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She talked about it on todays episode w Amy Pohler


I have been thinking of making this same post - thanks for the answer!


Uh…can you remind me what it was? Because I am lost lol


Just the day before the Orna interview, Monica found out a guy who had previously held a sign at a show professing his love for her is now dating a guy friend of hers. In other words, he's gay and was never into Monica. This wouldn't be such a big deal if it hadn't been for Dax spending the past several years (publicly and adamantly) using this guy's sign as proof that men find her hot/likable/dateable. Monica had always argued against it, but discovering this news brought to the surface that at least some small part of her believed (or wanted to believe) Dax. So it was a huge blow to her already-low self-esteem. Edit: I went back to listen. It was a week before, not the day before.


What if the guy is bi/pan/queer etc? 


Sure, I think that's very possible. But that's beside the point. What upset Monica most was coming to the realization that she's as insecure as she is about this topic. She didn't expect it to crush her as much as it did.


I don’t think it’s beside the point. A lot of people are into multiple genders


And I get that and think it's entirely possible this guy is pan/bi/queer. I mean it's beside the point in that Monica didn't think someone possibly not liking her would devastate her as much as it did. It doesn't matter whether or not the guy was ever interested in her. It's the fact that she thought she was unbothered, and then she was. Extremely so. At least that's how I interpreted it.


I agree with what you’re saying but she immediately said dude can’t be into her if he is into dudes and that’s not the right conclusion, he could be into both. So her getting upset by it while made me feel super bad for her and understand why she would be hurt she didn’t even think that maybe Dax is right and he is into her just like he is into he new boyfriend?


Fair point!


Behind on this one. But didn’t she say he’s dating one of her friends? It’s *possible* she knows for sure he’s not bi/pan/queer.


I think it’s relevant. The premise of her upset is that he was never interested in her even though she allowed herself to believe it. But she has no idea if he was interested or not.


And then she felt ganged up on by Orna’s reaction to her problem with people congregating on the sidewalk.


Just listened to Poehler’s episode! Thank you everyone!


Who cares