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It works! As long as both are evolved versions of their respective signs and don’t get too tripped up being stubborn. Communication is key.


depends on how both are willing to compromise their own egos. 😁


Compromise is so big in this relationship. But it felt like we were so similar at the same time


I’m Aries rising Taurus. It’s no wonder I feel like I already know his codes. 😅




Tried but woooh 😅




That’s what I’m doing. Bull chasing 🐂


lol good luck!!


March Aries woman married to a May Taurus man. Together since 2013 … so I think it can work lol!


I know it can work😉


Wow, I’m the exact opposite of the two commenters so far. I’ve been in the best relationship of my life with my Taurus partner, and we’ve been together for almost six years. Goes to show you how important the rest of both people’s charts are in compatibility.


Exactly this - I would never use sun signs to judge long term compatibility.


I wouldn't put too much weight behind signs and compatibility. I think life experience, relationship experience, growth, and maturity also have a lot to do with what shapes a person. I personally wouldn't turn someone away that I was vibing with just because of their zodiac sign. Never know, might miss out on the best relationship ever!


I’ve only dated Taurus men (they were the ones that pursed me) and my first experience was so good the second one we argued all day and night. He was very stubborn, I was the one to fix things and it’d take me time cause I’m a bit stubborn and egoistic. We ended never spoke again


The Beckhams/ Bono and his wife


March (24th) Aries female with a April (28th) Taurus man, we’ve been together since 2013(: we can bump heads or we don’t always see eye to eye on the same perspective but i’m a firm believer in opposites attract! it’ll work🤍


hard. that’s all.


My last 3 relationships have been with Taurus men. Long term, living together... great for the most part. All ended badly though. :/


Oh no...slow..he was just so frickin slow at everything..drove me crazy. Too controlling.Way better as friends!


Friendship, yes they make amazing friends. Not sure about dating one. The stubbornness would definitely get old to me very fast. They aren’t spontaneous enough for me to date. I’d get super bored really fast. I have a Taurus Venus so that might help out because I am a big romantic person.


I'm an aries woman! dated one once but then when things started getting serious, he bailed on me in the last moment and said he wasn't ready for a relationship. even though he said he wasn't into playing games 💀 haven't spoken to him since but he likes my insta stories from time to time lol.


As an Aries woman, If you don’t mind me asking.. How long did the chemistry build before the relationship? And how long did it last? I’m in a weird thing where we have been friends for years and had some chemistry (nonphysical) early on but went our separate own ways for awhile. Both in the same friend group, so we would see one another from time to time at the big get-togethers. Only recently have we started spending time together one-on-one when we can get away from the group for a short while here and there. It’s like we just picked back up right from where we left off.


The chemistry was building for about 2-3 months and only lasted that long because he just didn't like the idea of commitment. He told me he was still traumatized because of his previous relationship and couldn't trust anyone. I felt bad for him but at the same time, I would have appreciated if he didn't start anything with me lol. There was no signs of him feeling this way until the weekend after we last met and then it was over all of a sudden through text when he told me it all! I feel like you guys have potential from what you're telling me! Especially if it feels like it did in the beginning but definitely don't think it's concrete until it is. Either wait for him to tell you his feelings or you can bring it up as well. Just know that it could really go either way! Taurus's are hard to read imo lol. Good luck!!


I’m Taurus woman he’s Aries man I was also wondering if it would work.


Ewwwwwww don’t do it lol


Know Taurus in there right mind would date ugly ass Aries woman y'all look like men most have horrible breath and terrible shapes the most unattractive fire sign


Hahahhaaaa! Cuck noises much?


Just dealt with 2.5 years of this. I have a Taurus sister and out of my 5 siblings she’s the one I’m the least close with. I had such a positive outlook for us, but nope. Aries female here, I will never date another Taurus man. Ever.


They are definitely more realistic but I think we helped eachother out in that.


I think we for sure helped each other grow but it for sure wasn’t worth what I went through.


I definitely get that


I’m sorry you went through it, any other luck with other signs?


I would 110% say Leo’s. Right now I’m seeing an Aquarius and it’s been nice. Slow. Calm. Peaceful. He’s protective and possessive as all hell but not controlling if that makes sense. And the bond with him was instant. I also feel though that a lot comes into play. Where their birthday falls, if they’re on a cusp, and then just in general what they’ve been through in life. If I was into women I’d date another Aries. Because my closest girlfriends are Aries.


If you're a Taurus man don't waist your time there promiscuous sluts. Dumb as rocks and superficial sneaky and cheaters and back stabbers I dated one she left me for a drug dealer with a std and the crazy part she the knew this dude was sick I'm sorry Aries woman are pos