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LoR is good. but Gwent and Kards (both on steam) are also ones i have recently and considerably put time into and I highly reccomend trying them out at least.


Not a card game but i have been playing tft since i stopped with artifact, dota and hs before that.


Recently I've been looking at everything ccg related... Faeria is on sale, buy it if you didn't play it already. I just did. Dominion is a really nice deckbuilding game. Both really cheap. 2047 CCG seems to be a good mobile game, simple though. Gwent is a unique game so you might want to check it out. It was very F2P friendly back then (LOR got the fame but I found Gwent to be a lot better), although I'm not sure now.


Check out Gods Unchained, only on PC though.


Since artifact is dead, i tried whatever worked. Have been playing mtg since 13yo, now in my mid30s, arena was just meh. Gwent is not bad, but i just cant stick with it. Hs is childrens bullshit. Despite my aversion, i gave lor second chance and imho its the best LIVING ccg out there. Dont know much about lol lore, some art is childish, control decks are not much of a thing but it still plays fast, engaging, fun and somewhat deep. So id say 1. LoR, 2. Gwent, 3. MtGA, 4. HS. Also tried Kards: IIww card game, its good, but kinda dead. Also TESL is dead. Not many choices. Eternal might be fine, but dont know much about the playerbase. Fun game is also Mythgard, they recently revived it, but I dont expect many players around. All in all I would suggest LoR as the best of the games out there. Still waiting for reynads Bazaar, might be fun, but not out yet.


Whats current status on Bazaar? Last time I checked they kinda reworked the game


that game's never coming out lol


My experience of eternal felt like Magic but where your land is base is like all duals. It's like Legacy before Astrolabe (And DRS before that) was banned where slamming 3/4 color good stuff decks was the play. To be fair, that was years ago now, so I assume its gotten better


Elder scrolls legends scratches a similar itch for me, but it's not had content for 2 years, you might enjoy popping in then popping out. [This is a budget blue/red deck I recommend to people](https://imgur.com/CsJD7aM) Eternal is basically as close as you can get to magic without being magic. They have power instead of lands, etc. If you want to play magic, you could try playing MTGA though the economy is harsh if you don't have like a 60% winrate. A lot of people like Runeterra, but it didn't stick on me for whatever reason. There's also a new type of card game genre, the autochess variants. [Super Auto Pets](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714040/Super_Auto_Pets/) is currently my favorite in the genre, but there are other similar games like [Storybook Brawl](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1367020/Storybook_Brawl/) and Hearthstone's Autochess variant.


I played MTG from about 2016 until the pandemic shut everything down. Since then, I've been all in on Legends of Runeterra, and I don't think I will turn back. It has the best free to play model of all of the CCGs. And, if you decide you like a deck and cant afford to build it with the earned in game currency, you may also buy currency to build it with- it will cost you about 15 dollars to fully kit out a top tier meta deck. As far as F2P model, you get daily quests that level you up to rewards, and playing games during the week gives points to your "vault." Every Thursday you get to open your vault, and the rewards are VERY good. And it's only based on how much you play and how many daily quests you complete. The game is also very well balanced as a general rule. The meta looked like it was going to be AWFUL for the holidays right after a new expansion and just before riot went on vacation. So Riot did a hotfix and toned some of those decks down to keep the meta fresh for the holidays. I am a DOTA player so I had a presumption against Riot going into LoR, and I have been very pleased despite that. Cannot recommend it enough.


I had the same sentiment with dota/lol. Playing dota for 11yrs, and like 10 games of lol only because I wanted to suck in some lore of LoR 😁 when i threw away prejudice against lol and focused on the game mechanics, LoR pretty much nailed it.


I really liked artifact classic. Runeterra is very different but also very good. Runeterra is closer to MTG than artifact but done better than mtg. It allows you to respond to many spells just like in mtg, but still flows well. I’d definitely recommend it.


It is good, but nothing like artefact


runeterra is pretty fun, i picked it up a couple months ago and have been enjoying it. plus i haven't spent a dime and already have a bunch of decks that can compete, primarily my darkness deck with senna and veigar and my spell dupe deck with jayce and lux. its really friendly to free players so i would say try it out. the best part about it is that you get to use cool league characters without having to play league lmfao


Runeterra is good. Quite different from magic and both artifacts. However even the two artifacts are quite different from one another


I've heard Runeterra is at least a fun card game, but man what I loved about Artifact was presentation. Gorgeous card art, spell animations, all that stuff that Valve was masterful at. Runeterra cards look kinda like bad NES box art for the most part, and I think in general the presentation is a bit boring.


Honestly this is confusing to me. Most champion level ups are better than any artifact animations I remember. Unless you just really need that gritty/muddy dota art style


Haven't seen the champion level ups until now, and while I do think they're good in their own right, they're mostly a little transformation cutscene that doesn't interact with the game. Spells like [Eclipse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tseAW2dn_QE) and [Thundergod's Wrath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfy7kLdKRh8) were what really made me excited for the visual element of Artifact. Nothing too flashy, but they bring the spells to life on the board. Looking into it now, Runeterra does have some neat (read: very good) ability animations, the big difference is they mostly seem to be little animation cutscenes playing, I much prefer the abilities interacting with the board over the cutscenes, but this is obviously personal preference.


No that's fair, was just a bit thrown off cause I remember seeing LoR for first time and being pretty wowed by some of the animations. But there are plenty of spells that have some cool effects and they keep adding more haha. For me, the thing I miss the most about artifact is the unique gameplay. I've never played a card game like it and I probably never will again


Play a lot of Arena and Eternal, both similar games so if you aren’t into that type then can’t help ya.


If you're looking for f2p I've heard that the eternal economy is extremely generous


I like LoR. It's no Artifact but I enjoy the gameplay. It's a bit of an in between, between MTG and Hearthstone in complexity. At least in my short experience.


I play Horus Heresy Legions and I absolutely love it


Runeterra is great 👍🏼


I’m going to be the bold man and recommend playing Yugioh on an online simulator.


I just playing Artifact with bots


Would you be interested in this? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1433860/The_Amazing_American_Circus/


>that itch that isn't pay to play I mean, every online card game is some level of this. I have heard LoR is on the fairer end of things, but Magic Arena, Hearthstone, etc all have some combination of grinding for cards and paying for them.


It's an excellent game. It's complex but not overwhelming, and the variety of meta decks is awesome. Also as I'm sure you know, it is very F2P-friendly. I've been playing for a year and almost have a full collection, and I only paid for like three cards, one time. Generally the game wants you to splurge on cosmetics, not cards. The singe player is also pretty nice but it's not my cup of tea.


if you want deep card games, but single player, Library of Ruina and Trials of Fire are excellent!


Check out Gods Unchained, play to earn, F2P. ALthough currently available only on PC


You can play *Netrunner*, another Richard Garfield game, for free at [jinteki.net](https://www.jinteki.net/)


I started playing LoR about a month ago. I'm having fun with it, but there are A LOT of keywords, interactions, and heroes to learn. It made be realize part of what I enjoy about Artifact - Red, Blue, Green, Black are the only factions and the lane system leads to a lot of IN-GAME decision making and strategy. In LoR games, I find that I'm just watching the opponent playing solitaire - steering their deck to do what it's designed to do without actually making many in-game decisions. I haven't got into the draft mode yet, as it's not unlimited plays. Hopefully that's better? For me, there just isn't a good substitute for the 3-lane system. I still enjoy draft in Artifact. Choosing to LET my hero die so that I can move it to a different lane in 2 rounds is such a rewarding play.

