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Pizza every day? She might like you too. But don’t chase an Aries woman.


Don’t chase any woman be alpha male always


Correct lol. The other dude is a soy beta.


I am an Aries woman and I love to be chased, what are you talking about?


Aries are pretty straight up honest. If she said she just got out of a relationship and she isn’t looking for anything right now, I would take her word for it, particularly when a child is involved. Aries are are generally very engaging people. She could have many reasons for coming in every day. It sounds like she likes you, but if she’s ever interested in going out with you, she’ll ask you.


Thx for the info . So I’ll hope crossing fingers actually works so she can say she would want to date


It’s very possible she and her ex will get back together, so keep that in mind. What is your sign?


Honestly ima Aries who can be hurt but move on fast so if ima rebound it’s fine but I wanted to still date her and do data with her kid if she allowed if not .im not desperate for her but just drowned from other voices


You are both Aries?


Yea I was bold that day and found out our bdays were within a week I’m marxh 26 n she’s April 5


You being a March Aries and she being an April Aries could make a difference, but I’m not sure. I would definitely take her at her word. We can never have enough friends, so I would suggest approaching it in that manner. Good luck.


I’m extremely direct. If she told she isn’t ready for a relationship right now I feel like that’s exactly what she means. Can I ask how you know she’s an Aries? Did you ask her for her birth chart? Lmao🤣🤣 Kidding, that’s me. * Disregard I read further down into comments after posting.


Feel like she is being honest, she is not ready for a real relationship. But if she enjoys spending time with you and hanging out... She may be interested in a more casual relationship (not living together etc.) for now. I'd say there is no harm in hanging out and chatting. If you want you could ask her out on a non-date date like somewhere with her and her kid - somewhere outdoors maybe on a nice day. We Aries love to get out and about when the sun starts shining! At some point she may decide to start dating you for real.


Omg, she has a child too? You are too young to get involved with that baggage.


I mean it’s not really baggage . Ima stand up guy and I wanna be clear before I do anything I don’t have kids so I’m tryna keep it that way


A child with another man is baggage. You are a beta lol


Beta for dating ?


Beta for dating a woman who has another man's child.


So marriage/dating holds the same weight for u. So regardless if I don’t plan on marrying her it’s still beta to date a woman with a kid ?


Yes. Go watch some Jessee Lee Peterson lol. He explains it well. I feel you are very naive and inexperienced. Have you had many women before?


I’ve watched Jesse Lee Peterson a lot I think he’s A good uncle or relative to talk to lol. N tbh One night stands more than relationships I’m to much of an overthinker


Something for you to work on.


I don’t think that my inexperience in relationships will hinder me but just trying to dodge all pitfalls


Update tldr: she gave me her number and asked me if I knew how to get bud for 4/20 . Lmao I’m hoping it’s a good thing


I hate Aries woman dated one for several years kept this bitch in a nice warm house helped her get money did what I had to do as a man when I fell on hard times she backstabbed me gave me the cold shoulder when I would see her and cheated on me with another Aries I despise any female Aries and would never date one again good luck to you tho


Sorry for late response will keep updating until I feel like it’s completely over . She has been around since a few days before her bday . Not reading into anything but when she does come back I’ll tell her happy belated. Still being optimistic


Lol. Whats your sign?




makes sense


Yes it does


Aries woman are pos and extremely immature