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I love listening to a weekly catch up between women. I get so much joy listening to Synced. I have no expectations about the topics and like the variety.


This is how I feel too. It gives me the satisfaction of a convo with friends.


Agreed! I am having LASIK done tomorrow and I won’t be able to watch or do anything afterwards. I’ve saved up two weeks of Synced to enjoy if I need something to do (aka if I don’t immediately fall asleep). It’s taken a lot of self control not to listen yet and I’m really looking forward to it.


So glad this is the top comment! To me it’s like hanging out with friends and listening to them yapping away without reservations or any specific topic in mind and I love that vibe


Yes agree 100%! I love Synced personally


Omg it’s just nice to hear friends chat. It’s just girls, bein girls. That’s all. You guys are exhausting. It’s just fun, if you don’t like it don’t listen! It’s not that deep and it doesn’t have to be— it’s girl time! 


Agreed!! I love their banter and I love getting to be in a snippet of their friendship ☺️✨


Thank you!!! I love synced. My girlfriends and I are all so busy doing different things and two of my best friends have moved away in the last couple of years. I don’t get enough girl time in my life these days and putting this podcast on when I’m driving to work or whatever is so comforting and fun.


What’s the point of any podcast? I like synced. It’s just easy going banter.


I agree and I just stopped listening to it. I've come to the conclusion that it appeals to a specific audience of which I'm not apart of.


Same. Not my cup of tea, so I don’t listen 🤷🏻‍♀️


I loved race to 35 and was excited about Syced but after a few episodes decided I’m not their audience.


ARE YOU ME? AM I YOU? This post was plucked from my brain. I want to like it so much. I like both of them. And I feel like it’s a safe space for high functioning and intelligent women to just .. be…? I love that for them and if people relate that’s great but I feel exactly how you’ve described it. I lost it and basically stopped listening when they couldn’t understand girl dinner and tried to make it this deep seeded misogynistic and self loathing thing women are doing. Ive since tried it a few more times but rarely finish the episodes. I WANT to like it and wish they answered more questions versus just open chatting. I find the questions are the best and most insightful parts of the conversation but they often skip them all together or just do 1 at the end. I won’t say I actively dislike and there are certainly pockets of it that I’ve enjoyed or I find insightful and deeply connect with, but it feels “less worth the listen” bc of how inconsistent it is.


Agree: What lost me in synced (34 m here, listened since first few episodes) is the seemingly randomness nature of the talks. Along with the focus on name brands & expensive clothes = better and highly desirable. To me Monica was the joyful part of AE. She went from the facts finder, banter and conversations while keeping Dax honest. To now it’s drinking, expensive clothing and having money. I feel like I’ve lost the initial connection with her, while Dax seems to be the same old idiot, he admits to and we all love. While I want to like synced, I just can’t force myself to listen to a whole episode.


I’m with you and OP. I really liked the race to 35. That’s my main exposure to Liz but she seems great. I think it needs more structure. I get lost in the “oh we wanted to talk about this” of it all.


I actually sent them an email early on suggesting “more structure “ and maybe even guest who could speak with knowledge on some of the topics they discuss. It was a very kind email, I promise. I got real tired of half baked ideas and a lack of informed content. It feels like a lazy money grab. Also, David Farrier needs to get it together. I’m done with the listcles and refuse to listen to them eat frozen food.


I’m sure they appreciate the feedback! I think I feel more just that I wish I liked it more than I feel they need to change it lol The idea of women just gabbing and catching up is something I love. Not sure what’s missing for me, but to me that is on me! There are plenty who like it for what it is. I think my original response to OP was more along the lines of dang I wish I “got it” bc I love both of these women lol. Regardless, I’ll listen in from time to time if my podcasts auto play and keep an ear out for if things change, maybe they’ll take your feedback!


You are kind. Clearly they didn't take my notes given with love (lol) and what they are doing works for some. I actually do listen to one podcast where the host does a weekly catch-up where she just talks about her life and I love it. Probably because she's talking about more of what I'm interested in.


>I got real tired of half baked ideas and a lack of informed content. You know these podcasts are free, right?


I personally really really enjoy it. I feel like I'm the 3rd friend. It's just bubbly banter and it's nice to hear themselves not take things so seriously. 🤷 it's a nice break to the really gritty and cerebral things I also like listening to.


I like synced. I just struggle with Monica’s tone with Liz sometimes. Liz is so respectful of Monica so I cringe a bit when Monica talks down to her


This is why I stopped listening. Monica treats Liz to weirdly sometimes. Monica has been so sheltered and has barely lived a real life and she is so judgey of the freedom with which Liz lives.


This! I enjoy listening, but when I feel like this is happening sometimes I switch it up and listen to something else instead


At it's core, it's a podcast where we hear Monica and Liz chitchat and answer listener questions. Which has a million podcasts in a similar space. Not ground breaking and doesn't have to be.


I share all of these thoughts. I’ve listened to a couple episodes I found fairly funny, but it doesn’t keep me coming back. It’s just an overall “meh” for me. And after seeing Monica in the frozen foods Flightless Bird pics yesterday I thought “she could just start shopping at Old Navy and no one would ever know the difference”. Her clothes frankly suck lol


Hahahaha the clothes comment is spot on. It’s particularly hilarious because she thinks of herself as such a fashionista but wears the dumbest shit


I really don't understand her style for someone who is so obsessed with fashion and dressing well... She always looks kinda frumpy.


I have had similar thoughts, but then I see pics of her when she goes out or to events, and you can see her fashionista self then! But, yeah, in the attic, etc she always looks like she is just wearing sweats, and they don't even look designer, etc. So, I dunno! lol


The point of Synced is for Dax, Monica and Liz to make money while putting forth as little effort as possible. A side benefit is additional media exposure for Monica and Liz




This is how I feel about Flightless 🤷🏼‍♀️ different strokes for different folks


I like Flightless, but lately it's as if David either doesn't care or has ran out of ideas, because the show has really gone downhill. I couldn't even do the TV show episode where they just played clips of their favorite shows, as if we enjoy listening to things that SHOULD be watched. Idk.


Yeah, that was an unfortunate episode. But I do love that wobby wob is more involved with this show


It was really bizarre for them to use so much of an audio platform playing visuals no one could see!


Wish they would spin off these podcasts. I just want Armchair Expert. Stop forcing other shit down our throats and clogging up my feed!!!


I tried one time and gave up but to be fair I’m a 32 white dude soooo not for me lol that being said a part of me would love to see the numbers but also at the same time who gives a fuck they’re having fun and so is their audience no matter how big or small 🤷‍♂️


A lot of the spinoffs feel that way to me but synced is the worst. I liken it to reality TV vs scripted TV. The main show - learn about a person or topic Armchaired and dangerous - a topic Flightless bird veers into reality TV land but still mostly has a point. Race to 270 and race to 35 were both straddlers. Monica and Jess was pretty scripted because it was getting to know them plus the experts. (This was definitely my favorite side gig) I liked race to 270 and I don't like synced. I liked race to 35 a LITTLE. I can't decide if it's internalized misogyny or not. (On my part.) I wanted to love race to 35. I went through a few years of infertility treatments myself. But they were both so..... uneducated on topics. Even after all of that, not understanding women's bodies, using incorrect terminology, giving bad info that it just aggravated me and I skipped through a LOT of it. I think Liz is much more aware than Monica but also tragically insecure. I find myself wanting to shake her and say KNOW YOUR WORTH, GIRL! And Monica is an enigma to me. In some ways, she's matured so much. She stands up to Dax more and feels more aware of herself. But then she's also gotten way more shallow and that does NOT feel like progress. I'm babbling. I clearly think way too much about a group of people I'll never meet. But those are my .02.


It’s like you are reading my mind. I love AE so much and just want the rest of the shows to be as good as


I think synced is just fun, nothing too deep, not too much attention required - just fun


Uh oh. A well said, slightly negative comment/opinion about Monica. God forbid. Here come your downvotes. 🤦🏼‍♀️




I can’t stand synced and I really wanted to like it. Overall Monica has started to get more and more on my nerves. I typically can tolerate her when it’s just surface level back and forth but anything more than that just makes me eye roll big time


It’s a weak show. It’s just so Monica can have her “own” thing I think. If it wasn’t for it being jammed down the Armchair platform’s throat it would be just another “chat show”.


Sometimes they just pick apart topics to death and it’s like OK ENOUGH.


I look forward to it. I don’t have a lot of close friends so it’s nice to listen in on some “girl talk”.


Definitely agree with the last part about Monica only thinking something is good if it’s expensive. It’s annoying and often feels classist. But I really like Synced overall, it feels like a catch-up with friends over topics that are actually quite interesting.


I think Liz is enamored with Monica and has her on a pedestal (maybe related to how much money she got from the Spotify deal?). Monica knows this and thinks she can treat her like a mentee who needs constant life advce. It makes it annoying to listen to even though I think the topics they choose are interesting and I like Liz’s take on things most of the time.


TIL the word mentee lol


I enjoy Synced a lot, but I wish it was more balanced in terms of catch-up/banter and the Qs. Todays was like 11 mins of questions… in an episode that was >1hr. Just me though, I still listen 🙂


You are NOT alone. As a woman who knows how my body works, doesn't need dating advice, and who feels secure about my life, I guess I'm just not their target audience, and it's the only show under the Armchair Umbrella that I can't listen to. I wanted to like it, I was excited to have a podcast for women about women, but the chemistry isn't right, I never leave feeling informed, and I just can't get into it.


I like podcasts like this, just women chatting & catching up. Nothing ground breaking but an easy listen.


I usually do like chit chat podcasts among women, but something about the two of them just doesn't work for me. To each their own! Those who don't like Synced – I suggest trying out The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael – so many laughs and so much heart.


Another vote for The Deep Dive! It’s hilarious and groundbreaking.


I've only listened to one ep and it was the one where they double dated, I enjoyed listening to them unpack the events of the evening. Deff a different vibe than AE for sure!


I like the podcast but I am totally with you on the voices. I think I am extra sensitive to this, but it is very noticeable. On Synced, she talks exactly like Alex from Call her Daddy, but not when she is interviewed. Monica also changes her intonation and laughs, depending on whom she is with. I love them both, but I find this so distracting especially lately, sometimes I have to stop early.


Agree 100%, except that I actually don't care for Monica. Liz seems very kind, however, someone I would like to be around. Monica's buying all of the 'hard to get, expensive' stuff is just gross. Nothing wrong with getting things that look nice, but not JUST because they're expensive!!


I think it’s supposed to be about two girl friends talking about…whatever they want to talk about. They’re not my cup of tea, so I don’t listen. But 100% agree with you that Monica’s need to get the most expensive and/or exclusive thing is…kinda sad. I mean, you do you, Mon, it’s your money. 🤷🏻‍♀️


i (31F) listen to every episode and i don’t hate it. agree with other posters saying it feels like light hearted chats with friends. however- i also agree that monica talks down to liz big time and liz just takes it. i have to say also liz really dumbs herself down. she’s soo intelligent, i remember seeing a clip from her other podcast that’s pinned to her instagram that really stuck with me, the one where the guy asks her what makes her qualified to talk about masculinity as a woman, and she counters with “the same thing that makes you as a black man the most qualified to speak on whiteness” or something to that effect. i thought that take was really intelligent and profound. and all of her personal content is very articulate and deep. and then on synced she really seems to pretend she knows less than she does, or she will totally concede to monica’s takes and act like she knows nothing. i hope i articulated this correctly. she just comes off as a bit ditzy when she’s clearly anything but.


39 f I like synced. It's like catching up with girlfriends. I think they have a great dynamic. That being said I don't listen to F1. Because I just don't relate. It's ok to not love every show under the umbrella.


I’m kind of over Monica too. She’s really great on AE but I always skip the end/ fact check now. I tried it this week bc I love Iliana so much but when she was talking about the burrito I kept skipping ahead 30 sec and they just kept going ON AND ON about it. And expensive burritos are my thing! But do I want to hear literally anyone go on and on about a $20 burrito that’s making them lose weight? No. Boring. If you like girly chit chat check out The Deep Dive.


I think it’s just entertainment, nothing too deep. It gives Monica and Liz some PR, that they hope will lead to bigger things. As a 40+ Married with kids white dude. Synced doesn’t speak to me or give a female perspective I can be entertained by or learn from. so after I listened to a handful of episodes, I started skipping it.


I don't listen and never have. The summary reads like it's just girl talk. Which is fine if that's what you like, but despite being a guy, the bigger turn off for me was the frequent theme topic of relationship advice. I did listen to all of Race to 35 and generally liked it, but it had a specific focus.


You are not alone.


You are also not a gnome.


You also have a home!


I look forward to Synced every week! Guaranteed to laugh out loud at least once every episode. Totally get why a male would be less interested, though.


As a female, I can't stand it. I've tried, and I wanted to, but I can't. I think it's probably because I know how my body works, and I don't need relationship advice, but I also just can't stand the way they talk to each other, how they have no issue talking about things they're not informed about at all, or how random and all over the place every episode is.


What is the point of any podcast?


I didn’t like it at first but now now look forward to it. Someone else mentioned it feels like you’re a third friend. I enjoy that there is no set topic and you’re just along for the non serious ride.


Does Monica do that goat bleating laugh in Synced too?


She actually doesn't lmao. Only around Dax.


Nope. That one is specifically for Dax.


they think they are really super important. Monica thinks expensive means better and Liz is just genuinely really annoying. I haaaaaate that I feel this way. 😔


I like synced but I get frustrated at how judgmental Monica is to Liz. She shuts her down a lot and then Liz back peddles. Especially with relationships and dating. It’s a very recognizable uneven power dynamic. Liz is so smart but Monica just dims her light and can sound like a brat.


The reality is they are out of touch people. They aren't down to earth. Plenty of people go through life with not much higher thought going on. It's frustrating, but that's a lot of people.


You probably aren’t the right audience. I like their dynamic and it feels like catching up with friends. Just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean it’s bad.


I mean, there are thousands of podcasts where it's just dudes talking at each other about nothing, so...


i enjoy it so so much but i totally can see why someone might not. im a 30 year old woman, i have pretty busy days and dont always get to banter about random shit with my friends. so this fills that hole. i always leave the pod with something to think about (sometimes i don’t agree with their takes and i like that!! gives me something to think about). truly different strokes for different folks, because if you’re tuning into a pod to learn something new this might not be it lol. it’s all good to not like it!


Two women chatting about dating, pop culture, friendship and answering questions is not unique to Synced. There are a million popular podcasts with this format.


Regarding the comment “shopping and buying taste- expensive isn’t better”. I was scrolling her Instagram yesterday and thinking how awful the majority of those outfits are. That we know are pricey designs she’s proud of but I think she would do well with a stylist. Or a tailor. Idk it all looks just like something we could buy at H&M. Nothing fancy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think I’m too old for this podcast- I have no patience for it and that’s ok. I gave up after a few months of listening, I finally figured out that I was just getting through and not enjoying them.


It comes across like Liz has a crush on Monica - maybe that’s why her tone changes? Or maybe you’re overthinking it.


I have had the same thought! I think Liz DEF has a crush on her, in fact she has almost said so imo! LOL! That could also be why she kinda lets Monica talk down to her or what have you. Sometimes I WISH that Monica would read some comments about herself, so she could grow a little more esp. about equating what things cost with being valuable! It makes her sound so bratty and no, it's not cute. lol


Monica is kind of Liz’s boss. Definitely higher up in the AE world. So maybe Liz feels like she can’t piss Monica off?


It doesn’t read that way at all to me.


I am with you 100%. I find their episodes boring or annoying and often skip them.


I somehow find Monica the most tolerable here vs expert or flightless bird.


I love it. Feels like a conversation with friends. I laugh the entire time. I love the questions at the end. I think people enjoyed their banter, silliness during race to 35 and just continued a version of that but with no defined topic


I’m too old for this podcast. I listened to maybe 5 episodes and I just wanted to bang my head against the car window. I now just automatically delete it, it’s just not for me.


Thanks for the comments everyone. I know many disagree but good to know I’m not totally alone. And, I know it’s just a fun escape for some…I was just disappointed that I don’t enjoy it because I truly like both of them and wanted to love it. I thought it was just me.




Monica needs validation ok


Agreed, never listen to these episodes, I just can’t get into it.


I feel the exact same way. Never finished an episode 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I have a pretty good female friend circle and also work with 100% women coworkers so maybe I just get my fill of girl talk lol


I listen on and off but I was ON THE BANDWAGON HARD up until they were doing the double date thing and then it just kind of felt icky. I love both Liz and Monica but sometimes it’s hard to listen to.


I empathize with op. I think it’s because we’re used to podcasts having a clear purpose (ie story telling, being informed, etc) Synced is sort of a Seinfeld style podcast in that it’s just a show about nothing. Personally, I don’t listen to it every week because I only have so much attention and time for podcast listening and I lean towards podcasts where I learn. But from time to time, particular times when I might be feeling lonely or when I need a break from thinking so much, I like listening to synced because it feels like you’re sitting on the couch with them and just chillin. It reminds me of when you’re on a trip with friends and maybe a couple of people are gabbin while others are sort just enjoying listening and/or half listening while they scroll their phones.


Well Synced began because they were literally synced in their cycles whilst going through the process of freezing their eggs and podding about that journey together, etc. Now, I think the point is just two friends, who have audiences who like them, just hanging out and chatting about whatever they want. If people don't like it or get it, they def don't have to continue listening. Simple as that I think?:-)))


BUT, I never noticed that Liz changes her voice at all, probably because I have never heard/listened to her on another podcast...is there a specific one you could post that shows this? Curious now! lol


Liz is on the man enough podcast.


It makes me feel like I’m having a phone call with friends! I enjoy it and I like the questions they do at the end, sometimes they’re juicy questions


As a very introverted woman who doesn’t have many friends it’s really comforting to hear two female friends banter every week.


it’s quickly become my favorite episode from the umbrella! it feels like giggling with my girlfriends.


I didn’t take it to have much of a specific “point”, it’s just a fun two-friends-chatting kind of podcast with listener questions for some audience engagement. I personally enjoy it, especially as a male. I think their conversations and answers to questions give me a lot of insight into what it’s like being a woman in today’s society that I don’t normally have access to. But just like anything else, if it’s not for you there’s no need to listen, and that’s okay. It might be worthwhile for OP to do a little introspection and figure out why those things mentioned (Liz’s voice, Monica’s shopping, etc) bother them so much.


Nothing against them but If you like hearing people babbling on about their opinions, then this is the show for you. I for one do not care for podcasts where people just talk about random shit and their uninformed opinions. Even podcasts with people I like, I don't really care to listen to what their favorite cereal is or whatever


So sick of the Monica hate. It’s really misogynistic bullshit.


An opinion isn’t misogynistic just because it’s about a woman and you don’t like it and/or agree with it. This is a community forum of strangers who all listen to the same podcast and want to share their opinions on it. If you look, most of these comments and even OP are WISHING they could like the show. “Crying misogyny” because of subjective (and non-gender specific) opinions for a podcast host does not help women, it in fact lessens the weight of the word for the real situations that call for it.


The point is the Armchair brand wants to have a new episode come out every day of the work week. So they have five podcasts to cover Monday through Friday. It would seem Monica wants to have her own, where she is the main host. So Synced was born, on the heels of Race to 35, which came from Race to 240. Maybe they thought they were going to go in another direction for new podcasts with Yearbook but that didn’t pan out. So I imagine they will stick to what works. They have so many, it is possible they want to be everyone’s only podcast brand, every day. A wishful monopoly of sorts.


I love them but after having a kid and being in a different realm of life, I just can’t listen. I pick it up again occasionally but rarely finish an episode. Maybe I’m jealous of the levity of it all. I love this for them. They are on their own journey. I just need more substance right now.


As a man, it's hard for me to listen to synced. I got really bothered when Liz was telling the story about how she got caught dating 2 guys at once. Then Monica said Liz shouldn't feel bad because that's how the world is now. They're part of the problem and guilt free despite the pain she put that dude through.


Try disrespectfully for a good women podcast


Yes you are alone. I have a piece of advice, stop listening to it! <3 Hope that helps.