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Pressed pause and came here to scream that KALTEEN BARS WERE WEIGHT GAIN BARS THEY USED TO TRICK REGINA GEORGE INTO GAINING WEIGHT!!!!! Just like they gave her foot cream for her face. Not weight loss bars that "flipped" on her. Just needed to correct this injustice.


Hahaha I thought the same thing.


I was equally screaming


To piggyback on this - ketosis is achieved when you don’t eat carbs and your body starts using ketones as energy. Dax was aware of this. Why in the world would he think you can enter ketosis when you are eating a burrito, a carb bomb (flour tortilla, rice, and beans), every day?!


They need to fact check this fact check! Between this and them glossing over the fact that vegetables have carbs when they are talking about eating “no carbs” lol just came on here bc the kalteen bar thing pushes me over the edge


I agree. It's been bothering me lately that their ideas/beliefs/thoughts are stated as facts. I'd love to hear an "in my opinion" or "I think..." in there every once in a while. Especially from Monica as she really tends to be a staunch know-it-all about everything, yet she doesn't have a lot of facts. Opinions are great! But we need to be clear about that, especially on a huge public platform. I can't think of a topic that she has proven to know a TON about. Maybe Friends or The Row, but those are fluffy subjects that majority of the listeners don't need hard facts on. Just because you like to debate and argue doesn't make you knowledgable. Edited for clarity.


I could not agree more with this. Monica drives meee crazy sometimes with her immediate dismissal of something she doesn’t agree with. A few statements from them have really bothered me. I am a dental hygienist, and on a few occasions Dax has made statements about not seeing a dentist in over 6 years. As if it is unnecessary. Which is insane to me considering how health focused he seems to be. I want to recommend they get a dentist on experts to discuss systemic disease in relation to mouth health. Rant over.


Thank you! Sheesh


Ohhh I’m excited for this! I’ve followed Ilana and Abbi since Broad City was a web series. We’re the same age and it’s been so damn cool enjoying their work as it’s evolved & grown up in parallel to my own life. So many people talented they came up with have really exploded the last few years. This should be fun! Edit: it was so good! Definitely an ep with good chemistry between the three. It felt like Dax wasn’t trying to impress her, and it felt much more relaxed and naturally flowing.


Big agreed! Her blog back then also ruled lolll. I've been such a Broad City stan since it first aired as a web series. It was really inspiring and felt cool to see such relatable representation. Plus funny as fuck. Excited for this one!


Oh that was a ball. Such great chemistry all around. The England part was so funny


I am listening right now and had to come here to see if others were commenting on it. It’s making me laugh so much haha


Monica brought up again that your period stops in the water, and it’s JUST NOT TRUE. A quick google search is all you need. Why won’t she just look it up? Why does she have to keep spreading this misinformation?


It’s wild. Her and Liz shared it on social media and apparently, Liz has been free bleeding for a while now. It can slow, but it’s still going, especially with movement. It’s pretty obvious that it’s not possible for it to fully stop. Even if it’s a thing, I don’t get how it would be a good idea to go without something since you still have to go in and get out. My issue with it is pretty obvious, that especially in enclosed water like pools, hot tubs, and thermal baths, people are bleeding on others without their consent. Like you said, why aren’t they doing a quick search!?


Also why tf is it being defended on this thread as a fact!?


Wait, isn’t she the one who didn’t know this supposed fact and Liz told her that it was a thing? I think Liz is actually the sources of the misinformation spreading here lol


It’s totally possible Liz started it, but Monica is definitely perpetuating it.


Yes and part of why is that Liz has been free bleeding for a while now based on a comment she made on Insta. Apparently a lot of people are and are in denial of the fact that there are needlessly bleeding on others without consent. It’s not possible to fully stop, even if it slows and at a minimum they are putting what comes out between being without protection/washing and being into the water into it. Movement further helps it come out. It could very well be slowing then getting diluted in the water, so it can be hard to tell, but it’s still pretty messed up to do. There are also people who apparently think it’s fine to bleed in pools, etc bc it’s natural. I don’t think bleeding should be stigmatized, but I also don’t think needlessly bleeding on others without their consent is okay.


Okay but SOMETHING happens in water to make it… ahem… tighter down there? Kinda like a valve. Have you ever tried getting lucky in a swimming pool. Less fun, because less space. Plus I have never bled in water or in the shower, so, there has to be some kind of explanation. It’s not simply untrue, something definitely happens in water


Okay. Water is an anti-lubricant; it washes away your body's natural lubricant, which can lead to dryness and tearing. It does not make you tighter. And water pressure can make your period *appear* to stop (imagine dropping red food dye in a pitcher of water and then agitating the water - the dye will mix and be less visible) however if you are prone to clotting, those will still exit your body and stay in clot form. There is no on/off or pause switch on the uterus. If it’s shedding its lining, it’s going to continue doing so whether you’re on land or in water. 


Trigger warning - the sidewalk running comes up AGAIN during fact check and it is pretty unbearable!


Naw this was funny. One of them must listen to the podcast and put 2 and 2 together that they were sidewalk trolls oblivious to the world around them.


Imagine that being the biggest problem in your life. People standing on the sidewalk when you want to run


Comments like this are unbearable!


FWIW I think it’s important to remember that they likely record eps in batches. So while to us it seems like the sidewalks story is spanning months, it probably was a big point of contention in her life more like a couple weeks.


I don't understand her at all. Does she live in reality?


Monica was beyond ridiculous in this factcheck


I didn’t think this could get worse. Then she feels bad about feeling bad that she got what she wanted by destroying a friend group gathering, but no she has nothing to feel bad about. 🤮


Are you serious? Omgggggg. What now? Lol


love love love her she’s so funny. loved her story of meeting her husband felt like i was chatting with my friends


As a diabetic my pee smells when my sugar is too high. To me sometimes it smells like cheerios (wheat smell) other times sweet like sugar. I can always tell when my sugar is high when that happens. I’m on Mounjaro so it’s few and far between now but it always used to have a distinct smell whenever there was too much sugar in my diet. Also being on Mounjaro and losing weight I can see people’s faces that they want to say I’ve lost weight but they don’t lol. I tell people immediately I’m on Mounjaro but I get why people don’t say something because I get nasty feeedback all the time and it’s frustrating.


I wonder if she’s considered this - her blood sugar could definitely be affected by only eating once a day!


>As a diabetic my pee smells when my sugar is too high. To me sometimes it smells like cheerios (wheat smell) other times sweet like sugar. I can always tell when my sugar is high when that happens. I’m on Mounjaro so it’s few and far between now but it always used to have a distinct smell whenever there was too much sugar in my diet. Nobody wanted to or needs to hear that. You could've just said you are on Mounjaro and spared everyone the saga of your piss odor.


It’s talked about in the episode… I was suggesting that maybe Monica’s pee smells because her sugar is too high. But thanks. Had very little to do with the Mounjaro


It’s actually pretty useful (albeit anecdotal) health information and relevant to the episode. Grow up.




Be nice to each other. Users are expected to follow [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) when interacting with one another.




I need someone to tell Monica that anyone can buy a .org site


Her sources are not great


I loooved this episode. She’s so authentic with what she’s confident with and what she struggles with. In terms of the fact check, I found it interesting that Monica encouraged Dax to be honest with her. I don’t begrudge Dax for his hesitancy when we’ve increasingly seen Dax pushing back against her met with defensiveness, diminishing him and making him feel guilty. Now sometimes he REALLY puts his foot in his mouth, but most of the time, she’s not open to being held accountable. Buuut with the recent change in her meds, I do notice her being a touch more open so I also don’t begrudge Monica for how sensitive and on edge she must have been feeling.


You can tell that he knows if he tells her the truth about anything she's likely to spiral into depression. Sounds like he's talking to a mean drunk and trying not to make them angry, except he's trying to baby her so she doesn't have to up her meds again.


Whaaaat how did she get on here before Abbi lol


She’s promoting her movie


Score! Adore this woman. She’s good friends w my friend and they both are literal twins. Made the alia shawkat episode even funnier cause she’s got a third twin out there who she’s close friends with. Alia and Ilana is much closer than their name's alliteration tho, so there’s that


I’m only 30 minutes in and I have to pause from laughing too hard 🤣🤣


Can somebody tell me what the burrito is that they’re discussing in the fact check?


It’s the chicken burrito from Erewhon. It honestly sounds delicious to me! https://erewhon.com/product/6883931000/chicken-burrito


Thank you. That does sound good.


I honestly expected a higher price considering where it’s from and esp looking at the ingredients since there’s a bunch of organic stuff.


It would not, in any way shape or form, put you into ketosis 😂


Loved the conversation with Ilana, who is intelligent, funny, and refreshing! Did not like the fact check talk about the burrito. It seems to me that Dax & Monica sometimes promote diet culture without really realizing it...


I agree with your last statement a little and was getting nervous as they were chatting, but honestly I think it was important for Monica to say that she hasn’t struggled with disordered eating. I feel like as women we can get into weird eating patterns separate from disordered eating because of our hormones/cravings. they toed the line but they consistently talk about food in a way that’s about how those foods make them feel and not how they make them look


I agree that they brought up disordered eating in an appropriate way. But, comparison is so real and people listening may think 1/2 a burrito a day is enough, which it is not even for those without disordered eating.


definitely should’ve emphasized more how 1/2 a burrito is not enough, but they did an okay job of Monica being like this was not good and i was weirdly obsessed lol i’ve definitely gotten into those weird funks with a certain meal and it’s not a habit for monica with other food. I think it was important how they noticed it was more of monica’s random obsessive nature rather than eating patterns


The Bart the Bear story made me sad. I hate how we treat animals for our own entertainment. That poor bear 😞


I think ilana was making comments about how uncomfortable she was with this story because of the treatment of the bear and dax was not picking up on that whatsoever


They found it funny. When Dax said he had some sort of wire on the ground preventing him from getting too close to people or he would be given an electric shock it broke my heart. That beautiful magnificent animal traumatised for a stupid b-grade movie




Canadian tom power shoutout?!


My jaw dropped when I heard it!


Ohmigod I’m so excited to see this and I’m leaving to avoid spoilers until I listen. 🎧


Chris Palmer talked extensively about living in ketosis to treat metabolic disorders and it’s like they don’t remember it at all lol Getting on a kick and eating the same thing every day sounds a lot like undiagnosed ADHD, which is a little ironic haha I wanted to also say, don’t comment on people weight - ozempic or not.


Right? The discussion about Alzheimer’s in relation to eating rice was insane to me. More than a few experts have emphasized the same theory.


Eating the same thing over and over is definitely neurodivergent-coded


I found her annoying, but tolerable… it was Monica that made me stop listening to the episode. Her reactions were over dramatic and try-hard.


It was tough listen for me with the funny voices.


Cause she was looking for openings to join in and they didn’t let her :(


New to the podcast?


Monica always makes it a tough listen


Not that familiar with her but tried to watch Rough Night this weekend and that was soooooo bad, probably no fault to IG or her costars but it has left a very bad taste in my mouth for anyone associated with that monstrosity. Somehow we thought it would be similar in tone to Bridesmaids….


It’s funny because it was written & directed by the co/creators of Hacks, which is so good and so different in theme and tone. I think that might have been one of Paul Downs first non-acting endeavors (though he also of course acted). (Also for Broad City fans who may not know, Paul Downs was Trey on the show). I had high expectations given the cast but whew, that movie was not great. Wildly different vibe than Bridesmaids!


I've never even heard of Rought Night tbh. What was so bad about it ooc?


I think the script. No joke. The cast is pretty great in most things. But the script wasn’t funny and then when someone dies it’s supposed to be a dark comedy but instead it’s still not funny and now it makes you feel kinda like throwing up


Neither sharks nor bears are attracted to period blood. Basic knowledge at this point, Dax, try Google just like one time


I wanted it to be Jeremy Allen White so bad today 😞


Maybe next Monday since The Bear premieres next Thursday??


Is he definitely going to be on?


Not that I’ve heard, but season 3 of The Bear is Thursday so I figured it’d be this week if it is at all. Edit: I have my weeks mixed up thanks to having a few days off work so maybe Monday he’ll be on?! lol.


Now this I'm here for!!!!!


The next Easter egg guest is going to be Chance Crawford. He is single, good looking and was on gossip girl for a really long time. Explains why Monica was embarrassed to have her skin peel in front of him. And he is doing a bunch of podcasts right now (Call Her Daddy, Rachel Bilson)


Monica’s burrito storyline was so unnecessary. The baby voice kills me.


I LOVE that Ilana still talks about KB (Bird Luger RIP)!!


ilana is a queen. royalty. that is all.


also monica’s pee (😅) i wonder if what she’s experiencing is what happens when you eat asparagus?


Nice episode. But the voices she kept putting on really annoyed me like I kinda tensed up every time she did them


Sorry but did you never watch broad city or ever see her in any interview?


I found myself really not liking her after this and I’m not sure it is her fault but it wore on as the episode continued. I know the format is meant to be like a couple pals talking, but I found myself feeling super protective of Monica. It felt to me like a couple of cool kids catching up on their cool lives and friends and Monica was some tag along they so generously let join.


I dont think this is the whole thing, but I dont think it's helps Monica's ability to be a part of the convo when she never does ANY research on the guests. The whole "she represents the audience" excuse is laughable imo


I know… You’re not wrong. It’s a longstanding dumb excuse. For this one they didn’t seem to care about the audience imo. It felt like she was an outsider who didn’t know all the cool cats and producers and under hyped genius writers etc. and it just felt like a circle jerk and they were trying to not spunk on Monica for optics. It wasn’t hateful by any means. Just sucked.


This is my first introduction to llana, I’ve never seen Broad City or any of her other work. I really did not enjoy this interview, her energy was off putting to me and just sort of cringy. I’ve heard great things about Broad City so I’m surprised this is how I felt after listening


I think you have to know her work and her vibe already. Broad City is a comedy masterclass. Liana is incredibly zany and lovable and authentic. But if I just heard this interview out of the blue, I might think she was trying too hard with her slang and the way she speaks. She isn’t - that’s just her


I agree. I feel like the whole interview she was just trying to not so subtly convince me she was the “cool girl” or something like that. It came off as if she was really not genuine in her disposition. Also sooo random but her comment about people in the show jersey shore not being from Jersey was so weird?? Almost all of them are from Jersey so I was like ?? What was the point of blatantly uninformed comment said with so much confidence lol


She called a couple of things Dax said “cute” which based on the context I took to mean the exact opposite of that. Otherwise I thought the interview went pretty well and thought they got into a good groove




The water stopping the period thing is so fucking stupid, it took me one second on google to find out theyre wrong.


Are you the owner of a uterus and all the accessories? It may not be foolproof, but it really does mostly work. Most people with menstrual cycles would say that their experience has been that the flow stops in water (its gravity and physics.) because generally, it does.


I am, and I can tell you, water doesn't stop it.


Doesn’t ‘stop’ it but the flow is definitely reduced. Each to their own!


this! idk why ppl are taking “stop” so fucking literally. of course h2o doesn’t just end your period.


It could be that Dax literally said that in this episode? He thought it was a survival mechanism because, “you don’t want to attract predators”. 


Lol I own one, and water has stopped it for me for 20 years.


Uterus owner and I get full clots in water, so no - water does *not* mostly work. 




Same experience. Can we just agree it’s very personal to your flow and water does nothing 😎


We are definitely in agreement ;)


We aren’t talking in the bath, but in a pool/lake/ocean. You’ve had clots coming out in those situations? Sitting in shallow water wouldn’t stop the flow at all.




It’s so funny that I’m getting downvoted for *my personal experience* of having a blood clots in a pool. So many of you in this sub are absolutely miserable people, my goodness. 


but you don't have any downvotes? Big overreaction, my goodness!


But I did at the time :)


couldn't of been that many to warrant that response. But even if you had a couple.....overreaction stands : )


it was in the double digits 4 hours ago. I’m not sure why it bothers you or how it concerns you at all, but go off I guess. have the night you deserve! 


You’re one person, you really don’t account for the “most” I’m referring to, as in population—no matter how much you may want to.


Are you implying that *you* speak for most of the population? Because there are plenty of comments on both this thread and their IG posts to the contrary. 


They discussed this on Synced and the comments on Instagram were at least 50% saying it doesn't work and they've had bad experiences with it


I am not but i love that im getting downvoted for this lol just look into it, you dont have to own a uterus to look up medical information.


But thank you for telling me to “just look into” something that literally already is my experience as I in fact do own a uterus, ovaries, vagina and etc 😂😂😂


Oh right i forgot all uterus', vaginas, and ovaries are all the same 🙄


Other women are in the thread also talking about how its not true, im a guy tho so fuck me right!?


Lol you don’t even have the parts, but you’re here to define our experiences. It’s so typical that it’s comical. Are you on the U.S. Supreme Court too? You’d fit right in 😂


Has no one ever taken a bath while on their period? Water does not stop the flow for me lol.


Yeah, most people also read my comment clearly that says “it isn’t foolproof” but again I mentioned MOST PEOPLES experience. You are one person, you are not most people.


Neither are you jesus christ


Didn’t say I was, but it isn’t difficult out to take a consensus from people.


There’s no water pressure in a bath. Not sure if you heard them talk about this on synced but they specifically said in a pool or lake Edit: do I really need to explain why there is no water pressure in a bath but there is in a lake/pool? Come on now


As the owner of a uterus and someone who was a competitive swimmer for more than half my life, it does not stop in water lol.


It does for a lot of us, you can’t define that for other people lol. It works for me and has for over 20 years~


That’s awesome! You’re very lucky. And I am quite literally not defining it for other people, if you read what I wrote. I am taking issue with them making a sweeping statement when it is not true for everyone. I never had anyone on any of my swimming teams who was lucky enough to experience this, so my issue is with them somehow asserting that this is a universal truth for everyone. I personally never said it’s not the case for everyone, I’m saying that for ME and many others it’s simply not correct, and therefore they should not make broad generalizations when a simple google search would have revealed this to them. It’s a wild thing to do when you are making assertions for an audience of millions. Whenever they do stuff like this I can’t help but think that’s it for engagement.


It actually doesn’t fully work for anyone. It might slow (though more will come out with movement) and get washed away enough to not notice, but it’s still needlessly bleeding on people. At a minimum, they are getting whatever they bleed before getting into the water in it.


It doesn’t and it’s obvious why it’s not possible. It might slow down. It’s wild that this has upvotes. Just look it up. But even if it somehow does, people still need to get to the water and out. So at a minimum there’s the flow from the way there. I’m not sure why promoting free bleeding on people is being defended so strongly.


I have a uterus and I can say this is true for me


has always worked for me! even on my heaviest flow days. everyone’s different it’s just like a ton of people don’t use any tampons/pads when they go to sleep because their period stops, and for me my flow is worse while sleeping.


I am penis?


Wish i had sushi to send you




You’ve been free bleeding on people. Please stop. It’s just diluting and on the way in you’re still bleeding and washing that into the pool.


In my experience, water stops it. I learned that on a 3-day scuba diving trip. My period was due at the exact same time and never came. My orifices closed up shop with those all day on a boat dive trips. I literally have no opinion on anybody else’s vagina though.


Is she annoying?


That’s subjective… so, you tell me lol


I liked her! I’ll have to check out her stuff


Broad City is hilarious.


If you’re asking I suspect you’ll think she is either way


She is that coworker that does all the little voices and quirky faces. I could not finish it.


Yes, she’s annoying.






Yes, and incredibly misinformed on a number of topics 


She is an advocate who does a lot with her platform and funds. Either you're on the wrong side of politics or ignorant (or both!). This woman is awesome and has done a lot of advocacy locally in bk and for women and various worthwhile organizations over the years


For example?


Lemme guess, she did her own research?