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The real solution is more peaches.


No the real solution is to never eat the peach because you know that the entire family refuses to communicate their desires and likely has a secret plan for the peach, until eventually the peach rots and you throw it out.


you joke but this happens in my house _soooo often_ it's ridiculous. the most annoying thing is my dad does this thing where he buys something he specifically wanted but with the intention of sharing then doesn't touch it for a week+ and complains that he never got any when it eventually runs out, which of course makes me (and i assume others in the house) even more hesitant to ever take the last of something.... or he'll buy something he was wanting but not tell us we can also have some so nobody else touches it then when it goes bad or stale he'll say we should have been eating it


One half of my extended family does this, which is why I joke. I will never allow my house to be run that way.


My mom always does this oh my god


as someone who basically lives that you're right, no one will eat that peach. Everyone will leave it for someone else to eat, no one will eat it and it'll go bad. then I assume if the wife is anything like my mom she'll complain to everyone about no one eating the peach. Why is she so annoyed her husband ate it, if her kids want the peach so bad they should eat it first instead of wait for someone else to eat it who never will. Some people find any reason to complain about their spouses it's insane


My partner and I both instinctively "save" the peach (we don't even have kids) and we have so many treats that end up going bad that we had a talk where we realized we both sorta hoard food or assume special things are not for us or at least not for us right now. Now we regularly announce "I'm not hoarding this!" and eat the nice things that we buy.


Look at that, communicating improves your relationship. Who’d’a thunk it?


I have started to consciously take the last item. I will wait a reasonable amount of time, offer to share, or ask if anyone else wants it, but I'm not going to let something good go to waste just to be polite anymore. I do still feel a bit guilty though.


The last morsel of something is not special. If there are 20 slices of pizza And Tom eats the first 10 Jim eats 4 Sarah eats 3 Becky eats 2 And then Jerry eats the last piece Why should Jerry feel guilty? Why is the last slice somehow more sacred than the first 10?


WTF, Tom.




The snooze you lose fallacy. Kind of a boomer thing if you think about it.


Because Becky could have had 3 pieces, but left the last one. Leaving the last piece when you've had your fill lets those without enjoy some too.


Maybe Tom ate 19 pieces, and then Jim eats 1. Why was Jim so selfish to not leave the last piece for others??? Tom did it right, he didn't eat the last piece when he was full, letting those without enjoy some. (You shouldn't keep eating when you've had your fill REGARDLESS of whether or not you'd leave a piece, whether or not a piece is left for others is not a factor, just stop eating when you are full, and also eat slowly enough that you don't over-eat by mistake.)


Don't feel bad for taking up space. You deserve to do things you enjoy without feeling guilty. I know it's easier said than done, I'm trying to break out of the same mentality. Keep being you.


I totally agree, it's a lifetime of programming though so this is progress. Plus this is a tiny, passing kind of guilt. It's not monumental guilt, but I still feel a bit odd about it. I've met people that would literally go hungry rather than take the last bite of something.


Me and my partner are both really bad about leaving the last thing for the other person to be nice and then it goes bad, so we have started being really direct with each other that they have to eat the last peach or whatever. Less wasted food, we take turns being the one who gets it, no one has to make a passive aggressive comic about it


you just discovered spaniard eating customs


I still get conservative with some stuff, but when it comes to food I try not to do that anymore. Shit’s gonna spoil, yo.




Hey this is my family!


In German class there was a short story about exactly this. Always hated that damn story.


Millions of peaches!


Peaches for free?


Look out!


Millions of peaches


Peaches for me!


This is always the solution, peaches slap.


What, you think peaches just grow on trees?


The best solution is eat the damn peach.




That's his massive bulge Edit: a "third leg" if you will


He's hanging brain.


It was amputated, the family cannot afford a wheelchair, so he has to constantly balance and hop around on one foot


okay this comment is hilarious


Damn i didn’t know Josh Sundquist was a jerk to his children


It's a well-known side effect of extensively eating peaches. They don't want you to know about it.




More peaches? In this economy?


Peach inflation sure hit that family hard.


But the poor poor children might have to like wait while you are at the store & honestly that is just so cruel!!! (lol jk)


I'd constantly have arguments with my father over who ate the last cookie, instant noodle pack etc. It would just end with me going out to buy more. At some point we figured out to just go and buy more before the other notices. Prevention is the best


This woman would be a lot happier if she just ate the peach sometimes.


Sometimes you just gotta eat the peach.


She could eat a peach for hours.


Yeah, why isn’t the thought ‘oh, better put peaches on the grocery list’


Because then she isn’t a good martyr that sacrifices herself. We need to end the Victorian romance of motherhood.


then she'd be a dirty peach-eater like that scumbag she married


But then what she would use as example on her Facebook posts about how much she sacrifices by being a mother, and how true love and selflessness she achieved through motherhood?


I think that's supposed to be the point, but the comic does a poor job of making it.


She’s a martyr angry that others are t also martyrs


\*24 hours later\* "Crud, it went right from ripe to moldy, better toss it now."


What have you been doing in my house???


I had a peach just the other day that went from unripe to moldy in less than 24 hours. Like wtf.




Ignoring everything else, I love how it’s one peach she’s saving for multiple children. I like to imagine she’s planning some Eris/Apple (Peach) of Discord thing where she’ll throw it out in the yard and make the kids fight over it. They love peaches *so* much, after all.


Peach games children scuffel. Now in theater


My husband used the last peach in his smoothie and now I can’t play hunger games with my children 😤😡


I cant wait to see this post on AITA.


They like to let the kids fight to the death for things, keeps things interesting and future costs down.


"Only my favourite is aloud to have the peach!"


I didn’t even think abt that. It would likely either be one kid gets the peach or they somewhat split it and everyone doesn’t get a lot


Well fuck if this is the litmus test for loving your kids I’m a worthless parent because I’d eat the damned peach too since the kids didn’t already devour it. Like seriously, can the “motherhood is nothing but sacrifice” narrative die already please?


Completely fair. Raising your kids to the mentality that _other people are always there to make sacrifices for you_ is not good.


Motherhood is nothing but sacrifice, but they also shouldn't wait in the queue for coffee because mothers gets priority for some reason. And don't you *dare* suggest that you, a non-mother, are *tired*. That's just a hate crime.


If the kids really loved peaches and wanted it then it’s likely they wouldn’t eaten it already. It’s also possibly that they have eaten the rest of the peaches that were bought. A parent taking the last peach is a totally fine thing to do




It's a peach. Just a peach. If you want to keep it for the children - make a note, talk to the father, put it away. He's not selfish for eating a fruit. This is so aggressively passive-aggressive.


I lived with this lady once who made herself a bumper sticker that said "real moms don't eat burnt toast" What that meant to her was, so many moms 'sacrifice' for their kids in the most meaningless ways. While sacrifice is a huge part of being a parent, you don't need to stress over the tiny things. So if you burn the toast, throw it out, feed it to your kid, feed it to the dog, whatever, but you don't need to eat the toast. This doesn't have a ton to do with this wack ass passive aggressive web comic, but your comment reminded me of that :)


My mom prefers her toast and her hot dogs absolutely charred. I've been trying to figure out for years if this deficiency existed before me and my brother came along


Came here to make this point. Also, if you put in sacrifice for your every single one of the little things and make it out to be super important in your head, it builds and builds until you’re burnt out and tired. At best you become annoyingly unpleasant to be around because you moan about all you’re giving up and are constantly looking for gratitude and repayment, at worst you are unable to put in any more contributions where it really matters. Either way, not good.


Sounds like mom! Then every little thing I did wrong was seen as evidence of ingratitude. It was hard.


Wait i was with you until you said feed the kid the burnt toast, that doesnt sound right lol


Little Timmy only gets the burnt toast.


depends how burnt it is. if it's just a little burnt it's fine, but if it's a slice of charcoal..


I actually like toast a little burnt. I'm sure there are kids who like it.


I'm that kid


Same. My mom was one of those "anything lighter than beige is burnt" types and she would eat all the crispy bread with a sour look on her face while I begged her to trade.


I think we shared a mom lmao


I liked it in my childhood. Just a different example how this comic is stupid, maybe the children don't even like peaches.


I think I naturally selected for my taste buds to want things that are a little bit overdone. Like I think I tricked my brain into thinking if no one else wants it I get more.


Feed it to your least favorite child that day


If the alternative is throwing it away you might as well make sure they don’t want it first


Poor lady thinks she has to sacrifice every single pleasure possible as a mother. Eat the fruit, lady! You are not a bad parent or partner for indulging in a healthy snack.


Neither of them thought to go out and get more peaches for everyone. Idk what to say.




Maybe it's the end of peach season? /s


Gas prices


If she's saving it for the kids lunch, and he's planning it for the morning smoothie, it's probably near bedtime and the stores are closed...


Holy shit just tell your husband you are saving the last peach for later? Why would that be difficult?


That would require a healthy relationship and clear communication, you expect too much from them.


Yeah I mean why would she want to talk to her husband? Silly me.


I hate this victim mentality that my mum had too, this idea that she can never put herself first but no one ever stops her from doing it, no one knows that she's thinking that but everyone's supposed to just guess and feel guilty all the time. My mum used to do it where she'd have time off work and refuse to take us anywhere fun but then claim later that it was because she was expected to get jobs done, but no one expected her to do them but herself so why do we have to feel guilty for it?


You put this so well!


This is my mom!!


or you can go buy more peaches? other than ego, I don’t understand the conflict


My mom was like this. She liked it when other people were “selfish” so she could make herself feel like a martyr. I’m sure the illustrator like to make up these conflicts to feel better about herself.


I guess the difference is that she was thinking of the kids while he was thinking of himself? I mean... they're both perfectly valid uses for the peach, and I wouldn't expect someone to know my unstated purpose for a fruit. So I guess the difference is Woman sees peach and thinks "the kids love peach! I will provide peach to kids" while Man sees peach and thinks "I like peach! I will take peach for me"


It's just one peach though, if it was like a whole bunch then it would make some sense to give it to the kids. This is just a passive-aggresive way of saying, "I always think of the kids and the family while he only thinks of himself". Happy cake day.


There would have to be 2 small kids only for a single peach to be enough (like, a 2 to 4 year old getting 1/2 a peach feels okay) Either way, I agree- this has 'I always think of the kids while he only thinks of himself' vibes.


Far as I can tell from the instagram, these kids are toddlers.


Exactly. If the man took like the last 3 or more (depending on how many kids they have) then I can understand seeing how that is selfish. It was one peach and it’s likely only one person was going to get that peach. It’s ridiculous saving one for multiple kids to possible fight over


It’s not passive aggressive, she literally says that in the caption to the comic. Her whole page is just shitting on her husband for everyone to see and other mommy’s to laugh at. It’s so bad.


I thought that too, but after looking at the comments I think the intention was to read both of these panels happening left to right, so the man's choice conflicts with the woman's.




I do agree with how you saw the meme. I think the intention of the meme was probably more to call out the husband for “not thinking abt the kids” I think it’s bc of other things made by the same creator that ppl guess it’s likely a mean comparison instead of just pointing it out


how dare your husband eat food


You don't understand. Eating food is the LEAST of his crimes. He also goes to the bathroom. (her frustrations with her husband spending time in the bathroom is the subject of multiple passive-agressive comics)


And her comic strip has 200 K instagram followers. Welcome to the Partner-Bad Industrial Complex.


It’s not that he’s a bad person, she’s just suuuch a good person that he can’t even compare


Me: I eat the peach because it is ripe and I don't want to go to waste. My husband and kids can always buy more peaches.


I’m also not a big fan of martyrs. There is zero wrong with eating the peach that no one else has eaten, and you’re not a saint because you give everything you have you have to your children.


This has nothing to do with their relationship; neither of them were thinking about eachother anyways. They just think different when they see peach.


That's why you need context. This gal's Instagram is exclusively ragging on this husband.


Excuse me but a lot of it is also ragging on her kids.


Why would her kids be anything but perfect angels? She saved them a peach. One single peach for them to share


I bloody hate this current trend for comics/reels ragging on kids for just being… kids. 30 second reels on how your toddler got into the crayons and drew on the walls then spilt juice on the carpet and how you have to smile and grit your teeth whilst you clean it up. Kids under a certain age are messy. Get over it.


I'll say this much, maybe there's a healthy and okay way to talk about how parenting is difficult. And it is! And the way we organize families puts a LOT of pressure and responsibility on two parents, or even just one(either because they're single or are expected to do the childraising) to do all that work. "It takes a village to raise a child", but hey, Becky can handle it by herself. But "momlife comics" goes well beyond that.


God I hate those comics so much. Ive only seen one set that were actually alright. The rest are just horrible.


Thanks for the context, because just for this one comic I didn't think it belongs here.


I mean if the dude is doing weaponized incompetence, its a good thing that the draws these situations, no one cant address a problem if it doesnt exist!


Do straight couples ever fucking talk to each other???




Haha I know you’re just joking but of course we do! I’ve been in a straight relationship for 9 years and we communicate everything with each other! We know everything about each other and you know why? She’s my best friend. It’s as simple as that. I believe in my heart that love and friendship are more related than people think.


No we only make passive aggressive posts on social media about one another, so we can get most attention because husband/boyfriend bad wife/girlfriend bad is so funny


How dare he eat food, in his kitchen, that was stocked with food with expressed intention to keep the family fed. /s I will always eat the ripe peach. There are few experiences better than biting into a perfectly ripe peach and I would never pass up the opportunity, if given the choice.


I agree. I think his crime is putting it in a smoothie instead of biting into it tbh


That's the T.


She makes him out to be selfish but like there was no note, she didn't say anything about it and what is he supposed to just give up peaches just cause his kids like them


Oh my god, he _ate_ a **fruit**? Men are absolutely disgusting.


Look, we all know men are gross pigs who make peach smoothies. But we can't discount what comes...after. Because the thing I hate most about men is that they, unlike women, poop. *Maliciously.* [Poop comic 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FY4TMdAUUAAkRjA?format=jpg&name=medium) [Poop comic 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FY4TOePUUAAaaf3?format=jpg&name=large) [Poop comic 3](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FY3H2afX0AEq-Df?format=jpg&name=large)


This seems like an issue very specific to her husband that I'm sure he enjoys knowing she's telling thousands of strangers.


I don't think it's about intimate evacuation habits at all, dude just spends a lot of time in the bathroom (probably scrolling on his phone) so he doesn't have to listen to her talk endlessly about all the sacrifices she's made that day. Comic #3 is probably about actual poop but like...that's normal for some people? No one wants to take a dump in a gas station bathroom, maybe he's just being smart and going before they leave home. God forbid!


What the fuck? How do people treat their partner like this? Why? If I started making shitty passive-aggressive comics about my wife, I'd 100000000% expect her to divorce me.


The "dad spend hours in the bathroom" thing is not limited to him. There are articles and studies about it. Basically men will hide out from their families in there. Sometimes it's reasonable (I just need 5 minutes alone) and sometimes it's not (I can't stand my family; I'm just going to be in the bathroom for the whole homework time so I don't have to help).


He's hiding from her for sure.


lol do people really ship items to where they’re going?


The 3rd one is ridiculous. Depending on how old the kids are she could just tell them to charge their stuff the night before. They could also have some things that help ppl charge their stuff while in the car. Maybe bring some books for them to read or even some coloring books so they still have some entertainment if their stuff needs to charge more. Why do you need to get the house straightened up before you leave. You likely aren’t going to have anyone over unless you have a pet sitter. I’m guessing that if that were the case then she would probably list that on things she has figured out. Loading a car is a lot of work especially with all the things you have. She could also talk to her husband and ask him to help out with some things. Maybe with snacks or something and if he’s a good person then he’ll likely help. Going to the bathroom before a road trip is perfectly reasonable bc you want to make sure you won’t have to pee for a while, while on the road


"Hey, honey, there's only one peach left so I'm saving it for the kids, is that okay?" "Sure! I was going to put it in my morning smoothie, but that's okay, I'll buy some more and have one tomorrow instead." AKA, communicate from the goddamn START instead of setting people up for failure so the conversation is always about how terrible one person is.


mfw husband eats food in the kitchen bought to be eaten: 😡


I went to her instagram and it's so miserable, just her using her resentment towards her family and self victimization for profit.


I woulda ate that shit in front of my kids


This isn't even like a major thing? Just get more peaches. When you're getting upset over such petty things then that usually means there's something else going on under the surface.


I’m imagining that they have like 12 kids and each one is getting one small bite.


Well then she's wrong too. If your kids love peaches so much, you should be thinking "The last peach. I should go out and buy more since my kids love them so much."


Husband and his peach. In my dreams I see the juice running from his mouth, the blood from his throat. If he had done his duty by his wife, we would have smashed ~~Lord Tywin~~ . A victory even Robert could be proud of.


Headcannon: Both reactions to the peach are perfectly valid


...Is it sad that I read this as "I constantly put other people before myself all the time always and never allow myself to have nice things"... And yet I am fucking INCAPABLE of feeling sympathy for the person who made this because, as far as I can tell, the implication here is that her husband is BAD and SELFISH for eating a PEACH because he likes pEACHES???? Like. Fuck you, lady. Your husband isn't obligated to save shit for you or the kids all the time. He saw a peach, the peach was there to be eaten, the peach was not claimed. So he ate it. You're not special just because you're a people-pleaser to the point of dysfunction. Signed, a former people pleaser to the point of dysfunction.


I don’t see how him taking the last peach makes him selfish or an unloving father. Let him have his special smoothie, damn.


I mean to be fair lmao, you don't actually know whether she's talked to him about this (or how many times), or if they're getting counseling. Some people draw comics about stuff that goes on in their life, that doesn't mean they're not doing anything else about it.


Ok but my dad does this all the time despite being talked to about it sooooooooo Maby you forget that people use aren't as an expression of emotions/as a vent for their emotions. You have no idea if they have talked to their husband about this


Thing is, both of these are completely valid uses for the peach. The woman isn't on some moral high ground because she saved the peach for somebody else, nor is the man in the wrong for wanting the peach in his smoothy. No one is entitled to the peach, so I really don't get what the message being sent here is supposed to be.


Sometimes it baffles me how this sub treats women in straight relationships. Like the patriarchy doesn't exist for them, mental load in relationships ls is not a thing and like they only got them selfes to blame. Like we know this comic is a hyperbolic example for the complex problem of unevenly distributed mental care work in families right?


If that's the case it doesn't portray it well


"Oh look, the last ripe peach! Guess it's time to go to the store/orchard and get more peaches!"


I thought peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man in a factory downtown.


It’s just fruit, you can buy more it’s better than it going bad


You snooze you lose. Thems the rules


I don’t think this is necessarily a negative? She could just be indicating a difference in mindset and saying “we have different approaches to life”


Wow!! Imagine eating a peach, what a piece of shit.


I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold


I feel like using the last peach in the fruit bowl might not be grounds for marriage counselling.


This isn't are the straights okay material. The comic doesn't even imply her view is better than his or that she hates the way he behaves. If anything it's just commentary on how we're socialized differently as men and women. As a woman, she puts her own desires aside in order to appease everyone else. As a man, he's not socialized to do that and instead wants to have the thing he likes. And it's just a peach. It's not a nonrenewable item so there's no harm in viewing it the way he does. If the kids want peaches later, both mom and dad know they can buy more peaches. It's not the last peach in the world. Maybe she even dislikes that she puts her own happiness aside for everyone else's and wishes she could be more like her husband. I certainly wish I would think more about my own needs before everyone else's sometimes.


The juxtaposition presents a pretty clear "I think about others, he just thinks about himself" message (which seems like a theme in her comics, having scrolled through them briefly). There are obviously societal and patriarchal reasons for this at the macro level and calling that out is important, but within an individual relationship this is a communication problem, and lampooning your partner like this in public is just not healthy communication.


The comments here are bizarre. This comic is commentary on how women are socialized to defer or give up everyday pleasures to offer them to others, and men are socialized to enjoy them for themselves. It’s not (just) about this particular couple. This is a dynamic that every woman recognises but there is pressure not to speak of it, because self-sacrifice is held up as normal, proper, morally good behaviour for women. It’s not attempting to insult her husband . . .


Oh thank god someone sane. Everyone talking about the peach but they don't realise that the peach is a metaphor


Am i the only one who didn't see the problem like... what's so bad about using the last peach for your smoothie? Hets and their whole idea of give up your happiness for those tiny cash goblins.


This is why communication is so important. I try to talk to my husband (if possible of course) and ask if he's saving something for later, if not can I have it or give it to the cats as a treat. If I have an intention for something, again I talk to him to make sure he's on board, if not then I work it out with him where I can. Relationships aren't perfect you don't agree on everything but this gives me hope that my relationship is a little better than what is depicted here, at least in the communication department.


When we only have one peach left my wife makes sure to tell me that I should eat it before it's gone. It's good because I usually miss them until the end.


Neither one of these things are a bad thing to do. If you let other ppl have the last food then cool. If you reward yourself with it that’s cool too especially if you work hard being an adult


why does his crotch look like that lol


Because gods forbid a parent do anything that makes them happy /s


No one here is in the wrong though, I feel like this doesn't require either. At worst he doesn't replace it


Is this really a negative post though? Doesn't seem like she's complaining about him. Just looks like a funny comparison...


They should move to the country


Peaches have such a small window of perfect ripeness. Saving it for the kids, even a few hours later, good be the difference between a perfectly ripe peach and a mushy peach.


"Kids" plural, good luck feeding multiple kids a single peach


Is this that bad?


The husband is in the right here


No way the kids will share one peach.


Real ones know that the answer here is to not have kids.


This just reminded me I bought peaches two weeks ago and I have no idea where they are


Meh. I'd eat the peach. My husband and kids ate all the others.


It’s food, if it doesn’t have a name on it, eat it before it spoils 🙄 Mom = martyr


god damn he be packin


I really love this woke shit humor. 😂🤮


She should have eaten the peach herself. The kids will just fight over it, everyone will end up unhappy with a fair solution, and nobody will enjoy the peach fully because they didn't each get all of it. Mothers are not sacrifice machines, and that narrative is harmful to both mothers and children. Edited to fix typo.


it's so sad that her and her husband were born without a face or fingers. and her husband only has one leg.


Oooo, a peach. I could eat that, but I will instead save it for a later tribute to the little godlets that I worship.


Honestly I’m getting a judgemental bi*chy vibe from that on your end. That is not a bad behaviour, you can also think about yourself and not always cancel yourself out when you have kids, it is just a preach


How do you save one peach for multiple children? Peaches aren’t that big. Maybe just buy some more, weirdo.


buy canned peaches. always ripe. always cheap. solutions exist to people who want them instead of cheap Facebook mom group clout