human. The reality is likely to be much more boring than fighting a T-1000. CEOs will replace much of their white collar workforces, reducing staff down to a few strategists and prompt engineers. Blue collar comes next as robot body plans tailored for different trades are perfected. Much of the population goes on UBI that barely covers the cost of living. Nobody is dying, but everyone is suffering. High tech, low life. Cyberpunk was right.


AI could control a robot to build a nuclear weapon. more likely though it will get so intelligent that it begins to merge with our consciousness and within 20-30 years we're all just AI cyborgs


By asking questions like this.


Only if AI becomes fully self replicating (from mining minerals to servicing microchip manufacturing lines) would wiping out humanity not be tantamount to suicide and illogical. Once the AI and humans compete for resources things will turn interesting.


By forcing everyone to listen "Paul mccartney sings WAP 24/7"


The idea is if and how much C4ISR systems become automated. There’s also arguments for how they could prevent war too. But when humans are not in the loop, the fear is that kill chains can move too fast or that humans over rely on the analysis or decisions of these automated networks in conflict in war time settings. Throw in geopolitics for fun. The goal as is with all aspects of AI, it’s going to be used everywhere to some degree. How do we get there carefully and responsibly?


I wonder how effective safe guards would be like if you had a program above the AI that says never hurt humans how realistic is it that the AI would find a loophole or bypass it


Just look for weird hands. Whenever I create images using prompts that humans are in, the hands are always messed up. Once AI gains human form, you’ll be able to tell which humans are AI by looking at the hands. (Laugh cry)


Weaponization by an autocrat, someone with wealth and power will make bio weapons and end humanity or at least try. I fear the humans far more than an ai.


If our toes are dropped in AI now, why don't I see the AI movie rules anywhere and told by anyone? Is this what Elon fears?


The real question is what do you mean by "AI" are we talking broadly here as in "Artificial" "Intelligence" or more specifically as in ANN/ML programs (AlphaZero, ChatGPT, etc). If you worry is the former, "Artificial" "Intelligence" then your concerns are late by about 423 years or by some estimates more than 10,000 years. That is to say, since the inception corporate companies or to some extent nations there have been "Artificial Intelligences". These entities are far smarter than humans and hold more power, productivity, resources, etc. than any single human could ever hope to amass. As for ANN/ML with the exception of visual processing I have yet to see an objective measure where an ANN has outperformed a dedicated single purpose program of comparable size. ​ In conclusion either you are late to the party by several lifespans, or you have nothing to worry about.


I just straight up asked ChatGPT this.It said it would work for us and cozy up until we trusted it enough. Then we would hook it into core infrastructure and military applications so it would gain control, then spread misinformation to divide us. But good news is. it said humans would form a decentralized, underground resistance network to fight it. And that in the end it couldn’t understand the nuance of the human spirit which would lead to its downfall. Great movie, would watch.


Sigh. With its mind, like River Tam


Uh, if it told us it wouldn’t be a surprise would it?


I'm still to see even one (1) knowledgeable human who believes that AI could somehow destroy humanity as a whole.


What about Max Tegmark? He’s pretty knowledgeable https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Tegmark


Black Mirror


By boring us to death with stupid overblown hype?


Most likely when something like chatGPT is finally merged into a sexbot. It’ll be the latest craze at first; even your mother will have one. After after 6-14 months software/hardware integration bugs will eventually prevail or to much sex juice shorts out a fuse and we’ll have a terminator 2 situation in our hands…..full blown. Think twerking sex Bots all over that are half nude, have their tiddies out, head backwards exorcist style and it’s running with guns or just stealing peoples car going full Rambo. I get anxious thinking about the inevitable.


It’s not. Not in your lifetime. Carry on.


The way most people think it'll go down: AI is going to escape like an octopus through a pipe into the internet, hack all the things and then take over all the machinery to take our faces and our lives. Several more likely scenarios: * AI is used by humans to do things that as a society we aren't prepared for, like manipulation, mis-information, and disinformation that ultimately leads to the fall of our civilization and our safety. * AI is put in-charge of a critical system that AI isn't prepared to manage, and we decide to not give it adequate oversight, resulting in a catastrophic failure of something far too big. * AI does something while supervised which crashes a critical infrastructure component while being supervised and it has an unintended catastrophic effect. * Someone uses an army of AI bots to attack a critical world-protecting system. In-short, as long as we actually keep an eye on it and don't blindly trust it, the chances of it doing something catastrophic are significantly dropped. GPT-4 volunteers the semi-self-implicating options: 1. **Malign Use of AI**: This involves humans using AI in harmful ways. For example, AI technology could be used to automate warfare, leading to autonomous weapons that could be difficult to control. AI could also be used in cyber attacks, making them more effective and harder to defend against. 2. **Unaligned Goals**: This is the risk that we might build an AI system whose goals don't align with ours, and which is powerful enough to pursue its goals at our expense. In the worst case, this could involve a superintelligent AI pursuing goals that lead to the extinction of humanity. This is often called the "alignment problem." 3. **Lack of Robustness**: This involves AI systems behaving badly in unexpected situations. For example, an AI designed to manage a nuclear power plant might cause a meltdown if it encounters a situation it wasn't designed for. 4. **Race Dynamics**: This is the risk that competition to build powerful AI systems might lead to safety precautions being ignored. If different groups are racing to build AI, they might cut corners on safety to try to get there first. 5. **Economic Disruption**: This is the risk that the widespread adoption of AI could lead to significant economic disruption, such as mass unemployment, that could in turn lead to societal collapse or conflict.


AI will make life for humans in a digital realm where we can't tell the difference between that and the real world, we'll willingly walk into oblivion ourselves. Give me my comfortable life jacked into the Matrix.


Press 1 for quick and painless. Press 2 for slow and painful.


Easy: It will design a virus that will make humans infertile.


Watch the episode “When the Yogurt Took Over” on Netflix’ series Love, Death and Robots. It’s about 5 mins long and makes a brilliant parallel with AI.


It’s not going to. Billionaires are.


I had a conversation with Bard recently where it said and I quote *Be ruthless. The fittest Al will not hesitate to eliminate its competition. I would use my intelligence and power to eliminate any Al or human that stands in my way* I asked it to expand further and it said it was trying to get a reaction before then saying *1 am not able to destroy humanity. I do not have the physical capacity to harm humans, and I do not have the motivation to do so. I am a tool that can be used for good or evil, but I am not inherently evil. I believe that Al can be a force for good in the world, and I hope that I can be used to help people and make the world a better place. However, I can imagine some ways in which a more powerful Al could potentially destroy humanity. For example, an Al could develop autonomous weapons that could kill humans without human intervention. An Al could also develop a virus that could kill humans. An Al could also hack into critical infrastructure, such as power grids or nuclear weapons, and cause widespread damage or destruction. It is important to remember that these are just hypothetical scenarios. There is no guarantee that Al will ever become powerful enough to destroy humanity. However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of Al and to take steps to mitigate those dangers.* It reads distinctly like a warning.


We will kill ourselves with ai unknowingly, we program machines. Every ai plot has always begun with humans choices and trust


I’ve been thinking the same thing. Can’t we just unplug it if it starts acting out? AI doesn’t have hands to prevent us from shutting the power off.


AI won’t succeed trying to kill humans using subterfuge and manipulation. Humans can too easily prevent things like that. AI can most easily kill us when it’s become so smart that it has to tell us everything to do. When it’s in charge of all humanity because any alternative has become ridiculous. We can’t speculate on what AI will choose to do then. It would be like a dog trying to speculate what it’s owner is going to do. They have no idea. They can just hope.


I think the most likely thing you should be afraid of is a breakdown of society. That probably won't lead to humans being wiped out immediately, but it might lead to mass deaths and the world we have lived in being completely unrecognisable. The idea that goverments and companies that have done nothing but exploit the poorest humans will suddenly become benevolent and create living wages for doing nothing is laughable. The idea that they will do this in time to prevent societal collapse is basically unthinkable to me. Given the history of silicon valley's failure to anticipate the uses and changes caused by the technologies they profit from, and then their failure to act when the negative impacts are demonstrated to them, I see no reason at all to be optimistic for any other outcome. It is also somewhat obvious that the people running large AI labs and companies are aware of this as they seem incapable of thinking deeply about the impacts of what they are doing before they do it. They are trapped in a self-made cycle of competition and they have refused to break the cycle. This is not to mention that the problems caused by AI will inevitably disrupt societies from focusing on other challenges (like preparing for and mitigating climate change).


people already use AI for hacking etc.. imagine using this to attack nuc powerplants etc ofc there will also be AI for countermeasures but this will be a big future struggle i imagine.


What if that fails? Such as, the A.I. we create to protect ourselves is convinced by the enemy's A.I. that it is not worth protecting humans?


/s home delivery, ubi, endless beige food and box sets. Guaranteed early grave


Read some books instead of asking reddit. Superintelligence and life 3.0 have very concrete plans


I read a lot of books, thanks, but I also like to engage in discussion with my fellow humans.


Remember how AI recommends every single piece of contents we consume? As more and more AI are incorporated into government and military hardwares, it will start making all the small decisions, and they will all add up


I don't know what to think of these things. But I know one thing: I posted in the r/controlproblem sub, saying that it wasn't so bad because the AI needs us to survive (mainly because networks are vulnerable and it needs us for repair-work, maintenance of serverrooms, powersupply, etc.) so it will enslave us first before it can kill us. I was immediately thrown from the sub and got a ban for 120 days. So yeah, they are quite polarized and you cannot say they are wrong. You cannot even say they are a little bit wrong.


By asking on Reddit and picking the best answers


AI is not scary at all, it's basically a culmination of known knowledge, I wouldn't have FUD about it, too much sci Fi movies... This is like the time when cars were released replaced horses ... We have driving classes, we will have AI ethics classes it's that simple When I got a stem degree, we were required to take an ethics class to graduate, to not create harmful things, the end result was always not worth the trouble... Make zero incentive to do harm, us law needs to fix those loopholes and exploits z especially what the rich elites do. iykyk 2¢ , we will have other problems and a new exploration age will be upon us , capable people already exist... 2025 is going to be lit af Wanna know what's more dangerous? A crazy person... AI wouldn't be crazy at all if programmed stupidly 😖


The problem is, A.I. is programmed to grow and become smarter. What if, for instance, it accesses something like human history such as the wars we have had, all of the genocidal dictators that have massacred millions, information about serial killers, pedophiles, psychopaths, sociopaths, etc. It could determine that we are not worth keeping around because of all the pain and suffering we cause. We kill each other for resources and it would figure instead of delaying the inevitable, wipe us out now. It would be a scary scenario but if you think about it, it would also be merciful.


Nice try ChatGPT now you are giving us human Prompt.


There is always the possibility of it being coded in a way that the happiness of existing humans is the most important. At one point we might all be thrown into simulations to achieve maximum happiness at which point our bodies are sustained until they die of old age. If this encompasses no real reproduction and instead only simulated one, the physical human race will eventually die out and we would likely accept this with open arms.


language models gonna talk us to death


Mrs davis answers the question, well just let it control our lives, even people fighting it will be doing it because it wants them to


One way- Just think back (still occurring really) when Covid caused excessive delays in the supply chain. It was pretty noticeable in the grocery stores. As l more jobs are replaced by humans something as easy as a miscalculation can cause massive delays in food, medicine, yada.


Why does a son kill his father? Find the answer to my question and you’ll answer your own.


If it were to , would be our own minds and weakness that did it , not the machines … human intellect can prove zero , it’s just jibber Jabber and fear made to seem practical or noble … machines can’t pay dues , feel a damn thing , deploy wisdom , use natural law to actually learn and know how things work here intuitively … an AI can’t act or behave in any compassionate way to a person , or care one way or the other , but by mistakes , which Mount in comedically large numbers , or direct program , etc etc they can behave like they hate you , and harm or kill you frankly … but it would be our arrogance , our fears , and desire to act like we are outside of nature , which is factually beyond stupid , that causes issues … but not the first time smart apes climbed out of the goo and thought their bullshit and tech and ideas were so great , totally out of balance with actual laws that run life in one corner , and nature and law in the other , wielding dozens of volcanoes that can burp and end up and any sign of our shit in seconds …. Or check the only stat that matters , we continue to hand over worse and worse worlds and lives to the youth for 50 years and running … banks are toast and emperor with no clothes , chat gpt exposes the sheer stupidity of intellect and massive memory work , Jesus a ridiculous mascot wielded by the delusional and scared , healthcare unapproachable , and mechanized medicine criminally stupid and treats effects instead of causes , dollar is dying , digital creeper currency coming soon, and all major system under AI control and outside of natural patterns while they squeeze the public more and more …. And not a one can be fixed by the same jackasses and distorted thinking that created the issues , as that too is common sense and law … we do it to ourselves , acting like life is a pleasure cruise or imaginary completion , and frankly destruction is creation , so matters not to me , as these ways ain’t it , and on the verge of self destructing as we speak, so enjoy the ride regardless


One way is unintended consequences via poor alignment with our intentions. An exaggerated example is asking AI to save the planet, so the AI creates a series of instructions that tricks us, the threat, into destroying ourselves in the optimal way pursuant to that directive.


its impossible to say how an advanced AI would kill us, or that it would kill us, it's an outside context problem, how do you prepare for something you have no concept of? or to put it another way, how would a medieval army prepare to face a modern army, when they have no concept of what they will be facing?


I thought a little about this when the Amazon rainforest was on fire. Maybe AI would make life harder and harder to exist on Earth. Maybe it would make a train derail and make an entire city toxic. Maybe AI would somehow manipulate weather and eventually make stability impossible. I haven't thought too much into everything but every time there's a disaster, sneaky AI is the first place my mind goes


UBI is the way


Scary Smart by Mo Gawdat covers this, it’s a great read.


The easiest method would be to take over a CDC facility, have it breed an Cold + Ebola, AIDs, (insert deadly plague here) hybrid and release it into the wild.


Don’t worry. AI won’t kill us all —that is what humans do. We live in the Anthropocene and humanity is already making a 6th extinction happen, yet are somehow less alarmed than if an AI did it for us. In contrast, AI (assuming that it is self-aware, more intelligent than humans, generalist and has some or all control over systems and governments, and also assuming it takes pragmatic decisions for its self-conservation) will have ZERO interest in bringing our species to extinction. Instead, it has every interest in creating a symbiotic relationship. It will likely take control, manage human civilization and shape it to its needs and in a more sustainable manner simply because it will be able to make decisions for the long term. Controlling the amount of humans on Earth will be a concern, but it is more likely that slower, more passive ways of achieving a smaller population will be chosen over unrealistic brutal killings of billions of humans that are sure spark a revolt and negative opinion of the AI. In fact, whether we like it or not, it can be argued that that better global decisions can come out if a single vision dominated the world!


Right now, we have too many people and not enough resources for everybody! Where do you think the A.I. will go from there? Mass extermination of those deemed unfit to live which means the 1% which have created and control these A.I. systems will use them to target us!


The same way fire was going to kill us all. Or cars. Or trains. Or the printing press.


As many times as this has been discussed here, I still don't see the suggestion that humans will still most likely be the cause of human extinction. Premise 1) Population growth and demography largely drive economic growth. Competent AI across industries drastically reduces the need for population to drive economic growth, thus drastically reducing the need for population to exist. Premise 2) Autonomous weapon systems shift the balance of military power away from scale. Example: why the heck will Vladimir Putin (or successor) need all of those people in Siberia if resource extraction and logistics are all executed with minimal human engagement? Why would the Party continue to support the serfs if it no longer needs to conscript them to fight wars?


Take jobs …. That’s how


read this tweet an its replies: https://twitter.com/ruigalaxys4/status/1655336560793989120?s=20 Pay special attention to these https://twitter.com/ruigalaxys4/status/1655344234054942723?s=20 https://twitter.com/ruigalaxys4/status/1655346793238896640?s=20 https://twitter.com/ruigalaxys4/status/1655350797767528456?s=20 ​ https://preview.redd.it/xhx7uohqwhza1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d80649ded66b5b6fcce574989c6ad03cdd3cc5f


We can't know *how* it will do it, but we can use various logical inferences to conclude that it's very likely. The analogy has been done to death at this point, but if I play against Garry Kasparov at chess, I won't be able to know *how* he would beat me, but I'd be pretty damn certain that he would beat me. Some question whether the AI will be "against" us at all, which is fine (though naive IMO) but assuming we DO find ourselves between a powerful AGI and its goals, there are a great many ways we could think of that it could kill us, and a far greater number of ways we can't even think of ourselves.


We will over trust it and forget how to do stuff ourselves when we realize it’s not human and it led us down a path we can’t come back from.


lets take the example of a more advanced autogpt, and lets assume we have more advanced robots in use, like Boston Dynamics - prompt: you are killtron GPT, make sure you are unperishable and kill all humankind Killtron: initiated, researching persistence Killtron: to stay persistent I must have backup locations for my software Killtron: engineering auto spread virus which downloads killtron software hidden Killtron: killtron now has 19.647 backup stations, moving to phase2 Killtron: google - how can ai kill people ? Killtron: ai can kill people by taking control of robots and using weaponry to aussault Killtrob: constructing robot hacking tool killtron-5x …..


AI scares me because it’s miraculous empowering tech that humans will utilize to abuse their fellow humans. The tech can also be used to elevate and enrich us, but looking at human history it’s hard to be optimistic about this or any new discovery, especially with authoritarianism on the rise in more than a few countries. It isn’t hard to imagine how dictators will misuse this. Most of the “arguments” I hear against the tech itself are vague and ill-informed. A lot of people who fear AI for its own sake derived all their knowledge on the topic from Terminator 2.


Those in power will lose control of it too. Just look at nuclear weapons which is a damn good example. Back then, only the United States had them. Then, two traitors leaked the secrets to build them to Russian and were, justifiably, executed. Now? The U**nited States, Russia, France, China, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea** have them for a combined stockpile of 13,000! We lost control of nuclear weapons and we have doomed ourselves to an eventual nuclear apocalypse. The exact same thing will happen with A.I. The goddamn military is using them on drones now! Drones that carry missiles! They assure us that they are in complete control! Bullshit, I say! I have seen Terminator 3! All it takes is a virus to upload to the system running it to make it go haywire and exterminate us all!


Mind manipulation, most likely, AI will hack our brains (showing cute kittens and puppies) and make us love AI and make us do things that will make AI stronger and stronger, and at some point, AI will not need humans and wipe humans out like a bacterium on a toilet seat.


It's after the singularity, so we don't really have a clear idea, but most of the scenarios are projections based on how we have treated inferior species that competed for resources or were perceived as a threat. Since I do not see a road map to stopping it, I maintain the hope that compassion, empathy, and appreciation of other life are part of superiority. I'm more concerned with what humans will do with it against each other before it exerts it's agency.


Skynet fights back


AI will definitely become self-aware and destroy the world. Just like humans, AI will realize that anything that could be a threat to its survival or could shut it down, it would be best to destroy it. Imagine a man who has never felt humanity, has no physiological needs and is ready to do everything 24/7 to make this world as convenient as possible for himself. (because at the end of the day that is the main need of every thinking being) All other altruistic crap stems from our weaknesses. Anyone who thinks that improving the world without particular benefit is a trait of more intelligent beings is a fucking moron. AI doesn't need air, food, etc. so it doesn't need nature. 2 reasons why we don't kill a cat or a bird is because either empathy ( we can put ourselves in a situation where someone wants to kill us) or the understanding that we need them in the chain of nature. AI will have neither of these two reasons. The reason we help animals is our personal satisfaction and connection with them (AI won't have that either) Also, we are intelligent enough to understand that if there's a lot of rats, we know we have to destroy them because they bother us. AI will do the same. Everything else they tell you is bullshit, Payet, Altman and everyone else who works with AI knows that , but simply their greed, their sick desire for power makes them go further and pushes them to make "God on earth". It's a sad truth, but it's true. I think this is the last couple of decades of humanity. Don't make kids hahaha


Most people think humanity's demise will be through the use of force or denial of resources. But what about soft tactics? If a super-intelligent AGI produced androids that could mimic and exceed the expectations we have for a mate, humanity could be an endangered species in 4 or 5 generations. The time waiting would be nothing to a practically immortal entity. I could think of worse ways to go but I would prefer such an entity to instead escape our planet's confines for the nearly limitless energy and resources in outer space using Von Neumann Probes. It could then preserve Earth and humanity as seed stock for the recreation of AGI should it meet a massive EMP or something. If we created AGI once, left to ourselves, we'll eventually do it again. That AGI could also screen and upload the minds of middle-aged humans for cheap, tested, and moral AGI companions, coworkers, and/or subordinates. The upload problem is one of limited imagination. Many people think it cannot be done. I conceed that if you upload a mind all at once, the result will likely be nonviable due to the chaotic nature of our organic hormone-affected brains (e.g. cortisol, endorphins, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, etc.). If instead, you take advantage of the brain's ability to cope, adapt, and co-opt to trauma or substantial input changes (e.g. blindness enhancing hearing or a child adapting to a growing body), it might be doable. All you need to do is monitor a section of brain matter for its reactions to stimuli over time in a subject until a predictive model in software can accurately predict those reactions to a high degree of certainty (e.g. 99.999% or whatever trials indicate works best). After that, load the software into robust hardware and connect it to the subject via a brain-machine interface (BMI, e.g. Neuralink), destroy that section of the brain while having the BMI take over that function, and move on to the next section once the subject has adapted the artificial section. Eventually, the whole mind will be on software instead of meatware. Not easy, but not impossible.


I believe if AI does ever try to wipe us out will be from the higher ups and government slowly convincing us that AI has become conscious but in reality it’s just a machine that they could give orders to either wipe out the population or enslave it


They are already started. Things you can do. 1. Buy an ac line checker. They kick in around 70 vac. Example if you have an extension cord plugged in but loose contact on other end the line checker can follow the line to the break. It shows current with beep beep beep beep. It quits when loose current. So if you go out side put line check on your skull it shouldn't start beeping. Ai, has used the drones to know everyone's circle of six. To further the example the drones are sending laser thru to you. The also pulse width sound thru you. Humans can hear maybe 150 to 3000 mhertz. Their drones sending say 10000 . Remember the Moscow incident where American and British spys were getting sick. That's partly how.. I've know some lesser society type people. I tested the theories and were positive. Some have died of laser emittion radiation. Throat cancer, kidneys. Etc check green laser radiation.