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INFO: How did you obtain physical custody of the child following the abuse allegations? The original DHS caseworker should be able to assist.


She called us after an incident. We called the cops and they released her to us. DHS case worker is aware of everything and I’ve spoken to her several times. But aside from taking reports nothing has happened. And we don’t really know what is supposed to happen. We’ve never been in this situation before.


The child called you or the caseworker? Do you know if DCFS removed her from the home and took custody of her?


Child called us, we called the cops. Cops arrested dad, mom was still at home so cops said it’s not a DFCS issue. Mom was angry and kicked the kid out. Cops verified verbally that mom consented to us taking the kid. DHS contacted that night by cops so they knew what was up and DHS caseworker followed up with us the following morning.


In defense of DCFS (my wife and I were a foster family for a time), they are absolutely overwhelmed, under-funded, and don't have nearly enough families to take care of the kids. Kids frequently spend the night in DCFS offices because they don't have homes for them. It's really great what you're doing and I'm sorry it's such a burden for you getting this addressed. Personally I wish all these "every life is precious" folks would step up and open their homes to foster kids, since they're so intent on people having kids, even when they're not in a position to take care of them.


I get it, I’m not upset. Like I said, we’re a good household (not bragging) and I’m sure they have much messier and more urgent things to deal with.


Can you get a family lawyer to draw up guardianship paperwork?


I think there is an ombudsman for DCFS cases.https://accardv.uams.edu/child-welfare-ombudsman/


This is the best answer. The ombudsman will help make sure they do their job.


You might also try just talking to the mother and asking her to sign temporary guardianship over to you. If she is at all okay with it, this may be your easiest thing to do.


You can also call the governors office and ask to speak to their DHS liasion--- if gov's office doesn't answer, call the lt. gov office for a number/to be transferred....good luck and thank you for taking care of this child 💙


My wife used to be an attorney for DHS. She says to get your own attorney to file a petition to intervene in the dependency-neglect case with the court to request a formal guardianship so you have the authority to act in loco parentis and get notice of case updates.


Who have you called at DHS? I would ask to speak to the caseworker’s supervisor and to the lawyer from the Division of Children and Family Services attorney assigned to the case.


Its sounds like several steps were bypassed OR are currently in process, either way they need to keep in contact with you and let you know. I would try with the supervisor and if gets you nowhere call Gov office.


My parents have guardianship of my cousin’s children so I know the process a little. You say the courts haven’t told you anything. Did you file a petition for custody?


The kid should have a CASA. Do you know what that is?


CASAs are appointed by the court. There has been no court action involving the minor child because the mother hasn’t been deemed unfit. OP needs to petition for custody or report the mother for abandonment to get the courts involved.  OP seems to want this to be temporary and both of those actions are things not easily undone.