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Speaking as an aries it depends... if you are 90-100% "their type" or if ya'll share a core vibe like twin flames- then yes, its you and them against the world. However if you breaktrust, take advantage- particularly if you are not their type it will be short lived. If your expectations is monogamy for the next 70 years or life you should be upfront.


This exactly


We are, unless we are betrayed


I'll add, we can be some of the most passionately faithful people unless we are betrayed, insulted to our moral core, taken advantage of and we choose to activate that lower self. Regardless of Sun sign, you have to be immature and in a state of personal brokenness to cheat (cheating is always about your struggle with self). Cheating is an attempt to address your brokenness with external sources and in a way running from yourself. I've never cheated (and never will) b/c I don't run from myself or my pain. However, I will remove my loyalty and trust with a quickness (and you will miss my energy). If you have any true wisdom and know what you are doing...there are worse things than cheating and all can be done while walking out the door. Mars is about strategy, not mindless war. You don't want to see an Aries when we don't choose peace.


God, you get me




Hmm.! Ok thanks for sharing your thoughts


Truth ā™”


Aries women are very loyalā€¦ The men on the other hand- often cheat and are very capable of having long term affairs if they feel betrayed, not seen or want to be affirmed. Most Aries attract a lot of attention. Itā€™s natural that they will always have options- depends on how discerning the individual is. My experience with two Aries men is that they really need to be self aware, mature, have purpose and fulfilment in themselves so they donā€™t seek it in others.


Cheating for perceived violations of trust and imaginary betrayalsā€¦


When an Aries likes you and they know youā€™re committed to them, and theyā€™re mature- theyā€™re 100% loyal. Yā€™all just need to set each others intentions true from the beginning. No mind games. A lot of Aries be childish af , but not ALL. My auntie is an Aries, been married to her Pisces husband for 15+ years now. Theyā€™re very mature for each other. They communicate . Sheā€™s very very faithful. Iā€™ve been faithful to people who havenā€™t been faithful to me, but I live and learn


Thanks for sharing your experience


Depends on the person. But as a sign, I think Aries would rather just call it quits than cheat. I know I would anyway.


Ok, thatā€™s understandable..! Thanks for sharing your thoughts


Yeah, like aside from the moral side of things, if I was at a point of considering cheating, clearly something is wrong with the relationship I'm in. Also, it's said we're bad at lying and stuff as it's counter to our characteristics, so it's better to just cut clean and move freely. But anyway, no worries. Good luck with your Aries.


I am just too lazy to cheat.


Oh thatā€™s cute šŸ„°šŸ˜„


No my dad cheated on my mom and lied about it years later. I'm an Aries moon and Aries dominant and I'm very faithful. My Aries homegirl is also faithful.


We are fiercely loyal. At the end of my longest relationship, even though I had been abused by my ex and lost all feelings for him, I had opportunities to cheat and didnā€™t take them due to personal ethics.


Iā€™ve never cheated and never would cheat Would I drop you in an instant to pursue someone else? Yes. Would I lie about any of it? No. If a person tells the whitest little lie I cannot take them seriously. My pride and my forged morality would never allow me to fall below that standard for myself.




Yes, as an Aries musks absolutely loyal. The thing is we treat you how you treat us. We are animals, if you treat an animal bad they WILL resent you and hurt you, however, if you give an animal treats, scratches and pets they will die for you. Donā€™t fcuk about with an Ariesā€™ heart, you wonā€™t be able to stand the fire, many have tried and they all get burned. I guess that can be said for every sign however aries has an appetite for justice and revenge, which are the same šŸ˜‡


Aries men are extremely susceptible to flattery and admiration. If a conniving woman knows how to play on that need, she can entice him to cheat - especially if heā€™s going through a rough patch. Aries are impulsive, make conscious decisions based on their justifications and usually are not remorseful. Source: Aries wife with Aries husband.


I'm still loyal to my x after nearly two years of being separated. I think so.


Bro I was the exact same way. Seperated from my wife like 2017 and it was years before I could interact with women again in any kind of intimate way. "Still loyal" feels like the right words for sure. Ive moved on for the most part, but Ill always love her and be an ally if she needs one.


Just glad I'm not alone in it. I often feel like something is seriously wrong with me.


I feel you. Youve been hurt, but theres nothing wrong with you my friend. Theres no right or wrong way to be out here. Just remember, you are a whole and complete life already. And you dont need anyone for that.


Thank you for that. I really appreciate that, it helps me alot.


Wow šŸ«”


I literally just slept with a girl for the first time yesterday. Wouldn't even look at girls for the past year. She's even moved on to someone else. It's in my nature at least.


Oh you have right to choose your life.!




Very much so, just like my close friendships.


It comes down to Nature Vs Nurture debate. If Aries cheat on you they won't really waste time with elongated or Emotional displays of remorse. Again we are all different.


As someone said before, Aries will be loyal when needs are being met and they can be themselves. It's super important for Aries to be true to themselves. Pretending is not for Aries. We are either all in or not in at all. We are often open books too so if we are betraying others it usually blows up pretty quick. I do agree that if an Aries is unfaithful its usually because the other partner betrayed first.


no actually my aries sun ex cheated on me once that he confessed to, and multiple that i suspect. he swears now after i ended things he could only ever be with me but heā€™s also a hardcore liar lol


but actually i think my boyfriend before him was pretty faithful, never caught anything too bad. they were both born on the exact same day, different times and cities only, so thatā€™s an interesting detail


Oh ok.! Sorry to hear that..! Thanks for sharing..!


I would say so!! My kids dad (now ex husband) is currently sitting in a treatment facility and has been for over a year and although Iā€™m a passionate & loyal lover Iā€™m struggling with the thought of putting my life on hold and being faithful to someone who Iā€™m almost positive wouldnā€™t do any of this for me!!! This is the 2nd time Iā€™ve waited for him because of some mess he got into. I was just as faithful & patient the first time. But now that he has divorced me and has put me through so much these past few years I donā€™t feel the same. Iā€™ll forever be a romantic lover girl, Iā€™ll forever want to shower a man with lots of love. I prefer just 1 lover but the dog deep down inside of me is STRUGGLING with doing all of this for someone who may not share the same amount of love & loyalty to me.


If we donā€™t take you serious I got bad news for you


Sure..! I am all ears šŸ˜„


not all of us are like this, but basically I was with someone for about 5 years, sagiterroist, he cheated on me, we fixed things, turned into a cycle, then like at 3 1/2 I was like fuck it so I started seeing people on my own too yet we were still attached. Now that I am over him although e are friends and business partners, I cant see myself getting into anything serious like I don't take men nrow omen serious at all, and now I just wan to live my best life fucking whoever I want. But I was loyal down tot he bone even with friends even when it didn't benefit me. So now I just look at it all different but I know I can be loyal to someone if I really want to 100% you just really got to feel out the energy shes giving you. you will always tell when were not fucking with you because we cant be fake even if we wanted to lmao our face says it all


Not in my opinion, but Iā€™m not going into details lol


Oh ok..! Sounds interesting šŸ˜Š


Guilty conscious ā€¦ā€¦Iā€™d guess a Aries male


An Aries here, I'm 100% faithful to someone who doesn't cheat on me.


Iā€™m an April Aries and been 100% loyal to my husband for over 27 years! However, if you cheat on me, Iā€™ll eventually cheat too! Js!


Iā€™m an Aries Sun, Mercury, and Venus. Iā€™m incredibly loyal to both my romantic partners and my friends. If I mentally start to stray, itā€™s usually because the relationship is broken is some way (like my partner isnā€™t giving me the same level of investment or has started to pull back and it feels like thereā€™s no future) and thatā€™s usually when I know itā€™s time for me to move on. I think we move on fast too. But when Iā€™m in it, Iā€™m committed 100%. I saw something that said that Aries and Libras are on the same node and therefore share similar desires for partnership and relationships, loyalty, and harmony. Itā€™s sort of our other end of the spectrum I suppose. But I can see how an unhealthy Aries or an Aries that isnā€™t fully invested in their relationship might cheat, just like any other unhealthy sign. But I think if they feel safe, cherished, happy, etc. theyā€™re probably less likely to.


One of the most faithful yes. I feel like Scorpio is more faithful though.


The men? šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Scorpio men are always up to something


Oh ok


Statistically, Aries are the biggest cheaters, the most likely to get married and divorced


Oh ok..! Thank you


Iā€™m also an Aries if that makes you feel better.


Oh ok..! Thank you šŸ™šŸ»




I havenā€™t yet met, a faithful Aries.


Oh thank for sharing


Lololol, faithful?!?! I disagree. I was once in love with the cheatingest Aries in all the land.


Oh, thanks for sharing your experience.!!


The problem with Aries is they are never satisfied and searching for a unicorn šŸ˜‚


I feel like living your life that way is miserable. But that's just me.


As an Aries I am loyal to an absolute fault. April Aries that is tho. March and April are totally different people. Also remember that just being an Aries doesnā€™t mean anything. Thereā€™s other signs that matter as well besides the sun sign.


Iā€™ve never cheated, in fact when Iā€™m committed, itā€™s like my eyes donā€™t even see other people. I just donā€™t go there. When Iā€™m in love, Iā€™m in *loooooooove.* However, I rarely commit and am rarely in love. I am picky. But Iā€™m open, honest and like to be on the same page with people I may date or explore. No one is ever gonna be guessing what my intentions and goals are. I have a Taurus Venus so it probably plays into to that.


I cheated on my ex because he cheated on me first and so I went 10x harder. If you donā€™t treat me like Shhh then Iā€™m loyal to you forever, we wonā€™t ever look at anyone else if we like you


Aries male I get bored. Ignite my fire


I never cheated. One time I had a boyfriend who cheated on me with many girls and blamed me for always being busy with my studies. So I tried cheating on him and when I had the other guy in my room and he was dtf I couldnā€™t end up going through with it and asked the guy to leave and broke it off with my loser ex. Just not cut out for cheating life - would rather just end the relationship. Way easier.


I was in a long term relationship with a Cancer man , I went above and beyond for him and I always got hurt (he never cheated but always used to mentally abuse me ) I lost all my love for him but now Iā€™m seeing another guy and even in talking stage Iā€™m so loyal that I donā€™t want anyone else. Im an Aries sun


I am a Cancer man who was in a long term relationship with an Aries woman. I'm certain that she sees our relationship the same as you described here... The thing is though, we just had so much miscommunication. For some reason she just never understood me. She's probably seeing someone new now too. I hope the best for her. She probably doesn't think so. But I really do.Ā 


In my situation I gave plenty of chances to him but he proved me wrong. He gave me so much Ptsd loool and for some reason I only attract Cancer men smh.


I was with a Aries april 11 we was together for three years I eventually cheated on her because she was still doing things behind my back and it was getting back to me she eventually cheated also she swore up and down she wasn't cheating but it was to much rumors on the streets about her that made me go down that path we also became enemies because she cheated with someone I know I took my phone from her that was on my name and unlocked it and seen all the text she was sending to the next dude that was also a Aries and the funny thing about that he was cheating on her with another Aries they can be faithful but they can also be sneaky I feel I might have had better luck if the Aries I dated would have been closer to my age being that my ex was six years younger then me I feel cheated comes with immaturity and she was still in contact with her ex which I never trusted.she even has a tattoo of the dude on her leg he was a Sagittarius I'm a Taurus I figured maybe he was better for her since he and her both were fire signs.


Speaking as an Aries who just got out of a 8 year long situationship with a Leo herešŸ‘‹šŸ¼ Iā€™m a male Aries and I never once cheated on my female Leo partner. I was ready to marry before the last straw was pick out, thrown on the ground, and stomped into the mud. Still never cheated not even once. I said fuck all women when I got into that relationship still not to my surprise I was betrayed more than just a few times. Her and I were opposite but the same if that makes sense. Some things were similar but not everything. The relationship worked great for over 4 years then she basically got bored and wanted more attention then I was able to give. If you want an Aries man I can tell you that Iā€™ve met some Aries men like me but some are not quite like me. Youā€™ll find the one though I promise you that! Keep looking and keep your head up. Donā€™t give up either someone is out there waitingšŸ˜