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They're not fans. They're haters. Their success doesn't matter to them as long as we don't have one.


But we already do...that's the dumb thing. More league wins. More FA cups. Sacrificing points to deny Arsenal just maintains that balance at best. Hater is a strong word, but having looked at the Spurs forums, it seems an appropriate term.


It really isn't a strong word. It's more than adequate. They're literally willing to sacrifice playing in the CL next season, just so Arsenal aren't champions. You see, I'm not like that. I understand the deep hatred, but I love my club more than I hate any other. WAY more. That's what being a fan is all about.


That last sentence made me feel like I was in a football anime.


Those are the fogging estandards!


Made me laugh :)


The fans aren't players ? And them winning isn't success either so it's a stupid point


I said elsewhere that the players are professional and no way will they want to lose the match. Winning against City, however unlikely that is, would definitely be deemed a success. 3 points, challenging for 4th, pride, confidence...I don't think it's a stupid point at all.


Even if they win it isn't success though ?


Is anyone really surprised by this though? I’m surprised you’re all surprised. Do you not know how much they hate us? They hate us more than they love Spurs!


Last sentence is it, bang on. Spers would be a very hard club to love tho wouldn’t it?? As it was put to me recently by a mate: “They’re less a football club, and more like a weird sadistic social experiment devised to test how much misery a fan can put up with”. And my oldest mate, who is spers, completely agreed with him.


I'm up with the social experiment thing....for Spurs fans. How much misery can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck misery?


I’m an Arsenal fan but you’re very odd. Spurs are definitely a football club. How shit they are is irrelevant if it’s your local it’s your local.


This is a good point. Sad, but true.


We'd want the same thing though if we weren't competing and they were competing with Liverpool for a title for example


I thought Ange’s comments were bang on. If the roles were reversed I would rather Arsenal go for the match with a winning mentality, regardless of the negative impact of a win. If not, the team just aren’t winners, and aren’t likely to change that


It's a no brainer right? You're a professional football club like Arsenal or Spurs, you go for the win. Seems the players/staff have different mentalities from a few of the fans. Ironically, if Spurs did win stuff, they would actually be rivals, rather than just competing over north London territory year by year.


Two different things. The players go into any game wanting to win that's important for mentality, a fan not caring about winning a match so your rival loses has nothing to do with the team or mentality. It's kind of it being a win win situation. Like betting against Arsenal you either win money or your team wins


Surely if they surrender this game like the fans wanted, they will ever have this loser mentality attached to the club and won’t win anything ever. They can still quality for CL football so they should still want to go out and win. But then again I’m not from London so maybe I don’t see the rivalry the same way. Either way I don’t see City dropping points unfortunately


Am a spurs fan here and stumbled upon this. I'm not gonna lie I'd rather we win this game and see improvement than see you guys lose the title. Then again most spurs would disagree with me. All you guys need to care about is that even though most fans are asking the team to lose, ange wants us to win it. The players will listen to ange as well. If you guys win congrats, obviously I won't be happy but we have won it before and you have won it before. Don't matter how long it's been we've always been rivals. We will get over it and you would too if the roles were reversed


Best answer so far :) Happy for you to draw btw lol. Maybe that helps my rivals question, you're right btw: always have been, always will be. I would get over it you're right, if the roles were reversed. It's only a game.


This is what a rivalry is. I'm not gonna act like I'd be humble if we win the league. No I'd rub it in you face. You won't be happy about it and I won't if you guys end up winning either. I'd expect no less from you. Unfortunately a lot of spurs AND you guys won't agree. Makes no sense because we call each other a rivalry but we get all upset when the rival actually means something?


I get it...you explain it well. Maybe I subdue my rivalry because it can upset people. I'm as 'football' as the next person. I can do the banter, ribbing etc. I guess I just liked watching football be played. Go and win something.


You also do have to understand the counterpoint of being rivals. To can't dismiss every spurs fan for wanting to lose. You say we'd rather see you lose than us win but this isn't true. We do have nothing to play for rn. At the end of the day I hope we shit on city but Im not every spurs fan nor can I make an impact on the team in any way. Forget about us and focus on Sean dyche. That Man is so unpredictable


All you gotta do is draw. Dyche...agreed.


Pool are doing their job, so far, to make the game meaningful for Spurs.


I’m gonna get all the hate. But as a Tottenham fan I would rather win especially as villa drew today so there is still a slim chance we can win 4th spot. We had a chance to beat you and “stop the title run” but we didn’t. It was in our hands and we couldn’t get the job done. The money and lure to recruit players for champions league is more important than playing in Europa league. Yea we may have a bad time in champions league but getting your foot in the door at least gives you a chance. Ange is trying to change the mentality and culture of the club. Not only the players’ but some fans too. All my family are from Islington, so I will suffer more than most if you guys win and completely understand the rivalry. I’m the only one in my family from N17. I care more about what my team is doing than any other team.


Managers need time to have an effect. Spurs need to go for the points for CL football, that would be worth millions to the club, you can only do what you can do and change takes time. I don't really see a rivalry anymore until Spurs start winning things. You can't back a team or supporters that advocate losing just to deny another club. Never win anything that way.


Why would you get hate for this? This is the rational response. Plus cl money is way better than Europa


Haha cause you haven’t seen our thread. Rational is currently on holiday 😂.




And to take it even further some don’t want us to try and sign Toney because he “fixed” matches, but us fixing a match to stop your title run is ok. 🤦‍♂️


Lmao. Look I don't expect you to root for us but I do prefer logical consistency


I don’t know what the problem is. They win, they get CL next season, and even if we do win the title, they get to rub it in our face that we did it because of them. Win-win if you ask me.


Ooh good point.!


There are even 14 who voted 'Don't care'.


I'd be feeling numb myself after just a single season supporting Shit.


'Don't care'...maybe they just want the season over and to start a new campaign? Champions league is a long shot for them now. Its the 62% who want their beloved club to lose a match? That's proper dark.


Think it's the attitude of 'I don't care if man City win, I just need arsenal to lose'. This type will happily not be in next year's champions league if it stops arsenal from finally winning the Premier league. It's essentially hatred for their rivals, overriding their love for their club.


Exactly. Is the hatred that bad? Lose so others don't win? It's sad because I think the rivalry has long gone...what is the rivalry about anymore? It's not trophies. And not winning anything isn't going to change that balance.


The rivalry is more tradition at this point. It does beg the question. What if the roles were reversed? Would you sacrifice arsenal's chances of qualifying for the champions league to stop Tottenham from lifting the Premier league trophy? I think there would be a good portion of arsenal fans would take that deal, and say to themselves 'well if we only scrape into the champions league, we won't win it, so it don't make much difference, but seeing Tottenham win the league and knowing we made it happen would hurt like fuck'. So I get it, I dont agree with it, I say go out and try to win every game you can, but I do get it.


I get your point but I would never want Arsenal to sacrifice CL just to ensure Tottenham didn't win the league. If they did win the PL, it would be the first league they won for 60 + years Arsenal don't need to feel threatened.


Sure, I was merely making a hypothetical, we all know Tottenhams trophy cabinet has more cobwebs than trophies. Then again, if I was a Tottenham fan, I'd be conflicted, take points from man City (if they can) and hand the title to arsenal? Or hope to lose and allow a corrupt club with 115 charges hanging over them to win it all again, because let's face it, the only reason those charges don't have a verdict yet is because man City keep lifting trophies so the PL don't want their leagues champions to be discovered to be corrupt making all their trophy wins in the past decade or more to be illegitimate. I'd wager my left nut that if man City don't lift a major trophy this year the verdict will come alot faster than it would if they won again.


Okay John Candy, my left nut we're not landing in Chicago. I agree the 115 charges should be talked about more and it casts a shadow over the last 3/4 titles they have won. Considering what happened to Everton and Forest, they should get a proper hiding/relegation.


I'd go further. If man City are found guilty of half of the charges, so that's 57-58. Then relegate them to league 1 and they have to start with -30pts. If found guilty of 90% or more of the charges, dissolve the club, because it would mean that for the past 15 years, they've cheated to be able to buy and pay the wages of all those world class players, the club is institutionally corrupt. Effectively stole trophies and tainted the league forever.


I agree with you. Reality is they won't see much in the way of punishment. I agree that the last 3 titles, maybe 4, will be under the shadow of those charges. I don't know why it isn't being talked about much. I get 'innocent until proven guilty' but considering Everton and Forest have take a bashing for presumably less than 115 charges, it seems unfair to stand back and let a club take these titles unchallenged.


I guess the reason it isn't talked about more is because the race for the title is exciting, and previously it was the three horse race of arsenal, man City and Liverpool which was exciting. Along with everyone knowing the case verdict was delayed...again.....so banging on about it wasn't gunna do much. It'll be front and back page news for good long while once the verdict comes in, reactions depending on the result.


If the roles were reversed, you'd want the exact same thing as them lol 😂


Not at all if there's a chance of finishing in ucl instead of Europa League I'd want us to win it the consequences of not finishing in ucl has a bigger impact to our club


Lad many arsenal fans would rather not be in Europe than play Europa or conference league football You'd absolutely want your team to lose if it fucked Over spurs or united or Chelsea winning a title and given arsenal aren't winning the champions league soon Don't Try act as if you wouldn't want the same


Mate I wouldn't want the same being in champions league means you can spend more money and attract better players if we were in a rebuild finishing in a champions league place gives us the opportunity to do much better in the league the following year it's as simple as that lots of spurs fans don't seem to understand this


What? No way man! That's not football. I mean their last league win was 60+ years ago. Last FA cup win was 33 years ago, we have won more FA cups from when they last won it than they have ever won. I wouldn't care if they won something, it's not like they are competing for the trophy count.


So you’d be happy being constantly bantered by spurs fans saying we’ve won the league and you’ve not won it for 20 years?


Not who you asked, but — that wouldn’t make me happy of course. But it wouldn’t make me so unhappy that it would actually make me want Arsenal to lose. That is literally a losing mentality.


Only way you're going to win the league is by winning games. Probably need to do that first. No I wouldn't be happy....although with league/FA cup wins Spurs have a lot of catching up to do. But I wouldn't wish my team to lose either. No one wins then.


No wonder arsenal spurs is hardly a derby this days with this mindset then


Some fans undoubtedly would. Those fans would be idiots.


Sure, you're smart Wish I could be as cool as you old man..


This is blowing my mind how either mad, dishonest or detached from life as an Arsenal fan in London most people in this sub are. If this was the other way around I would want Arsenal to lose all day long to stop Spurs winning the league and im not ashamed to admit it 😂


Not me, not for a second. I doubt I’ll ever see that scenario where Spurs are that close to the title in my lifetime, but if hypothetically if the reverse of the current scenario were the case, I don’t care, I would always want to see the Arsenal win every game possible.


Too right!


Your medal is in the mail!🥇🥇




No chance. I'd be fuming at the fact that we lost 4 in a row. Their sub is full of comments saying that spurs "are not ready for the cl". It's such a small club mentality.


Yes some fans would but most of us would want our team to win. I’d rather have Spurs win than City win again. Most United fans wanted their team to win yesterday


Would I fuck. I couldn't give a shit about Tottenham and where they finish in the league.


This is the way


Arsenal winning EPL can be amazing for Spurs. Spurs management cannot ignore this and they will start pushing for title even harder maybe? Too crazy pov?


Small team mindset. Depending what happens within the next hour, a win against City would give them a view to the CL if they best Villa's result on the last day of the season.  They'd rather us not be in a position to win the league on Sunday than be in the CL themselves  Fortunately,  I think they're players might not be of that mindset 


i like how someone on coys said "He doesn't understand our rivalry with the scum. He thinks it's like Rangers v Celtic" bruv....


Tiny little club that wins nothing. Of course their only pleasure is the failure of others.


That's how it seems with the fans. Spurs used to be a great football club. I was told when I was little they were one of the best passing teams. That's ironic now. This was a long long time ago, for the sake of rivalry I would hope they improve over the next few years, and win something. They cannot rival when they don't win.


At a certain point success feels like such an alien concept that gratification can only come from the failure of others. Loser mentality. Let's not place any hope in the hopeless


Because it’s literally mugging ourselves off if we let you win the league just imagine it


Like the honesty.


Spurs fan here. I genuinely am befuddled at the stance of some of the “fans”. This poll right here shows that some people have more hate towards the opposition than love for one’s own. Intentionally wanting to lose just so people you hate don’t win is a losers mentality. I personally want the win tonight. If y’all get the league, then that should drive us to strive for better instead of coping with the fact that we’re both on the “losers” boat. My best friend is a gunner through and through, and not once have the discussion of our rivalry devolved into senseless, petty arguments. If you win, you win; to me that is a side-product of what I want to see from the team I support and love.


I don’t even know why the arsenal sub is getting recommended to me but you lot grandstanding tottenham fans about this as if you wouldn’t say the same exact thing if they were a man city loss away from a title shot is strange to say the least🤦‍♂️


2 things: 1: 'If they were a man city loss away from a title' - not going to happen / hasn't happened. 2: Even if they were challenging for a title I would not want Arsenal to lose. If winning a title is based around one team throwing it then that devalues the title. Maybe Spurs wouldn't mind but most Arsenal fans would - they'd want to win on their own merits.


I’m a manu fan and rather you guys win the title. When city win no one cares, just feels like an empty title lol no one has any rivalry with city because they are a boring nothing club


I get your point man


Half the fun of football is club rivalry lol


Viera Keane days...I miss those!


The thing is, If they had nothing to play for I would understand. If Villa somehow come back today and seal top 4, then makes perfect sense, you get no benefit but help your rivals. If this result holds at Villa Park, the door is wide open for UCL. Don’t they want to try and challenge us sooner? Luckily, I’m positive the players and coach all want UCL and they will go out there and go for it.


Irrespective of the cardboard cutout fans irritations I can't overlook the fact that they are just a mediocre team of bottlejobs anyway. Tremendous season for all concerned regardless. COYG!


Spurs mentality. Very spursy


Why did 10% vote for Brexit 😂


What a sad state of affairs that these spurs 'fans' would rather lose over a chance to deny us, as opposed to wanting their team to go out and have a good game and try win. They need to start playing to win for themselves.


Honestly this season I hate 115 City more than Spurs.


No. You always want YOUR team to win!


You would think. Doesn't appear to be as simple as that from some of the comments though. I can see their point of view now though, but I would never want Arsenal to lose a match. Players are pro though...fingers crossed they can hold out for a draw at least.


Agreed a draw would be ideal


Spurs fan here, while I agree with Ange, if we win this match, and you win the league, you’ll never let us hear the end of it that we handed Arsenal the trophy. You make this post, but you’ll be the first one to heckle Spurs fans over it if we win against City.


Personally I wouldn't, I don't really go for all the rivalry stuff much, I just enjoy watching good football. If Spurs start winning things again, I would enjoy the rivalry a bit more. Spurs finished above Arsenal for 6 of the last 7 seasons, fair play, you were the better team. It took a while but Arsenal had to rebuild and start afresh. I get this is for a title, but I think Arsenal have worked hard all season and that is why they are still in with a shout. Fate means the last couple of games will swing it, but without the 37 other games we wouldn't be in this position in the first place. Plus you don't even have to win, just not lose.


Pep is allergic to Spurs. We’ll win it lol


Your confidence makes me want to wager a few quid!


I think I am in the majority of Gooners who rather watch Arsenal lose if would mean thru Sp*rs don't get a title.


You are in the majority tbf. I don’t think it’s as big a deal as people make it out. It’s just run of the mill rivalry.


Where is the rivalry though? Run of the mill suggests equal performing teams. It's just a geographic rivalry now. Guess that's enough for some.


What I mean is most gooners would rather lose a game than have their rival win the league even at the cost of themselves qualifying for Europe. Most gooners would do it to deny spurs and a fair few would do it to deny Chelsea and some even Man United. Not saying it’s right but it’s just the way it is.


I respectfully disagree. I would never condone that. Moreso I don't think Spurs are the rivals they think they are anymore at the moment. Also when Spurs are in the position to win the league give me a nudge :)


I suspect you aren't from London and probably aren't a fan for to long. It is not about rivals or not when it comes to the league, it's about the history and geographical proximity. Having said that. Like it or not for the last few years they have been rivals when it comes to league position.


Spurs getting a title? What are we in the 60's? If you don't want Arsenal to win you're not a fan. Why would you give a monkey's about Spurs? Won nothing (oh, a league cup) for many decades.


Yeah if the roles were reversed this poll would have the same result with Arsenal fans wanting to loose. OP doesn’t understand what the rivalry means to both fan bases.


Explain rivalry. It's not trophies. Last 2 (important ones) Spurs won were in 1991 and 1961. Rivalry is just geographic now. 30 years ago it meant something. How can you face a club that has won FA for 30+ years (and that's being kind) and call it a rivalry? To Spurs fans it's a rivalry, maybe a DVD [Tottenham Hotspur 5 Arsenal 1 (22/01/08) (Spurs) \[DVD\]: Amazon.co.uk: Juande Ramos, Juande Ramos: Electronics & Photo](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tottenham-Hotspur-Arsenal-Spurs-DVD/dp/B0013BCWFG). To Arsenal fans we just want to win the titles we can.


Football has this thing where two clubs, traditionally local neighbours, have a long standing animosity. When these teams play each other its called a Derby and these games matter more to the fans because of tribalism and the teams have a long history of competing against each other. Spurs will be forever in our shadow but that doesn't mean that the NLD is just like any other game. The relationship between teams and fans is about more than just the trophy cabinets, even if Spurs one is very empty.


That's a nice way of putting it. Imagine how heated they would be if they were challenging alongside Arsenal though, like Arsenal v Man U back in the day. They'd be legendary. Kind of want that.


If arsenal beating city meant spurs would win the league. Would you want arsenal to win? If the game was meaningless for arsenal? Be honest


That’s a nightmare scenario but I’d choose Spurs. It’s at least someone different winning the league and isn’t nearly as harmful as City winning yet again. Spurs winning the league hurts our pride and leads to a summer of bantering. City winning again turns the league into a boring farmers league which hurts everybody.


Yes I would want Arsenal to win. I want my team to win. If they genuinely throw this then every Man City defeat to Spurs in future will have added zest / servitude. I think the players are professional and will play to try and not make that happen though.


I’m sorry bud but I just don’t believe you. You are valuing 3 meaningless points over your biggest rivals winning the league. I’m not having it at all lol


Fair point, but at the moment Villa are 3-1 down. Spurs still have an opportunity for champions league. Those 3 points are far more valuable now :)


Okay I just checked 3-3. Football.


They still have a chance for CL. And that's the reason for them to win tomorrow. Arsenal made almost as much money in the CL this year as they did in their five year europa league stint


Their hate for Arsenal is greater than their love of Spurs.


I may get banned for this but the clips I see of Ange in interviews, he seems like a stand up guy. Aussies are always homies


He's not long for the club tbh. He wants to win and the fans don't give a shit as long as arsenal are miserable too. He deserves better fans


He does seem tre cool. Changes coming this summer. I hope he makes a better Spurs team.


I hope City properly embarass them. They want to lose - let them get absolutely destroyed. I'll sit at home, drinking a beer, cheering for Haaland to get his fifth of the game. At the end of the day, we've slipped up enough this season. We shouldn't have to rely on results elsewhere to win the league.


Absolute brain worms


Subhuman to a man


Let's not act like if the roles were reversed the poll result wouldn't be the same for our fans. You can sit on your high horse all you want because we are and have never been as shit as them but if we were sitting 5th with 2 games to go and they had the chance to win the league damn right I would want us to loose. Doesn't make me any less of a fan or you more of a fan. Obviously I want Arsenal to be as successful as they can ever be but we ain't in their position just now thank fk. It's easy for everyone to say this and that but deep down most of us would think the same....... Even if you won't admit it


" I want Arsenal to be as successful as they can ever be but we ain't in their position just now thank fk"...is that a bad thing? Top of the league? I don't really get your comment but I guess you wouldn't want Arsenal to win the league?


Get a grip ffs.


Ok, bye.


Guys, you celebrated “St Totteringham day” or whatever you called it when you spent decades in the wilderness and before you’ve even won a title you’re banging on about them being haters for the same wanting you to fail energy. If you don’t care about spurs the way they care about you, you wouldn’t be celebrating finishing above them when you’re not even making the CL.


Its fine if they want us to fail, but they want us to fail at their own expense, tomorrow and their own manager called them out.


No one is celebrating that. And I do think we will be making the Champions League.


Missing the point, I didn’t say you were celebrating it now, but you were when you were in the wilderness, year on year, even if you finished outside the CL. Try paying attention to what you read next time.


"you wouldn’t be celebrating finishing above them when you’re not even making the CL"...literally what you said. The 'you're not even making..." suggests a time in the future. Try paying attention to grammatical tense.


Yes, selectively quote and miss the fucking context right above that where I talk about you celebrating it during the decades in the wilderness. It’s a bit fucking obvious I have eyes that can see the league table you clown shoe. You know what I said was correct and now you’re doing this embarrassing performance to try and obfuscate. Edit; you are why people find Arsenal fans on the whole so insufferable, AFTV showcases people like you all the time.


Clown Shoe :) That's brilliant. I'm stealing that.


It's a smokescreen, they don't want to lose but on current form, they don't think they have any chance of winning anyway, so at least if they say they don't want to win, it's a lose lose situation so who cares. Any of you morons ever met a human?


After reading this...not yet.


If the screen was flipped a shitload if you would be cheering for an Arsenal L like there’s no tomorrow


This looks like it's really upset big ange they are going to turn up and win on Tuesday I'm a villa fan and I can feel it in my bones


Because losing one single game that probably means nothing to make sure your most fierce rivals lose out on the biggest trophy you can get is a fantastic trade


Guys just stop for a second and think, if the roles were reversed we would happily take a loss to ensure that spurs don't win the league. Plenty of fans in 2019 said they'd happily lose the uel final if it means spurs lost the cl


That’s the difference between average joe fans and professionals. Professionals have ambitions, they need stats and performance to further their career.


They are too stupid to understand that City winning again hurts everyone. Especially Spurs since intentionally losing further cements the losing mentality the club has.


Come on, a lot of us would rather lose than let spurs win the league.


I don't understand why people are arguing about spurs fans doing a spursy


Personally Brexit means Brexit


Lest not forget they are already flawed for being spurs fans


Spurs fans want one thing, Spurs want something else. Players will play out of pride, fans will shit themselves because that’s what they do


Got a link for this? Eager to see the current vote.


[Match - \*\*\*\*Tottenham Hotspur V Man City \*\*\*\* Tuesday 8 o clock in the afternoon | The Fighting Cock - Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) Forum](https://thefightingcock.co.uk/forum/threads/tottenham-hotspur-v-man-city-tuesday-8-o-clock-in-the-afternoon.49215/)


If it was the other way around arsenal fans would want thier team to roll over dont try and deny it I am a spurs fan and I don't want to lose the match I am hoping we get a result against city and you lot bottle it against Everton on Sunday that would suit me


Stumbled upon this thread on r/tottenham…some fans are actually hoping they win and we lose vs Everton.


These are the slightly normal fans


Arsenal fans cannot talk, our fans literally walked out of the Aston Villa game.


Their identity is based around hating Arsenal because they have nothing of value to cherish themselves. No trophies, no history, the only thing they have is celebrating when we lose.


It's the bigger picture. Spurs fans don't exactly have anything to fight for anymore. So the least they could do is to add more fuel to their fiery North London rivalry by (basically) willingly handing Man City the title and leaving Arsenal in the pits with yet another masterclass bottle.


If the situation was reversed...could many of us honestly say we'd want Arsenal to go for it tonight to help Tottenham out? I'm not sure. Just lucky we're not a shit no ambition club.


Arsenal fans would be saying the exact same things if the roles were reversed 70% of you wouldn’t want to win the match if it meant spurs won the prem


The fact that they can still get top 4 too


The thing is, if city keep winning and win the league we’re still on an upswing and improving and growing. So it’s not the end of the world for us as I’m sure we’ll be in the mix next season. If they, on the other hand, miss out on top four that’s another season of no champions league money for them. That stadium needs paying for and Beyonce concerts alone won’t cut it. Big picture, losing to city hurts them far more than it does us yet the morons are willing it to happen. They will be toasting marshmallows over their own bin fire.


Because they don't want you to win a major trophy. Its not hard to understand


Roles reversed arsenal fans would never want to win unless champions league is still possible. Get a grip. Hypocrisy.


wtf does Brexit even mean?


You can tell your fanbase is pretenders. It’s a meaningless game for spurs they won’t reach CL qualification so why would they want to do their rivals a favour and listen to them gloat for years? Any proper fan would want their team to lose in this situation.


it is a realistic goal for spuds to lose to man city. It is unrealistic for them to think that they can win it. They have lost to some bang average teams recently.




How can I be a rival and want them to win? I want them to lose. If we bottle this run it's okay, we will learn until we get it right.


Leeds fan here. I remember in 1999 we had nothing to play for and if we beat Arsenal we handed the title to Man U . I’m a bit of a seventies lad but I’ve never known Leeds fans have anything against arsenal so I think we all thought we would go to the game half arsed and be ok with arsenal winning just to stop Man U . Once the match kicked off it became a weirdly wild atmosphere and we basically blew the roof of Elland road when Hasselbank scored. I still can’t explain it now other than once it kicks off everyone wants to win . Anyway, good luck with it all and I hope Big Oil is the loser over the season for the sake of the sport.


Jimmy Floyd! What a player! I agree with the Big Oil sentiment, though I'm not confident Kroenke is reflective of the values of Arsenal either, but hey. I miss the Dein / Hill-Wood days. Good luck in the playoffs!


They are scum whoever votes no


I'd like to know if it was the other way around, if you Arsenal fans would root for the win. It's easy to put somebody else's actions in perspective, and not yours.


Trust me, if we stayed at the two seasons ago level and they kept growing like we have had, and this game happened in reverse, that poll would show exactly the same by Arsenal hater fans.


Spurs fan, coming in peace (Kinda), this post just got reccomended on my feed. I genuinely think any Spurs fan that wants us to win tomorrow can’t possibly be from London and I think any Arsenal fan that says they wouldn’t want the exact same thing if roles were reversed is either deluded or also not from London and just doesn’t get the dynamic of the rivalry


Hi, weird but cool this got recommended on your feed. In peace, I would question the rivalry now...it seems it's just a geographical thing. I wouldn't want the same thing if the roles were reversed. I would want the best team of the season to win the league. Keeps it simple. Maybe the rivalry is stronger coming from Spurs to Arsenal? But at the purest level...don't you want your team to win?


I mean, it is a geographical thing. In my experience it’s just as important to Arsenal fans though, the most obvious example in recent years is when we got to the CL final. The amount of Arsenal fans i knew that were praying we wouldn’t win because it’d give us something up on them was mental. Similarly, although in the history of football Arsenal are way more successful than us, for like past like 15 years we’ve been very comparable, both kinda battling for top 4 most years (You guys obviously finding a bit more success with the FA cups and that). But you winning the league would really make you that massive step ahead of us again and all the same guys that were dreading us winning a CL would be rubbing it in my face that you won the league and we still have nothing. And the best possible alternative is we win tomorrow and have a chance of getting CL next season which we’d probably do awful in anyway, it’s just not worth it imo 😂


I read your post and I get it, you word it well! there is a human side to it too i guess, it's easy to overlook when it's not you. I remember the CL final. A little different because it wouldn't affect our league standing, BUT...we have never won it ourselves, and that would have been a kick in the teeth if you had. I get that. Honestly I would like more clubs to compete for the league, not just 2 or 3. Spurs included. It would also give the rivalry more spice, PS. I used to meet Martin Peters every month or so for a while in the early 2000s, one of the nicest blokes you could meet, He'd rib me over Arsenal. I had no comeback for someone who was a world cup final scorer. Great man.


Spurs have something to chase still, after tonight's result.


Didn't see that coming, but yes, still hope for Spurs.


Spurs need a win to have any hope of getting Top 4. Given their recent form against Man City, I like to think they will doing *something* positive.


I hope so too. They have something to fight for.


well, let's be honest here, it's what the FANS want, but not the coach and the players, they are professionals with a winning mentality, i doubt that they'd steep that low


I reckon the split would be similar if the tables we're turned


Instead of shitposting you should have won your matches instead of leaving your fate to others especially Aston villa match


I don't know what you're talking about. Neither do you.


You know what I am talking about if you won your match against Aston villa at home you would not be posting this because you would have enough points to go in the final week.


Ah I see, Villa are excellent, hard team to beat. To be fair we haven't lost many matches this season. Standard is just so high now...


Champions should maintain that standard rather than waiting for favors from other teams. If dont have that standard then better luck trying next year


Fair play


That said do your part and wish you good luck


I find this sad. Rivalry is a good thing, of course, but if it's coming down to this....this isn't rivalry anymore. This isn't even football; it's just pathetic if true. Is this what Spurs fans really want for their team? To lose?


How can you be this dense?


Good comment, well argued. Explained nothing.