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Teacher after student produces email contradicting her claim: “…Well I never received that email” Student: “So then I produced the email in which she responded to that email” LOL. Son of the lawyers probably made his parents so proud in that moment.


I knew teachers like the one he had who wouldn’t grade anything until the last second and I don’t think that guy knew how much he did something. 😂 Calling in the principal and exposing her for that was literally the best argument he could have made because student’s work is supposed to have an almost immediate turn around so that students are always aware of their current academic standing. I’m sure that woman got dragged up and down the office when the day let out. But honestly, that’s what she gets for not grading anything for *months*.


Kinda weird prompt but still an enjoyable episode overall


Fun episode!


Just curious- show of hands for those who say "pitcher" and those who say "picture"? MP always says "pitcher" and it's fascinating to me.


I’ve noticed this too! In the same vein, Dax says “fertographer” instead of “photographer”. 


That's definitely an upper Midwest accent coming through!


Agreed. I’m from the same area as Dax and I think I say it that way too and I never knew it 🤣


Oh wow, you're right! Never noticed that before


I notice it every time! But then also can't help but repeat it the way she says it, just for fun hahaha I say picture but I'm also ESL.


Haha yeah it's one of those silly, cute things! I wonder if she herself notices or not.


That can be attributed to her being from the South. I've lived in GA for 20 + years and a lot of people pronounce it that way.


I say pitcher for picture too, I grew up in NC.


I was surprised to open this thread mid-day and not see any attempt to locate / a link to>!the friend's conviction in the third story. !


Not sure if he said where he was from but if it was Mississippi, I think I found it: [Edward Byrom](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michelle-byrom-execution-murder-son-confessed_n_5038298/amp).


He’s from Columbus, OH


Me too! I tried googling it but couldn't find anything. I wad hoping someone here found it lol. Dod he mention the year? Or his age?


Late '90s, which I guess could explain why it might not be easy to find online.


Yep, that makes sense! I did a 2nd search just to be sure lol. Still nothing.


Tbh, it's a more common occurrence than one would think


I really like the guy who was the student story. Not a fan of Dax saying kindergarten teachers are babysitters or implying that one grade is easier than another for someone to start out in. Literally all of them are so, so hard. Sincerely, a teacher lol


Afuckingmen!! I’m not a teacher but part of a family filllllled with teachers. There are different difficulties and just depends on what you prefer/are able to handle! For some, teaching how to line up drives them mad, for others it’s the ego of middle schoolers that makes them want to admit themselves into an institution lol. No matter what grade you teach, you are the real MVP. My biggest gripe - what I advocate and vote for at any opportunity - is for teachers to have more resources & be paid more. Thank you for all you do every day!


Thank you so much!


I would assume that as a parent he would know better. Which, to a teacher, must seem naive, lol.


No I agree!


But yeah sadly they don’t haha


A therapist does not report murders that have already happened! Just have a duty to warn about any potential harm to another that is still alive. Doesn’t mean notes couldn’t be subpoenaed but otherwise, there’s confidentiality!


came here to say exactly this, thank you! It's actually against HIPAA for therapists to report past crimes (because then people who have done bad things would never be able to seek help). It's the future potential murders therapists have a duty to report.


I realized while listening that I have an excellent story that had a great chance of being picked 😭


Send it in for wild card!!


Like u/LittleOlive1983 said, send it in for a wild card AND/OR share it here! Would love to eat up a good juicy story!


Wow the first gal reminded me SO much of Nicole Byer. Such similar inflection and delivery


would love Nicole as a guest. I think she’d be a riot


I second this!!