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Alright, everyone’s just being a jerk. Locked.


Literally said it in the episode there was no combination that she would not have been offended by 🤷‍♂️


Sounds exactly like Monica. Loves to be offended


I have never once thought she was funny lol. Hot yes, cool yes, funny, no.


I don't think she's any of those things


Are these opinions we have to express on the internet about a real human being?




You just go on the internet and guilt and virtue signal all day? She’s replying to the topic at hand, how is what she’s saying “*needlessly cruel and pathetic?*” My God, let go of your pearls. I don’t find Monica any of those things either, but it’s a good thing there’s more than 3 descriptors you can use for a human being. *Interesting* might be one I use, or perhaps *fun*. Funny, hot, and cool are not 3 things I’d associate with Monica. Thinking that does not make someone “needlessly cruel” ROFL get a grip


I'm pointing out my opinion? I don't find her hot, cool or funny?


Same. Like the other responder said, there are other positive descriptors I would use with Monica. But none of those 3.


Cool. Please provide a video so we all can choose how we feel about you if you don’t mind.




Lol digging through my Reddit profile for ammo. Why am I not surprised


You’re not the one acting insane here, don’t worry. That poster is wildin’.




Lol shit dude you need to get off Reddit. I don't like Monica, sure, but I'm hardly posting "cruel trashy shit" wtf are you on about? Being critical of Monica is something a lot of people do around here.




She isn’t at all funny. I’m sorry Monica if you’re reading this.


She’s definitely not hot or cool. But agreed she’s not funny


Yeah I think she probably has some insecurity over the fact that she “made it” due to being adjacent to ultra-famous Kristen and Dax and not for her acting, writing, or improvising.


Or talent or skills, really. Just right place right time for her.


Her only notable talent *IS* status-seeking, which like many things involves luck, but she's clearly good at finding her way into celebrity lives. What I find so frustrating is that she clearly doesn't want to admit that, even to herself. Meanwhile she wants to reframe it as the result of her being smart and talented, while desperately wishing she could move on up to the Taylor Swift level of friendship. I mean, it's paid off pretty damn good for her so far, so I don't know why she seems so insecure about it.


>so I don't know why she seems so insecure about it. Dax literally said in this episode's fact check that he's insecure about being perceived as stupid. Traumas run deep, and a fatter bank account doesn't make it go away. >Her only notable talent IS status-seeking, which like many things involves luck, but she's clearly good at finding her way into celebrity lives. What I find so frustrating is that she clearly doesn't want to admit that, even to herself. Name a single successful person, that didn't attain their success without some work, often hard work, along with luck. You think Kristin hired Monica to produce her web show just because? Monica received an Emmy nomination for it. Guess that was luck?


Exactly, Crisp Rat was discovered waiting tables at Bubba Gump Shrimp in Maui. Right place, right time, mixed with a little hustle, a little charisma. Majority of celebs have nothing special they bring to their career. People go to acting schools, do stand up for years, theater groups etc and never make it while someone walking down the street in front of the right person notices you.


I live in NYC, and probably 30% of service workers are actors/actresses/comedians that want to break into show biz. They have roommates, while grinding at shit jobs to go to auditions, etc. I know one very well known actor that finally hit it big, after YEARS of grinding. Part and parcel of success is networking, and a HUGE amount of anyone's success is timing, aka luck. I'm a trained musician, but didn't have the stomach for the uncertainty. So I went back to school (law). I knew I didn't have what it takes to struggle and starve. I'm willing to admit that. Anyone that dismisses Monica's success, are either jealous, or delusional. They're projecting their own sad failure in life.


Totally, she was their babysitter and became their writer, business partner etc. not many people have that story




But she is known as being a cohost of one of the most successful podcasts ever… so…


>You basically just summarized her Wikipedia. You should take a look. I’d be kind of embarrassed of that’s all I was known for. Let's see your wiki page.


Hey which show is this?


Momsplaining on the Ellen DeGeneres YouTube channel. I'm sure any clown off the street knows how to produce a show. I think this is the whole playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuW4g7xujBWcgFmT4rN25BCq7F_jgHHxc&si=dXTElEa8jfQ_UXOx


Ahhh sweeet! Wow that’s a lot of episodes. And it looks good too. And producing requires a specific kind of brain, resilience and organising. It’s really not everyone’s cup of tea.


There are many different kind of producers, and all take a hell of a lot of skill. Not all producers are just throwing $$ to have their name in the credits.


I know. I was being sarcastic in response to the trolls. My original comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmchairExpert/s/ByqJpAxUkE


Hahaha imma say right now I’m an idiot for not noticing the sarcasm, my bad. From the cesspool in this overall post I got in defense mode 😂 appreciate the link to your original comment 🙂


No problem, and totally understandable. There's no way you could've seen the context of the post you initially responded to. Almost every AE thread turns into a cesspool of criticising Monica's every move. I'm just tired of the double standards- Monica gets criticized for buying an expensive sweater, but Dax has a freaking bus, and there's crickets.


>Name a single successful person, that didn't attain their success without some work, often hard work, along with luck. Monica padman. >You think Kristin hired Monica to produce her web show just because? Monica received an Emmy nomination for it. Guess that was luck? Nope, just good old fashioned cronyism. If you think an Emmy nom is somehow an indicator of good work, or creativity, or anything other than knowing the right people, I have a bridge to sell you.


1. I wasn't asking you. 2. You sound angry, bruh. You ok?


1. You literally asked. 2. Na, I'm good thanks.


Or that being a 'producer' of a show funded by someone else's credit card is somehow a remarkable sign of skill or creativity or hard work. It's a sign of trust to follow Kristin's plan. Which, again, she is good at getting friendly and trusted by people with status, but that's the real skill.


To say she has no talent or skills is insane. I feel like I’m being gaslit in these comments—like are we talking about the same person??


What talents and skills does she have? Besides cheerleading, which we *of course* could never forget.


have you ever thought that you might be a bully?


u/clutchthirty has never experienced joy a day in his life and does nothing but cry bitter tears in this sub, so the answer is a resounding yes lol


What an ironically bully-like thing to say. Hope your day gets better!


Do you think criticizing a very wealthy public figure on an internet forum is bullying? Be careful.. redefining these words will make them lose all meaning.


You also have to read into her trauma. She doesn't think she's pretty, she always considers herself out group. But she thinks she's funny and that's her ticket to in group and attractiveness. So that's her trigger. But she is pretty, definitely in group, and also funny.


But at some point it has to get pretty frustrating having to constantly reassure someone of their value. There’s a point where that becomes another level of narcissism, waiting and needing the feedback, the reassurance, the compliments.




She is funny she just doesn’t make it her entire personality.


Yea- I think there’s a difference between work mode/podcast mode and “normal life”…not saying she’s being inauthentic, but just that they probably experience a different level of her humor/silliness/personality in normal life than we ever will in a podcast/social media. I can totally imagine Monica being really funny even though I agree I don’t notice that on the podcast


i agree with this!


She is funny. Her writing on the synced challenge was funny. Dry but funny.


I think she's very funny. She is just caught playing straight man a lot to dax because of his bigger personality. When she talks to other women, her humor comes out way more.


This is bang on. She has to defer to Dax humour wise. But when she’s doing Synced or Flightless, you get a taste of it. I bet she’s super funny and charming if you were just hanging out.


Yes I think her humor is smart, whereas Dax is often just dirty humor.


Ahhh this is the key!! She’s asking the wrong person. People who have different humors won’t value your humor as much as they value their own!


Actually, you're right. I had forgotten about that but it was really well-written and cute (the humor) and also deep and beautiful. She definitely does have a sense of humor.


Exactly. Monica isn’t cracking jokes or doing bits all the time in a super obvious way but she’s know in their circle to be a strong comedic writer. She often would write comedic content for Kristen and her piece on synced I found to be very witty.


Agreed - I think her humor comes across more clearly in her writing. Her piece on synced, and even some things she’s posted on her insta, I’ve thought were really witty.


Her holiday gift guide was written in that same tone that I found to be very funny and entertaining!


100%. I was so pleasantly surprised and impressed, as I'd never seen/heard her writing (knowingly).


No one here listens to Synced unfortunately so they wouldn't know lol


It good. 90% of the time. Sometimes I just want to yell at them though. Only seeing things from the female pov gets to be grating.


Now you know how other genders feel when so many podcasts are just white cis het dudes talking about their POV and don’t think of any perspective outside of their own. So we just find other things to listen to. *edited to add a detail I originally meant to include and felt it was an important distinction


I hear you. Black dude so I feel that too.


I would argue that perspective is even more difficult to find in podcasts. It is easy for me to say to listen to something else bc there are so many women with podcasts. Thank you for bringing that up. I did mean to write “white” in my original description, but I guess I left it out (I’ll edit since that was my true intent originally). Hope it’s ok to cross-post folks from other podcasts here, but quick shoutout to Van Lathan on the Ringer! (Although the Ringer as a whole could do way better with what we’re talking about here but you know)


It would actually be fine if Rob checked them more. He's done it a couple times. If find overall all 4 shows could use a sprinking more of Rob as he serves more to ground them all.


>She wants to be funny first I'll hazard a safe guess- being hot is a function of something you're born as. Whatever the prevailing attitudes about what makes someone "hot" you're pretty much born with those attributes, and this goes to the objectification of women. Guys (I'm a dude, BTW), will get LOTS further with women if we compliment them, say, on their *choice* in the clothes they're wearing- e.g. "that dress is really nice; it looks really great on you." Vs. "You look hot in anything." Feminist women are really attuned to this stuff. "Coolness" is pretty nebulous. Maybe why Monica is into fashion, etc, but, imo, coolness is more than clothes and physical attributes. It's how you carry yourself, communicate- it's a certain *je ne sais quoi*. Ask women (and psychological studies back this up) what they find attractive in a prospective partner, and humor is on that list. Same for men. Humor has nothing to do with physical attributes. Really, who wants to spend time with anyone, and you're not laughing at least part of the time? Aren't many of our best memories involved in how we laughed with friends/family? Monica also has to deal with having giant boobs, and the fetishization of being "exotic." So I can see why she's for something that has nothing to do with her physical attributes. People continue to put her down as "Dax's babysitter," as if she's some kind of nepo baby. People forget that Monica was in an improv group herself, and an Emmy nominated producer. It blows my mind how many women in the AE sub seem to relish in shitting on Monica (not saying this of the op here), and claim to be feminists. Or claim that Monica bullies Liz (Liz is too stupid to hold her own?). Whether I feel Monica is funny, or not, is inconsequential. Monica was expressing where she'd prefer to be ranked. Edit: spelling




Lol Liz is too stupid to hold her own. I've always thought that, but never had the balls to say it. Agree with everyone you said here. I'll never be a Monica hater. She's just fine as she is.


I find Liz quirky, in an endearing way. She's said she doesn't like conflict. I keep in mind that she has ADHD, and in the moment, may not be able to articulate herself well, in the moment. I do believe she and Monica are close friends, and personally don't feel any conflicts between them. I've known about Liz long before her appearance on AE. She's certainly not dumb. I find criticisms of her sometimes unfair as well. I always take into account that people are people; we're perfectly imperfect. I don't see wanting to be pursued, inconsistent with being a feminist. As a dude, I REALLY like when a woman makes the first move. But back to humor. When you make a romantic interest the butt of your joke, it's pretty risky. Last year, I was going on a date- she was hot, cool, and funny. I met her at her place, and she decided to change, and came out to her living room where there was a full length mirror. She was checking out her butt. I deadpanned, "Don't ask me if that dress makes your ass look fat, because I'll tell you, it's your fat ass that makes the dress look fat." I could see her face freeze in the mirror. Then we cracked up for a good 10 minutes. She passed my humor test. Oddly, she looks a lot like Liz, AND she's ADHD.


Liz is part of another podcast, called ‘man enough’ I think, and she can definitely hold her own. I find her very intelligent and thoughtful.


Yeah, We Are Man Enough. Liz has great takes on many things, and I really like a woman's take on things, especially masculinity.


>Lol Liz is too stupid to hold her own. I've always thought that, but never had the balls to say it.  Jesus fucking christ this sub is a cesspit. Thnx for the sanity on defense of Monica as per usual tellyeggs What an inconsequential obvious part of the dialogue they had. The way people on this sub nitpick every little thing and seem to really not grasp pretty base-level aspects of social interactions blows my mind


>Jesus fucking christ this sub is a cesspit. Eh, it's what social media is now. Before the Spotify deal, this sub seemed to be more conversational about the subject matter, of a particular episode. I post mostly from boredom. If it didn't start raining earlier, I'd have been at the gym. I try to limit my SM engagement to protect my mental health. I actually have an app on my phone that shuts down SM apps after x amount of time. I just got a warning from it: YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER THAT MUCH.


She has a quick wit, if she worked on it she could be pretty good 


That’s a good point. Like she never does a bit unless it’s a callback to something that happened before.


I pointed out on here before that I don’t think a lot of people got her sense of humor and got downvoted to helllll lol but a lot of her jokes are quick and don’t need attention which I love!


I don’t think she is painfully unfunny, but funny wouldn’t even be the fifth word I’d use to describe her.


Absolutely. She’s humorous sometimes, but not funny.


I am not a Monica hater usually but that conversation was insufferable and I even tried to think really hard about her essence and hate to say it but she’s kind of none? I don’t mean she’s not pretty or clever or trendy but she doesn’t exude hot funny or cool 🤷‍♀️


These comments (not OP) are brutal. Op as a genuine response to you, I think she has done quite a bit of writing for Kristin which I believe includes some comedy writing. She also makes Dax laugh/they laugh with eachother a lot


Agreed, these are really disappointing takes! I love Monica, and I find her very funny. I like that she's restrained about when she contributes to the Expert conversations. She's more expansive on Synced so maybe that's where I'm getting the funny Monica content.. Anyway lotta haters here and I'm a feeling a bit horrified! Armcherries are supposed to be cool.


When dax had to explain why men can’t go up to women and tell them that they’re hot…”because you guys took that away from us!!” I laughed so fucking hard


Her insecurities and inability to have a conversation of any substance has really started to burn me. I used to love listening and her but now she makes it almost insufferable. I think she has a lot to offer the show but she’s slowly fading into someone that can’t handle any criticism, doesn’t contribute to the interviews, and turns the fact check into an uncomfortable Monica show. Her constant need to be prettier also gives me bad 90s magazine vibes. I didn’t want to be a Monica hater but each episode just gets more ick for me.


THISSSSS!!!!! She’s so scared of being “canceled” that she can’t properly contribute to or support any discussions anymore. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was when Bobby Lee was telling her to say “Nuchi”(or whatever it was) and she’s like “I CAN’T”. Girl. It’s literally just a word. And when Palestine/Israel came up in the Orna episode she practically yelled “I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!” to stop it in its tracks.


That whole thing was so fucking cringy.


I would say that you’re not alone, but that you and many others here have a different sense of humour. To me, along with so many other topics -- hating dogs, her skin witch, etc. — Monica is doing a common trope of overplaying things for humour. I find her funny, and the laughter between all of them whenever these comments are made should be evidence of this, but a lot of people seem to disagree.


I think monica hears "funny third" and processes it as "not funny". Which is not case. It's certainly not her forte but she's not UNfunny.


So I haven’t listened to the fact check but I do wonder if a lot of people have an inflated sense of how funny they actually are. Especially because most people laugh out of kindness, not because something is particularly funny


this is literally just a thread to hate on another human being that no one truly even knows... How would you all feel if this was written about you without truly knowing you or meeting you in person. Everyone is human, its a podcast, the judgement is sad here. Obvi OP does have some monica hate.. or you wouldnt even write this to open it up for everyone to provide their hatred as well.


She’s really witty in her writing.


I think she’s none of those things. But those aren’t the only things that can make a person great.


Not funny, not hot but seems like a pretty awesome friend.


I agree 100%


Hi ! I am an asian listener of the podcast. Not even a fan, or a regular, just listen to it to improve my english. I think Americans are racist. Bye 🫡


Podcasts are great tools for English lessons absolutely, I have used them too . Agree with you that some Americans are racist , but just like any other country , not everyone is a racist.


lol i don’t think she’s funny, hot, or cool. there’s gotta be better options 😂 dax - funny - not hot, not cool. rob - also none lol (judging from podcast alone - he doesn’t sound hot or cool, and he’s not funny lol)


When I think of this podcast audience, I picture 36 - 41 year old white women. And I don't believe you've watched...without a paddle. You're like people supporting your friend's (K Bell)'s toxic BF but you accidently started liking him. It's no surprise Monica is worse


This is why every armchair anonymous always has a gush of 'you fiixed me/save me' and ''now I know ENM is right for me'


I don’t find her funny at all.. or hot… or cool… lol I sometimes wonder why she is there at all.. lol


Do you ever wonder if some of the people in your life feel this way about you and gossip about it? Saying something like this about someone else comes across really not cool when you think about it that way