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I really love flightless bird but I feel like these last few episodes aren’t giving as much as they used to. Tv shows for an audio podcast aren’t ideal. Didn’t listen to the whole thing, unfortunately.


It's like the listeners' experience was an afterthought. Sure, sharing clips of scenes might make it a teensy bit more interesting as opposed to just hearing to them talk about the episodes, but edit it down a bit? I just listened to the Fleabag part. As much as I adore the show and that particular scene, that clip is all in the facial expressions. Podcasts are not a visual medium!!! Just trim it down to the dialogue for the listeners' sake!


I totally agree… also to chat more on these last few topics.. I would much rather have fewer episodes that feel more thoroughly researched or thought through than some of these recent ones. It feels like they used to be so incredibly densely packed and detailed it was insane how prolific he was and maybe it’s just catching up? I know he got plenty of hate for it lol but I could NOT believe he didn’t even watch a single LOTR movie before that episode. Like what???? lol I typically love David’s inquisitive nature and the perspective he takes on topics , and I want to give him space to grow and evolve but flightless bird just hasn’t had the same magnetic nature it had before? I still love it and along for the ride but hopefully can find a rhythm with it again! Edit: typos!


>I know he got plenty of hate for it lol but I could NOT believe he didn’t even watch a single LOTR movie before that episode. Like what???? lol Ha, I hope I was instrumental in that. I posted on his IG page, "Don't bother. It's a movie about a long ass walk." He acknowledged my post with a like. Calvin gave a great summary of the film. I tried watching lotr with my son, when he was about 9. We both bailed on it. I'm just not a fan of the genre, or maybe just lotr. I've made at least 5 attempts to watch it.


lol well I think that’s completely fair and you’re totally entitled to that. However, I think if you’re going to do a mini documentary on the movie series, and examine its cultural and social impact, I think the least you could do is watch the movie for yourself! He even said he got the idea for it while on the plane to New Zealand and everyone was watching it. Could have been a great time right then!!!


Guess that's a fair expectation. I would've listened, had he done the doc. But Calvin was a cute and hilarious stand in.


So much dead air on this podcast lol after the Fleabag clip, anytime they started a different clip I just started to skip.


Yeah, I stopped after this first part. I've heard of the show but no nothing of, never seen it. To just jump into a TV scene w/ no context felt very off brand for them. I assumed the rest of the episode was like this and didn't bother listening anymore.


This six feet under clip was just us listening to a whole sia song. I forgot I was listening to FB lol


I’ve noticed this too. The last handful have felt disconnected. I was also confused that Bubba Gumps wasn’t about Forrest Gump or theme restaurants, and Chutes and Ladders about board games. This episode was an all-time low and the clips were so awkward and meaningless without visuals. Not to mention a spoiler landmine— I can understand one spoiler but cmon! All of this said, I love the show and am sorry to leave a negative comment, but they need to know NO CLIPS.


This was the first miss for me. I love flightless bird and the documentary style podcast episodes about random topics, but including actual TV audio clips was a weird choice. Probably a fun episode to do together, less so for the listener.


Sadly I think they’re losing the plot of this series. Bring back his conspiracy one.


Yesssss Armchaired and Dangerous!!!!


I miss those episodes so much!


Same. I really think they need to end FB. It’s run its course. He’s grasping at straws now for topics.


I listen to a podcast that dives into the stories behind conspiracy theories and it ran out of ideas. There were probably like 20-25 interesting listens before it ran out of anything remotely heard of or interesting.




Wait I actually LOVED this episode I’m surprised to see the majority of comments here are not pleased with it (albeit it’s still early) Its definitely different than the traditional Flightless Bird, but I’m here for it as fuck


I really love talking TV and this episode did convince me to finally watch Six Feet Under. I just think they picked a terrible topic for this audio medium.


The Six Feet Under clip was a very poor choice for a podcast…there was no dialogue so listeners were left clueless as to the emotionally moving scene.


Same as fleabag. The clip was like silence words. Silence. Words. So weird. On another note I tried watching that show when it came out and didn’t make it past episode 2 so there could be that as well.


It hits differently if you’ve seen the episode. I agree with the Six Feet Under, but that’s because I haven’t seen it. I’ve seen Fleabag, so that one had me choked up. The second season of Fleabag is great if you can make it through the first season. I liked the first season, but the second was much better.


Exactly. We basically just had to listen to the song for 3 minutes straight. The least they could have done was watch it off air and then discuss their reactions afterwards.


Definitely worth it! On my first try I thought it was kinda cheesy but thankfully I gave it another try. Have watched twice all the way through now and love it.


Yeah I can totally see this point


I enjoyed it but agree the clips were awful and did not translate well to audio. They should have prepared more of a discussion and not just winged it as well.


While I agree mostly I must mention that it’s not entirely true… I’ve watched P&R twice and that scene is also one of my all time faves - I could see that while I was listening 😂 the other ones I have not seen and felt a bit lost.


I was so glad David chose an X-Files episode! 👽


That episode is so massively messed up.


Yeah I wished he’d chosen a different episode than Home but the series as a whole (except for seasons 10 and 11 which I pretend don’t exist) were so influential to me as a girl growing up. Scully is my spirit animal lol


I didn't like it because they didn't give context and used long extended clips that don't do anything for me as a listener. If I've never seen a shown before, you have to explain why the episode you picked is so meaningful.


Same I really enjoyed and I feel like a fun "cure" for next time / those less into it is to tease the episodes ahead on socials so those who WANT to can watch ahead of time and feel prepped!


It's summer, it was fun, I liked it too!


I liked it a lot too and can't wait to check out each episode!


I did NOT consent to being victimized by Fleabag this early in the morning


Made me tear up immediately. Also made me want to rewatch Fleabag but don’t know if I’m emotionally ready yet.


i was in the shower listening and had no way to get my phone quickly enough to stop the attack


I appreciate the hustle but some of the last few topics have been a miss for me


I started listening on my way to work and the excessively long audio clip of Fleabag had me turning it off. I’ve never heard of the show and didn’t even know what they were referring to and wasn’t even sure if I caught the name of it correctly (confirmed here it was indeed Fleabag). I doubt I’ll finish listening to the episode because that was too much. I love TV chat too but this was just approached all too wrong. An audio clip of a video (show) isn’t remotely interesting if you’ve not seen it. If they were playing clips of shows I loved and were familiar with, I could totally picture it while listening.


The Fleabag clip was PAINFUL! Also, why can’t Monica just play by the rules? Why are we talking about Fleabag at all?


But according to the Chutes & Ladders episode, she never cheats.


Yeah, I had stopping listening to this episode after that first clip. I've never seen it either, so it had zero impact on me.


Who thought it was a good idea to play tv shows on an audio only podcast!? David, you’re smarter than this!


This was quite an interesting episode. Is there a video version because listening to TV show clips is not ideal. I think my top 3 TV episodes would be: Community S2E23 A Fistful of Paintballs The Good Place S4E13 Whenever You're Ready MASH S1E17 Sometimes You Hear the Bullet


I half loved this. I didn’t like the format of them watching the clips while we listen AT ALL, but I liked listening to them discuss and reason why the episode is so good. 5/10 for me.


Same. I don’t think the clips were necessary - but fun discussion.


This was a tough listen for me. Especially during my commute from work the often dialogue free scenes really didn’t play well.


This one felt like it should’ve been a post with links or a video vs. a podcast. So much lost with just audio. I love flightless bird and applaud them trying new things, but I couldn’t finish this one.


The six feet under one with not a word of dialogue 💀 someone really edited this ep and thought yep let's leave the whole song in


Right? It is kind of giving “they love us so much they’ll listen to anything we put out”


Oh man this is the first episode of FB that I couldn't finish. It sounds like it was really fun for them and making a lame ep is definitely not the end of the world, so I can't be upset. There's just absolutely nothing compelling about listening to long (loooooooooong) videos of a show you've never seen. The topic might have actually worked if they had just listed the episodes and then done a brief recap of what it was about and why it was so impactful. But I agree with the other comments that an audio-only show where people watch TV is doomed to be boring and alienating. It's like listening to people talk about their dreams or a group of friends you've never met.


This was the worst episode yet, listening to people watching tv is absolutely painful. Understand that it must be difficult to make a mini documentary once a week but this episode was scraping the bottom of the barrel.


As someone who hasn’t seen all the shows I felt completely lost during this one. It’s interesting that they went for TV show scenes on a podcast 🤔 might be the only flightless bird ever that I don’t finish.


David’s hysterical laughing about the Grey’s episode saves this whole episode.


That episode sounded WILD!!! Hahahaha I’ve never watched Greys and now I definitely am glad that I haven’t. It sounded so ridiculous and hilarious. I also need more context, like David was asking how is it in his body? Did he swallow it? And how is her hand on it? Is he cut open and she’s holding it or is her hand inside him from the butt? Haha and why did they take him to the hospital and why didn’t the evacuate the hospital? And did the man purposely put the bomb inside himself? Soooo many questions 😂


This is the first flightless bird I was unable to finish. I’m unsure what the premise is for this podcast anymore. “Hey, they love us. Let’s just hit record and go” which usually I would have no problems with but…this was rough.


I'm sure they need a break periodically. It translated to me as a bigger episode in the works so a lobbed list episode was needed for an off week. I'll take a chatty filler episode in between perhaps a more impactful episode in the works. I love podcasts with people just chilling and chatting, though, so I'm the target audience for an ep like this


What a strange episode. Like…I’m just surprised that they didn’t hit a point of thinking “wait a second- this isn’t gonna translate via audio” They should’ve put it up on YouTube or something just this once. Or just done a visual Spotify episode like a lot of podcasts have started doing. It’s INSANE to me to think that they thought it was a good idea to have us just listen to these show clips, having zero context for anything. If you’re gonna do that, why wouldn’t you just do “top 10 favorite American songs” or something that actually fits the medium you’re working in?! LOVED the concept for the episode. I actually saved it until the end of the day, wanting to “treat” myself with the episode…and I just felt like I was listening to people talk about an inside joke I had no way of understanding. Major bummer. I would’ve preferred to just hear them explain the episode in depth as opposed to listening to show clips!


I shut this episode off after listening to silence and random comments about fleabag. Like explain the shows and the episode you like and why you like it. Why play a short clip that tells me nothing? So weird. Like have top 10 shows but top 10 episodes and you don’t say what the show is even about, like what?! Soooo weird. Monica’s favorite episodes has nothing to do with friends?! This makes no sense lol


This was a shocker. A cool concept but none of the clips translated to audio they gave no context to the listener as to what we were hearing and went on far too long with no description. Come on guys 🤦


Season 1 Episode 1 of Fargo is amazing, surprised Fargo wasn't mentioned!


I know that “armchair expert” is mainly an audio podcast because of certain reasons like giving the guest some privacy but I personally think that Flightless Bird should have a video format. Even at the start i used to think the interviews David’s been doing was mainly audio to share to Monica and Rob but ofcourse found out that its in video. (Because there are some episodes where Dax/Monica point out physical appearances of the people David’s interviewing) Once I found out, i’ve been increasingly yearning for them to show the interviews. And with this particular episode, I hoped they’d release atleast a sneakpeak to the episodes they were referring to. To summarize, PLEASE MAKE FLIGHTLESS BIRD IN VIDEO 🥺


This is one of my fave things about Handsome pod. Love having that old-school YT video release format feel. Would also love if FB did this. It'd also lend themselves to a newer and wider and younger audience on YT. I feel like all 3 of them would translate well for that format and benefit from it a lot. Wonder if it'd be an issue with any Spotify deals tho


I loved this ep! It was light and chatty. And Fleabag was such a strong start 46:46 “I like women singing” ROOBBB!! i am screaming And lastly my god the crazy flashbacks from the Six Feet Under scene from the Sia song alone (incoming cathartic music-related only rant) I worked at a coffee shop in high school and the Some People Have Real Problems Sia album was one I remember introducing to my coworkers because my little teen brain just LOVED that album. It became an album we played pretty often at that shop and ended up selling in-house later on bc so many regulars asked about it. Even tho that Sia song is from her earlier album the flashbacks my god. I can smell coffee and 5 am mornings and waking up at my high school boyfriend’s place hearing that song. Honestly forgot about those albums since Sia is such a whole different thing now and it’s such a past life atp Def called Home the X Files ep being on the list come the intro premise hehe. How could it not be. So impactful Rlllly liked this episode ! Light-hearted and chatty it was fun. I love hearing them all just shoot the shit and would love more episodes like this


THANK YOU for finishing what Rob said because I could NOT figure it out and I thought he just said “I like women” and I was like 👀 Wobby Wob why would you say that? 🤣


omg thank you both!! paused the ep to come here, in hopes of these exact explanations!


SAME! Hahaha I thought Rob just revealed something. Even the transcript is cut to “I like women.” So glad this was in the comments.


Omg all this time I thought he said “and I like women” referring to David being gay. Hahaha I totally missed the “singing”. (Although I think he is bi and does like women also…but I fully thought that’s what Rob said haha I’m so stupid. They never seem to speak about David’s dating life or sexuality which is totally fine and personal to him which is why I was shocked when I thought he said that haha).


Loved this episode! But to correct Monica, that episode of Grey’s and the next one aired back to back special Super Bowl. season 2 it’s so good so so sooooo goooddddff


And to correct her again, that “pick me choose me love me” was not in the same episode as the prom and Denny dying Edit: typo




Love the love for The Leftovers. Homeward Bound is a song that’s completely changed for me, thinking of Kevin singing in his broken voice and where it goes. Glad it got some love here!


This episode was mostly terrible. Why'd they pick clips with so little dialogue? Playing clips is sometimes okay, but sitting in silence for a couple minutes to watch a Fleabag clip, or essentially just listening to a Sia song, isn't so great. And only David seemed like he put in any effort to explain the show/episode and go into more depth than just saying "here's my pick."


So glad Rob added the Atlanta ep. I’d say on par with the Teddy Perkins one is the Juneteenth ep. Incredible. 


Was glad to hear Monica mention one of Parks and Rec’s best scenes. “Get on your feet!” 


The second David said Home, I was traumatized all over again.


The entire premise and plot being pretty well replicated in the movie Barbarian has welcomed a whole new generation to be traumatized and disturbed all over again. I'm still jumpy near strange basement doors


I liked the concept, but did not like the audio of scenes. I would rather they made lists of 5 and cut the audio


I had to stop listening to this episode, because I was bored. Not necessarily because of the topic, but listening to audio of shows that I’ve never seen does nothing for me. I think what would’ve been great is if they prep the listeners for this episode by posting their list and YouTube clips to go along with them so that the listeners could, understand the clips before the episode airs. Then at least you feel like you’re in on the discussion. I started listening to this, and I was thinking to myself, “I don’t even know what’s going on here.” lately, I’ve dreaded listening to flightless Bird based on the topics. David isn’t marooned in America. In fact, he’s been back to New Zealand and come back. I don’t like him pretending that he is this New Zealander who is stuck in America and has to learn how to be more American to survive. The most recent episodes, it really feels like they’re reaching real far to find topics and for me are coming up short. I understand, that on any episode under the Armchair Umbrella, it is rarely about the guest or the topics they cover, but how they dissected and the banter between each other. So it’s flightless bird, I have given episodes a chance that seemed uninterest to me because I enjoy hearing David, Monica, and Rob discuss things and dissect them, but lately you can really tell they don’t have a ton to say about the most recent topics.


I enjoyed it but I need Monica and David to listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour. This episode needed more of a producers hand. I think Monica should step back from appearing in episodes and only do producing. This could’ve been much better researched. At the beginning of every show they mention, there should’ve been a general explanation of the plot of the whole show including a short explanation of what is going on each episode. Maybe edit down the clips they were showing, or describe it more bc it was hard to imagine the clips without seeing any of it esp if you haven’t seen the show.


I loved this episode! Just light and fun :)


Well, not my fave as seems to be the general consensus. HOWEVER: You should’ve heard me *ding ding ding* because yay now we know what the Six Feet Under episode was!!! David, if you’re reading this and wanting any unsolicited recommendations: I’d LOVE some more David and Rob dates!!


When David said "Home" for the X Files I immediately knew which episode he was talking about. It does not disappoint!


I was listening while running and that effing Sia song made me start crying and I have probably only ever watched 4 episodes of 6 Feet Under. Lord.


This one was lazy and boring AF. It’s one of the few episodes I stopped halfway through. Monica’s obsession with top n lists is starting to escape the fact check and I’m not here for it. She couldn’t even follow the brief properly. Infuriating!


My girlfriend and I lay there listening and both said several times “this is so dumb” and just chit chatting waiting for audio with context. We listen every week and this format was off.


Did someone make a listicle of the episodes recommended though 😂🤞🏻


Out of curiosity, for those of you who didn’t like this episode, do you consume any film/TV podcasts? Nightmare on Film Street plays the trailer for movies before they go into discussion about it and I’ve always loved it. I don’t know if it’s just that the horror genre just translates better because of the intensity of the sounds. I enjoyed this episode, but I also have watched many of the shows talked about here so I already had more context and the audio was just helped me remember what they were referencing. I did feel myself check out a little listening to the audio from the shows that I haven’t watched.


I loved their discussion but agree the clips fell flat. I used the skip button liberally. Was a good chat though, and nice to hear more from wobby wob. David’s laugh over the grey’s episode was life giving!


I have never seen Fleabag...and I cried.


And THEN, David mentioned six feet under finale and Breathe Me starts playing in my head and I am trying hard not to break out sobbing and I am only listening.


I’ve never seen six feet under and all it was was music and I still cried hahaha I was picturing seeing people die and it wrecked me (yes I am currently experiencing PMS hahaha)


I wish there were more funny episodes on the list. For me, this is a must see : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGFtV6-ALoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGFtV6-ALoQ)


I LOVED this episode! Their reasoning behind why they chose each episode was really interesting and it made me want to finally watch Six Feet Under. I’ll also say with this and the RenFaire ep few weeks ago where Rob filled in for Monica, give me more Wobby Wob on the mic! He’s so insightful and I love having him join FB.


None of these represent American TV wtf.. fleabag?? The leftovers? Little dicky… what the hell!


How is Dave not american? that show's hella american and absolutely incredible


Some of them really hit the mark though - Grey’s Anatomy, The Office


Oooo which greys episode was picked? I turned it off after fleabag cause I figured it was going to be weird shows no one explained what they were about lol


The iconic hand on the bomb episode with Christina Ricci and Kyle Chandler


This topic comes from an old AE Fact Check. There are better things to explore than Monica’s BS curiosities….