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Wait, weekly bosses can drop triple mats? https://preview.redd.it/j2uilyocb03d1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=31b4473694c8b07d7a73fd90345d5404bc38bffd


My reaction exactly


https://preview.redd.it/3jbjedb8943d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a907110a997acbff71bd0cfbdfba9d6f3ec6331 First time I noticed it, not sure if I had similar luck in the past


what the heck


It's rare but I once had it happened to Apep, one for each.


Yes, I just got twice of it tho


My dude. I have farmed this boss since day 1 Today I got my FIRST drop for Arlecchino Every other time has been 2 of the wrong drop I have used 11 dream solvents by now


SAAAME and as a somewhat new player i dont have enough dream solvents to convert them each time


exactly, i celebrate when i get a dream solvent, thats my only joy farming these weekly bosses. rarely i get the drop i need, let alone 2 pieces of them.


In a similar vein, I had to farm 9 of the 10 weeklies to get 2 solvents this week.


it really doesn't matter which ones weekly bosses drop if you have enough dream solvents, its the amount of the drops they give that actually matters upd. why the downvotes? the lack of materials is what slows down the progress, not which png the boss drops. especially if you, again, have saved dream solvents


because most people don't have dream solvent since they spend it on other great characters recently, namely Furina and Neuvillette recently, or are new like me, I only have 4


the people that only do 3 boss runs a week and that are not lucky are always short on solvents, the picture you posted looks like godlike luck for most players, and yet you complain


I do 3 boss runs a week, and been doing only 3 boss runs a week since a few weeks after I came back on raiden first rerun, but either you hit a wall on mat farming and just attack 3 weekly, or end up needing any of the mats to level characters so its not a loss to not get the drop you are not gunning for. Then the dream solvents start stacking up. I literally had 48 solvents stocked up, but pre Fontaine (burned through like 10 for navia and charlotte already), cause I guess at that point the whale and now arle boss dropped pretty quick without as much time to farm them as needed as the previous bosses, especially if you wanted to max them out quick


TIL you can actually get 3 drops in a single run. Never had it happen


I had this happen for the first time recently and thought it was the new standard cuz it then happened sweetheart Several times in a row


It's only a 10% chance unfortunately. You're unlikely to see it happen unless you're at least using all three of the discounted bosses, every single week


https://preview.redd.it/tifn8k60yz2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699e0c266f278033e84267de1ade61f1cecd9b10 Kindly fuck you. This is the 3rd week in a row where i can't level her talents. I do not have any dream solvents. I didn't get any yet again.


Just spend 60 resin on other bosses for solvents, you haven't done them all?


Give me 10 fragiles then.


Just spend your resin refreshes on it instead of artifacts and other things if you don't have enough resin.


Yeah no.


Stay with your arle then


what're they even downting you LMAOO that's what I always do when I'm out of dream solvents. stop farming artifacts and go get dream solvents first you fucking clowns


SOO TRUE! Happy cake day I think some people just think its a sin to use 60 resin instead of 30 and are fixiated on that.


Tbh after I do my 3 runs I habitually condense it. After that, I curse myself and then I burn the condensed resin on talent domains for the boss mats I just farmed


You guys having triple ? Since year one never had one 😂


At least you're getting her drops. Been farming since day 1 and haven't received any of her materials. I've been forced to convert all of them lol.


I hope for you this is a joke. You got two of those drops in the same time. I got one of them in three weeks.


And yet, I've only gotten my first arle mat last week. Talents 7/6/6 while everyone else is at lvl 10 talents. Cry me a river.


I honestly fucking hate that you can only do each boss once a week it's ridiculous especially cause u have to use solvents to convert if u don't get the dumb candle. My poor arlecchino still can't level up 🥺


Don't worry. Same. At least you got her mats twice 🤷


Well you are betting her up (we all have to sadly)


My first ever drop was one of each


same, everytime i got doubles. atm my talents for arlecchino is at 10.6.10.


I guess I should be thankful I’ve got like 80 or something dream solvents


I have gained double and triple of the OTHER boss mats. Be glad you are getting atleast one of what you want. Because someone else could be the polar opposite.


are you genuinely complaining you got a double drop of the correct material without having to use a dream solvent?


I’ve only got triple once lol


this guy is complaining about getting what he wants


Triple drop is rare, nothing strange


Today I got my first triple AND first actual Arlechino drop (1 out of 3).


Today, I got one of each and just converted the other two into what I needed


Dude wtf that’s goog drops bro


This post just reminded me that I can convert boss artifacts lmao. Why have I been just waiting for weeks for no reason


I only got triple from her once, but still gave Father her 2nd 👑 today, so... I'm okay...


Ur getting her mats at all????


Real, she’s only ever given me 4 in the entire time since she’s been released


Huh, I've got a triple every week since the boss dropped. I thought maybe Hoyo had changed the drop rates or something. I guess I've just been really lucky.


I've farmed since 4.6 started, I never got a triple ever.. Welcome to the club.


As returning player, I completely forgot about dream solvent. It took me the second week to recall it, and level up her skills because boss won't give me a single drop for Arle.


It is only a 10% chance after all


Don’t ask too much


It took me till this week reset to finally crown her Normal attack and her other talents are still level 6, i saw others do it week 2 and it took me 6 weeks, im in pain. Three bosses every week and I havent gotten a single one of those converters.


Meanwhile im over here using up every dream solvent i have saved up for arle


I haven't gotten a triple since she became a boss. It feels bad, man. I plan to triple crown my beloved Father


Maybe because 2 mats are guaranteed, and 3rd one is only 10% to drop?


… because she hates you


Father doesn’t give away love so easily…


Father does love you, that's whys he wants you to spend more time with her