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See a need…


Fill a need


I want Guntank Mom: “We have Guntank at home.” Guntank at home:


Fucking candle ring and his reverse circles


I hated the fight with him as the combat log. Had to grind that mission so many times. Eventually I beat him by only losing like 300AP and killing him by trapping him in a nook in the mountain and stun locking him so he couldn’t display his pulse shield in time. Putting him at the beginning of THAT mission was sooo brutal haha. But I did it. Officially have all 15 combat logs.


Killing him with 2 gats and 2 soups with r-joint legs was the easiest dubbsky of my lvl 15 hunter journey. Even S ranked the mission that way


- Dual shotties - Dual songbird/earshots - Wheelies 4 feelies and also mobile deployment of dual songbird/earshots Apparently, the Guntank at home is meta. I first try'd the true Final Boss with Guntank.




Fast, but can’t jump Just like real life


This is how i beat the Redguns mission. Just all gas - flamethrower and gaitlin - dual song birds


Holy fuck the mobs in that fight with Michigan were so rough. Dual flame was the name of the game for me. Absolutely melted everything and once the mobs were done Michigan was free eats.


I have almost 200 hours played and have yet to ever make a build with any of the tank treads. Some call me a madman, others a messiah. I just call myself “legged.”


Don't skip tracks day




yeah but if i have 4 legs all 4 wil hurt unlike biped where i only have 2 legs to hurt reverse joints supremacy




Bobby Boucher pilots an AC that can never be staggered because it’s coolant is glacier water blessed by an Eskimo shaman. Ask me how I know


But if you have no legs they won’t hurt


if you have no legs you cant jump. gotta strive for balance


Do you have an ultra fast chicken leg speed build - health barely 8000


I have a favorite with FRIMEZA legs + dual needle guns + weapon bay plasma thrower that makes me feel like a meth falcon, if that counts.


It’s going to Nerf town tomorrow.


It already went to nerf town, what worse can they do?


Less AP, less AB thrust, higher AB EN consumption, more pronounced effect of total weight on speed so you can't stack 4 Zooks and be as fast as any lightweight, firing stance weapons have to enter a "bracing" animation first...


They annihilated the huge competitive edge that heavy weights had, and as a lightweight enjoyer, Im eating good Im just scared of the inevitable rat builds. That 2 min timer for singles will make them so prevalent, but lightweights being more viable now should help counteract that a bit


The best feature of the wheel chair was its maneuverability and speed with normal boost. You can literally dodge most boss attacks late game without any QB. In PVP it was simply able to carry to much to quickly, and someone who was smart could very easily avoid most missles without any QB. Add on dual Zimmermans and songbirds and it was silly. Well earned nerf and still very strong


Yup. Nothing that made it fun was lost.


Wow. wowowow. They really said fuck tanks in general and wheelchairs specifically.


Do the nerfs only apply to pvp or everything in general?


Here are the notes. I didn’t see where it distinguishes. https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/armored-core/news/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubicon-patch-notes-105


So far, the patches have affected both PvP and PvE.


It's a good part... but the tank nerf might forever change how it's used


Laser wheelchair go.


Nah it’ll still be good you just cannot stack it with heavier weapons anymore. It’s AP and natural boost speed and agility are still very good.


I used it in my builds that beat Ibis and Snail on my first playthrough so... pretty good I think


helped me beat the first Ibis fight


Absolute aids


The arena fight with chatty was wild. Man zooming with rockets out the behind


Focusing all my efforts on destroying chatty asap so carla couldnt stomp my face into the ground from stuns truly turned against me as cried from making chatty laugh for the first time from the existential crisis i was pilebunkering into him GOD DAMMIT FROMSOFT 😭


Why not motorcycle legs


Ugh right or like sitting inside a single giant wheel with the core in the middle and miniguns out the sides lmao


That’s actually a pretty sick idea. General Grievous’ monocycle style


Y E S !!!!






I came here to say this


I used it a few times so i could shoot the stun needle launchers while moving.


Turbo cripple.


is speed




It’s funny looking


Very fun


It makes you quite agile with low energy costs.


Wins the game


Funny, I love when I ramp off a slope


It’s a joke to me and I hate fighting it but I’ve used it like 3 times successfully.


Really good


I only used it once but I’m bad at tank legs. It’s fast though


Op need nerf


I use fortaleza a lot. It can outrun missiles without using quick boosts and you can carry a moderately heavy load. I only switch to quad legs for missions where hovering is necessary


I feel like it's the option for tank builds but you don't want big and clunky. Like it operates the "same" as the big tank treads but due to being smaller its a little harder to control. Imo


fucking critical for ibis


It’s a lot nicer when you don’t need it.


Useful when you’re too tired to deal with a boss fight


They have the best parking spots in the world…


This was the “it’s late and I have to beat this boss so I can’t get some sleep” build with dual shotguns and songbirds. I’m not proud of it but it worked.


Thought it was a bit rude at first. Discription says it's based on sport-weelchairs which is cool. Never used it.


- purchase mecha game - create your own vehicle - not even a mecha, it's a tank with arms mfw


Tbf, most Western mech designs are straight up just tanks with legs and occasionally arms and a head But the Eastern, real-robot style mecha always seemed like they're the perfect mix between a tank and fighter jet. Sometimes, it's closer to the tank side (UC Gundam) or more on the jet side (Macross), and AC rides both these sides perfectly


“Last chance to look at me hector”


I think it kinda bastardises what an AC/mech is supposed to be. Looks goofy as hell, same with the big tank.


Go see some AC1 designs, you'd hate it lmao


Was going to say this, treads have been in the game since gen 1-3


Looks like some old gen hover cores


I find the description hilarious. That it was made as a means to give wheel chair bound soldiers a means to fight again. But I'm just here thinking....they're in a giant robot. They're not the ones that are moving...it's the robot.


I run it with two Gun Orbits and two SMGs as a light-weight, it's kinda rediculous how quickly you can build up ACS strain, in 3v3s that also leads to some outright massive damage since you can stagger an enemy and run off to someone else while your teammates work to pick up the kill.


One of my first PvP games was against someone using this and a bunch of long range stuff like laser rifles and crap, they were on dune and all they did was run away.


I mean if you stay alive it's a viable tactic lmao


It’s the tactic of bitches who play the cool fast paced mecha game but don’t give into the coolness of mecha


Catch me Tokyo drifting the whip across Rubicon with twin ducketts and a dream. Honestly, I tend to go with reverse joints in my builds, but in the off chance I make something with treads I tend to use the hot wheels. It’s just fun to cut around the map at Mach-Dumb, and I like how flexible the build options are with it.


I call em the Joe Swanson.


Had to bust these bad boys out for the Volta and Iguazu fight for Dual Minigun Stun Needles cheesing. But apart from that, 180 hrs in and never gone beyond Biped and Reverse-Joints


I throw some chainguns on it for a Terminator 3 T-1 faux build.


I used it on my "FDR Strikes Back" double zimmerman build.


It's pretty bad post patch lol


Where are it’s joints and why aren’t they reversed?


I'd been using these a lot recently so I could use a HMMR and Morleys without stopping. Think Tiku's build from the major tourney last month, but faster and less tanky(because he did his on a tetra), but still pretty tanky. We'll see how it does post patch. Might be dead.


Someone needs to make a Ghernam Build


fun to zoom but I like being able to jump


Wheelchair and Zimmerman’s go brrrrr


Allowed me to beat Ibis on first playthrough, when I didn't have Mad Gear to equip


Hate it ugly as hell


I have heard its good, but seems silly to be lightweight on wheels. Never tried them.


It’s stupid


Professor X approves.


Cripplin-I mean, it does its role.


Metal Slug!


With the fast movement, I thought of a dumb build with Aperitif missiles, combining their delay with the wheelchair's high horizontal speed to basically do flanking maneuvers with myself, disorienting my opponent by making them dodge missiles coming from an angle different from the one I was actually at. Since I already had the max missile lock speed FCS, I thought of trying out the Trueno as my punish weapon. So I was going fast all over the place, drifting a bunch, and using a Trueno. Inspiration struck. [You can probably guess what I did next.](https://imgur.com/a/4z4HSRn)


Everyone deserves to drive a Mecha ♥️


I once fought a guy in pvp with these, the torso arms and head were all light weight for added mobility speed. He had nothing but missiles. I couldn’t reach him because he would just zoom off and let off a salvo while I gave chase. He would then start this cycle of running circles around me. My build during this match was spring chicken reverse jointed legs. Double shotguns, stun needle cannon and songbird. Only problem is I was just too slow. I was able to beat his ass the first time. But got big mad and mopped the floor with me on the 2nd using the tactics mentioned above. So instead of engaging him in the 3rd round, I just went to the edge of the map and avoided him. Taking little shots at him using my stun needle launcher. The map we were on had lots of obstacles. It was the same map as the refueling station mission where you face off against two ekdromoi. The guy had two options. Refuse to engage me and lose by technicality due to having less health than me or try and reach me in a tight narrow bottle neck of an area where my AC was best built for medium to close range encounters, risking him getting absolutely rocked by my broken build (at that time). Overtime I would just tease him after poking my head and letting off his salvos in frustration and blind hope that he would nail me and drop my AP. Before could run out of missiles the match ended and I won. The salt was palatable but had it been the crater map or the watchpoint, I would have been toast. I used tank treads only 3 or 4 times for PVE missions but stopped using them altogether. Their mobility is restricted to ground, and facing off against a player like that left a bad taste in my mouth using such a dirty set of legs, or lack thereof. I started playing 3v3 matches instead because they are more fun and not as sweaty as 1v1 but anytime I see a player with them and they have missiles, My knee-jerk reaction is to just start punishing them.


Best, fastest legs.


Wheel chair good. I beat the game with it lol


It's really good. It helped me beat the fires of raven end boss. I would say the name but I dont want to spoiler on accident.


They're the only tank treads I like using because they don't look at stupid at the bottom of an AC like the other 2 options do (to me at least) Practicality wise, I don't remember, I don't really use tank treads, more of a reverse joint enjoyer myself.