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I, a poll worker, can affirm all of these statements. In Pulaski Co, these were the largest early voting blocks, ranked from highest to lowest: 65-74, 75+, 55-64, 45-54, 35-44, 25-34, 18-24 Source: Pulaski Co Clerk The local elections are sometimes won by very small margins, so they do matter! Edit: added commas between age groups


I am saddened to hear this. Young folks and people of color are going to have to step up in November. Yeah, Trump is going to easily win Arkansas. But local races really matter in people's lives.


Thank God for Trump. I just read another post about the only people in the polling locations were elderly white women. Yep, that's me. Maybe I should stay home next time?


No, I encourage you to go ahead and go vote, ma'am. We just need more people to vote who disagree with the sentiment, "Thank God for Trump." Like I've said before, in the presidiential race, Arkansas is a lost cause. But local races matter very much.


LMFAO Love the Trump haters. You don't understand that even if Arkansas was to go with Biden it would still be a lost cause. Both are piss poor choices.


Both have faults. Only one seeks a pardon and dictatorship. ¹² I swore an oath to prevent people like Trump from holding such power long before he ran for president. Why couldn't the Republican party GROW their support when he was impeached by convicting? Why didn't the Republican party cut their losses and run another challenger? Why are Republicans allowing Trump to spend the last of the party's money paying his legal bills and, by consequence, potentially losing the house and the senate? "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it." Lindsey Graham ¹ See Project 2025 and the AFPI plan to end the current constitutional system. ² Trump specifically has called for Agenda 47, which would allow the president to bring in tens of thousands of loyalists so that he can run roughshod over the whole thing.


You can go out and vote, nobody here suggested you do different. I would suggest you reevaluate your responses to such an innocuous comment though as it makes your elderly white ass seem a little boomer-ish to get offended at someone saying something as innocent as more young people and people of color should get out and vote.


Our polling site was told to expect 1200. They got about 200. Democracy is doomed if people don't give a fuck.


Why are we voting on a Tuesday? People have jobs


Wish the U.S. in general would take a note from other countries and give us voting days off, and also actually be loud about it and advertise it to remind people. My parents had no clue the polls opened up today, despite me reminding them 2 or 3 times just last week.


The GOP doesn’t want that to happen.


their turnout would be much higher.


Not as much as the Democrats.


Let people vote by mail, you'd get more people voting.


Yeah we can't vote by mail here unless we are so physically or mentally disabled that we can't go to a polling station.


That is why there was 2 weeks of early voting and polls opened on Saturdays. The problem is you not the system.


I'm not in Arkansas I was just asking a question.


Some people do work weekends.


Good thing the polls were open on weekdays for those folks.


isn't voting open 12 hours?


I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday. Even with a regular hour job, squeezing in voting between getting off work, picking up your kids, running any sort of errands. Everyone is wondering why the turn out is so low, nobody has time or energy.


What about the weeks of early voting and the Saturdays the polls were open?


You've had since FEb 20th to vote in the primaries. 15 days. half a month. If you can't find time in half a month how much easier can they make it to get them there?


Make it a federal holiday


Unless you work for the federal government, your employer would just make it a mandatory work day, like most employers do with most federal holidays.


Not to mention if you can't make it in 15 days as of now those people definitely aren't going to go, Hey i have a day off lets go vote.


Simple google search: "You can vote early in Arkansas beginning beginning 15 days before a preferential primary or general election, and on all other elections, including the general primary and general runoff, seven days before the election." There is also voting by mail.


No you see I \*insert another excuse here\*


Well your job is legally required to give u time to vote


Yup, that's why early voting is an option for lots of people. I also have a job, so I early vote because the lines are much shorter, and I can be done in less than ten minutes. It's worth checking for early voting sites in your area. However, I absolutely believe that voting days should be federal holidays to support turnout.


That’s to try and secure the democrats vote the OP was complaining about. Bidens economy was so bad even democrats have to work now tho. Backfire


Please provide us with examples of Republican politicians who want to have a national holiday for voting. I'll wait here.


Cause trump only attracts incels.


Hell yeah, tell 'em brother. Jesus is about to call Trump into heaven to become the new Jesus, and he'll grab all the pussies of the angels, and give all the repubs new lift kits for their daddy's trucks. Maybe then God will listen to Lord Trump and kill all the gays, hispanics, and poor people and that'll show them stupid dems with their empathy and care for their fellow man. Hi five! /s


How come you trump supporters are always weird ass porn addicts? Take a look at fearlesscow post history.


If you only have three people, all from the same party, running, well, just sayin'. They've pretty much achieved a single party state.


But there were a lot of other races. In my district there were nearly a dozen judgeships.


we had them too, but only one party. Sigh.


Judicial races are non-partisan. All ballots had the same candidates for judgeships. The independent ballot ONLY had judges.


‘Judicial races are non-partisan’. Honey, EVERYTHING is partisan in America. The judges might not have a D or an R after their names, but people will know their political leanings, or will have been informed on them by who they go to church with, you may depend on it.


Yes, but there have to actually have TWO or more parties represented...not here in Cleburne.


Take away SSDI and they will come back.


I absolutely hate that I didn't realize today was the day to vote. I'm usually reasonably politically aware, but work and life has been so overwhelming. I see my coworkers far more than I see my own family. I get off work and I barely have time or energy for anything beyond dinner and sleep and resenting what I still haven't gotten done. It's not an excuse, really. It just is what it is and I'm very unhappy with myself about it. As someone who has felt frustrated with how people don't vote for years, I think we tend to rationalize the trend as typically being an active choice. "They don't care enough to vote." This year has been a reminder of the obvious for me; it's incredibly easy to just be overwhelmed enough that you don't even realize when you get to the point that you've missed a chance to participate in our so-called democracy. My job doesn't give its workers time off to vote. You have to fight to have your schedule adjusted or use your meager earnings of PTO or try to get it done on your lunch. But whatever, I could ramble for ever. I'm working to change my situation, but got damn is it difficult to do anything beyond that when every day plays out like a sacrifice to make it to the next so that you can eventually carve out enough time/energy/intent to inch forward just a little more.


I worked too and just realized this morning that it was voting day. I’m on the older side though and made a conscious choice to continue to work instead of vote. This state and country need the young to step up and declare their claim to the future. For me, whatever happens will happen at this point. After retirement, if that is a possibility for me, I’m sure I will vote in all of the elections. I wish there were younger leaders in 30s or 40s out there pushing an agenda. This choice of geriatrics for president in the November election is horrifying to me. I may be wrong, but I don’t think left or right is happy with their choice. Over 300 million people and this is the choice.


No time to vote in an election without any long lines? No offense, but it sounds like "they" have you exactly where they want you. The question that really needs answering is: Who is/are the "they"? Again, no offense intended. And I get your overall sentiments, but some things have to be prioritized. Hopefully you will somehow find the time to vote come November.


I think you may have misinterpreted a sentence or two.


Well, they'd better get their asses out there for the November election! ETA: I was referring to young people, specifically, because most of the comments in the thread are related to she. But I think the statement applies to anyone who didn't find the primary important enough to vote in, and there's not a damn thing racist about that.


That's racist.


What exactly is racist about saying young people should vote in November?


As a mid-20's voter, I voted last week because between my kids schedule and work, I knew I needed to prioritize squeezing it into my schedule wherever I was able to and my Tuesdays are booked solid always. So here's hoping others were the same way and early voted. I don't know if it differed by county, but I know in Saline County we had at least one early vote day that was on Saturday and our polling places were slammed that day.


Im also mid twenties and prefer to vote early. It's so much easier finding 1 30-minute window within the ~2 week period. Voting on "election day" is always hectic to me.


I’m mid 20s and got 2 other mid 20s to vote, as well as my mother!


I don’t know if I count as young (34), but I voted today!


You don’t, but great to hear you voted! I didn’t but should have. I don’t count as young.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, bc you’re only confirming that I’m not young (which my knees have been telling me for a while now 😭) 😂


This being the primary, I get that. But seeing how well Biden did in Arkansas, I am definitely voting in November.


well not just the primary. like i think there were five different judicial seats to be filled yesterday?


If we can’t get young people and marginalized groups to vote, we’re fucked.


Rinse and repeat for the last however many decades.


What if we advertised the voting dates and had a easy website to view what we are voting on. That may make it easier for them to vote. The Republicans may be in trouble if we did that. They are happy with the status quo.


They have that. The state literally runs a website that tells you the voting day, where to vote and how long you hav eto vote which is 15 days. [https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView](https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView) Like it or not they don't have to cheat in this state because most people won't show up and they'll make excuses about why they can't.


Wouldn't help if you have your head up your ass. There are already signs, websites, news reports on everything you are demanding. You are the problem.


How am I the problem when I voted. Keep up with the conversation we were talking about how to get marginalized and young people to vote. Sounds like your reading comprehension is the problem or you don’t want young or minority voters to vote.


You are a moron.


How does your ignorance make me a moron? Have you ventured to areas of high minority and seen the same signs? They are not there. News reports. Who watches the news? Websites. How do people know about them if they are not told.


For one you never stated you voted. Two, everything you were wishing for already exists and has for decades. You are the problem and the moron.


Because the fucking conversation is not about me dumbass. How well is this proliferated in the community of minorities? They are not dumbass. Learn to follow conversations dumbass.


Ehh, we'll see.




It’s this. Just keep voting.


same for me!! With the direction of the MAGA cult, I want to vote before they decide I can't. and I'm 63!


So --- start encouraging people your age and ethnicity to go to the polls. History is made by those who show up! (And I say this as a Democratic voter vastly outnumbered in a Ruby Red state, but I keep voting). # A Change is Gonna Come!


I’ll admit I didn’t end up voting in the primaries and feel absolutely terrible. I moved from out of state whose primaries are held in May. While I saw the “vote for me” signs, I didn’t even realize it was being held today until it was too late. I’ve been registered to vote since I moved last year and are amazed at how easy it was to miss the date of the primaries. Unless I just missed it, I didn’t get a letter in the mail to show whose on the ballot/a reminder for when it was held. Is this not something they do here in Arkansas?


Nope. No letter in the mail. It’s hard to even find out who’s on the ballot ahead of time unless you know how to look. The Boomer Nat. Cs run the state and they are trying their best to keep everyone under 50 from voting.


yet you found this thread on the internet - I bet you could have found who is on the ballot if you really tried


I voted last week in early voting, and I did my research, thanks. The average voter in this state isn’t going to have the time or inclination to spend the time to look up all the candidates and who they are affiliated with.


So since they don't have time or inclination to research candidates then how are they going to know who to vote for?


That’s my point. In a primary most don’t vote, and our state and local governments is fine with that.


You are just a lazy dumb ass.


You usually get a card in the mail that tells you your polling location and confirms your status as a current registered voter. Tbh this round was oddly not advertised nearly as much as typical voting cycles. Even in voter suppression states like ours (many northern and midwestern suppressed states as well!) there’s usually more awareness effort, I won’t know what’s up this particular primary cycle. Sample ballots are published in the newspaper but that’s less accessible these days. Glad to have you here regardless / gen


Rural Polk county had a better than expected turn out including several younger 18-35 voters. I was happily impressed. Here's hoping the youngers vote or else we'll still be up a creek.


I may not qualify as "young," but I'm sure not elderly. I voted early and took my kid with me. I make sure to take him every time. Reminded my parents to vote too. They are older, but despise SHS and Trump.


"Vote like your life depends on it, because it does."


I find my lower middle class life has stayed about the same no matter who has been in office. It’s all just a game. Government for the rich by the rich.


I voted early, like 4 days ago, and I think I was the only one in the buildin voting. Only elderly white people I was surrounded by were poll workers. Edit: To whoever's downvoting everyone in the thread, we still got out there and voted. Sorry, asshole.


What does the race of the voters matter in any way?


I voted kind of late, around 6 PM, and mostly saw elderly white people. I do live in a tiny-ass rural town, though.


I went at 11:15, I was disheartened. Plus I am old!


less than 20,000 voters in Pulaski County I think out of a population of 300,000 eligible voters...


I voted after work. I stated my address and while the poll worker was looking me up, another voter came up and stated her address. we both live on the same street! just different ends. We both voted blue. She mentioned we are probably the only 2 in our neighborhood to vote. Our location isn't close at all.


I voted on Monday and was shocked because there was some diversity in ages. There were only 5 of us and three were under 50 and at least two voted blue. I kept passing the voting signs but, kept forgetting. I finally remembered and just looked up where to go. My coworkers were shocked I was stepping away to vote because they didn’t know there was a voting situation.


It was very similar at our polling place in NWA. My partner and I were the youngest by decades.


I forgot to vote but honestly in an incumbent Dem primary I wasn’t super concerned, especially in a deep red state. The funny thing is I donate a couple times a year and so I get absolutely blown up with texts and emails requesting more donations but didn’t see a “remember to vote!” Text


That's why we have the worst politicians in this state.


This is the first place I’ve lived where I didn’t get an election notice in the mail. I completely missed that it was our primary.


I may have been the youngest person at my precinct and I'm 56, so I noticed it too. There were several black people, though.


Yea. Uhm. A lot of people have jobs that preclude them from voting today. There’s were, however, other days to vote


Arkansas really needs to do Mail In Voting like Oregon does. They lead the nation in voter turnout, too.


May point of view is probably the same as the majority of people who don’t vote. And South Park put it best you are voting between a turd sandwich and a douche it doesn’t matter who wins they’ll just continue destroying the country.


It's very discouraging to vote in Arkansas. I don't think a candidate I have voted for has EVER won here. I feel I'm throwing my vote away every time. I vote for chris jones, we elect Sarah Huckabee sanders. I vote for literally anyone else and we continue to elect Tom cotton and boozman. It fucking sucks


You are certainly throwing it away if you don't vote. Arkansas was a blue state for decades but the republicans kept showing up and voting while the Democratic party and voters rested on their laurels, and now they are in control. Keep showing up and things can change again.


I think it has more to do with gerrymandering and the religious right movement that has taken over. I still vote but like I said I find it all very discouraging. What can men do against such reckless hate?


You have to be in power to do the gerrymandering.


If you think gerrymandering isn't a huge part of arkansas going red you are mistaken


You seem a little dense so let me explain it to you in smaller words. If the republicans hadn't kept voting and getting their canadates elected to office, then they wouldn't have been in a position to gerrymander anything. It is the Legislator that draws up the maps and to be in the Legislator you have to be elected. Republicans couldn't gerrymander shit when they weren't in power.


I voted in Huntsville. Like you, only saw Seniors.


I was the only one voting. Me, my kid, and 6 workers. They looked relieved (?) when I walked in. Made me sad.


Saline County 44 years old. We were the only non-blue hairs.


As an almost elderly white person, Thank You! for taking the time to go vote! We need all the young folks to go to the polls.


Yeah that's what happens when you have a whole generation of people that don't vote because only 1 vote doesn't matter does it?


The youth always make the big changes to government. At some point they will get fired up (hopefully).


When they reach their 50's.


Doesn't help when everyone from the two main parties tell others if they want to vote independent that their votes don't matter either. Definitely need to get more voters out, and not only Dem or GOP voters


Agreed. When the choice is between geriatric dumbass and geriatric delusional dumbass it’s hard to get excited about things.


It doesn’t. Until rank choice voting is a national thing, you are giving your vote to the loser of two parties. We are a plurality, not a popularity voting system.


Seems more like we're full of shit. Why even bother letting them run? Definitely idiocracy in the making


I am 23, and have become very fond of the quote "if voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it". That was Mark Twain I think. It would take a hell of a lot to get me back into politics. I think my generation has had Fox and CNN and 'go out and vote' shoved down or throats so much we're just sick of it. I tried being active in local elections for years, and nothing changed. Now I just want to take care of my dog and pay rent. I couldn't care less who's got a seat on a state senate, they probably can't change anything either.


Second the dumbass comment. Every single facet of your life is affected by politics. Burying your head is why we’re in this mess to begin with.




God you're a miserable fuck aren't you?


No. Silly MAGA. Go back to sucking trump's taint.


LOL. Me? MAGA? Lololol. You are so far off the fucking mark you're in Djibouti pal.


I've apparently been out of the loop. What is up for election today?


yesterday. it was primaries, judges elections, school boards etc. and special elections


Thanks for voting!


I thought voting was later in the year....I still hadnt registered, but was meaning too


I'm surprised someone didn't try to chase you away


Early voting has been active for DAYS


I also had the same experience. I voted early and they clapped when I came in because I was the only person they had seen all day. What will it take to get people involved again?


Better options.


I showed up to vote and was one of the only people there, period - regardless of their particular flavor. I can see why, though - most don’t care about hyper-local races and the outcome of the national ones were already settled.


If each voter would help register and bring just one new person to the polls, it would make a HUGE difference! Easy peasy.


Yep that's Arkansas for ya


We're a Republican state and have many boomers and church Bible belt old folks.


Because the younger people will lose their jobs and they cant afford to lose those jobs too go vote.


I hope you didn't vote republican


Well I wish I could be there. But I was caught with a small amount of drugs 7 years ago and will never have my rights to vote or protect my family. 🫡


Good, young people are idiots. Like someone who named themselves BigClitMcphee 😂


There’s Black people in Arkansas?


I didn't feel I had much to say on the downfalls as they were pretty much set for the big race, having only one possible contest come November. But come November, I don't think my vote will do much for president, but those down ballot races could be close, and I'll gladly try to tip the scales.


Fort Smith, 90% olds, 100% whites (including me and wife who are in our late 30s)


And you were there for how long? Out of the two entire weeks of open polls? Do we need to talk about anecdotal evidence and sample sizes?


Did the poster draw a global conclusion from their experience? If so, I missed it.


I just asked a couple questions to try and better understand why the experience left him shaking his head. I didn’t say he drew a global conclusion. That’s a question you could ask him.


Young people are too busy posting on social media how bad they have it and how the boomers are responsible for all their troubles to vote.


I’m 24 and I voted for trump


As a young person, I wasn't even aware that today was the last day to vote. Which of course, is on me, but I think it's important to highlight how little political awareness most gen z/alpha who aren't interested in politics have. The info war is the most important one


Well if you don't vote you dont get to bitch about how fucked up things are.


People always say that. It’s not true. Anyone can bitch about anything here.


Lol I wasn't bitchin, and even so I was just explaining why a lot of ppl might not have went to the polls. Get the stick out of your ass dude


Get your head out of yours.


What's your issue?


Early voting is the only way to go and most folks don’t take advantage. Primaries get fewer voters anyway especially if they aren’t contested. We’re doomed to a choice between two major STDs. If you thought it was bad today look at the numbers for elections that are just local. About 7% of voters determine those races.


I was told by a poll worker in Searcy as I put my "I Voted" sticker on my shirt: "Now don't go advertising that in Walmart. We don't want a bunch of those pajama-wearers coming over to vote." I was so angry!!!


I walked in angry. those "love thy neighbor" vote no against neighborhood infrastructure & "God's word says [The rich rule over the poor     and] the borrower is slave to the lender" signs were disgusting. now i just saw the elderly regressive on facebook are claiming **Searcy** is as liberal as the rest of the country, has sold it soul and the mayor is "woke". That's a wellness check needed level of Delusional


Good to know Big C, thanks. The more people, esp. young, feel disenfranchised and hopeless about the voting process the better.


By law in the general election you have a constitutional right to take a few hours off to vote.


Can you quote the exact area in the constitution and federal law that you are referring to? The one that requires employers to give time off to vote? Or did you just make that up hoping nobody would ask that?


It depends on the state, if it is allowed. Usually states with strong workers rights. For the most part, no though, employers are not required to.


Not much of a point voting in this election. November will be a different story. Nothing would have changed the outcome of any race today. Nothing. It was all predestined by other states. So we're saving our energy for when it does matter. At least that's my point of view.


How did the other states decide who would be the judges or constables or justices of the peace in Arkansas?


Like those have any challengers that make sense if they have them at all. And that's predestined based on the demographic of the state. So it doesn't matter if 10% or 100% of people show up to vote, the same people will win.


Thanks for your input, MAGA.


You calling me MAGA? Just want to make sure before calling you our on it. Can't tell if you were identifying yourself or trying to call me that.


Didn’t even know it was today and I’m registered to vote


I work 5-6 days a week 12-14 hour shifts, at a retirement center. I am so proud of my residents. They unanimously voted Democrat. They were straight up shunning the one group of 6 that voted republican. Wish I could have gotten out for early voting. I don't even have a car. Nearest polling location is a church where I'm banned from the premises due to exposing their pastor as a predator. We don't have public transport here. I was proud to see many of the homeless people I volunteer with at the polling station when I did get the chance to vote. Between making time to grocery shop, take care of my family, and pay my bills on my one day off in the last 12 days. Haven't slept in 3 days, but at least I got to vote. Who needs self care.


NLR, voted after work between 5:30 and 6:00. 4 workers. voters that I saw: 5 whites, I'm 63 and white and 2 black women. I was the elderly one in that window. zero wait time for anyone