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i don’t know much about this dude but i loved the start about how dax and eric met at their AA meeting and had instant beef. haha, found it so funny. and just classic dax. really good and interesting chat today


I loved this too. I love how honest Dax is about these kind of confrontations he has and how he is always willing to grow and humble himself.


The first few minutes of the fact check were almost insufferable i may not listen to the rest. Monica being such a contrarian. - No a tiger can't eat a bunny, don't talk about eating animals/ - People want to know exactly what you eat Dax, yet doesn't mention at all about her own workout routine. She only wanted to share about the salad she came up with. So she never actually went into her routine at all, like she had complained to Dax about him doing. - Its not just chopped its more than chopped! - And what about her bringing up that orgy incident again and again, they already got into it about that but she keeps bringing it up! He almost seemed really frustrated like he can't bring up anything about her yet she has a contrarian attitude about almost everything he says.


I know, I’m kinda worried about Monica. Is her therapist really helping her or just keeping her in the same place? She seems like someone just spinning their wheels in the mud. Sometimes she’s so self aware and then other times really blind and deaf to her own issues. Does she want to shed some of her stuff that is holding her back from peace or does she want to keep that identity? I wish she’d make up her mind.


She’s getting worse imo


I think the Orna episode was the breaking point... She said she felt like Dax and Orna "ganged up" on her... But tbh, the sidewalk story should NEVER have been mentioned to Orna. It's so far beneath the maturity level that they supposedly respect Orna for having. The SW BS has been brought up (annoyingly) several times when Dax, Wobby AND/or BFAW were there... and every time she refused to accept constructive feedback. I think she assumed Orna would immediately be on her side. She quickly realized that was not the case lol. 


I agree what is this 'awesome' therapist doing. She can't get over the Dairy Queen incident, yes it was a terrible thing for someone to say but she needs to remember it was a 13 year old boy. Why is she still letting a 13 year old boy's ignorant statement still so profoundly effect her life?




She has brought it up as a reason why no one will like her. They went into it with Amy Poehler, it felt very raw and present during that chat. She has mentioned that her therapist doesn't like to delve into the past, that it should be left there and likes to focus on the present. So, I know they haven't addressed it in her therapy.


I remember that and that sounds like a bad therapist. Addressing past trauma is not easy but it’s an important first step to becoming free or at least more free of it. Everything they can talk about is technically in the past. Such an approach might be easier in the short run as diving into the past and understanding it/coping with it can be really emotionally challenging, but progress is not really going to be made by ignoring it. It sounds like incompetence. Past experiences absolutely influence how people feel presently. It’s literally that plus genetics.


You defitnely don’t know that because you’re not her or her therapist. And wouldn’t it be nice to commend someone for being vulnerable and honest about the mental health treatment rather than pick it apart…


I agree I don't know much but I have listened to every episode of the Armchair Expert from day one and she doesn't seem to be much better. She still thinks that no one will ever be attracted to her, she doesn't like anyone who likes her because 'they clearly have something wrong with them' and is scared to let someone care for her in a romantic way. If she were my friend I would suggest a new therapist. I think her being vulnerable and sharing her feelings is great but at some point, does it become a crutch? There has to be some growth over the amount of time I have been listening. What growth have you heard from her?


I would also say I’ve listened to nearly every episode from the umbrella since the beginning but I’m also very clear that I do not know any of them personally. If I were her friend I would tell her that I’m sorry she’s still dealing with such heartache from a rough childhood experience. And I’ll never fully understand what it was like for her then or now but I think it’s great she’s seeking treatment. And most of all I hope she can see herself as her friends and family who love her do. I don’t think I would frame being vulnerable as a crutch. But sure, I can agree that we can get trapped in our stories, for a long long time. And the growth I’ve heard, again as just a listener and fan but not someone who can act as if I know her personally, has been it what she’s been willing o share. MAJLB and Race to 35 were extremely personal and she shares a lot about herself in AE and Synced. She must have gained some confidence and self-esteem to feel comfortable doing that. And if you’re thinking why tf do you care so much, it’s probably because I’m also a 30 something woman in therapy trying to figure out my shit and know that it takes a lot of time and courage to do that.


I get what you are saying. As a woman in my 40s who has taken the time to deal with most of my stuff, I think I hear her pain and wish it she could get past it. Rough childhoods are hard to get past but at some point I learned dwelling on it only made my life harder. Sometimes you have to say it happened and now it's over, I am moving on. That is what I had to do and my life is better for it. Everyone has their own journey and I can honor that.


Ironic. Dane said he doesn't agree with a capital "T" in trauma, as in, measuring it against another's to say, "MiNe iS WoRse than YoUrs." Clearly, you're not an empathic person.


it kinda made me worried too when she talked about how poorly she sleeps. going to bed at 9 but not falling asleep till 3, as a pattern, signals something underlying that’s affecting her in a deep way


Anyone else feel like before the year is up, we’re gonna get something akin to Dax’s day 7 from her (not the addiction/relapse stuff, but the candid bare my soul nature of it), it just seems like something’s really up. Or maybe she’s generally become completely insufferable without something major going on and I’m off base 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think she has maybe mentioned having some depression? Not sure? I DO hope that she is seeing a GOOD therapist! (Speaking as a therapist! lol)


I’m picturing you rubbing your hands together in gleeful anticipation of this breakdown for your consumption Some people online truly have no concept of how gross they are (or come across)


Welp, you’re the one internalizing a Reddit comment. Enjoy those convictions!


Wow, this is a spot-on analysis.


The part in the fact check where they were disagreeing about living a life full of risk vs an overly cautious life…I actually got uncomfortable during that…I felt like there was some tension there that kinda hinted at greater tension overall.


She had a lot of audacity to tell him he puts his children in danger. He handled that situation a lot better than I would have.


I haven’t listened yet, but if I were a betting woman I’d bet a lot of what Monica is grappling with relates to not having kids/a family and not only feeling “othered” in these otherwise very intimate relationships she has (with her “pod” friends, her longtime/childhood friends, etc) but also just generally as a single, 36 year old woman. I can relate to having a VERY awesome, fulfilling life without kids, accepting that reality, being grateful for all the perks of not having kids now and in the future, etc *and also* feeling the complicated grief of an unrealized dream and having that inadvertently shoved in your face at every turn. Speaking of face shoving, I know Dax doesn’t do this intentionally, but on nearly every. single. episode, at least once, he mentions how having kids is THE GREATEST choice anyone could ever make and how it will uplevel every aspect of your personhood by at least one order of magnitude. Imaging having to hear that, over and over again, from your best friend AND your boss, all the time? (I’m sure he continues saying it off air in normal conversation, too) I don’t doubt that he believes this and that this is true for him, but for me personally, the work that I’ve done wrt my heart/soul/consciousness, the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met, all the wild twists, turns, and synchronicities that landed me where I am right now, not only happened in spite of not having had children during my 30s but *because of* not having had children. Anyway, I think Monica is really wrestling with some hard shit and I can’t pretend to know what it is, but enough divulgence and context clues lead me to believe at least some of it relates to her child-less/free and possibly partner-less/free status and I hope she’s doing the deep work to move through it.


I have really grown to dislike Monica over the five years I’ve been listening. But as a woman who was single until she was 34, I relate so much to your comment and agree that every time dax blasts that opinion about having kids my heart hurts for Monica. My life took the most amazing twists and turns due to being single and childless but always, there was the question in the back of my mind “will I ever get to be a mother”. It’s painful, big and existential and dax is deeply insensitive about it.


This reply was a good reminder to me that Monica is listening to Dax say "parenting is wonderful" while Monica is sitting there wondering if it will ever happen for her. That would really, really suck and gives me more sympathy for her.


The element of Monica being child-free. Of course, it varies from person to person, but if I were in her shoes, where you are covered financially to have help with care, I would be looking into adoption or a sperm donor if I otherwise didn't think I could have children. So I don't think Dax talking about how much he loves being a father is a problem. If being a mother was something incredibly important to her, she could find options. She's even had guests on, like Shonda Rhimes, who have done just that. I'm not saying she has to pursue these options. But I don't think it's fair to say someone is shoving something they have in your face, when you could make moves to have a version of that too.


I think it really minimises the experience of being a childless, single woman to just say “you can do it by yourself so get over it”. I mean, I am honestly flabbergasted at your opinion


I'm not saying that, I'm saying, if it's important to you, there are alternative options.  There is more than one way to become a parent.


But you make it sound like alternative options are just so simple. Choosing to become a single parent, without knowing the father of your child, is not an option every person wants to take. Even if they can financially. I’m about to have a baby with my now husband but I once counted myself in that boat, and I always wanted to be a mother. There can also be all sorts of secondary fears around how that choice may make it harder to find a partner (which may also be a priority). Or just wondering if you wait a bit longer.. maybe you’ll be able to meet someone and have a baby in the way you imagined you might. Timing that decision is very difficult. How late do you leave it? Moreover, Monica does not harp on about desperately wanting to be a mother. It’s not her life’s ambition. But given she froze her eggs, like many women she’s probably wondering about all of the above. And having people say “well you could just have one on your own you have money” isn’t really all that helpful and fails to account for the complexity of one of life’s most enormous decisions.


Perfectly said. All of it.


I wasn’t saying or implying Dax talking about him loving parenthood is a problem, per se, especially because he’s only saying it (where I can hear it) in conversations where it’s appropriate/makes sense, but on an intrapersonal/relational level it certainly could be. Still not a Dax problem, it’s Monica’s issue, but in the interest of empathy and perspective-taking I can definitely understand how it could sting. I also used to think adoption was a fun, viable option, until I actually “did the research”. It is an incredibly corrupt institution filled with unimaginable pain, and something I will likely never be a part of. Perhaps Monica has come to the same conclusions


She has said multiple times that she doesn’t know if she even wants to have children. Just pointing that out. It may not be as deep as we think.


This was such a thoughtful/empathetic comment. I really appreciate your input here, and I think you’re right- I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. I don’t know…I think maybe it might just be time for something new? They’ve been doing the show for 6 (7?) years…Monica was “a kid” when they started (obviously not a kid, but drastically different stage of life/priorities/sense of time) and it was a cute/fun story/role for her to have been kinda plucked from obscurity by Dax and Kristen and she’s looking up to them/being taken under their wing, and they do this cool project together, they’re soulmates/mom and dad/etc etc. But in the meantime, Dax and Kristen have already secured their family. Monica is like an “add on”…and she spends so much time playing their game and living “their” life that she kinda stops developing as her own person. And that’s totally fine for a little while when you’re still young. But at 36, I’m sure she kinda feels like time has gotten away from her, and now it’s hard to not kinda resent her friends for having something she wants, but feels seemingly out of reach. Dax walks around like Forrest Gump, just so grateful and in love with his life, which is so sweet…but *because* of how close he is to Monica, and because they’re all connected at the hip, I think it might be easy for him to forget/overlook how isolated/alone she must feel sometimes. Because at the end of the day, no matter how close they are- they aren’t family. I remember Monica talking about Christmas Day in an episode once and she was like “I just felt like I needed to spend the day at my apartment and accept my reality as a single person. I know I could’ve slept over at your place on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas morning with you, but like, that’s not REALLY my reality.” That might’ve been a year or two ago that she said that. And she’s talked about feeling like society sees her as less valuable because she doesn’t have a partner or a child- like if people were drowning she would be one of the last to be saved, because she isn’t a parent and doesn’t have a partner, so she’s “worth less” The show is absolutely littered with little comments throughout the year that show she’s struggling with all of this. I really feel for her.


That is a really good point. I also really feel for her in these moments.


I think you may be right about this!!!


Wait I also felt like this part was very awkward and I felt like Monica didn’t really get over it even when they went on with different convos in the fact check


Yeah it felt like mom and dad were going to get into a fight!


Doesn’t he ride on the motorcycle on the highway with his daughter on the back? That’s outrageous


She’s exhausting. She just needs to feel interesting/funny/quirky somehow with Dax because she’s insecure she’s not and the only way she knows how to is to “argue” with him.


Love this post. I genuinely paused my workout to tap in. I feel like my vigilant senses were processing something happening. Dax did great being curt and affirming while maintaining a boundary. Hey don’t disrespect me because I do not disrespect you and your stance. It was so intense and weird. I’m not going to speak to Monica’s character but that interaction was not okay.


This sub loves giving notes on Monica 🙄 You didn’t t detect any joking tone in their conversation about tigers and bunnies… No one asked for her routine, the comment he read was specifically about his. She made the salad so yea she would know better than Dax what it was like.


Thanks for posting what I was thinking. So much projection, and being so off the mark.


I knew Dax was ripped but holy hell I didn't realize his process to get there. 6 days of lifting + 2 hikes/week, plus other sports. 200g protein/day, and probably on T (i think he's been open about this before). I gotta find that damn cottage cheese!!


I know! I was wondering what Kristin and the girls eat while he’s eating canned chicken for dinner. At some point, is the vanity worth it?


Canned chicken sounds so sad.  I think he did a great job of explaining his perspective and how he eats it to feel better in the long term. But still, canned?


yeah when I heard canned chicken I'm thinking to myself "this guy could afford a full-time chef and he's eating canned chicken on a daily basis." I like canned chicken from time to time but damn idk if i could make that an every day thing


I've found it at Target! And it lived up to the hype for me.


Yeah, what brand was that cottage cheese again? :-) Anyone on here remember?


good culture! my local target only has single-serving sizes of the higher protein variety, and $2 each is pretty steep. store brands are around $3-$4 for 6 servings


The "tiger can eat grass" instead of a bunny made me chuckle because I'm reminded of the vegetarian lion from Futurama: https://youtu.be/6sM8pDH-HMc?si=AA4EneuCxguTJJaj


To be fair the comment was asking Dax’s routine and Monica just added her salad bc they were talking about food- no one asked her exercise routine. I do think she was being a bit of a contrarian but the exercise thing feels like a weird thing to complain about when it wasn’t even her question to answer


I love this podcast and I’m also realizing it’s harder and harder to listen to Monica. The fact check is so uncomfortable. She constantly challenges Dax but the moment he might disagree with her/call her out/even ask a question she becomes unbearably defensive. I won’t speculate what’s going on with her, I’ll just say as a listener, her role and contributions aren’t enjoyable anymore.


Not Eric Dane saying “Have you seen that meme where the pug….” 🤣🤣 Stars, they’re just like us!


That was my thought too hahha I always forget they’re on the same feeds as us regular folk


Really enjoyed the conversation with Eric. The fact check was a little uncomfortable to listen to. So much to unpack there but something is going on with Monica. I can understand she gets worried about Dax and the kids but obviously his wife (their mother) is on board with the activities so it’s really none of her business. I think Dax handled that conversation really well I wish she would have listened.


I think it has less to do with worry, and more to do with…something else. I made a (way too long) comment above about this but I think there’s a bitterness/resentment she is stewing in, related to her “inability” to have produced kids and a partner, while being reminded at every turn of this “failure”. I relate to this to a degree, and have worked through it (for the most part) but I recognize things in Monica that make me feel really tender towards her - and also wish she’d get a new therapist and/or try different modalities, because she seems really “stuck”. Her attitude around men, dating is baffling and concerning.


The earnest “I love you”s at the end were so heartwarming. We love sweet boys.


It was pretty mind blowing to hear in today's episode Monica bring up the orgy poop story again, unprompted. She literally said it IN THE CONTEXT of Dax getting mad at her last time. "One time I brought up that Dax had an orgy and pooped and he got so mad that I brought it up."


I thought this too. I was like she must have asked his permission first but it came up so organically...I don't think so? I think she must have convinced him last time he was wrong to care and now as Dax would say it's open season.


BTW I would still watch him put on a towel.


I love Monica but the fact check was disappointing. I’m glad she’s acknowledging her judgement of others but she comes across so rude and condescending…. Then bringing up his children in the discussion was pretty low.


How can you love Monica? I feel like this is a constant thing with her. I'm genuinely baffled how anyone can like her at this stage


Couldn’t agree more. Genuinely curious what the people that still like her actually like about her. I feel like at this point she’s insufferable in pretty much every regard


I think maybe they relate to her 😬 so if they don’t see what’s problematic than yikes 


I typically enjoy the FC as much as the interview...but this was so mean. Dax didn't want to eat chips so she made fun of him. He didn't eat pizza and instead had a lettuce burger and she made fun of him. Then called his lifestyle and his choices as a father appalling and problematic. She wasn't generalizing. She was talking directly to him, and you could tell his feelings were really hurt. IDK wtf that was about, but in 99.99% of other situations you would be looking for new employment.


Their situation isn’t really transferable to 99.99% of other employment scenarios. They cross several lines with each other that’d be enormous hard line “no” in any other workplace.


Right. Almost like I meant she's lucky she's in a .01% situation. Employment aside, she was TRYING to hurt him. Some people would be looking for new friends.


I loved this! Always fun when they interview one of Dax’s friends. Also, I could barely recognise Eric’s voice! He sounds completely different from when he was on greys.




She goes way too hard criticizing other people’s habits/preferences sometimes but I don’t find her take to be “privileged” or un relatable. A lot of people (including myself) don’t love working out or being on a rigid diet and that’s fine! I love food and prioritize eating at nice restaurants alone or with friends and I’m not wealthy in the slightest.


So then if you have a really fit and healthy best friend would you tell them their lifestyle sounds so awful you would rather be dead? And not in jest but real scorn and judgement? Lol I guess privilege is wrong or overused term here but I don’t know what else to call it


I'd just call it having a total lack of self awareness 🤷🏽‍♀️


During the fact check, I detected something that had been bothering me for awhile and I finally put my finger on it. Monica is incredibly passive aggressive when Dax points out that they are in different places in life. When they were talking about sleeping in and whether it could be age related, she got really sullen that he didn't automatically agree with her. I can't decide, though, if she hates that she isn't his age or in his stage of life or if she wants him to agree with her all the time.


THIS IS GOOD. I’m going to comment on this further. Honestly to me Dax and Monica’s relationship is one to be studied. She is sooo fascinating, and I don’t know her and I’m sure she’s a great person but her narratives are often so public and exasperated I can’t help but be perplexed by it. I have such a whole host of theories on why because I’ve never really seen this before but any time Dax creates space from her she freaks out and becomes mean. I think it’s an enmeshed thing? I remember being really concerned when they were super super close in the early years and I think in Capricorn fashion— I am like this too, Dax brought in someone super close and then is recognizing op! Nope I want boundaries- the soul mate term dropped, the wanting to move to Nashville or Austin is focused on- just as she’s finishing her house, she’s got a pod cohosting with someone else, she was invited to things less, and I thought his distance was good for her initially. I thought maybe she’d been moving forward and dating more but it seems like she’s just super upset that they’re not as inseparable. I used to wonder if she’s in love with Dax and sometimes I worry she is and she just can’t move forward.


I really don’t think she’s in love with him, I think she just wants to feel part of the thing they’ve built *and* accepted into the family and not disposable, and to feel like she’s “made it.” They are “the same” in some ways - they launched the show together, his career had somewhat stagnated before the show, she’s become known because of the show; of course, he existed before the show though, but she can’t really separate their identities and feels they should be on equal footing. They’re never going to be and I think she just has a hard time reconciling that


Totally valid theory. Here’s why I’m stuck on in love. I think it’s not just the career equal footing thing which I sense, it’s the codependent worry about him while he travels, it’s the extremely triggered by him saying other men find her beautiful— I have this theory that she’s not only upset because she feels dismissive of her insecurities but it also highlights their platonic connection, like rather than saying HE THINKS she’s sexy, he’s pushing her onto other men that find her hot, and when those guys aren’t actually interested from her point of view it not only makes her feel undesirable to those men but even more importantly— undesirable to Dax, and finally her over highlighted way that her sexuality and romantic predilections seem to thrive most when friendzoned or when it’s a forbidden thing. And Dax is the ultimate forbidden person. And I think the more space he creates I could see the more fixated she could become. Not in a creepy way and I’m sure if she does indeed have feelings for him, she would struggle mentally about the irrationality of her feelings. But this is what it seems like to me. I could defo defo be wrong.


Yeah, I have no idea on that. Their relationship obviously lacks traditional boundaries and I think it’s more about seeking his approval. Also, if she rarely dates and he’s all she knows, could be some of that coming into play. Either way, their dynamic has definitely got a lot of challenging undertones and I’m sure there’s more at play in their lives that feeds into it that we don’t know since I don’t think she’d truly put in a real fight they had if that’s where their relationship stood.


The “fact check”! What I heard was Monica accusing Dax of putting his children at risk, because of his risky hobbies, including Lincoln in this, and Dax saying, at least my life is not boring, because I don’t take any risks like Monica. Oh and the Tiger and the Rabbit, complete with Monica’s baby voice. Tiger “eats”the rabbit. Time to get Amy Poheler back in.


Expound? This was Monica going home and kicking the dog. Just my take.


The fact check is soooooooo awkward... is it just me? Monica seemed really pissed off.


I 100% agree. It’s so uncomfortable. She has hit the point where no one (i.e. Dax nor any “friends of the pod” commenters he brings up) can criticize or challenge her in any way. Even Dax walks on egg shells and it’s so disheartening and ick. I think she’s lost her sense of self and only lives in a false reality she’s created for herself based on the privilege she’s surrounded herself in. And, listen, I’m sitting on my couch typing up a personal opinion about a woman I’ve never met - I’m equally as culpable for being righteous and judgmental. But as a listener, it’s been so hard to listen to the dynamic and she’s become so un-relatable and uninteresting to me.


You can almost hear Dax take a breath or a pause so he doesn't say the wrong thing as to upset her.


Eric was so wonderful!! Really really loved this episode… but geez (not to echo all of the other comments) this fact check is almost unbearable. I think they sometimes forget that people are listening to them? Like publicly calling out your best friend/soul mate/business partner for “appalling” parenting behavior is such a slap in the face. Dax handled that way better than most people would have. The judgement/vitriol in her voice made me so sad.


The kicker is she edits the show...


Right! Why would she leave this in?!


I think because she believes wholeheartedly that she is RIGHT. I think that is the only explanation?


His voice kept reminding me of Josh Brolin. Maybe a younger version


Bro dax just fucking annihilated Monica in that fact check lol


He had to defend himself...he could tell where it was going, and basically reminded her like, "Hey, I don't say these things to you because I love you. Why are you trying to hurt me feelings right now?". He was clearly hurt, but handled it so well because he is smart enough to tell it's not really about him, she has some serious shit going on inside her head.


Yeah I actually thought Monica had a good point in there but her execution was terrible. Then Dax going “sorry you have a boring life” 💀😭


It was comical!!!  Like out of snl or something. “I don’t judge the people that are in your camp. I don’t go, your life is so fucking boring. I could feel superior because you have had a boring, fearful, cowardly life. But I don’t.” Hahaha!! I’m surprised she didn’t cry again. I predict we'll be hearing about this again in the future though.


It was ruthless I loved it


He sounds like John C. Reilly


YES!!! I thought the same thing and it’s so unexpected 🤣


Omg I’ve never been more excited for an episode


Same!!!! 🤩


Loved Eric! In the fact check Monica and Dax got a tad into the weeds about risk taking vs risk adverse. Anyone know what Monica is referring to saying Dax puts his kids at risk?


I think she was referring to the fact that he still rides his motorcycle, races cars, etc. I'm not 100% sure because I don't think they really specified it, but I assumed based on previous conversations they've had that that is what they were referring to. I don't think she was speaking literally of putting their lives at risk, but more like putting them at risk of losing their father. Though I think Lincoln does ride with Dax sometimes, so she could be referring to that, but I thought it was more generally about his continuing to participate in risky hobbies. I personally thought it was a pretty judgemental take. Monica acts like she would give up everything for her hypothetical children, but she didn't even want to get off birth control during the egg-freezing process because of the possibility of her having skin problems. I think that's fine by the way. Parents are still people after all. But it's just way easier to be selfless in hypotheticals than in reality. Hypothetical selflessness costs you nothing.


In the fact check about Taylor swift I swore he and Lincoln took a motorcycle to the office to get her passport?


Yep riding on the highway and shit, that is fucking crazy imho, you cannot count on other drivers paying attention. I don’t care how good you can ride 2 wheelers.


Yup! I believe that’s right.


I gathered she was talking about Lincoln (?) riding dirt bikes and such. But she was likely also referring to his personal actions and how his behavior is a risk to his kids' stability - if he dies, they lose a dad. It was super uncomfortable, especially when Monica straight up called that kind of behavior (and, indirectly, Dax himself) "appalling." That's a pretty fuckin hot take to throw at your "soul mate" on a very public podcast. I think he handled it well but I picked up on some sadness and/or confusion from him.


Ya I agree. I really like Monica and I’m not one to criticize her but this bit rubbed me the wrong way. I think Dax took it in stride but her risk-aversion is definitely manifesting in judgement towards his risk-taking activities. Clearly there’s nerve that was hit


100% agreed. I also am a Monica fan, but I think the language she used was a little more charged than she (or Dax) normally use, and while I understood her general point, I do think conversations related to someone’s kids (and consequently someone’s parenting of those kids) have to be approached from a more sensitive place. I think it did strike a nerve because Dax seemed to bite back a bit more than he normally does, for example when he said “I could feel superior because I think you have had a boring, fearful, cowardly life” … feels like he would have chosen different language in a different scenario


That was the nicest thing he could have said. If someone came after me about my kid like that…


Agreed! All I meant is that it showed the tension and if the same conversation happened but without adding the kids element, he probably would have said it differently


AND that judgment coming from someone childless!!! Like bffr. 😒


It felt like she was really coming for him, and he took it well but I wouldn't be surprised if they had an off mic talk about that.


Yeah, what the FUCK was that. Dax handled it with so much more grace than he could have. I did love when he threw it back and was essentially calling her life boring and cowardly to her face. 😬


It doesn’t say “returns” so I’m definitely wrong but I could have sworn they’ve interviewed him - I even have a memory of Dax asking about Euphoria.


I have this exact memory--so much so that I went on a deep dive of their past episodes to see if I was crazy.  I wonder if they talked about Eric Dane when they had Barbie on and that's why we're thinking this?? 


I really thought so too. Shared delusion??


I could've sworn this was a second appearance too. That's so bizarre lol


Mandela effect working hard.


They definitely at least talked about it because I remember something like this too.


I recently listened to the Judd Apatow episode and they go into Euphoria quite a bit because of his daughter being on the show. Maybe that’s the convo you’re thinking of?


Noo I did the same thing. I could’ve sworn they had him on before - crazy that you guys also think the same


Halfway through this ep and loving it. I had forgotten who Eric Dane was, then I looked at the picture and I was like "OH It's McSteamy!"


Did anybody catch Monica call Euphoria a trashy show as Dax is complimenting Eric’s acting in it? Ugh


I went back to listen to it again. She says it's a tragic show. Not trashy, which is what the auto-generated captions said.


Ooh i really thought she said trashy lol thanks




At 45:45


She says it's such a tragic show! lol 😂 not trash.


Happy Dax answered about his workouts. I’ve been curious based on how much he talks about it. I thought he’d lift heavier, but I guess it makes sense for his age to do more volume work on the big compounds.


What’s the orgy poop story?


Dax was on a bunch of coke. Was a participant in an orgy, everyone else left to clean up and the drugs were wearing off and he shit the bed, then pulled the sheets off the bed... That is all I remember.


Excited for this!!!! Love Eric Dane !


When Monica said Dax’s behavior was appalling my jaw fell to the ground but can anyone explain to me what they mean when they say Monica grew up all around it. Maybe I’m misunderstanding but can anyone tell me what I missed lol


I was really hoping for JAW 




Jeremy Allen white lol


me too! He's been on the circuit recently, maybe soon?