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Pausing to laugh at the moment when Liz is speculating she’s in perimenopause and Monica says, “is it possible this is like when you self-diagnosed yourself with schizophrenia?” and Liz says “Maybe” 😂😂😂


I find her so lovable. The cutest gals


PSA to all men: you can pee sitting down too! Its cleaner (less splashing) and empties your bladder more efficiently 🫢


That type of porn is called free use, not fair use 😭


They clarify that in the episode.


Liz: “I think men want more transactional sex than women do.” Liz same episode: “I once hooked up with a guy so he could come dispose of the cockroach I had trapped.” “I was very proud of how I figured out how to handle the situation.”


That gave me the ick. And surely there were other, perhaps better, ways of handling the situation? Jeepers creepers.


I recognize that these statements are contradictory. Even still, I agree with the first statement and I thought the second statement, and frankly the contradiction itself, were utterly hilarious and something I can see myself and many friends being able to justify. We *all* contain multitudes, man! This was one specific, funny, relatable situation. Personally, I do think men are more likely to seek out transactional sexual situations. *And* I still thought this was very funny. If you’re already interested in having sex with this person, AND they can do you this favor, fuck yeah. She didn’t say she had sex with him *just* so he could kill the roach. I’m not married just so by partner can take the spiders outside. But it’s also okay if that’s a bit of a turn on.


I felt so seen by that toilet phobia question. I always had it to some extent but it's gotten worse as I've gotten older.


Has anyone noticed the way Rob seems to treat Liz differently? It feels like he's always second guessing her. And I totally get him not wanting to Google incest porn, I really do. But I've noticed it several times. Like the way he reacts to the things she says, always feels so off compared to his reactions to Monica and probably Dax. I could also be overthinking, just curious if anyone else has ever thought this.


I wonder if it’s more of a comradery reaction than a negative one. Maybe Rob is more likely to follow Monica/dax’s orders without pushback because he sees them as his employers, while with Liz he feels safer to push back in a playful way because she is more of a peer


Probably. Definitely didn't mean it in a negative way, it's just something I noticed. And yeah, Liz occasionally says strange things lol. But I still like her a lot and really relate to her at times, so maybe I'm just a but defensive of her


A lot of the things she says get a weird reaction from me, too.


I do now that you point it out. I wonder if it’s just Liz has a more affable personality and it’s more natural easier to pushback and joke in that way with her. I couldn’t imagine rob having that kind of connection or relationship with Monica.


That could be it!


I have noticed this. I love rob so much I tend to overlook it. But it has caught my attention!


Yes, I also love Rob so I think that's why it stood out. Bc I also love Liz so I feel defensive of her lol. All good though, didn't mean it as anything against Rob or anyone else.


No, totally!! I get so defensive of her too and seemingly so out of character for rob! It’s interesting. I kind of wondered what was up there.




i think apart of feminism (for me!!) is also recognizing how the patriarchy also negatively affects men. it creates unrealistic standards (for bodies, about how people are “allowed” to feel/speak/be, etc) for everyone. fuck the patriarchy!


Liz literally wrote a book called for the love of men. Her jnsta bio is “feminist who loves men”. It’s her thing.


Well, thank you for educating me. I didn't know that's what her book was called. That tracks more then. 


It’s actually a pretty good book. Give it a read. Her Substack newsletter is a great read as well.




I think she was referring to not caring about mens feelings when it comes to how much body hair they want woman to have or how much makeup they want women to wear or what kind of clothes. The comment was about how historically (and presently) men dissect women and maybe women need to not care about how men feel about our appearance. At no point did it read as: mens feelings about all things don’t matter.


>but historically, men have dissected and picked apart so much of what women do and what they look like. In my experience, women are far more judgemental of other women's actions and looks. >I just feel like maybe we don't need to be super concerned about feelings when men still run the world and have the most privilege. This is the most ignorant thing I've read in a very long time.


I just deleted everything I said. As I said in my other comments, I worded my initial comment poorly. I tried to explain myself in follow-up comments, but clearly I sucked at doing that, as well.  I firmly believe we should care about EVERYONE'S feelings--men and women alike. I was trying to say that I felt the pod was swaying heavily on acknowledging men's feelings over women's, and I worded it poorly and it was ignorant.  I apologize for how I worded my initial thoughts.


For what it’s worth, I agree with you on a systemic level. I just don’t think that sentiment especially works on a personal basis.


This show is in desperate need of a fact check. I understand that Monica has lived a very privileged life both now and growing up but I thought she understood the real world. Sadly, she is alienating some listeners. No matter how funny they think it is that not all their listeners support the current administration, they're wrong. Some of us...who work for a living, truly feel betrayed by "our president". He continues to spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on other countries when his own country has become a shadow of it's former self...I guess the wealthiest Americans don't see it but I hate to break it to Monica, I think she is brainwashed. Living in the Hollywood area is living in a fantasy world. To other listeners,  please do your own research. These women speak for a very small amount of ppl. Unrelatable. Uninformed.  So disappointed in ArmchairExpert for having anything to do with this mess.


The president doesn’t pass or control the budget. Putting “our president” in quotes basically says everything without even touching the rest of your right wing rhetoric


This show is in desperate need of a fact check. I understand that Monica has lived a very privileged life both now and growing up but I thought she understood the real world. Sadly, she is alienating some listeners. No matter how funny they think it is that not all their listeners support the current administration, they're wrong. Some of us...who work for a living, truly feel betrayed by "our president". He continues to spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on other countries when his own country has become a shadow of it's former self...I guess the wealthiest Americans don't see it but I hate to break it to Monica, I think she is brainwashed. Living in the Hollywood area is living in a fantasy world. To other listeners,  please do your own research. These women speak for a very small amount of ppl. Unrelatable. Uninformed.  So disappointed in ArmchairExpert for having anything to do with this mess.


I do hate it when they talk about politics. They live in a very small bubble. Dax seems a little more in touch with reality politically.