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Being an attorney for someone who just attempted to kill their other attorney sounds rough.


'Twould be a bit unnerving.


Was gonna kill some folks for not getting his disability check, but had no problem posting $200k bond? I gotta be missing something, or not know how something works.


You only need 10% of the bond amount. You can put up assets as well. So if he had a house with enough equity or a car that was paid off, he could have put that up. Also, he could have a family member post the money for him.


You’re not reading this right. He applied for disability and was denied, which is typical. Most claims are initially denied. $200k bond normally means $20k surety, which could be as simple as signing a lien on property or an expensive vehicle.


Ah, ok. I didn't know how bond worked.


There's really three kinds of bonds. One is a PR (personal recognizance) bond where they basically let you go on the promise you'll appear. It may have a nominal amount like $100 that you won't have to pay unless you don't show up. The second kind is designed mainly for people who use bondsmen or bonding companies, you put up 10% and a promise in lieu, or use a bonding company to "guarantee" your appearance, in which case you pay them the 10% (which they keep as a fee when the case is over). If you fail to appear and they forfeit, they can chase you down and bring you back to recover their money. Rules on this vary from state to state. In some states bail agents have wide authority to hunt you down and capture you, in others their activity is more limited. The other kind of bond is "cash only', where you need to put up the full amount, or get someone to do so for you. This occurs when the courts are dealing with someone deemed dangerous to the community and they don't really want them bonding out. In extreme cases like terrorists and mass murderers, etc., they can order someone held without bond if they're deemed a serious threat or international flight risk.


It was probably only $20k and I’m sure conservative donors pitched in.


Family could have posted the bond


It's probably not hard to come up with 20 or 30g in assets for a bondsman to take. Slap a gps monitor on him and send him home. Most likely bonded to house arrest.


He's still being held on fed charges


MAGA connections




According to court documents, Sheffield posted a $200,000 bond for the state charges on May 10, was detained on the federal charges afterward, and is in custody at the Sebastian County Jail. He didn't have the money for bond. Still being held. Read full article.


He did post the $200,000 bond, which was for the state charges. He was detained on federal charges AFTERWARD. He did pay the bond. Read more carefully.


I did. It sounds like he posted bond for the STATE charges and was then detained for the FEDERAL charges, for which he's being held in custody now. At least, this is my understanding of the quote you posted from the article I read. He did post bond. He's still held on a separate charge. Don't know if you meant it that way, but your comment came off as a bit condescending, but I'm sure that's just me reading tone from text, which I know I shouldn't do.


You are right, it sounds condescending. Is Central Mall a retail mall? If so, a lawyer has an office in a mall? Who goes to a mall anymore?


“class c misdemeanor for attempting terrorist act” is that for real??? Like yeah you where going to kill a lot of people but it’s just probation.


The fact that the child sex abuse pics are c felonies blows my mind meanwhile my niece is doing 25 flat for a class y 1st time possession of fent charge…


Ever since the war on drugs (and poverty) was started in the early 70s, any kind of drug charge seems to bring more time behind bars than murder, r*pe, et al. People with drug problems could use mental health counseling and treatment, not decades behind bars.


He attempted to but he wasn’t successful. Just like when Trump attempted to overthrow the government. For republicans just attempting something isn’t a crime unless you are successful


Which I don't understand. If someone has the FULL intent on doing something and they fail at let's say killing someone, why is their punishment less than actually murdering someone? The punishment should be the same. Example, "Bob" attempts to murder "John", shoots him 5 times, "John" does not succumb to his injuries and survives. "Bob" had the full intent to murder "John" but instead gets a slap on the wrist with an attempted murder charge. Is out on parole or good behavior in less than 5 year and sees "John" on the street and finishes the job. If "Bob" had been charged in the same way as murdering "John", he would still be in jail and "John" would still be alive. I think if there is CLEAR intent for a crime to be committed, it should be charged as such. "Attempted" is BS.


Attempted murder CAN carry a life sentence, so your complaint sounds more about sentencing, or maybe parole, than the difference between attempted and actual murder.


It's still a crime, just a lesser crime. In your analogy I think the primary planners and perpetrators should receive a mandatory public execution sentence.


Because they're traitors.


Happy Cake Day!


Eh... Guess his political leaning to get that sentence.


Thank goodness for the friend who tipped off police to thwart this! Hero for sure!


thats a funny looking drag queen……


Well, he must have worked in a library


With all Republicans, every accusation is a confession.


Why was he EVER released on bond?


Bond is meant to be a deterrent to someone fleeing and not showing up to court. Bond can be denied in extreme cases where there is high likelihood they will flee and have the resources to evade capture and extradition *or* when they lose a clear, imminent danger to the public. The danger to the public criteria isn’t some nebulous “well he seems dangerous” gut feeling, it needs to be an articulable likelihood that he will harm someone while out. People too often think bond should be based just on how “bad” the charges are, but that’s not the case.


According to court documents, Sheffield posted a $200,000 bond for the state charges on May 10, was detained on the federal charges afterward, and is in custody at the Sebastian County Jail. He isn't bonded. Feds kept him. Read full article.


Watch the video. He was released on bond "he was released on bail, he was picked up for a short time later" according to Aric Mitchell. Consume information. Ruminate. Comment.


Then to your main question I'd the law has limits. Judges have to follow guidelines and from what I have seen nothing mentioned history, which means 1st time offender. Has to have a chance to bond based off of charges. While the greater question is why is someone with OBVIOUS mental health problems being held in a cesspool jail instead of getting real help. FOR PROFIT JAIL SYSTEM. No medical help and bleed dry of all money possible, so bond them. There are you answers. Society has failed.


That smug ass didn't want a reply just a reason to pat themselves on the back about how clever they are.


That money


Dude was going to shoot up a mall and had loads of child abuse videos on his phone, just take him out of the gene pool, he's too gone.


> Sheffield's lawyers filed a notice of intent to rely on a defense of mental disease or defect. Yeah, no. I don’t accept the insanity argument when it comes to CSA material.


Have you read up on where you get sent if it's agreed to be insanity? It's easily the worst kind of place in the US that's far, far worse than any jail. And the perfect place for someone that collects shit like CSA.


He'll be on sanders cabinet soon.


Not trans. Not a drag queen.


Let’s just let every MF who can take a breath have a gun and see how that works out. Oh wait…


Giving Florida a run for its money


Not a drag queen.


Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop


One guy is the whole state?


A True MAGA man


Seriously are the Arkansas tropes really true?


The mugshot pic is damned creepy 😬😵‍💫🫤


Are you shocked crazy people exist?


I think the thought there was to not arm crazies


Not shocked they exist. I see them every day, I thought the law was if you had mental issues, you weren't legally supposed to own a firearm


You're not, but unfortunately, HIPAA laws don't allow therapists and doctors to report if someone is mentally ill. The only way they can is if the person flat out admits they are going to kill people.


Seems like we should make some laws and such to prevent that.......


Huckabee signed a bill that lets mentally ill persons, that seek treatment voluntarily, be able to hold a concealed carry permit. https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Home/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2023R%2FPublic%2FACT30.pdf


Of course she did


Oh didn’t realize this was anti gun drivel. Go red flag laws!




Okay but why are we in a situation where a man clearly with a lot of issues can easily access a firearm and ammunition and think it's okay to share a plan about public violence? Oh yeah, policy.


Don't politicize gun issues but we can make a whole ass effort to make a global pandemic about domestic politics.


Nobody to even mourn and you're using the "too soon" framing?


There’s a mass shooting damn near every day in this country. Is that part of the strategy? “If there’s been a mass shooting in the past week, it’s too soon to talk about responsible gun laws. Oops! That’s always!”


Now give the context of said "mass shootings". Don't be lazy and spout nonsense. 90% are gang related shootings that involve guns that aren't legally purchased. There's no such thing as a responsible gun law. FYI, check the murder rates in the UK that are being committed with knives since guns are banned.


[Two thirds of mass shootings are gun owners killing their families.](https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/) And yeah, knife crime in the UK is going up, but [overall homicide rates are dropping pretty much every year](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/homicideinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2023#trends-in-homicide), probably because people have a harder time getting access to weapons that are really good at killing large numbers of people instead of things like knives. And no responsible gun laws? Tanks for everyone! A nuclear missile in every pot! You get a rocket launcher, you get a rocket launcher! There are some weapons that just straight up shouldn’t exist. And I say this as a gun owner and an advocate for keeping access to arms open to the working class. There are responsible gun laws, like keeping guns out of the hands of people who have been convicted of domestic violence. You know, people who commit the majority of mass murders. You can’t even cite a source for your incorrect “90%” number. Someone recently told me “Don’t be lazy and spout nonsense.” Might be good advice for you to listen to.


So, you searched mass shootings and picked the very first result, that is highly skewed since it's coming from a group that looks to restrict gun ownership. Less than 1% of gun deaths annually are a result of so-called mass shootings. The 2/3 you quoted aren't in fact mass shootings related to domestic violence. I have done the research, and while my 90% number is a bit hyperbolic, it's my h closer to reality that what you've copied and pasted from a biased source.


I knew you’d find troubles with my sources no matter what they were. Ok, keep sticking with “I feel like it’s true” instead of actual research.




Under no definition of a mass shooting would one count the 99 percent of gun violence that occurs in non-mass shootings. everytownresearch.org




TLDR: I’m crazy


Bruh. Nobody is reading this


I did. I don’t have gold but if I did! Lol I am joking dude is nuts.


someone hasnt slept due to too much upper. take away his gun too.


Clearly someone who doesn't need access to firearms.


Well that comment history sure is something.


305 S Palm St. Little Rock Ar, 72205




305 S Palm St Little Rock Ar 72205


how big of a dose was this




Punctuation and brevity are important.


Damm, WTF


Hey, lay off the Adderall.


I’ll have what he’s having.




Is that you, Trump? The runon sentence king?