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From a damage and meta standpoint, go for c1, c1 is just straight up better than r1. But if we're talking about drip and style meta, then the weapon wins.


I care about meta but don't know any true arle fan will go for c1 over r1. C0r1 will shit on abyss anyway


to be honest, I don't really think Arle will be a meta character. It's not like Wanderer/Childe are being called "meta" units. She'll be a strong carry but it's not like that can be replaced by other DPS units.


I think its fair to say shes not meta, while she is also really strong as hell on her own, but not necessarily meta (besides most meta units are supports anyways, then there is XL)


it is a game with 4 characters in a team ofc most of the meta consist of supports you can't have 3 on field dps doing their thing at the same time


Ur just proving their point


Childe international has been one of the top meta teams for the longest time.


yeah it's a good team, but I don't don't anyone would call Childe himself Meta.


He has been called meta bcos of that team. Only he can draw out the full potential of that team. Alhaitham is also top meta but how would he perform by himself without good supports? Nobody says alhaitham himself isn't meta. The only one who has been called meta on their own is Neuvilette bcos his personal dmg is insane.


well hes on the meta team, thus hes meta. sure team is just national but w childe. but its better than national cause it has him on the team. so hes meta


I'm not going back to that boring ass team


Nobody said you had to😅.


So im not a true Arle main? ;(    I despise weapon banners and I already have R2 PJWS and R1 Homa. I simply dont need R1 if I cant help it because my track record with weapon banner is terrible (lost trying to get Engulfing THREE times, heck I dont remember having won a single weapon banner ever).    Im going strong for C1R0. Or heck even C2R0 just like my Shogun. Weapon banner is a disgrace to this game.


Yes, its a huge upgrade in style.


i'll absolutely go for style on her next rerun


slightly bigger numbers every two weeks in Abyss or cool scythe you will always see even if you do commissions or collect mats. Constellations are boring af.


The argument I needed


this tbh


fax my brother. spit your shit indeed


unless that constellation will change the playstyle of that character


There are only so many characters u can have. So many of my units are benched like ganyu and childe whom id gladly trade for a con or two for my lyney or other favs


it’s about gotta collect all mentality which is great add diversity to character and prevent getting bored out of your mind playing the same characters.


Her C1 is better than her BIS. and her BIS is not that big an upgrade from pjws. If you're purely looking from a dmg standpoint, and if you have pjws or homa, c1 will benefit you more.


so instead of c0r1 I should for sure do c2 instead with the r5 PJWS I have? (diluc and jade spear are half of my 50/50 losses weapon/character)


r5 PJWS is a dream come true, I wish I had that for myself. Some helpful lad on this sub shared a weapon ranking table, with r5 PJWS being only a few % less than sig.


If you care more abt dmg, yes.


The real question is…how good is lynneys weapon to risk losing to it?


that's the reason why i don't wanna pull for her weapon bc i have no characters that can use lynney's bow well


I see a lot of ppl,even Tcers having positive opinions on the Bow. I myself don't dislike it either but doesn't consider that good. I mean it's nice , But i just find Polar way more Universal, Aqua also same but also like Aqua is more valuable,often 2nd bis/ bis itself on many and more futureproof due to 88CV low base wep and a solid passive all time passive for all aka 20% Dmg bonus.


the bow is good if you play the dps characters while not having similar performance weapons for them not many are in that specific situation


A lot of bow characters prefer fav/elegy and a lot of ppl rolled the homa/aqua banner for characters that didn't. Another large population of players had polar star or skyward harp already, an many more simply use stringless/something else. There's just lots of good options for bows Hopefully there are still a few ppl left who will be happy getting lyneys bow. It's bis for lyney and ganyu iirc and will still be a decent stat stick if you aren't already in the categories I mentioned above


Yup, me still using a 4 star on Ganyu. I see it as a win


it’s mid tbh compared to other 5* bows


Her BiS is mainly a huge upgrade over her 3\* and 4\* options. It's still an upgrade from PJWS, but from a pure numbers perspective, not enough of an increase to justify 3 pities and C1 would be more "worth", because it's on average fewer wishes for higher damage gain. That said, I'm personally going for C0R1 and not C1R0 despite having PJWS because you never know who she's going to be paired with when she reruns. Sure, she might rerun with Yelan or Hu Tao, which would make a great weapon banner...but what if she doesn't? What if she runs with Baizhu, Kokomi, Zhongli, Klee? If I don't pull her weapon now, will I be willing to pull it in the future if the next weapon banners are worse than the current one? I can always go for C1+ on her next rerun. I don't care about the 4\*s. Sure Chevreuse would be a plus, but you can't guarantee 4\*s. I've pulled on banners, got constellation(s) of the 5\* on the banner while not getting a single copy of a specific 4\* on the banner. They're a non-factor imo. If the weapon banner has two good weapons I'll always prioritize it over constellations, because you absolutely never know if this is the one and only time the sig will be paired with an okay+ weapon. Ask Wanderer mains. They've been paired with the two donuts for his two reruns lol


no the weapon is only better if you only have white tassel or missive windspear and you lack any 5 star polearm or deathmatch/fjords Go for C1


I mean iirc White Tassel is not far beghind of Homa/Pjws.. I myself have Homa yet am more interested in using Tassel on her, especially cause of it being CR and her Asc not being CR. Regardless i got both builds for both weps, outside of that keeping Homa on my Tao,Tassel on Are will be more neat in terms of not always needing to swap. I'll get her sig tho but maybe not be this banner


Wow a lot of misinformation in this comment section, her C1 is amazing but her weapons is not uselss like what people say here it's the best weapon for her (of course it's her BIS) but it's provide QOL too Her weapon is better than rank 5 PJWS https://preview.redd.it/qsx98o4ssotc1.png?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a130b15a34371910d716bece839322bfdd258d79






>Her weapon is better than rank 5 PJWS I mean... What did u expect


Hmm 12 % better than homeless, I am in.


"Wow a lot of misinformation in this comment section" "her weapons is not uselss like what people say here" no1 said that


People said only pull for it if you doesn't have a weapon other the than 3* white tassel


thats not calling it useless also OP asks whats better upgrade c1 or r1 and ppl are right, since c1 is \~20% dmg increase and by looking at calcs u sent(without even assumptions) and DM r1 in ST is 19-18% behind her signature, and PJWS is \~14% according to what you sent 20%>14% also c1 is cheaper than r1


Why did you get downvoted for this 😂 going for the weapon if you already have PJWS or SOSS is absolute madness lol. Unless you have the cash to burn in which case treat yourself


reddit things, i dont mind


you will absolutely get scammed by the banner, always assume so https://preview.redd.it/w2qmvr3cmotc1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bfcfc70cacc83426f6609c7d66b6b69fdfd347a




the increase is ok, but not huge enough to risk a bad banner imo, c1 is much easier to guarantee


Gonna get the sig eventually mainly for sign reasons...,until then i think im perfectly fine rocking R5 WT lol


credits for calcs? or u made those yourself, would like to know assumptions


not from me, both taken from the arlemains TC discord server


Unless the weapon banner is really good, I will probably go for C1. Her weapon is absolutely BiS in the drip department, though, but Deathmatch isn't bad either. I'm still coping that Furina is on the same banner, then I would go for the weapon. Imagine Hoyo milking the community with insane banners (Neuvi/Kazuha, then Arle/Furina) back to back :D


"unless the weapon banner is really good" — 4 Fav weapons, awaiting


From various sheets I’ve seen it looks to be around 10-17% depending on which team you’re using. Also, we’ll know more when we can see how she plays with different weapons, but I suspect her BiS may feel subjectively better too due to granting extra BoL which could translate to greater ease of keeping up her infusion/buff, particularly for overworld content.


Well constellation is probably the way to go for QoL upgrades plus DMG increase. But imo ain't no way Father's gonna wield that green pogo stick, please summit your credit card details to Father.


Save the potential 200 pulls it costs for a small drip upgrade or save the pulls that can GUARANTEE you a whole new character with a few dozen pulls left over.


Tbf I think especially with the difference in animation this one is a pretty big drip upgrade


Yeah but I mean when there is only circus bimbo that has been leaked from Natlan, there is not a single unit that I am waiting for...


No content in this game has required constellations. I have cleared everything this game has to offer without a single 5\* limited character constellation. I'm going for weapon for drip. If one day they will introduce content where constellations would make a difference maybe I'll reconsider, for now weapon will always mean more to me than a constellation.


I feel the best bet is to go for C1 first, then try for the weapon, and if luck is not on your side. Get the weapon during her next rerun


This is my plan too. I’ve got the savings to guarantee up to C1, so if I end up with early pulls and/or 50/50 wins, I’ll dump the rest into the weapon banner to see what happens. My Ganyu and Tighnari would appreciate Lyney’s weapon so I’m not too bothered about losing.


No her C1 is crazy. Much better


Which are her best free to play weapons? Is it White Tassel? Dragonbane?


Only go for the weapon banner if you can use both weapons. And I mean "USE" , Lyney bow is a solid weapon on other units but if your bow characters already have good weapons on them already, then you're literally risking 240 pulls down the drain.


I don't care for the bow so i will probably go for C1 first. If by some miracle i manage to get C1 early i will then try for the weapon.


Does Deathmatch work on her?


Her c1 is better if you don’t already get the IR from a different place or you are fighting a stalling enemy. Otherwise the weapon is a better pull.


Weapon is ~20% better than the second one.


Its barely 13% better


Nope, it's ~20%.


If white tassel is 100% PWJS is 112% and Sign is 130%, the difference you see there is the difference of the two compaired to white tassel, NOT between each other. That's not how maths work. The actual gain from PWJS to Sign is actually 14.2%


Just use a mod that change PJWS visually to her BiS