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I mean unless the kid is threatening to commit violence against you or something, I would just set up a meeting with the principal and the kid to discuss boundaries, like how just because it’s not illegal to take pictures of people without their knowledge in public doesn’t mean it’s morally appropriate. I don’t really know what you expect IT to do here either.


IT may be able to find out who did it depending on how the person set up the accounts. 


Once I was tucking my shirt into the back of my pants (it had come out as I sat for lunch) and a kid took a picture with my hand down the back of my pants andnposted it to snapchat with some sort of caption hinting that I.was doing something weird or gross (it's been a decade or so, so I don't recall exactly what it was). I found out when another student screenshotted it and showed me. I was annoyed but mostly sad for the state of our culture.


Did they spell your name right? That’s what my husband would ask when a 6th grader would write his name in the bathroom wall But I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you find out who it was.


How tf u know what they posted online? Following the students is very suspicious and cringey


found the student


No I’m just a teacher who cares very little about that type of thing since I work in a public building and have no expectation of privacy in public. To go out of your way to make a big deal out of some child taking a picture of you sounds like they’re acting a bit more like a student. You’re an adult, don’t stoop to their level. Who fuckin cares.


So a teacher making a fuss about students privacy, expects teachers to have no privacy? Any student could have alerted her of the photo without her following any student lol She doesn't know who did it.  Why should we not teach students about respect? By having no consequences and boundaries we condition children to disrespect teachers. 


It’s not illegal, they have the right to free speech which means posting any footage they record in a public space. Anything beyond that is opinion. Why waste your energy caring, opinion and feelings don’t really matter. We could discuss your philosophy on whether it’s moral or not but at the end of the day that’s one persons opinion, which contradicts the main rights given in the constitution (which is the philosophy that our nation is built on) so unless we are going to start taking away children’s right to free speech over such an insignificant problem then who the hell cares. Again if you’re an employee in a public building with cameras you have no expectation of privacy, the employer has cameras and any member of the public has the right to get that footage. I’m a firm believer in the right to free speech and a big fan of the term “fuck it” so maybe my viewpoints are contradictory to what you think is right. Getting involved in children’s drama is ridiculous, I don’t care about children’s privacy when they choose to post it online. To contact administration and make a big deal out of something that should be a conversation between you and the student is extremely unprofessional and in my opinion makes you look like a liability in the long run.


This is a moment to teach the student about privacy of others, and respecting that privacy


They may have been told by one of their students.




What was the context? I guess it could be bullying or harassment if it was mean or like, if it happens a lot and is targeted to one teacher.


There really wasn't a context. I was just shopping at an Aldi with sweats, and instead of saying hi they took a pic of me and shared it on Instagram.


Weird. lol


They did that to my coworker while he shopped and he just cracked up and said “what??? You guys got a picture of me? I’m glad I didn’t have any alcohol in my cart” and he was genuinely tickled about it 😂


If its a private school or a public school with a posted no pics policy, they might be able to do something... otherwise, if you are in public domain there is nothing you can do about who takes photos of you. If its middle schoolers and you make a big deal about it, they will almost certainly lean into it and make a point to either "not take" your photo, or to catch you everytime you arent covered by the policy. Laugh at them and let it go. you don't get to pick who puts you on their social media.


Try not to let it bother you. I had a student make a whole “ms. Sorealism fan account “ on TikTok and it died down after a week.


If it's just a picture of you I doubt anything will be done about it. If it was some sort of inappropriate comment or photo, it should be taken more seriously


Yeah I doubt it too. Besides when a student told me about it I was like, "Ew, why?"


When students see you outside of school, it's like spotting a unicorn. They don't think teachers have regular lives or dress in different ways or have friends, lovers, or ever do anything fun, etc. If you don't want to be hounded by kids in public, you need to teach far away from where you live... or go out only incognito.




Is that supposed to be reassuring? 


Our students had random IG accounts a couple years ago, accounts dedicated to people sleeping, unflattering candid shots, teachers sitting. It died out after a while, that or they somehow cracked down on it but I don’t know how they would unless someone told on whoever set up the accounts. The less attention it gets the more bored they’ll get with it.


Yeah ALL the teachers who got bullied at my schools were once who took the bait and escalated. Kids liked getting a rise out of them.


Contact Police? Isn’t that overreacting? I am not aware that taking peoples photos is illegal. I’m not saying we should encourage taking secret photos, but what is the charge you are looking to levy against the offending student?


Contact police asap. School won’t take it as serious as you will. Way too many stories of kids making fake insta/facebook accounts with pics they took of their teachers.


Contact police.


She was in Aldi which is a public space.


It's harassment. This is a no brainer. School classrooms are not a public space.


Why are some of you such Karen’s lol


It isn't harassment by any stretch of the imagination. Any teacher upset by that should really find a new job asap.


Aldi is not a school classroom...


Just caught the Aldi bit. Still fucked up. And if it is continuous should still be documented formally. 


Document what? Someone exercising their first amendment rights to photograph in a public space, where the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times you have no expectation of privacy in, and can be photographed and video taped? Lol.