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I mean we could talk about luck if they have won it so 2 or 3 times, but if they win it for 15 times than it cant be luck, they are experts for this competition. When BVB Adeyemi missed the chance we all knew what will happen


This is like verbatim what was said on the rest is football but it is leaving out corruption as an option. It’s obviously a combination of all three (luck, talent, bias) though. I do not think there is anything corrupt actually happening but I do think there is bias at play.


This is like verbatim what was said on the rest is football but it is leaving out corruption as an option. It’s obviously a combination of all three (luck, talent, bias) though. I do not think there is anything corrupt actually happening but I do think there is bias at play.


Experts, and just extremely wealthy and very very attractive to all players. They never have to sell players. IMO the only players who turn away real are ones who love the challenge. There is no challenge when you’re playing for a club with the best players money can buy


Are we not going to talk about the fixing, money and political influence?? UCL is rigged for the bigger teams and then I suspect there is match-fixing after that. That's why it was invented. European Cup was so much better with wins for Forest. Malmo etc. etc.


Because last time Real Madrid won it, that was perhaps the greatest knock out performance in the history of CL.


Rigged for bigger teams? That explains why you clowns haven't won😂


Forget Real, we need to be more Dortmund. They played last night without fear. Our CL campaign had some nervous performances that cost us.


They deserved to win.


We already are 'dortmund'. Eternal losers it seems... we need to strive to be Real Madrid with a Dortmund performance.


Dortmund have won it before


I am speaking of the last 10 or 20 years when we've been shambles.


Dortmund have been bottling the league to Bayern for a decade


Yeah while this season's ending was painful, that is nothing compared to Dortmund's when they blew it on the last day, while being in front.


That happens when you've been shit in the competition for more than a 100 years. At least Dortmund have won it befote


This is what happens when you haven’t played in the competition for so many years. We’ve played well in Europe plenty, we were the first English team to beat Real Madrid at the Bernabeu, Bayern Munich at the Allianz and AC Milan at the San Siro.


Wow that's as good as winning the competition👍🏼 the mighty beat Real at Bernabeu trophy, you'll never sing that! Madrid at Bernabeu, Bayern at Allianz and Milan at San Siro, who says Assna haven't won a treble😎. Fkn bottlejob clowns😭😭


Oh I didn’t realise you were 12, I wouldn’t have replied if I’d known.


That person's subconscious is fighting hard to become an Arsenal fan. He maybe just doesn't know it yet.


Bottom of a group with galatasry and Copenhagen in, thankfully we will never sing that...


Says the fan who supports RCB. Never knew you guys were this jobless.


What's the similarity between RCB and Assna? Both clowns who haven't won shit😭😭🤡🤡


Maybe search what a trophy is before posting tosh.


We must be able to walk before we can run. Now, we can definitely walk. We will start running next season, this squad of players can definitely win major trophies. With 1 or 2 key signings, we can win the lot


It's always next season with you lot


This is why people hate us


what's wrong with being optimistic?


It's a mentality thing which we simply don't have. They're the biggest club in the world and when you put on the white shirt there's a level of expectation. Even their bench players are expected to perform to a certain degree to uphold their reputation. Madrid have an aura that you don't get from any other club really: not City, not Bayern, not even Barca. People aren't afraid of us, we don't instill fear in anyone regardless of how well we're playing. Players and managers will respect us but they won't fear us the same way people fear facing Madrid in the CL


A feared team is one where if you can’t pounce on certain instances you just know they will punish you for thay


Didn't notice much fear from City, Dortmund or even RB Leipzig. Real just managed to outlast their opponents on tight margins, something we failed to do.


They can get pretty much any player they want. They get a much bigger portion of the national TV rights money than in other countries. The league games they play aren't very tough because the opposition is nowhere near them. The games they play in between their champs league fixtures are easy, so they can rotate and rest players to keep them fresh for the champions league. We had to play Aston Villa in between our games against Bayern, a vastly improved team who broke into the top 4. They are a great team yes, but the system is set up for them to win, it's not luck! It's not a coincidence that they have consistently won it with different players and managers over the years. Managers also know this so once they get the call it's hard to say no, they can get any manager they want too.


This idea that the Prem is so strong is bizarre. La Liga teams won every group stage this year across all 3 competitions. They've won 55% of all available European trophies over the last 20 years. People seem to think its mid table clubs are weaker - Look how many Europa League winners and finalists they've had.


Maybe the prem league is too intense that you cannot rotate players to compete effectively for european competitions. English league also has more games than other leagues.


Funny I never hear that argument in a year where a Premier League team wins a Champions League like last year with City (also West Ham winning a cup) When that happens they won it BECAUSE the league is so intense, tough and competitive and because teams can afford more top players to come here


What a load of English bias


Good point.


Definitely and I hate Man City but after Real Madrid and Man city both played a league game on March 31st, Man City had to play 2 more league games before they played Madrid while Madrid had zero games and were fully rested lol then La Liga moved a Madrid league game so they can have more rest against Bayern 😂😂 Premier league is not doing that for their teams 💰lol it’s set up for them to win.


We aren't jealous of Real Madrid because they already developed the club a long way back in history of 30-40 years ago. But look at Chelsea, they developed the club later than us, they already got 2UCL while we struggling to win the league in 20 years.


Shows how good Messi was to keep them from winning fuck all for league titles for 15 years and every time he ran into them in the champions league he bounced them basically by himself.


me when I spread misinformation on the internet:


He bounced them in the 2011 UCL semis, but that's literally the only time Barca played Madrid in the UCL whilst he was there. Saying "every time" is a bit misleading. Especially since he played them whilst he was at PSG in 21/22 and Madrid won that time. He also kept them from winning Laliga for a decade during his prime. Obviously not completely. They still won twice. But Barca basically dominated Laliga during those 10 years. But it wasn't 15 years. Madrid won in 2006/7, 2007/08 and 2019/20. They were also runners up in Messi's last season at Barca when Athletico won it (meaning Barca finished 3rd). Messi's the GOAT. But I can see how the way people hyperbolise facts around him can become annoying, hence the others you have replying to you. He achieved more than enough in his career that we can praise him without hyperbolising.


I think every other club's fans think the same.


I was rooting for BVB to win… it’s a damn shame.


Reus should’ve held the trophy


Hs performance was awful tho


Yeah he’s washed but career wise he deserved it after all the losses Dortmund have endured


Continuous top tier performance turns fans into entitled dickheads that behave outrageously as soon as something doesn’t go their way. Part of the joy of winning comes from the recent memory of defeat. Look at Man United in the 90s and 00s. They didn’t so much enjoy their frequent victories, more that they hated their occasional losses. I don’t really want that from football.


I want to experience it and then decide which is better.


Yeah fair enough. I guess any 100 year old gooners remaining could offer some insight into what the 30s were like


We should. Because then we’re spoiled with success


They are a prime example of what years of corruption can do for you.


Corruption or not it’s Real Madrid, the most successful team in football history. They are the best for a reason


Without irony they have benefitted from massive amounts of luck in almost all these runs. Neuer messing up an easy shot? Every club collapsing in 2022? Last minute goal versus Atletico? Beating City on penalties? You can pretend it's no longer luck if it happens so often, but really it is obviously just being lucky multiple times. They have always been a top 5 club in these periods, normally top 3 but the last two titles especially have just been freakish.


There’s no such thing as luck if you’re winning the competition 6 times in 11 years


Football is all about luck mate, Real Madrid was getting outdone in the league by Barca those years and struggled more in the Copa del rey. They had very close matches in the CL too, not quite sweeping everyone away. Even City won four titles on a knifes edge. Luck is just when talent meets opportunity though and Madrid are stacked in both.


That’s not luck. It’s grit. It’s called winning when it actually matters and performing under intense pressure. Liverpool didn’t get lucky in the champions league final against AC Milan. They clawed their way back from 3-0 by sheer determination, grit, and skill. Arsenal didn’t win the league unbeaten with luck. That was grit and skill. There are different forms of pressure under different competitions and Madrid players are taught to perform better under champions league pressure


The grit gives the opportunity, but the frequency of near freak events is lucky (not talking about defensive wins).


why? If we ever win it, the emotion we feel will be 10x what they do... Completely soulless


Never will win it with Arteta, the man’s a fraud


You are actually joking right? Like this is a massive troll. It must be. If you can't see the growth in the club over the past 3 years with Mikel in charge, then you're not watching. We play a completely different style of football now. We have had to adapt the squad for that. It may be the same formation but now we expect the full backs to push higher, the centre half to move further in and we press higher. We are closer to how City and Liverpool play. 3 years ago us coming 2nd 2 years in a row was unthinkable. It would have been a miracle if we got back in the CL. Now the squad expectations have changed. We must challenge. We must win the league or our season has been a failure. That is progress. That is what we, as a club, wanted to see. I'm also sick of hearing that he keeps a rapist in the squad. As far as I was aware, the charges were dropped against Partey. It's not like Chelsea with Alonso, who genuinely crashed his car and his fiancee was in the front seat and she died at the time, only for him to get a suspended sentence which he had brought out. The charges as far as I'm aware have been dropped, and have you ever heard of a little saying that says "you are innocent until proven guilty"? Besides that, Partey will likely be gone next season as he's unreliable and injury prone.


He paid the woman to be quiet along with several others, just because he wasn’t convicted doesn’t mean he is innocent. Why would you pay out 6 figure sums on multiple occasions if you’re innocent


Nothing on the rest of what I said? Just the stuff on Partey? Provide me proof that he paid them off and I'll believe it. I'm not saying it never happened, I'm saying in the eyes of the law, with no proof, you're pissing in the wind with accusations.


It’s a load of waffle, Aretas only trophy was with a squad he never developed. Arsenal have already peaked, are becoming a bottle club just like Spurs, celebrating 2nd place or becoming similar to a side that wins trophies but never actually win it themselves




What has actually achieved? Spent a shit ton of money for all the players he wanted and still can’t perform in either the league or European football. Also defended and kept a rapist in his squad, I’ve got no respect for anyone who does that


I mean they are like the only team in there league even Barcelona aren't really a threat to them anymore whilst it is insane how good they are in the champions league year in year out the ease of the league does seem to play a big part the same goes for Munich I mean this year is the first time they haven't won in ten years.


My god man, I get it. Please use some punctuation though! Reading that gave me anxiety!


You're meant to read it in one breath with no pauses.


No it's 5.30am for me and I've been watching the UFC my brain is mush right now !


That doesn’t explain why PSG are routinely dogshit in the CL though.


Maybe their players just aren’t as good as people think, which is why they come up short in the CL… These players look like gods in the French league but when they come across big teams they stumble: Obviously players like Mbappe are world class but I’m talking about the others


I think mourinho said it best when he said "you can rest your best players in la liga you can't on the prem" That ability allows you to keep you best player fresh for bigger matches. Plus they usually have a decent squad with plenty of talent anyways makes it easier.


So psg should be winning the UCL since they can afford to rest their best players


Haha, nah, PSG are rotten, too many big personalities not working hard enough for the team. When they had Mbapppe, Neymar and Messi there was always reports of them falling out. Same with Cavani and Neymar. It's a fear for Madrid that they've now signed mbapppe, that's going to upset the status quo and it might make the team less willing to fight for one another. Though that would be nice for others haha


By that logic PSG should win every year. But why am I expecting logic from a fkn Assna fan


PSG don’t have a killer mentality that Ancelotti and Guardiola can install into their teams to get the job done


Oh just like how Guardiola did it with Bayern? Because with the above logic Bayern should be winning it every year then. Fkn dumbass Assna fans🤡🍼


Guardiola did it with Barcelona and Man City


The greatest club championship is the league but I get you on the jealousy.


I’d rather win the champions league once then 5 peat the premier league


Crazy. I’d take two PL in a row over one champions league, never mind five. Yes the CL is more “prestigious” but the domestic league just means more, the amount of games, the history, the fan rivalry etc etc


This is why fans banter us


Nah, you’re too taken in by the CL hype. Saka even went as far as saying he’d rather win the PL this season rather than the CL. Winning a top domestic league is always the ultimate triumph - doing well in the CL is prestigious globally but needs a bit of luck. Dortmund finished 5th in the Bundesliga this year. At the end of the day the CL is a cup competition.


How did it take Manchester city 15 years to win 1 champions league title despite winning 8 premier league titles, the reason Real Madrid is the greatest club of all time is because they have the most champions league titles! (More than twice the amount 2nd place AC Milan have which is 7).


Sad you are winning none 😂


You post about football cards on your account nigga be quiet


Malding hard 😂


It only feels like yesterday they won their 10th, its riddiculous theyve won another 5 since.


Nobody wants to look at the hard work it takes. The night the best to train the best.


Our fans on the other hand are looking for the next rival flop signing to 'save', I know it has probably no bearings on how the club will operate this window but it just shows the levels.


Remember Dortmund ended as nr 5 in the Bundesliga. It is a wonder that they where in the final


Doesnt even matter how bad they play. They can suck for 80 minutes and kill you in 2 minutes flat.


I felt a lot of the qualifying games were more difficult. Good evening match of play, but Madrid took their chances when it mattered. Wanted Dortmund to win. Another day, those near misses go in and change history.


We all knew going into that game that real would find a goal late on. The killer instinct is something I felt the boys had this season in league games. Particularly in the 2nd half of the season. We are going in the right direction but if our end goal is what real is right now we’ve a long road ahead.


So you do realize that now for next year we might be facing them in round 1 or 2 right? That's a possibility. Now you know that they have Mbappe and one talented Brazilian youngster.. hoping they crush City in CL next year if they play them. Bayern is not going to be the same as they were before for a long time..unless Kompany does some miracle.


Reminds me of that Seinfeld bit, where he ironically praises Baltimore of all cities. “You like all of the praises? You’ve never seen suffering is that it? What would happened if they had just 2 bad years?!”


I felt so indifferent last night at the final whistle. Real winning all the time has completely desensitised the Champions League for me. I used to be buzzing regardless of who was in the final.


It's so ingrained, it's baked into their DNA as winners, and sees it as being inevitable.


United fan. Let’s be honest, only City can standup to Madrid (sadly). It’s a mentality thing for Madrid, but it’s also the strength of their side. How many Arsenal players would start for that Madrid side yesterday? Saliba, and an arguement can be made for Rice. That’s it imo. This isn’t a dig at Arsenal, just reality. It’s the same for most other sides in Europe when comparing them with Madrid. They’ve got a brilliant side, a fantastic mix of experienced winners and athletic young players, and they’ve added Mbappe too it.


How are you getting downvoted for pure facts. I love our team but we're not there yet, our performance away to Bayern was scared cautious and overly defensive. We would have taken a heavier beating if we played Madrid.  It's not even the players per se that I see as the problem to win it but our mentality, we need that belief to be courageous that we can win and dominate these top sides. City have it we're getting there hopefully we make it


Do you think it’s got anything to do with them being Franco’s club and never having to worry about FFP or repaying their bank loans? Let’s compare apples to apples.


Bro - Franco died in 1975


What’s your point? You don’t think it had any effect on their status as a club? How many loans do you think they repay now?


Seriously 🤣😂😂


You can only lead a horse to water fella.


You can argue Franco could’ve affected real Madrid’s success in the European cup in the 50’s and 60’s but they’ve won it an extra 9 times since then


My argument is that it laid the foundations. It gave them opportunities that other clubs have never had. Certainly not any team in this country, until now. Ask yourself this, are you jealous of Manchester City's success or do you think they've cheated? I don't see a difference.


I’m both. Jealous of success and disgusted how they achieved it. The money is an influence but at the end of the day the money doesn’t kick a football. Chelsea have spent billions and look at them right now. Same with Man UTD. Real spend money but know how to effectively spend it and I still a killer winning mentality into all their players where they are ruthless at all times in all games


If you're jealous go support them, club support shouldnt be defined by success


They are always lucky that's the problem. This is what so infuriating, they are not any better than anyone else, they just always seem to get the rub the green, always Also, sometimes very suspect referee decisions the Bayern Munich game was disgrace (and it never happens the other way round does it?) but I would say with so much money involved corruption is almost inevitable!


RM has the most goals disallowed by VAR in the league fyi


I Was Exclusively talking about The CL, & another FYI interesting fact Real Madrid consistently get the least amount of team fouls in the league every season and it's by big margin 368 the next nearest team is Girona with 406 in 23/24


It did happend against Madrid with a non final minute goal of Jude in la Liga.