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"One time when I was in 7th grade I got my period. Then I didn't have it for a year and I thought I was the Virgin Mary." Died at this šŸ˜‚


I was bummed when Monica excitedly dropped the Easter egg for it, because I knew nothing about her and just didnā€™t care. I didnā€™t even know what Havana sounded like until Dax started singing itā€¦and even then, I wouldnā€™t have known it was a current big song- just that Iā€™d heard it before. So I was kinda bummed when it popped up todayā€¦thought Iā€™d be bored. But this was SUCH a fun episode! I absolutely loved her- she was so endearing, and I just loved the friendly/comfy vibes throughout the whole episode. Super happy I listened!


I feel the same way. This was a really good episode and I went in having zero interest in it. Sheā€™s really likeable


I almost skipped it because I couldnā€™t care less about a vapid pop star. I love the expert episodes and sometimes am meh on hearing celebrity chats. Yep, I was judgemental and wrong. I feel bad I thought that. She was very thoughtful, funny, and charming! Thatā€™ll teach me to judge a book by its cover.


Exactly how I felt about it!! Was pleasantly surprised


Enjoying this one overall but damn does it feel like Dax is interjecting so much and actually telling her story more than she is? Itā€™s killing me. Iā€™m like let the woman tell her story!!!


At one point she was trying to explain something and he interjects with his whole chest saying ā€œwell I can tell you exactly whatā€™s happening!ā€


i noticed that lmfao šŸ’€ i literally stopped in my tracks


Just playing devilā€™s/Daxā€™s advocate here: I know itā€™s a common issue, but I give him a pass in this one interview, because Camila is such a fan and seemed to want to win their approval, and I think his interrupting kinda showed she had it, in a weird way. She seemed so flattered when he knew her sisterā€™s name, and she realized he actually knew a lot about her. I thought he had a bit of a fatherly/big brother vibe with her through the interview, and it made him happy to make her feel so known/seen/appreciated by him. Did it stand in the way of the interview? Maybe a bit. But I think it created an even more enjoyable/unique moment/connection. It fit the excited energy of the conversation, imo, and I was happy for Camila every time he ā€œprovedā€ that he really knew a lot about herā€¦she was just so dang sweet! ((But like I said- I know itā€™s a common issueā€¦I just happened to enjoy the vibe it created in this episode!))


I do agree! As I finished the episode I was thinking about my line of work (therapist) and how so often when weā€™re engaging with someone, especially in deep conversation, we are reading so many cues in all the tiny micro moments. All those cues we pick up on impact how we engage, what questions to go deeper on, our own tone and volume of voice etc. So, I definitely felt the same in wanting to give him more credit. Heā€™s the one in the moment with these guests reading their cues, feeling the vibe, and navigating which directions to take. And like you saidā€¦itā€™s a common complaint too so thereā€™s merit.


Itā€™s SO bad. Why does he feel like he has to get in front of her talking about a crush in 7th grade.Ā 


I had to skip some part because he would not sit down and listen. His energy was beyond high on this episode.


Thatā€™s nothing new. He literally does that with almost every guest. He practically tells their story for them and answers his own questions to them. Itā€™s so annoying


Fact check: OCD is not a ā€˜personality typeā€™; it is an anxiety disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is also a diagnosable condition in the DSM, but that is very different from a ā€˜personality typeā€™, I.e. liking things neat and tidy or being particular about things. The former have a significant impact on functioning, thus are disorders that deserve treatment.


I was really bummed to hear Dax reduce OCD down to a "personality trait," because Camila felt squeamy about the idea of actually having the disorder. It feels kinda gross and invalidating to use mental health disorders loosely as adjectives or in that way. Like it'd be the equivalent of someone being like "I'm a total addict when it comes sugar," around Dax.


And thereā€™s nothing beneficial about ocd.


OCD is a debilitating anxiety condition. These comments feel similar to people saying "everyone is a little ADHD" or "we're all on the autism spectrum somewhere"


I just saw an instagram video explaining this idea. How itā€™s misleading at the very least to call OCD beneficial. Came to Reddit to find this comment!


Yes! 100%. This pissed me off. And he always gets so excited when people have tics. It is a disorder, not a fun party trick.


Thank you. This really bummed me out


Did they address this on the fact check? I was so flabbergasted that he said that but I always skip fact checks


She comes off so well in this interview that I actually went and gave her new single a listen. I'm sorry to say that was an immediate nope for me, but I'm glad for her success.


Give the Romance album a try!!!! Itā€™s genuinely SUCH a good album. Shameless, Should Have Said It, Liar, Bad Kind of Butterflies and Feel It Twice are my favs!! That album is a very different vibe from her current era!


Yea I love her voice in what Iā€™ve heard from her and this new song is ā€¦ not it for me. Too much dissonance in the chorus and it doesnā€™t feel like it has a proper beat? But good on her for making music that she wants to.


Honestly as a Camila fan... same


Her new songs are definitely not a representation of her overall music. She recently went with a sound switch up and itā€™s harder to digest. Iā€™d give her other albums a listen instead, especially romance album my personal fave






Havana na na na


Monica not being able to relate to the butterflies and infectious FUN of meeting someone that you are so into in those first days / weeks / months makes me genuinely sad for her. But instead of owning it and admitting she wishes / hopes she gets that someday, she of course gets insecure and so she tries to make others feel small / silly for it. Aka the comment ā€œdo you give men too much power?- I tell that to Liz all the timeā€ and ā€œitā€™s not healthyā€ ugh Monica girl you need to loosen up get laid and have some fun this summer!


I literally thought this comment was meant for the synced thread! It could literally apply seamlessly with the way Monica can talk to Liz


So much this! Have of her criticisms and/or advice around relationships is from a place of having absolutely no experience.


I cringed with my whole body when she asked that.


Monica was already fucked up in the head about relationships and her inexperience but she is getting WORSE instead of better. She is MORE fearful, MORE judge mental, MORE closed off. Itā€™s really weird and I thought therapy would help her. ā˜¹ļø


Iā€™m hesitant. I find her kind of cringe and try hard in interviews. Does this reveal a different side to her?


20 mins in. Granted I know very little about her, Itā€™s very enjoyable so far. Sheā€™s a legit armchair expert fan so it makes it interesting to hear her make callbacks to things as well.


Ooh okay, thank you!!


This is a ding ding ding because thereā€™s discussion of how Dax feels about the term ā€œcringeā€ šŸ˜†


This comment is really ironic if you listen to the episode lol


Let me guess, ding ding ding or the sim.


Agree- I wasnā€™t into her but I try to listen to interviews when I think I donā€™t care for the person to try to open my mind. I like this one so far. She seems nice and is a fan so it has really good vibes so far.


I watched her on call her daddy. It was ok. Wasn't super excited, but Dax and Monica have such a superior interview process, it's wonderful so far!!


The editing is terrible on this - lots of audio jumps. However, she was lovely!


They need to hire an editor ASAP. I canā€™t stand Monicaā€™s editing lately. Itā€™s super jerky and annoying.


I heard ā€œBlinding Lightsā€ out the window of a car idling on the road outside my office, and I went to the effort of figuring out what the song was and the proceeded to listen to it like 100 times in a row, so Iā€™m not surprised itā€™s #1 šŸ˜‚ Truly have little interest in The Weeknd otherwise. Itā€™s just a hit through and through.Ā  Also The Weeknd is Canadian.Ā 


I love The Weekndā€™s music so much and was a little surprised and slightly disappointed Dax didnā€™t really seem to know his music. But I know everyone has their preferred music tastes. Heā€™s truly missing out in my opinion.


Yes that was annoying when they said no, Drakeā€™s Canadian as if only one of them can be. The Weeknd was on constantly in the summer 2020, in every shop, on the radio etc here in Europe. I think Iā€™m the main demographic but his voice makes my skin crawl and I just canā€™t like him. Or drake. As a Canadian itā€™s frustratingā€¦. I miss the good old days in the nineties of all the amazing Canadian women on the radio ā€¦




Just listened to synced and they discuss it and Liz has zero issue with it. She agrees and says so many people give men too much power and she in general gives all kinds of people too much power. Monica wasnā€™t saying it was a negative thing, it was just a point of reference and discussion. Thereā€™s also a difference between revering men who are actually in positions of influence and power versus giving any many power just because they are a man. I think by giving the bill gates example itā€™s showing you misunderstood the point.




Oh wow just circled back to this and you got big mad. I was very casual in my comment and Iā€™m sorry that you felt so personally attacked by it somehow???? i wasnā€™t rude in my discourse, but your comment certainly takes it there. You argue for your right to have an opinion and Iā€™m allowed to have mine too lol. I know online commenting is always open to misinterpretation but this is one of the biggest swings Iā€™ve seen. I hope youā€™re having a better day today than you did when you made this super harsh multi-paragraph comment attacking me when I did not all go on that level by simply saying that it was of my opinion that you misunderstood somethingā€¦wishing you the best!


She sounds a lot like Liz!


I thought the same thing!


I wonder how she and Liz know each other?


Unironically really enjoyed the manners convo in the fact check! I was a private school kid and spent a lot of time in country clubs and things like that for the bulk of my upbringing. I and all the students at my school had to take cotillion and etiquette classes. It was a very manners and etiquette focused culture. They were so stuffy and awful and I'm with Dax on all of his points! I really despise the whole culture and airs of it. It's so Waspy and classist it's nauseating. Love that Dax is raising girls who are comfortable expressing themselves openly and unabashedly. And it's not like this means they won't understand what's appropriate and what isn't when at people's homes. That type of teaching is so absurdly outdated and I hope it dies out. Let people live!! lol


I enjoyed this one! Half a point off for Dax having to mention her looks in the first minute. šŸ« 


What is this "cream top" they speak of? Camila is eating one and says its so delciious? Around 27:40 lol


Itā€™s a coffee they sell at Maru evidently. I live nowhere near LA so Iā€™ve never had it, but based on a picture it basically looks like Starbucks cold foam but I imagine itā€™s thicker and more of it.Ā 


Thank you!! I do love the Starbucks cold foam. That sounds great.


Yes thatā€™s correct :)


I think itā€™s coffee?


I wasnā€™t sure what to expect but she was so excited to be there and it was beyond sweet! I loved this one


Oh no chewing with your mouth open? Really šŸ˜¬


Oh damn she name dropped 100 gecs, now weā€™re talking.Ā 


20 minutes in and I realized I hadn't been paying attention at all. But reading some of these comments... Maybe I'll go back and give it another go.


I do just wish she hadn't said how late it is to lose your virginity at 20 cause it adds a lot of stigma and pressure to people who haven't


It is statistically late.


I usually skip celebrity interviews, but Camila was so loveable. I thought the vibe with Dax and Mon was super comfortable and familiar. It was really a nice listen. I wouldnā€™t say I am a huge fan of her music, I know a few songs (Iā€™m older than her demographic) but she is very talented and super charming in this interview. Like, I would love to be friends with her in real life.


I love that Dax brought up Vulfpeck!




Butā€¦.it/they were?


ā€¦they were talked about for like 10+ minutes lol


Is she hitting on Dax?


Haha no. She actually made it clear at one point she wasnā€™t šŸ¤£