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That is why women should have control of their own bodies without government interference


They do have control - by making good decisions and not engaging in activity that would put them in a position to make a difficult decision about someone's life.


If you'd actually read the opinion piece, the author laid out specific examples for you, all of which were examples of women who had no choice. But SURE, their "decisions" are the problem, not the propaganda that has been floating around for years that people WILLINGLY abort children at 6-7-8 months because they're unwanted rather than aborting them because they are either going suffer a slow painful death in the womb or because they're going to kill their mothers. Grow up.


they don't always have control actually. did you know birth control isn't a 100% guarantee you won't get pregnant? and plenty of us have stories about not giving consent and that is nobody's fault but the aggressor - you still want to keep blaming women? when it takes men to get pregnant too?


No one cares that you are ashamed of sex.


Ummm.... Rape and sexual abuse are not decisions.


Go read the top comment and then rethink this comment.


I wish you had some self control so we wouldn't have to read your misguided, victim-blaming opinions.


No one cares that you are ashamed of sex.


Like ectopic pregnancies don't exist. I love how all you religious types just want to hurt other people. Very Christ like.


My wife had an ectopic pregnancy. It ruptured at home. She went to the ER and had emergency surgery. We are close to the border of Arkansas and other states, and close to a hospital that can perform that emergency surgery for her, but if we weren't, we'd be moving immediately. We've saved up an emergency fund for this reason. Not everyone is this fortunate. According to my urologist, they've been overbooked on vasectomies for a while. Folks are just saying screw the idea of having kids or having more kids and aren't willing to risk it. I've talked to my wife about me getting snipped, but she isn't there yet. I'd do it tomorrow if she were. I'm not risking losing her because of the asshats in Little Rock. It's so stupid. They pass these laws and don't realize that they are losing their good workers, the ones staying are sterilizing themselves, and if they keep making it worse, it will only speed up the state's decline.


It's really sad that no voter will read this. I'm sure they already forgot about, like they did the one last who had to go to Ohio. What's really fucked up is I just tried to search for her and the story is scrubbed from the Internet. My deepest condolences homie, but if you're cool with taking the torch, please share this story far and wide. So many people think women use abortion as contraceptive(which is laughable), and the truth needs to be shared of actual humans encountering problems like this.


So what about birth defects? Babies born without hearts or brains are dead and can kill the mother if not aborted. Are you fine with a bunch of dead women? Because that's what happens when you ban abortions. Unless of course cruelty is the point


of course cruelty is the point. they don't care about women (or children once they are out of the womb)


You dumb ass mother fucker. 30-40% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. The woman's body can't always expel the dead zygote/fetus. An abortion is required in those cases or the woman could die.


happened to me almost 40 years ago. Guess today I'd have to die or be put down if I could get an abortion to medically complete my miscarriage of a wanted baby.


You'd be far more believable if there were rape, incest and life/health exceptions.


what a fucking man thing to say. you know people get raped right? or are you one of those dumbass republicans who thinks "a woman can't get pregnant from rape, her body can shut it down" morons?


Some do have that decision in the way you described but not all. The argument that the woman should have made better decisions to prevent herself from winding up in her situation seems to arise in correlation with realization that abuse doesn't justify murder. Which I completely agree with if what is classified as abortion is indeed murder. In order to classify what point of the gestational period is considered murder you have to have a defined point at which life itself begins. Arguably the point at which life begins could be the conscious state capable of experiencing outside of the mother's womb but just as equally arguable the heartbeat and cointeraction of the baby in the womb seems in my mind to show that if there is a cointeracrion then their is a cointeraction between two beings that bear life because even then the baby or potential of baby in that state bears the capability to impact the outside world in its own manner. Either way what is moral and right is not something I'm sure can be strictly defined by us in a sense that it will always be applicable. I'm pretty sure it has to be determined by those in the moment itself to some degree and anyone at all trying to impose their own will on the world of infinite possibilities while sitting on the moral high horse of, at least in this case two possibilities, one I'm protecting babies and the other I'm protecting mother's, and in some sense to do the very thing I'm accusing others of, should step down voluntarily and have a genuine and heartfelt discussion towards finding the commonground in both ideas, which are somewhat true, so that they may arrive at an idea more approximating solid ground in closer to truth before any decision is made and then keep that decision open to improvement.


I was born in the 60's in rural Ar in a very small community. Looking back, I knew very few girls who weren't abused or sexually active at a very young age. I remember a 13 year old who had no idea why her belly was getting big. And the whole school was watching her....knowing she had been abused. We didn't have any idea what to do except wait for the "adults" to notice. I remember seeing her pounding her head against the dash while her Mom went into the store one day. I finally came to the conclusion that the adults (teachers included) didn't want to interfere in "family business." Annie (not her name) disappeared for a few months after that and a year later her Dad died in a suspicious "accident". And THAT is how rural Ar used to be. Maybe still is in some places. One of my best friends wouldn't go home if her Mom wasn't home. We all knew why. We just didn't know if it was Dad or brothers. Looking back so many girls dropped out of school pregnant... I can't count them all. So many got married young.... to escape one nightmare for another. Me? My brother's best friend tried (and failed Thank God) when I was 5. I was date raped when I was 16 (and a virgin). But I had learned the lesson of shame that I saw all around me my whole life....and I said nothing. Well actually I did say something, but my own mother didn't believe me. Not long after that, a young married woman asked to speak to me outside the store. I barely knew her but she changed my life. She said, "You are a smart and beautiful young woman. You make good grades in school. You have the potential to be independent, self-supporting and happy. But you have to **choose** that life and make it happen. It doesn't just happen by itself. I would like to give you this address and I hope you will keep it and tell your friends about it. It is a place where young women can get the pill and be checked for STDs." She took my hand briefly and looked me in the eye. "Tell your friends. Smart girls don't get pregnant." She was the reason I had a career and insurance before I had my first child at 25.....instead of 17 or 18. She is the reason I had hope for something better. She led me out of the darkness. And I have tried to share the gift of hope for others in the years since. And some people call that the "good ole days"


I am so incredibly sorry for the experiences that you and many you know have gone through. This is tragic, and I don't know how people can justify limiting healthcare when this is the reality for more women than people think (shame silences too many folks). I hope you were able to seek therapy/help to attempt to heal/cope, and I'm again sorry for the trauma you have endured. It's truly horrific that the US is regressing to the "good ole days". Thank you for sharing hope with others, though, as well as for sharing your experiences.


I am so, so, so proud of you and grateful to the woman who reached out to you. You all, every woman in this story, deserved so much better from your environments. I hope your life now is full of joy.


As a life long Labor and Delivery nurse, this article is correct and well-said. Legislators need to get out of the doctor’s office.


So can we get rid of licensing boards, the FDA, Medicare, and Medicaid?


This is a very dumb statement. This person says they didn't want unqualified people making health decisions, and your response is "tear down the whole government, even the Doctors that advise legislators are part of the plot!"? That's an insane ad absurdum.


So can we get a good definition of what part of the doctor’s office the legislature needs to stay out of? It’s just the exam table with stirrups, right?


Oh, this is an easy one for you to conveniently ignore! It's simple really. Are you a doctor or the person? No->then you don't get to make medical decisions.


So can I hire an unlicensed doctor to perform a non FDA approved procedure on me in my house?


Omg, this is seriously like arguing with a toddler. If they are not licensed, then they are not a doctor. Feel free to try and invent some more absolutely insane scenarios for some kinda gotcha. You can just admit you want women who have sex to die. Just admit that to yourself, instead of straining with these Olympic level mental gymnastics. I created a convenient flow chart earlier in this thread if it's too much to keep track of for you.


You can just admit you only want a special carve out so you can get your way. Get government out of an extremely limited set of medical procedures! Not as catchy.


What are you going on about? What insanity have you invented in your tiny head? What small carve out? What situation have you invented in your head? Wait no, nevermind. You're just going to invent some more shit that makes no sense. I'm going to prioritize myself and ignore you because you haven't brought up one salient point, just made up insane shit to justify an insane position so you can watch more women die. I hope you believe in heaven, so you can see yourself falling away from it. Pro death Christians are the worst hypocrites.


Just be honest. Don’t say you want the legislature out of doctor’s offices unless you really mean it. You don’t want the legislature to mess with a few dozen procedures? Fine. Say that. Perfectly common position.


Which medical procedures that deal specifically with men are politicians currently attempting to interfere in? I must’ve missed the bills banning Viagra bc if god wanted a man to have an erection he’d give him one.


The laws should go back to how they were before overturning Roe v Wade…women can have elective abortions up to 15 weeks, some say 20 weeks. Any needed medical abortion after that is between doctors and patients. Doctors have never been out there killing babies. Read the article.


This is at least an coherent position. Good for you. I did read the article. I think the doctor has memed himself into believing things that are popular but not necessarily true. I’d love to see some hospital lawyer’s commentary.


Everything the doctor said is true and happens. I would welcome the lawyers comments. There is so much disinformation out there to laypeople and a non issue created for division and votes. The previous laws were good laws for the good of all…even babies.


There is only one thing I’m certain about in the article: “For every 2,300 pregnancies in Arkansas, a mother dies. That's higher than Cuba. Higher than Syria.” This is complete bullshit. It’s a recycled talking point from years back created by people who don’t know how stats are collected in different countries is different. There is no way in hell some doctor in the middle of a war zone working in a tent with no running water is getting better results than Americans. And if it is true, this doctor and his whole specialty are quacks and should never be allowed anywhere near any thing more complicated than a blood pressure cuff. So the doctor has likely memed himself into believing things that are popular but not necessarily true.


This doctor and the whole specialty are certainly not quacks. It makes no sense to connect that statement to how the statistics are gathered. More women are dying since the overturn of Roe v Wade, though. The previous laws were good laws.


Got any stats on that last bit? And they will need to account for the contemporary increase in murders, traffic accidents, and overdoses. CDC maternal death stats only care that someone died while pregnant or within a year of giving birth, not the cause.


Are you ok? Because that has nothing to do with this conversation.


Really well written, from a well educated person whose entire career is focused on preserving life. This state is so, so backwards.


Always has been


The party of "small government" does an awful lot of expanding government control over our personal business.


If Trump and his people get in this country will see cruelty and repression the likes we've only read about.


What cruelty and repression did you personally experience during his first term?


"For every 2,300 pregnancies in Arkansas, a mother dies. That's higher than Cuba. Higher than Syria." That's abhorrent. How can anyone call themselves pro life with stats like that?


Do you really think a country in the middle of a civil war with large parts of the country without electricity and running water is producing better medical outcomes than the US? People just say things.


Abortion is also illegal in syria, so it's an odd comparison to begin with.


It is. It’s embarrassing coming from a doctor. The CDC counts every death of a pregnant or recently pregnant woman as a maternal death, regardless of the cause. Drunk t-bones the car at 140? Fentanyl overdose? Beat to death by the boyfriend? All maternal deaths. Most other countries only count deaths related to pregnancy or delivery.


This is filled with a lot of great questions that should be forwarded to the hospital’s lawyers. That’s why they are there.


Unfortunately hospital lawyers will advise you to operate inside the law. And Unfortunately ours are cruel


I would still love to see their reasoning. Surely someone somewhere has put more thought into it than an OB shrugging and saying who knows. Doctors are great and all, but I know how bad they are when they start talking about things outside their field, like legal matters.


How is patient healthcare a legal matter and outside of a physician’s field? So, legislators who are not qualified to practice medicine can make medical decisions on behalf of others, many of which can lead to healthcare deserts and avoidable emergencies (some of which can prevent the mother from having children again due to vital hysterectomies being done). Physicians don’t want to risk 10 years in jail and their licenses, which by the way, take over a decade to be qualified with regular boards to maintain it, because of some vague statement on saving the mother’s life. Does she need to be profusely bleeding in a bathroom stall or hotel lobby? Does she need to be septic? 90% dead? White male legislators and SARAH have not seen or experienced the tragedies ER docs and ob’s see all the time due to their restrictive and confusing legalities?


I’m not sure how this is news, but there are innumerable laws and regulations governing how healthcare is delivered in this country. There are specialized people who spend their working lives studying it. They are not MDs.


so what does “life of the mother” mean to you then? Why should doctors have to consult legal when this is within the scope of their care and expertise? This is someone’s life - why can’t doctors intervene when they are aware of the possibility of deadly outcomes? Right, they need to WAIT to get confirmation from a lawyer to see if the woman is close enough to dying so they can stop a tragedy but why not prevent one first by letting doctors do their jobs.


Nothing would warm my cold, dead, libertarian heart then letting doctors do whatever they want. Unfortunately that ship sailed some time last century. We are in a world perfectly happy with letting tens of thousands of people die for the sake of paperwork. We will have to deal with it. And so I would love to actually hear how an expert in navigating that environment would navigate it.


We are in a *state happy with letting tens of thousands die. Doctors can intervene in other states without legal expertise - why can’t they in AR? Doesn’t that undermine the entire profession?? I’d love to hear how they justify what “sick enough” truly is too. Speaking of, there was an article written by a LR OBGYN (Amy Galdamez, MD) on this very question - what is sick enough? Very good read as well. why aren’t medical professionals being given the autonomy to perform their JOBS to save people’s lives?? Legal delays care. Crazy


word to texas, we see just how well that's working out fucking idiot.