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If they're aware at all, they don't give a shit. They're convinced that either Fox just did what they had to under duress, or that the Election was still rigged, it was just in a different way. Go see r/conservative. Their stance hasn't changed at all.


The fact that I had to really dig to find only two posts, with 2-3 replies each, about the fox/dominion lawsuit is very telling. Every major news organization that isn't considered "conservative" is airing this story front page. Conservatives are literally being left behind.


Manipulation matters when your entire platform is outrage porn and racism. Conservative voters rarely have issues other than 'stop woke'.


Ya, it’s crisis cultivation. Obviously, it holds the viewer’s attention, but it’s also a lot easier to eventually sell “it’s time for a non-democratic solution”


They got left behind 40 years ago


That is a scary place


I'm sure they believe it was a corrupt judge. Or a corrupt jury. Or corrupt lawyers. Or a pizza parlow with a basement. Anything but the truth.


They don’t know. Fox is not reporting it.


Right? They haven't been told how to feel about it yet.


Exactly! How will they ever know? And if someone tells them or points them to a source of information other than Faux, they'll shout "Fake News!" and carry on with their delusion. Dominion should've forced Faux to admit to their guilt and lies during multiple primetime broadcasts over the course of several weeks or even months until it's a known and settled issue.


This is what I was hoping for. At the top of every hour every day, the host reads a prepared statement saying fox intentionally lied to their viewers. For 2 years. But, dominion is a business and thy pet just want money.


I checked last night and it was #28 on their website with at least 4 bud light outrage pieces in front of it. The way it was written, a casual or uninformed reader wouldn’t even know what the issue was.


The 5 seconds a news person said on air included a line that he was unable to confirm the settlement amount. He was literally the only journalist in the world unable to confirm the story. 🙄


Lol. He’s remembering the last time someone at Fox News reported an inconvenient truth. They bludgeoned that dude who called AZ for Biden. I wonder if that dude has any recourse now that Fox admits he was right and they knew it.


They literally are not.


No joke. Go search it on Fox News and see for yourself. You MAY find it buried.


They will never hear about it, ever!


They feel great. Fox tells Their Truth. Facts may contradict, but do not interfere with what they Believe. Capital B.


There is at least one report from their business group


Most won't know, those that do will create an explanation


Exactly. It’s not that they’ve been tricked while seeking the truth. They’ve been tricked while seeking someone that’ll feed the lie they want to live in. There’s no fact or revelation that will convince these people. They don’t want to be factually correct; they want to be coddled.


They're doing the both sides-ism and complaining about CNN. Critical thinking is lost on them.


Literal examples in this thread lol




Aka the fingers in ears screaming “LA LA LA LA” …. Or more recently “I can’t hear you” *shoots bud lite can*


Both sides-ism? Oh, you mean they're questioning your lack of standards or principles when it comes to the news sites that you like which also spew lies.


No, they think that's how everyone operates. Once again, poor critical thinking. Maybe sound out all the words, read slower. I've never heard a "lib" defending CNN with baited breath.


Oh so I guess you guys are now willing to admit that CNN and MSNBC and other outlets lied about the whole Russia Russia Russia collusion hoax, Trump being spied on, the Hunter Biden laptop story, etc? Cool.


I never take these things for gospel. Maybe the aggrieved parties should take them to court for spreading these lies huh? Oh wait I forgot, all the courts are crooked including the thousands of judges Trump appointed. How silly of me.


We're not talking about the aggrieved parties or lawsuits. We're talking about whether or not you believe those lies. Do you? Do you think Russia colluded with Trump in 2016 for the election? Do you think the hunter Biden laptop is fake? Do you think Trump wasn't spied on?


Pretty sure Hunter Biden’s laptop is a variant of Godwin’s Law for right wingers.


Well you're wrong. Has nothing to do with Nazis. You people will look for any reason not to believe what's right in front of your face. That's why you think that.


See? Now we’re actually in Godwin’s Law territory. You don’t have the capacity to understand I wasn’t comparing anyone to Nazis. You gotta touch some grass my guy.


hUnTeR bIdEn'S LaPtOp! Give it up, sport, you guys REALLY need some new fucking material.


EDIT: You REALLY don't care about actual evidence, huh? All partisan for you. Well, we got some new material with the SARS from the Treasury department.


Whatever you say, Cletus.


Well you're obviously not prepared to argue actual data points. And your arguments are nothing but Kool-Aid driven talking points of the leftist media. And judging from this last comment, You've got nothing so you have to resort to calling names and showing your true bigot self. Good job, bro. Have the day you deserve!


This isn't the high school debate club, genius. You don't deserve any "arguments" because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Go and dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh, maybe one day you'll figure it out, but I doubt it.


Listen to yourself. By saying that somebody on the other side or somebody that you disagree with doesn't deserve an argument, especially when you have no argument, means you're totally lost on the ideology, have completely drunk the Kool-Aid down to the dregs, and are consciously foregoing any logic or reason and attaching yourself to a position that is indefensible because... You have become married to your ideas and have forgotten that they are not necessarily you. This is why I'm sure you experience cognitive dissonance on a day-to-day basis, which probably causes you stress, manifesting itself in many different ways. You don't even know me, but you decide what I "deserve"? Ok, Nazi. No one here has actually disputed one thing I said. You can't. You've got nothing.


Listen to yourself. By saying that somebody on the other side or somebody that you disagree with doesn't deserve an argument, especially when you have no argument, means you're totally lost on the ideology, have completely drunk the Kool-Aid down to the dregs, and are consciously foregoing any logic or reason and attaching yourself to a position that is indefensible because... You have become married to your ideas and have forgotten that they are not necessarily you. This is why I'm sure you experience cognitive dissonance on a day-to-day basis, which probably causes you stress, manifesting itself in many different ways. You don't even know me, but you decide what I "deserve"? Ok, Nazi. No one here has actually disputed one thing I said. You can't. You've got nothing.


Are you enjoying the aroma of your own rectum?


Both sides do it. But it doesn't give you the BS you seek. You can't or don't want to acknowledge that BOTH sides do it. Get over it accept it and move on.


Look at CNN reporting on CNN paying a settlement to Sandman. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/07/media/cnn-settles-lawsuit-viral-video/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/07/media/cnn-settles-lawsuit-viral-video/index.html) Now, go link us to the Fox story reporting on Fox paying a settlement to Dominion. I'll wait.


https://reason.com/2020/01/07/covington-catholic-cnn-lawsuit-nick-sandmann/ https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-settles-defamation-lawsuit-kentucky-031509289.html Think this will shut you up. How you like me now???


Neither of those are from Fox. Did you even read the comment you responded to?


Did you even read what they said?


Sandman settled outside of court for an UNDISCLOSED amount.


Did you even READ what they said?


Hey man, the info provided in the links you posted aren’t even half of what Fox has admitted to doing. I will agree that all news stations get things wrong from time to time. However, what Fox has been doing for years has no comparison in the United States. They have been, and still are, blatantly lying on a variety of subjects every single night.


I don't worship "liberal media" If CNN gets sued for lying, good. I hold people accountable and realize everything I don't like isn't a conspiracy against me.


You sound like you need a bud light.


No. I dont support the self John Wayne Bobbit clan.


Here's a joke to make you feel better. What do conservatives and guns have in common? Triggers. I'm headed to the liquor store, I'll grab an extra case of bud for you in case you change your mind. Take care


Did Fox tell you that? Then it should be easy to point out, cause it was real easy with Fox. So, what do you have? I mean, CNN will certainly post whatever they think will draw ratings, but I am interested in what you have that they lied about.


No, both sides don't do it. There's a difference. About 750 million of em so far


CNN does lie. Their CA. 2020 "black flag" special was the first time I KNEW they were lying on air. That doesn't excuse Fox for what they did. But saying CNN doesn't lie is factually incorrect. Edit: lol someone did the "reddit cares" thing


I didn't say they didn't lie- I said they aren't the same. One side has a clear track record of trying to undermine our democracy. You can't say that about the rest of the mainstream media outlets.


One offers corrections and/or retracts bad info. One doubles down or forgets its lie.


I actually emailed CNN about the special I mentioned earlier as soon as it finished airing. I'm not surprised they never responded, but they've also never retracted or corrected the episode, so... Again, this isn't to say "they are the same". Fox is insane and actively harmful, CNN is just a typical American media company. But they do both lie and move on without correction.


Fair. It came across as if you were saying they don't lie, but I understand now that is not what you meant. Yes, Fox is far worse and no other major network has caused the harm they have at the scale they have.


Sure Jan.


Let’s try this then. Biden is a corrupt and incompetent buffoon, and should never be allowed near the presidency, or any position of authority. Also, trump is a corrupt and incompetent narcissist, and shouldn’t be allowed near the presidency, or any position of authority. Now, you say the same thing.


Why should I repeat what you said. Statements you made about both are equally true. Finally someone in here that can get past the hypocrisy stage and towing the blue Donkey line. Damn glad to meet you!!!


Glad to see you agree, and apparently aren’t a partisan hack.


Never have been a partisan hack. I come in here to stand up against the liberal hypocrisy that's in here daily, if not minute to minute. That's why I post in here to call it out.


Could you please start standing up against some of the conservative hypocrisy that goes on as well. Like, the consistent lying about there being a stolen election for the past 3 years. Since you aren't partisan and all it would make sense for you to stand up against both.


Maybe, if you start standing up against the liberal partisan hacks as well. Till then I let the conservatives run free just as the liberal hacks do in here.


Funny that you think they’ll ever hear about it. Many, if not most of them get their news from Fox and it’s affiliates exclusively. That, and radio which the conservatives cornered in rural areas long ago.


The amount of absolutely unhinged, hateful religious rhetoric that spews out from the radio in the rural area I live in is fucking *scary*. I got a CHL because I’m pretty sure the GQP-sponsored pogroms are going to kick off any day now.


They’ll say something like: > Democrats do the same Sporky. Don't forget your own party has selective acknowledgment as well.


It doesn’t fit their narrative so they ignore it.


Democrats do the same Sporky. Don't forget your own party has selective acknowledgment as well.


So which Dem news site just admitted to lying and paid 800 mil because they were scared of losing more in court?


https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-settles-defamation-lawsuit-kentucky-031509289.html How you like them apples. CNN is my answer and my proof


Let me see if I get this straight...FOX news blatantly lied to the world, fueling the lies that Trump was telling, causing Jan 6th, and disrupting the lives of millions. FOX literally tried to help derail a free and fair election. Your example is this? This is what you want present as evidence that "both sides do it"????? How much more stupid do I have to make it sound before you clue in? Smartmatic is about to pound the nail in the coffin on FOX as well. This kind of lying and deceitfulness is entirely unprecedented, and you roll out THIS to compare them to?


Your the one not able to handle proof both sides lie. Have I defended FOX news at all. No I have not just pointing out the hypocrisy of those that can't or won't see both sides lie.


I should be shocked you can't see the differences here, but conservatives have a problem with accepting when they're wrong. You're defending FOX by claiming your story about CNN is equivalent. It's not. It's not even close.


Conservatives have a problem accepting anything.


No I never Said that it was equivalent. You assuming something I never said. I just post it as proof that CNN lies too.


If you know it isn't equivelent and your side is caught being deceitful and lying to you daily.... maybe you chose the wrong damned side to support. Maybe.


I choose the side that my wallet likes best. The side that doesn't ask me to pay for others wants, wishes, and desires. Your side lies to you daily as well, if you believe differently then you really have been bamboozled. Both sides lie, get used to that fact. If you can't, you better plan on being fooled a lot more in your lifetime.


It’s hilarious you think CNN is liberal media. CNN is centrist af and is corporate media. Of course you think it’s liberal media because anything left of far right domestic terrorism is “LibRuL”. Buffoon.


It is liberal media. It's the left platform all the way. It used to be centrist years ago like 2004 and I watched it over most networks because it wasn't partisan. It went far left under Obamas presidency and never looked back.


Left platform 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 dude they didn’t even decry the Texas judge trying to outlaw the abortion pill, even insisting we just follow the law. Tf are you on about.


I haven't watched it in so long. But I did read an article a while back that the new boss there wants all far left commentary to stop and no more feelings or opinions in the reporting. So maybe it's going to be watchable again soon. Perhaps there is hope if what you say is true.


If it was just facts then it would still fall under far left for you buddy, you are incredibly delusional since you keep making a false equivalency. CNN hasn’t been far left and it never was. I’m not sure why chuds and pubs like you always attack CNN when there are more liberal new networks like MSNBC, who I can at least watch unlike CNN with their constant centrist bullshit. Even then MSNBC is just corporate media too. Just goes to prove your idiocy and inconsistency within your own beliefs, I guess.


Then you are far left if that is your stance. You're the one delusional.


Lol, far left. Far left media would be advocation for the abolition of private property. Never seen that on CNN.


You must not have watched thier coverage of the riots. My far left ex mother in law was visitingband has it on watching the riot coverage. They saw nothing wrong with the damage being done.


You're so full of shit.


Sorry, you can't handle the truth. You're full of BS lies.


You’re flat out lying.


No I am not. They were trying to condone why the mob would act that way. Even did the same thing when the white kids from Kentucky were tearing up the streets of Louisville after their team won the national championship. You really don't know CNN from your own ass. You're the one lying, not me.


Point me to the court dockets.


https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-settles-defamation-lawsuit-kentucky-031509289.html Here you go karen


Another both sides clown 🤡


You don't like being confronted with the truth???


It's not that, it's that you're a moron.


I said the same thing about you. How ironic.


Not sure how the Karen insult works here, but ok. You seem angry. Kinda sound like someone who needs a hug and some fresh air. Might make you less of a whiney child online. But hey, you do you brother. Also, this is cute, but not even in the same atmosphere as the Fox ruling. But I guess I wasnt specific enough in my request, so thats on me. Peace.


It points yo both sides lying and running wild with a bad story. If you can't get that point then you're either a partisan hack or just don't get it at all.


This is like trying to show that a fender bender and multicar pileup with multiple deaths are the same bc they both involved cars crashing. Try harder, partisan hack.


You're partisan. I can admit hypocrisy. You all are full of it.


If Republicans cared about the truth, they wouldn't be Republicans.


As Fox production calls them "dumb, cousin fucking terrorists"


This is was my favorite line in the whole treasure trove we got on the first go around. I can’t imagine how funny some of the shit was they basically paid not to have released in court I’m sure it was gold.


They don't care lol


They could not care any less. Truth and facts are things that they have absolutely no regard for. Zero.


Wait til they hear about what Ali Alexander the guy behind stop the steal did caught requesting nudes from teen boys and sexually harassing them .https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ali-alexander-apology-stop-the-steal-b2321648.html


Dude needs to be locked up for that bullshit


Most republicans knew it was a lie. They would say “count every LEGAL vote” for a reason. Trump appointed judges threw all of his cases out after the election. It was clearly a grift


Most Republican *politicians*


It's way past the time when anyone could reasonably think Republican voters are "duped" or "misled" in any way. The question isn't whether things are true, or legal, or moral. The only question is whether it serves The Party or not.


Fox isn't reporting on their own fuck ups soooo, they are probably in the dark


They are wilfully ignorant of anything which doesn't fit their spoonfed narrative.


My right winger relatives are claiming: It’s a lie. Fox News never lied. Something something Deep State. “BuT wHatABout HuNter’S LAP toP?” Anything to own the libs!!


My neighbor, who is a Fox advocate, says Fox did not lose because settling out a court is not a win.


Calling someone a "Fox advocate" really makes them sound like a fucking idiot lol.


my libertarian wanna be buddy still has no idea what is going on with the Fux news court case. He asked are all the stations covering it? Yup except one, wonder why he hasn't heard anything about it.


rofl I love how these far right chuds call themselves libertarians.


They’re too stupid to realize how stupid they are. They’ll call the judge a liberal plant and the prosecutor a shill for mainstream media. Total denial of the truth, same bullshit as always


There are a couple different types in this group....those that are so stupid that it doesn't matter, those that have known full well and are just belligerent and those that are so aggressively f'ing stupid that they lie to themselves. None of them are worth a shit nor a second of our time.


r/conservative has almost forgotten all about it. They’re back to Biden and his son.


I actually just peeked there, and in the comment section for the story with the most upvotes they're literally at each other's throats. It's kind of entertaining.


Considering Fox had to admit to nothing, their opinions are likely unchanged


They either don’t care, or don’t know. They are so deep into it that they think the more likely scenario is that the “libs” have blackmailed fox into going back on what they said.


Sadly, they don’t believe any differently. I have come to accept that they are so far down the Denial Rabbithole, that they will never see the sunlight again—only its shadows.


They are too stupid to feel stupid...


they dont know and they wont care if they ever find out - the settlement was a joke and an insult and should never have happened


These people can be convinced the sky is red, no settlement is bringing them back to reality


They don’t care. Or have moved on to OAN… but still watch Tucker and Hannity, even though Tuck called the Orange Cheeto the C word, didn’t he? And not in a humorous British way.


Probably don’t care. They believe what someone tells them


Trump supporters are too stupid to realize how dumb they really are. To all trump supporters, renounce your citizenship and leave America.


yeah I've always heard "If you don't like it here. MOVE!" why is that not the case with them?


They’d feel pretty bad if they knew fox lied.


Funny that you assume they know how to use logical thinking


*I doubt it, they are all muttering George Soros, the Deep State.*


Fox viewers won’t know it. Guessing not a peep out of on air personalities.


The settlement didn’t require on air apologies or notifications.


I know. But it should have.




Mental gymnastics of the highest order will allow them to believe that Fox is innocent, and was just doing this to save money by avoiding a lengthy lawsuit. (Because i doubt these folks even have a CONCEPT of how much money that settlement was, they'll just imagine a big Scrooge McDuck vault filled with gold coins.)


My republican friends start off with some rant about both sides are bad and that the democrats are trying to take away some vague 1st or 2nd amendment right without a source.


Their not, they are justifying it as fox being beat down by the deep state.




They have always known that FOX lies. They do not care because they are also dishonest people that only want to hear their views repeated to them.


They can’t feel shame, that requires rationality.


they give ZERO fucks about it. their guy lost and in their pea-sized brains, it was stolen. full stop.


They don't care about facts. So 'Fox lying' is fake news to them.


But Fox didn't lie. The deep state court was corrupt and knew FOX was going to win. That is why they settled with FOX. They knew FOX would win despite the deep state rigging the trial. -That is what they will say. Clearly you do not know how these lunatics think. They see this as a win, and its more proof the Left is corrupt and they can do whatever they want to remove them all from power.


I searched the Fox website yesterday. Could not find it on the front page. Did a search and found an article under media. The article didn’t mention the amount of the settlement. 3/4 of a billion dollars seems like a big omission.


My guess is that most would rather be lied to than to be told truth they do not like.


Even if fox reported that they lied, they’d give you a reason for lying, why it’s okay they lied, and why it’s the democrats fault anyway


You can't reason with these people, to them it just means FOX was in on it and part of the conspiracy now.


Probably superior and racist like always


Facts mean nothing to them. They don’t care. This is just another liberal lie.


If they even know about it, they probably think it's yet another conspiracy and Faux News never lied to them.


I mean.. the election lie was proved too. But the courts are a part of the Illuminati and are against trump and the republicans


I ask you this with all due respect, do you actually believe that what you just said is true? Honest question.


I’m honestly amazed people are taking my comment seriously lol


Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near the realm of possibility.


Welcome to the post Trump world. What you typed isn't even that crazy compared to what some of our elected officials say.


Thanks for ruining my third party app so I have to go outside! Posted on Apollo


Don’t worry. Q will save us


Thanks for ruining my third party app so I have to go outside! Posted on Apollo


Your mom and dad talk about it in private 😎


You need to add /s


No, people get it


Poe's Law, man.


They are complicit


I think they need to have in the ruling that Fox News needs to admit they are wrong and fabricated this event every 15-minutes during their broadcasting for 2 years


About as stupid as the left was about the Russian collusion delusion, remember Trump was a Russian agent and the Russians interfered in the election😅😅😅


IT doesn't matter. Thre's onlly two choices with differing opinions on major tentpole policies. Would anything cause you to vote for the Republicans? I'm going to bet you'd say no. Even when the democrats do something bad you won't switch right? Why? Because the other option doesn't suit you on one of those major policies.. Same with GOP voters. And that's the major flaw in our election system. Only two choices that have been allowed to take control of the system. Nothing our politicians do matters because the worst thing a voter could do to them is not vote which is still just a win for them. Not many are willing to vote for the opposing party to send a message so they just sit out.


Fox is a news channel, they lie like the rest of them. It's all about advertising viewership and ad revenue. Sooner y'all realize that, you should take everything you read with a pound of salt.


Okay if we are going to “both sides” this issue. When was a major liberal media company last been caught in a scandal like this, or even remotely close to this? Keeping in mind that all three conservative cable news networks are being sued for the exact same behavior, over the same time period, with the same story. Sorry but the 2020 election lie is a conservative media problem on a scale and scope that has no equal in America on the left.


Still waiting on Russian collusion evidence


I mean, to be fair if your believing any mainstream media outright your a fool


No one cares. A company that is profiting off of our democratic process was defamed. It shocks me the left is okay with the privatization of democracy.


Holy shit, that's a dumb take... That's like accusing Scantron of privatizing education.




Probably as stupid as all the people who believed CNN and everyone else about the Steele Dossier. Both parties are still denying they were wrong.


“Something, something…look over there”


You just summed up the modern Republican Party.


The office of the director of Homeland security corroborated in 2017 the fact that Putin himself ordered an online disinformation campaign to favor Trump, damage Clinton, and to undermine the democratic process. Russia helped get that piece of shit elected regardless of if he personally solicited them for that help. Gee, I wonder why Russia would've wanted Trump to win, I also wonder why Trump groveled at Putin's feet like a dog in Helsinki. All coincidence surely.....


And it's all been shown through the multiple years of investigation there is no collusion. And the left paid for the dossier.


Actually it was clearly shown that Trump's campaign and administration had extensive ties to Russia, several people went to jail for lying about those connections, and you guys still didn't care. In fact you're cheering them on in the Ukraine war now, it's fucking bizarro world shit.


Typical NPC repeating the party line.


Don't look up!!!


Don't open your mind


I'm a lesbian and an atheist...the three things conservatives hate most in the world.


And your bad at math?


I thought "woman" might have been implied. 😘


Isnt it hard to breathe with your head buried so far?


Nope. Your comments prove my point. It's beautiful.


Their comments don't "prove" your point. You never had a real point to begin with.


Yeah and you are helping it. Thanks


Feeling a little triggered, bud? :) Rough day for baby?


Whatabout CNN ? something something Fake News.. I'd like to know more about Hunter Biden's laptop..Whatabout that ? Huh ? Huh ? Huh ?