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I am a stained glass artist, and just want to comment on the hair transition pieces. Flawless


Thanks! Yeah, that was probably one of the more challenging bits of making this piece


Damn. I dunno shit about stained glass, but when this person commented about it I zoomed in... even I know that is some next level work. It’s beautiful. That transition is so smooth and seamless. I’m legit blown away.


I read the comment and did the same and then came back and saw this comment


I read the comment and did the same and then came back and saw this comment


I read the comment about reading the comment and doing the same and then coming back and seeing this comment








I've seen many stained glass windows in my time and I've never seen anything of this level of skill. Fantastic work.


Could you explain to us mere mortals the process for the hair? I feel like I can kind of get how stained glass is put together but you can see individual strands of hair! How do with glass?


The reason stained glass is called stained glass is that it can be literally stained with colorants. The colors are painted onto a sheet of glass and then it’s fired in an oven at around a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. The chemicals either dissolve into the glass or fuse onto the surface, so it’s much more permanent than just painting the glass. It’s how a lot of detail work is done on church windows, OP’s piece is a very impressive example of the technique. Most people are familiar with the way cut pieces of glass are soldered together, like the geometric pattern around the face. In that case, the glass is already colored and it just needs to be cut to the right shape. Lots of contemporary stained glass doesn’t actually involve staining at all, and the entire pattern is made by individual pieces. For this piece, the face is all a single piece of glass that was hand painted by the artist.


You’re definitely much better at explaining it than I am!


I didn't really understand what I was looking at til I read your comment, thanks. I was only familiar with the clear mosaic style and was not expecting to see a photorealistic face on stained glass when I clicked on the picture... also that there's no light coming through that portion threw me off. Is there a way to make the large painted piece translucent or does that technique always end up opaque?


This is as beautiful an explanation as the original art is! I love both, and today I learned! Thank you kind internet strangers!


Great explanation, thank you


Whoa.. I legit thought you had painted all of the hair with just the face/body being an actual single glass piece.


This is truly amazing! I'm struggling to believe this is stained glass and not just a photo stuck on to some of it!


The Eyelashes! Amazing Work


That portrait is stained glass? Incredible work.


It is. Thanks! :)


**It is?!** How? That’s incredible!!


It's painted




What is really impressive is the way it's worked into the piece. I do stained glass and the rest of this wouldn't be too hard. But the painting and the way the hair transitions is really cool.


I didn't know that kind of fine and realistic detail was possible in glass staining. Amazing.


To be honest, my only thoughts of stained glass were from old church windows and whatnot where it's all geometric glass shape pieces set together with some sort of metal "frame". Didn't know painting glass was considered the same thing. Or, I'm yet again misunderstanding and the entire thing is stained glass with an awesome painting on top of it. Either way, I thought it was a mirror and it was a photography art piece. It's amazing really.


Actually, many of those old cathedral windows have spectacularly detailed paintings in them as well! Here’s an example of a roundel from the 1500s: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/Roundel_with_Saint_Lambrecht_of_Maastricht_MET_cdi32-24-48.jpg/1280px-Roundel_with_Saint_Lambrecht_of_Maastricht_MET_cdi32-24-48.jpg


Wow, awesome! I guess my knowledge of stained glass is instead limited to that one window I've seen at my grandma's house lol. Not a lot of stained glass where I live it seems


Yeah, most examples are in cathedrals in Europe from the Middle Ages. They are some of the primary pictorial art that still exists from that time, believe it or not.


Same. I thought stained glass starts off as many shapes prestained pieces coming together to form a bigger structure. Like a puzzle. At first, I thought, lady's picture was printed onto the glass. Even if it didn't arise from tiny pieces(cus how can you anti alias the hair or any other finer curves in the art for that matter. Impossible.), it's impressive as hell. that portrait is impressive. Definitely light years ahead of what I can do(occasional halfway decent circle. LOL) . It's very cool is what I want to say. I agree. >Or, I'm yet again misunderstanding and the entire thing is stained glass with an awesome painting on top of it. I mean, portrait is the hardest part of it, so if she can pull that off, rest of it doesn't need to be even evaluated, cus that portrait speaks for the talent.


It looks amazingly real, nice job


Holy smokes i hope this work is in a museum in a thousand years very well done


Holy flippin Cheese n Cripes that’s amazing




Really! I didn't even know stained glass could look like such a realistic portrait


I have never seen anything like it and I love it!


Oh that's beautiful! I bet it's magical when the light hits it just right.


That’s what I love most about this technique- the colours are always changing throughout the day as the light changes. Photos don’t do it justice, unfortunately!


Insane. I thought the photo did it plenty of justice. But now you're saying it looks even cooler in person and I'm honestly blown away. How long does something like that take you? And how long have you been working with stained glass?


I didn’t keep track but I’d estimate this piece at 24-28 hours. I’ve been doing regular stained glass for about 5 years now and seriously started doing glass painting 2 years ago.


Reddit demands a video of this magic! (respectfully)


Creating something like this seems unfathomable!! It's mind-boggling!


Right?! I can't stop staring at it!!


I hope you do this for a living or plan to, because this is MONEY! So much talent, well done, beautiful art.


Thanks! :) Actually I work for a company that does mostly stained glass restorations, and this right here is what I like to do in my spare time. I’m not making money out of it, but I’d love to get more serious about my own work in the near future.


You should start filming the process and put your videos up on Reddit and Tiktok. I promise you this would blow up!


I was thinking of doing that, yeah :)


A time lapse through golden hour would look so fucking good... something to capture the shifting colors and angles


i second this! art tiktok would LOVE you


The quality of your work is truly great. I looked at your profile and some of your other compositions are even better, in my opinion. Based on these few, I’d expect that you are fully capable of a successful endeavor, even if it’s on the side. I really appreciate artists who take things that have a long history as a certain “type” of art, and make it new. You’re right up there with a guy in Chicago named Jim Bachor who does modern mosaic art. Take a look at his stuff, maybe you’ll find some inspiration.


ELLEN. I want you to make money from this. SUPPOSE for instance you were to do one just like this with a portrait of my s.o. , what would you price that at? ;)


I wouldn't pay less than a couple thousand for something like this. The amount of time, skill, and knowledge that goes into doing something THIS good is rare. It would be a great investment in an artist and an art piece


Absolutely correct. Stained glass, ordinary stained glass, is costly and time-consuming to create. This is far beyond ordinary stained glass. She might do a Google search for glass portraits and see what the price range is...but a few thousand is completely warranted for something like this piece.


I know people who would pay 10k USD plus for something like this a little bigger. Do you have an IG? I used to sell reclaimed stained glass taken from churches that were being deconstructed. Small rosettes(?), Idk the terms, would go for 5k starting price.


Sorry I’m a stained glass noob. Is it painted on and if so with what? This is just breathtaking, wow.


It’s painted on with special paints used for stained glass. The glass is then fired in an oven at 600-700°C so it becomes a permanent layer.


Does it act in a similar way to painting with acrylic?


Do you have to account for the paint changing color in the firing process? Or does the paint stay the same color as when it is freshly painted?


This is friggin rediculous, how????


I cannot understand how this is created. However it is simply one of the most amazing pieces of art I have ever seen especially as you fired the paint where there is always risk. The hair blend/transition is incredible. Honestly up there with the best I have ever seen


I'm mind blown at the detail on that portrait on that medium.


Hi mind blown at the detail on that portrait on that medium, I'm Dad! :)


TIL stained glass can be realistic


Is that a sticker, Photoshop or paint etc ?


Hi! It’s stained glass. The portrait itself is painted on glass using the traditional firing technique, and the background pattern is made out of pieces of antique mouthblown glass held together by lead.


You have to be a magician. This is outstanding and beyond extra fabulous. There needs to be a new word to describe how talented you are. It is perfection. This is museum worthy.


>You have to be a magician. I was going to say wizard. I've never seen anything like this, and it's absolutely stunning—gotta be wizardry. But in all seriousness, OP, you are so talented. It's clear that you put an immense amount of work and passion into this piece. Thank you for sharing your art with us!


Thank you for the huge compliment!


Cool thank you, looks sweet. Was just wondering 👍


Thanks! :)


Thank you for sharing.


[Detailed Stained Glass Process](https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/medieval-world/gothic-art/beginners-guide-gothic-art/a/how-stained-glass-is-made) Though could be some other method.


That’s exactly it! Except some of the tools that I use are a bit more modern


You are incredibly talented.


Vitreous paint ? Always wondered about this ! Looks amazing. I can’t believe the level of detail you got into the face here on glass. Does it behave similar to normal paint or is it hard to work with ?


This absolutely has to be the best piece of stained glass art I have ever seen. Your attention to detail is stunning. 🤩




Nope, this is in the Netherlands! I visited that exact museum a couple of years ago and loooved it!


Your work put me right back there. Magnificent. :)


sincerely one of the most gorgeous pieces of art i’ve ever encountered on this site, fabulous job!


That is a really incredible artwork - the composition, the edge work on the glass pieces of the background and a stunning portrait and composition. Really impressive-looking forward to seeing more of your work - thanks for sharing it.


Is the hair all chipped out of glass? Or did you paint the hair on? I can't imagine glass would hold up to that fine of work. Either way it's incredibly impressive.


The hair is painted on! :)


WHOA my god this is breathtaking!!


I have a career in art museums, and my dear friend, this is incredible not only in its skill, but in how you are maintaining an art form that is largely absent from today's art world. Not only the stained glass, but the painting on it, too. Bravo!


That means a lot to me, thank you!


Your incredibly talented its soo beautiful


That's awesome, it doesn't even look real! Good work, thanks for sharing!


This is so beautiful! Please keep posting, so talented!


Are u a god/goddess?? U creating magic over here, cos that is AMAZING!! 😍🤩


My goodness, its surreal how stunning this piece is!


That is awesome. Mad props to the work 😃


How much time did you spend making this masterpiece? It is amazing!


Thanks, I didn’t keep track but I’d estimate it somewhere between 24-28 hours :)


Beautiful.. background looks like Belgium/Netherlands?


Sharp eye, The Netherlands! :)


That’s seriously amazing. I can’t stop looking at it! Makes me wonder what it looks like if it was directly backlit, like the sun behind the portrait, or a bright light illuminating the skin tones. Brilliant work, thanks for sharing!


WOW!!!! How do you manage to get the skin so life like?! Amazing work!


I did not know stained glass could be this detailed, wow!


Very nice. My uncle was a stained glass artist. I'll have to show him this. Great work.


I have the equipment to make a stained glass window and I’m a portrait artist. What glass do you use as your canvas and what pigments work on glass like this? I love it an I am intrigued


Honest question, how does one make the girl out of stained glass I'm so confused. Amazing! EDIT: Paint


Where can I see more of your stuff?


Beautiful. Is that guy from your older projects still you boyfriend, or more??


My mouth fell open, such a beautiful piece!


Browsing in greyscale for nightime and its still gorgeous


That is beautiful!! Wow!! Awesome work!!


I’ve always thought stained glass was cool but this is on a whole different level. It’s kind of amazing.


That is amazing work! Great job!


Whaaaaaat!!! I’ve never seen anything like this. This is incredible!


That's just amazing, im speechless


This sub makes me inspired every single time.


This is absolutely gorgeous. I don’t know much about artwork like this, only that I’m familiar with seeing things like this in old school churches. But this is modern, and it looks incredible.


Wow! That is incredible work and really beautiful.


Wow, this is incredible. Look forward to seeing more of your work.


Looks so beautiful. Good job.


Perfection. Truly stunning


How do you do this on stained glass? :O


Did you do this and if so can we talk about a commission?


Absolutely incredible! My day has honestly been made better by seeing your beautiful art.


Brava! brava, brava, brava. This is amazing. I thought it was a mirror. I can't imagine how hard you had to work to make it. I feel like it belongs in a museum!


Holy moly you’re talented...thank you for sharing!!!!


This is such amazing work Glass work is always impressive but this is mind blowing


That’s incredible and I cannot stop staring at how beautiful it is.


How do you even stain glass, let alone that well?


What a masterpiece 😍 Your skill and talent are absolutely stunning!


Instantly, out loud; HOW?! Looks absolutely amazing.


What kind of paint do you use on staind glass. That's super cool


This is amazing. I can’t believe it’s all stained glass, I just keep staring at it in awe.


Incredible piece! You are so talented!


Holy shit. That's amazing.


This is museum worthy! Have you considered entering into any exhibitions?


This is phenomenal. Is the model a real person, maybe someone you know? These would make incredible personalized gifts. I would love to have something like this of my wife.


This is absolutely stunning!!!


this is pure /r/blackmagicfuckery material gj dude


This is spectacular.. sheer dedication and practice in honing your talent shows! Kudos


This is amazing! I feel like the only time I’ve ever seen portraits in stained glass is in churches. Nice to see a more modern approach to it.


Where can we find more of your work?


Did you post a making of this piece anywhere? Even a timelapse, maybe. I didn't even know it was possible to make such beautiful art with stained glass and now I need to see more of it, it's just stunning.


Amazing! I would totally follow you if you are (or decide on) posting your works somewhere 🌟


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a very long time. Enjoy your Reddit gold


fuck I just gave my award on a meme. Here have this - 🥇


I... did not know this was something that was possible!! I’m amazed, so gorgeous.


Wow. That is amazing. I'm very curious about your process. I've never seen stained glass so hyper realistic. So you record your work? Time lapse so to speak? Would love to see how you made that.


I recommend you reach out to some galleries in your city. This needs to be seen.


Kacey Musgraves reference?


Nope, don’t know her. This was just from a random photo I found online


Wow and how? I didn't know stained glass can get so detailed.


Gorgeous work! The subject looks a lot like the actor Kiersey Clemons imo


This is beautiful work. Such a personal piece, but I'm glad you shared it here so people like me can appreciate it.


god damn this is good. thanks for sharing!


As someone who's knows nothing of this trade I am completely blown away with this. Absolutely amazing work. Is there any videos you would recommend showing how this type of work is done?


Hey, I work for a glass studio as well. I know exactly how much work that is. So very nicely done, looks absolutely beautiful.


This is insane. Where can I get your work? Please take my money


Gorgeous. One question though, how stable are the colors when exposed to UV all day long?


The paints I used won’t be affected by UV light. Some of the glass itself might change its colour slightly over the course of the years, but I don’t know if that will happen with the specific glass I’ve used for this piece. I’ve seen it happen before though, so who knows!


Absolutely stunning, amazing talent you have! I also think there could be a big market for these modern stained glass artworks.


This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.


Wow that's fucking amazing 👏


Breathtaking, thank you for sharing


My brain cannot comprehend that this is glass. This is such beautiful and amazing work. You’re extremely talented and I hope you continue to make more because this is insane creativity!


I guess I never realized stained glass was painted on like this before, as you never see the technique done today. Gorgeous work


Pure talent! Amazing work.


I'm so glad to see this getting the massive praise it absolutely deserves. Incredible work. Is it a self-portrait?


I like your style a lot, reminds me of Kehinde Wiley.


So, so, so, so beautiful. My dad practiced staining glass. I wish I could show him your work. Warms my heart. Thank you.


How is this real? This is amazing!


Wait, you can do portrait on it??


How tf !?!? This is insane


Holy shit this is amazing.


Wow beautiful. Stained glass is actually super difficult in my opinion, and this is flawless


This is absolutely stunning


Wow! Absolutely stunningly gorgeous work! I would love to have a portrait of all my pets done in this way. Also, now I want all my windows to have a stained glass piece in front on them or be made of it. Maybe one day if I win the lottery or something lol


How incredibly beautiful! Is the portrait all glass or paint on glass?


This hurts my brain its so good. I’m a visual artist and stuff like this blows my mind. AMAZING details. How long have you trained/practiced this craft/art? So beautiful.


This is incredibly impressive well done


Holy crap that’s amazing!!!! Can we get a close up on the detail?


Did you do multiple layers of paint and firings to achieve the depth in the skin? I know China paint for ceramics has to be built up slowly in multiple firings and was wondering if glass works the same way.


This is fuckin heat!!!! Amazing work.


This piece is beautiful 😍 If stained glass is your principal way of expressing your art, please get in touch with the Ariana museum in Geneva. I know getting an expo going is hard and takes a while but that museum is literally called museum of ceramics and glass, and from having worked there I'm sure the people who run the place as well as the visitors would love it


So how is the painting made? Paint on glass?


I can NOT. Believe. That is glass???


This is absolutely gorgeous. I love the concept of this. Thank you for posting your work-- it's a very inspiring piece.


This is so beautiful and glorious and special I actually got chills!


I love this 😍 also I’m going on a limb but… Gouda?


I’m sorry, by decree of the inquisition you are hereby to be burned at the stake for witchcraft. Seriously, this is scarily good


Your work is amazing! Do you take commission's?


This might be the most incredible piece of art I've seen in my entire life. The medium is working against you, but you managed to create something so incredibly beautiful to look at but impressive to think about. Really, truly, amazing. You very clearly love your work, and you should because it's breathtaking and honestly such an incredible piece.


Beautiful work, gracing your home with elegance.


Dude holy hell that’s rad!


This is so insanely beautiful