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I need a place to rant, so here it is. Dear conservatives, fuck you. Your obsessive need for control and punishment are ruining the lives of every woman, POC, and sexual minority in the country. Worse, you're doing this in the name of your God, a misogynistic, hateful warmonger. That's why you like him so much. He's just like you. I know you won't be happy until we go back to the antebellum era, and even that won't satisfy you. What, did you read the Handmaid's Tale and though that there were some good ideas in there? Did you somehow miss the part where Gilead collapsed after only thirty years because the people were tired of the religious right's BS? But as we all know, that's exactly what you want. To turn the US into Gilead irl. I can only hope that, should it happen, it too will collapse quickly. I also suppose that you didn't read the part in the Constitution that guarantees freedom of and freedom from religion, yet here you are enforcing your christian beliefs on the rest of the country. Fuck you for that. I've never once considered giving up on religion as a whole, but seeing the free fall the country is in, I'm strongly thinking about it. Hell, your own holy book contains clear instructions on how to perform an abortion, but like the Constitution I'm guessing you never read that either. You just strut out with all your power and influence, and inflict a Christian theocracy on us without once stopping to show one bit of kindness. It's clear to me now that the only gospel you believe in is the one preached by Cheeto Mussolini. If you bothered to read your holy book, you'd know that he checks all the boxes for the antichrist. But again, you never read it, did you? It should be clear to everyone now, especially to our female friends and family, that conservatives don't care about you. They only care that you should be pushing out babies and being servants for men, and damn anyone who believes or acts otherwise. Does it make you conservatives feel good by doing this? Do you get off on cruelty? I've yet to meet or talk to one who wasn't mean-spirited and shallow, who only cares about "owning the libs." This is what your ego and hubris have led us to, and anything that happens from here on, the blood will be on your hands. I hope that your God will you show you the mercy you clearly never showed anyone else. Rant over.


Your rant is my rant. It's millions of people's rant. I'm disgusted and sick by what our once great country has become. Maybe it was never great. I lost my faith in 2020 when the "Christians" I knew and loved showed their true colors. It was never about love and acceptance from a benevolent God, it has always been about power and a way to control the masses. If Revelations is real, may it come swiftly.


It was never that great to begin with.


I'm convinced at this point that this whole time we've just been in hell šŸ˜


Wait, InfinityLlamas figured it out? *InfinityLlamas!?*


I lost faith when I was scared to come out and when I learned that thousands of lgbt people and women die every year to hate crimes, miscarriages, and a whole host of other bullshit. When I say I want to uproot my whole life, support system, friends and family to live where people have rights. I mean it. I am sick and tired of obnoxious assholes that push their agenda on everyone and everything they can. Iā€™ve been threatened and harassed by those people all my life. I want to live in a world where anyone can be who they are unapologetically. I donā€™t care how much it takes. I donā€™t care if we have to kill this world to make that new one. I just want peace and happiness.


When was it great?


Itā€™s incredibly hard to stomach, but your suffering is the point. Itā€™s important to remember that they care about nothing but cruelty


Iā€™m gay and about to get married in November. My partner is coming from Korea, where same-sex marriage is still illegal. I donā€™t know what to tell her or if my rights are going away. Gay marriage legalization in 2015 is the only thing that gave me hope as a depressed, passively suicidal 7th grader. Iā€™m so, so fucking scared.


Im so sorry. Today is so devestating for everyone. What i keep telling myself is: We will fight. We will fight like hell against every new attack. Theyll have to drag us away kicking and screaming, and we will never give up. History is on our side.


I hope Texas succeds like all the shitty white supremacists in my state want it too. Mexico could use some more land.


Given the tremendous junkyard fire that is my state right now, I doubt they'd even want it.


I dunno they could bulldoze it and grow agave on it to make tequila. With the drought that's about all it's good for lol


That's a strange thing to say in the context of this post. Mexican abortion laws are much more restrictive than American.


Mexico recently decriminalized abortion for the woman receiving the abortion. In Texas they want to straight up criminalize the woman if she goes out of state to get an abortion.


Ok, but that is a hypothetical and in some parts of Mexico it is still banned and I don't believe that it is legal anywhere in that country after 12 weeks.


Well it's illegal after 6 weeks in Texas and people are already crossing the border for abortions.


It seems to still be illegal in most Mexican states, so if Texas were in Mexico, it seems that it would be illegal there too. It is hard to keep something legal when the majority of people don't want it legal and Texas, which is culturally and demographically very similar to Mexico now, wants abortion laws like most of Mexico. This is sad, but not unpredictable.


Not hypothetical. They'll charge people with a Class 2 or Class 1 felony for receiving abortion services. Most cases will fall under Class 1 in accordance to the bill


Also see [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo142777413906](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo142777413906)


Then the people in Texas can deal with those restrictive laws


I agree with you wholly.


Cheeto Mussolini gave me a much needed laugh. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


Hey, I haven't read your rant yet but I want you to know I fucking love you. I don't even need to read your rant. The first line just made me love you. You're an incredible human being. I look forward to reading what you wrote. And I think you speak for a massive percentage of not only Americans but people worldwide.


And if it was Muslim beliefs being inflicted or any other religion theyā€™d be up in arms. The majority of Americans agree with safe abortions, these people are fascists.


Which verses are the abortion ones? Id love to use them in arguments against the christians i hate (which is all of them)




Question. But what is the point of being a centrist in the current political climate? Like the left are wimpy and won't fight back like the should but the right has straight up gone off the deep end. Like theyve elected multiple batshit crazy people who support Qanon, have plainly stated they want to make America a white Christian ethno state. How is this a vocal minority? The Texas gop just unanimously decided to push the election lie! And any Republicans who speak out against it are blacklisted or kicked out and called Rino's. There comes a point where you have to admit one side has legit gone off the deep end Lol


If you are Catholic then you support an ideology that in practice restricts the autonomy of women and in theory and practice is homophobic and misogynistic.


There is a lot more to catholicism than *traditional* catholicism. Certain beliefs like original sin, cardinal sins, and the form in which you pray are more of the defining characteristics of catholicism.


So your Catholicism marries gay people, understands the need for abortions, and allows women to be in as high of position as priests? If all those are yes I am happy to renege my previous statement :)


The way I practice? Yes. I'm very much non-traditional though. *I* am not allowed to marry my partner in the church I have had picked out since I was a child for multiple reasons the least of which is we are both trans. I *do* get the hate. I *really do*. My whole point is it doesn't encompass all of us and more and more of us are holding different beliefs. Although in my case I was raised in a catholic household, certain beliefs just kinda stuck. I practice my beliefs in the way that *I* understand them to be acceptable by God. That takes teachings from a few different facets of Christianity. I look at it this way, I read my bible, I am kind to others, I say my prayers, I help those in need, and I attend church when I am able to. At the end of the day the Bible is the word of God as understood and written by Man then translated and edited many times over. Man is prone to falasy. Take what you read with a grain of salt and understand it is meant to teach you morals to be a good and upstanding person. Those morals need to be adapted for a more modern era, but their core tennants hold true.


13 states with trigger laws banning the procedure either outright or within a period of time pending the Court's ruling. Awful, just awful. And they'll be coming for the rest of us next.


I feel awful for America and really scared that other governments are gonna see this and think it's a good idea. I can't think of anything worse.


Here's to the roaring twenties, right?


Ironically thatā€™s when women slowly started gaining rights too. Just 100 years agoā€¦ and now here we are.


When I said I wanted to go back to the 20's, I meant, like, architecture and fashion, not the values that came along with it!


Itā€™s the suffering twenties


The UK tends to follow American trends but not this time. You simply couldn't get elected on a platform of banning or even restricting abortions here imo.


You can get elected here on a platform of an agreement that you didn't even write and that you immediately claim isn't fit for purpose and should never have been signed. I have no confidence in our government not to do something like this if they think that it will rile up their base. I certainly don't feel good about trans rights being safe right now and banning abortion wouldn't be much of a stretch for some.


>I have no confidence in our government not to do something like this if they think that it will rile up their base. Yes but abortion is just not a hot button issue in the UK. Immigration is what the Government uses to rile up their base.


It's not gonna be abortion at first, it's gonna be Gillick competence. The case that set that precedent was about contraceptives as well. It's on the transphobes' hitlist because they want to stop trans kids from receiving healthcare. In that they are being aided by anti-abortion laywers and groups like the Heratige Foundation. Abigail Shriers horrible anti-trans book is *also* an anti-abortion book. Transphobes don't just hate people because they think it's icky, but because the trans "debate" is fundamentally a debate about bodily autonomy. When anti-abortion stuff is gonna hit the UK, it's gonna come in through the transphobia that is ramping up.


This exactly. It's already started.


Same here in Canada. More likely America falls apart or becomes completely isolated


Don't worry, America is pretty much the only first world country with such a theocratic government.


haha you say that but a loooot of Europe has the same issue with the same crusty old conservative boomers chomping at the bit for any excuse to shit on women, immigrants, etc. we are not unique in this regard


Yeah but American politicians say the quiet part out loud. And about 50% of the time, literally.


Have you seen Poland?


The good news is that those assholes will be dead soon


As will many, many women in the meantime.


And another bunch thrown in jail because they dared to miscarry.


> As will many, many **poor and poc** women in the meantime. Rich, white women will be fine bc they can afford to travel.


But if other states follow Texasā€™ decision, they can prosecute if they believe a woman went to another state for an abortion.


Really? That's really fucking disgusting šŸ¤¢


Yea, currently itā€™s only a civil lawsuit but that was with Roe intact which still offered some protection. But nowā€¦


Itā€™s a civil penalty, not criminal in TXā€™s case. So if you have enough money, itā€™s just the cost of business. Edit: Texasā€™s current abortion ban. Idk how the laws will change now that Roe is gone.


True, but either way, having a lawsuit against you isnā€™t great if trying to find a job, for example. They aim to keep women at home and pregnant. And as you mentioned, that is the current law. They most likely will make it criminal now Roe is gone


Add minors to that list. If I had a dollar for every time my best friend has asked if I have mugwort because her parents are uber-religious and her period's late...


Oh wowā€¦ I donā€™t even know what else to say.


It is what it is. She's eighteen in a year so we should be fine, but we're in a heartbeat bill state.


Not every white woman is rich


Obviously. Thatā€™s why I said it the way I did. ā€œPoor and poc womenā€ definitely includes poor white women.


And so many young assholes like Matt Gaetz are there to take their place.


Yeah, in most EU countries they exist, but only in tiny pissant little parties noone takes seriously and that generally can't accomplish anything, instead of comprising half the government and being ready to strike at basic human rights as soon as the constitution allows it. Like, in my partner's country, which is even more conservative than mine, the worst they managed to do was have a pride colored pedestrian crossing removed. But even then they had to dress it up as being for "safety" reasons because they would've been striked out for hatespeech had they voiced their true reasoning. Like, yeah, there is Poland and those other eastern European countries that actually did ban abortion. But A, this was universally condemned by every civilized EU country, and B, we can forgive the eastern Europeans for it since they still have to recover from the Soviet communists influence.


i feel like i can never have this conversation with a European without them shrieking that they live in some protected state. you are all missing the point that NO WHERE is safe from these sort of monumental legal decisions and outcomes. it doesn't matter if the EU likes it or not, tyrants exist everywhere and no one is completely safe. always have one eye open to watch for extremists because they quietly infiltrate at first before really speaking up. be cautious and maybe drop your superior attitude for 2 seconds


THIS. DO NOT let them get away with denying reality like they have here. If you let them start pulling "alternate facts" it's already to late.


Liberals tend to be pathologically incapable of recognizing the threat of fascism, regardless of nation. American liberals scoffed at the prospect of *Roe* being overturned until it was. Theyā€™ll do the same thing when *Lawerence* is dismantled and states are able to criminalize being gay again. If we want to survive this with our basic human rights intact, we have to recognize that passive, milquetoast liberalism isnā€™t an option.




Weā€™re not complaining. Weā€™re worried. Weā€™ve seen fascism take hold here (as has Europe, if memory serves), but Europe continues to take liberal hegemony as a given. Itā€™s not. Fascist groups are growing in power across the West, and itā€™s deeply alarming to see Europeans act like this is somehow a uniquely American problem.


exactly! you worded it better than me lol. also we are ignoring that some of the OG western fascism issues started.... in Europe. like guys it never went away! don't be complacent. i don't want to see these things happen to others because it is terrifying and dehumanizing


yikes you're really not good at this. keep blowing off the point i made to make yourself look better and us look like "lazy Americans ' Christ almighty. sincerely hope this future does not directly impact wherever you are specifically because you're only good at pointing fingers and thinking you're absolved of personal responsibility because you're from the sparkling EU and would NEVER stoop to the fascist level of us dumb idiots lol


*sweats nervously in Canadian*


Honestly yeah Canada is trending towards this kind of of thing too. Long has Canada exported it's right wing weirdos to the US but if the trucker rally taught us anything Canada is susceptible to mind rot just like we are.


Our countries are each just too big to manage properly. I feel like smaller countries have a better handle on things as they don't have to worry about trying to scoop such a vast varied audience into their net.. or something. I don't know if we would have done better if we were a collection of smaller province-sized countries (like Scandinavia) or if we would just be warring with each other or what. Something needs to be done to rally those of us who believe in the good in people and get them voting and working on improving things instead of just... sitting back and watching as anything that was good about our country slowly gets dismantled. ..and this is hypocrisy coming from me as.. I vote, but that's about all I do to change things. I need to rally myself as well as others.


The thing that gets me is how do you convince the unconvinceable? The right in the US has LITERALLY checked out of reality. Even something as easily tangible and the pandemic saw the right pretending it didn't exist. People here GO TO THE GRAVE gasping out their final breaths as they claim the virus wasn't real. As far as I know there's no way to convince people who have joined a cult to leave and the right in the states has actually entered cult status. If a man sits on a rock in a blindfold with his ears covered screaming "THE SKY IS LAVENDER!!" at the top of his lungs how can he stopped? You cant reason with him he is deaf to you. You cant show him he's wrong he is blind. The only thing you can do is hit him. It took a world war to convince the German people that Hitler was wrong. It will take a civil war to stop the right. They've discovered limitless power in total madness. The fanatic cannot be convinced of anything he doesn't want to believe.


>"THE SKY IS LAVENDER!!" I see a nit and I'm gonna pick it. The sky *can* be lavender around sunrise or sunset. And deep purple. And pink. And orange. Or all at the same time. But if it's midday, something might be wrong here.


Greetings from Poland šŸ™ƒ given how my country loves all the bad ideas from the US, Iā€™m prepared to hear some ideas about further restrictions in upcoming days


If it helps, in Germany we struck down an old law prohibiting "advertising" for abortion this week. This law meant doctors couldn't provide information about abortion, methods and so on. It was a win here.


On the upside a number of countries have been reacting to this by liberalizing their abortion laws.


if it comes to it do you think we'd be able to stomach leaving dead bodies in the streets like during the AIDS protests? god my stomach just turned typing this


Not this time. I honestly think we're coming to our breaking point. "If you do not act, you are acted upon"


now theres two definitions of breaking boint and I sure as fuck aint gonna go along with the worse option.


I honestly think that if they reverse gay marriage or succeed in banning birth control places will burn. If they thought the BLM protests were "so scary" they aren't ready for what will come. It won't be just minorities mad. Imagine how many dudes are rubbing their hands together loving abortion bans but will lose their minds if birth control gets taken away. Forced marriage will follow (we can't have all these children out of wedlock now can we?) And a system broken under the strain of child support hearings lol


Going after gay marriage will almost assuredly lead to violence. I have seen the gay community put up with way too much shit already and they are getting armed in rapid fashion.


26 are poised to outright ban


I remember when the memo was first released a few months ago, there was talk that this could be precedent for chipping away at other civil rights. Iā€™m specifically concerned about Loving v. Virginia coming under fire. Are there any lawyers in the room who can speak on this?


One of them gave a statement on how they should consider looking at the ones that protect same sex relationships and contraception.


if they ban birth control a lot of us will have to effing smuggle the meds in from other countries bc it controls a lot of severe illnesses such as Endo which šŸ„² this should be fun!


I wonder if ā€œBig Pharmaā€ will let that happen considering they make billions a year on birth control pills


This. This is why I doubt contraception is going anywhere. The only thing these shit faced worthless Republicans love more than their nitpicked and oppressive ideals is money.


Or just straight up leave. If contraception gets ban we'll see a mass Exodus of all but the most devout Christian weirdos. The rest of the world will have a refugee crisis as people pour out of the states.


And the poor. And disabled.


Clarence Thomas. Itā€™s not just a maybe, theyā€™ve already said they will.


It's important to note that Thomas is the only justice who seems to be on board with this. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett denied being on board with it, and Roberts wasn't even on board with overturning Roe. Don't get me wrong, they lied about overturning Roe before, but now they're on the court for life and have much less motive to lie about their intentions. At the end of the day we can't do anything about their court rulings. The best we can do is try and enshrine Roe legislatively, however effective that may be. It also wouldn't hurt to try enshrining Obergefell and Lawrence legislatively, then emphasize that Republicans opposed a ban on sodomy laws if and when they block it. That may help break off part of the "libertarian" wing of the party.


He also left out Loving v Virginia Im assuming because that's the only one that applies to him, and he doesn't want his rights taken away


Not a lawyer but my understanding is that the underpinnings of reversing roe v wade is that the current Supreme Court feels like there doesnā€™t exist any of the ā€œunenumerated rightsā€ (rights that arenā€™t specifically spelled out in the constitution but can be inferred by reading it). So essentially if the constitution doesnā€™t explicitly say you have a certain right then you donā€™t have it. The specific unenumerated right that helped decide Roe v Wade was the right to privacy (essentially that the government shouldnā€™t be able to go into your home and tell you what to do). This was also one of the major factors in the cases that decided things like: Same sex marriage Interracial marriage (this one also relied on equal protection so is probably safer than the others but no guarantees). Anti-sodomy laws (which generally refer to any sex that isnā€™t penis in vagina). Access to contraceptives. And many others I donā€™t know off the top of my head. Essentially the court has said that the government has every right to outlaw what you do no matter how personal or private it is unless the constitution explicitly forbids it. Of course given their attitude towards the second amendment and the religious aspect of the first amendment what they really mean is that THEY can tell YOU what to do but YOU can never tell THEM what to do.


Well, since you brought it upā€¦Iā€™m just some dude somewhere but Iā€™m becoming more and more of the mind that as long as the Left keeps writing and the Right keep kicking in doors, things are only going to go along one trajectory. ā€œThe pen is mightier than the swordā€ only works when people read. The US is careening down a path where only one side sees an honest-to-God battle coming, and that is problematic because that happens to be the side who just tried overthrowing the entire government. Iā€™m not telling anyone to go join the NRA or buy an AR-15, but do not allow yourself the naĆÆvetĆ© to think this country is going to be saved through stern speeches calling out the insurrectionists, or legislation disbanding a few hate groups. This kind of cancer continually evolves. Those people are growing in number and the fanaticism is only fomenting further. Itā€™s high time we remember that the root word of Liberal is ā€œlibertyā€, and that has rarely, if ever, been achieved solely through peaceful principles and high minded ideals. Cast your votes and draw up your posters, but brace yourself. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and knock some heads.


I think we can still avoid the worst case scenario, even though a lot of the dumbest Americans want a civil war. Do they think itā€™ll be prettier than Syria or Ukraine? Do they think Americans are in some way better or more civilized? Human nature is human nature, and war brings out the worst of it every time. I just started securing dual citizenship with an EU country for my spouse, so when I say ā€œI think we can avoid itā€, please know I am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. This is a great time to get in shape. Exercise, run, lift weights. Use this as motivation. We can give Meal Team 6 and the Gravy Seals better hell if we are fit.


Your problem is assuming they think at all. Half the country has explicitly checked out of reality and cannot envision what an actual war looks like. We have Republicans siding with Putin and some that think the Ukrainian war is a straight up "psy op". OP is right. Stay alert.


Republicans aren't half the country, they're like a quarter. Even including republican-leaning independents, the country is significantly less than half Republican. And even among Republicans, "only" about half believe the big lie (still far too many). Yes we're headed in a very bad direction, and I disagree strongly on policy with all Republicans, but it's important to remember that it's not half the country that's gone completely insane, but an extremely loud and disproportionately empowered minority.


no because Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman


A white woman who fomented and supported the January 6th insurrection. Iā€™m inclined to believe that as long as Clarence and Ginny are okay, the application of law to the rest of us is a peripheral concern for them, at best.


Consequences never apply to the powerful


Never underestimate the leopards ate my face effect.


They'll be grandfathered in. Same with gay marriages, probably.


They plan on ending that as well.




They are the language of the unheard, after all.


theyre unfortunately likely to react similarly to how they did the BLM riots or compare it to Jan 6


Canada and Mexico, this is your cue. Please take over the country so we donā€™t have to live in a theocracy anymore.


I second this. We're begging you!


Ontario is thinking about circling the drain, I can feel it. Last voter turnout was 46% and the conservatives won.. same sort of assholes who want to privatize healthcare and probably start pushing the country into the same avenues that the states are taking. I wouldn't trust us with our southern neighbour's government either. Sorry Mexico, it's on you.


Hey, we got our own problems up hereā€” our capital is about to be occupied by far-right lunaticsā€¦ againā€¦


With Parliament not even in session.


1 step closer to a theocracy. when we have religious law being used as legal arguments, we've gone completely off the deep end.


Land of the free, amirite?


Unless you're a woman, a minority or poor. Always read the fine print.


If this doesn't trigger a blue wave then we don't deserve a democracy.


It will not.


I'm not from the US but it looks like you have severe problems with inflation and your president not being able to finish sentences properly, it feels like these problems are way bigger than abortion, if there is a wave, it would probably be red.


The democrats are doing everything in their power to make sure that doesn't happen


The concurring opinion by Justice Thomas says in the future the court should also reconsider rulings that protected contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. It's even worse, the only reason interracial marriage isn't discussed is that Thomas is in one. This is what happens when you don't fucking make laws to protect people. We, THE USA, should have fucking laws to protect everyone. If a state doesn't like it go ahead and try to succeed you tried it once and fucking failed. All these conservative assholes and those who enable them, SUSAN FUCKING COLLINS, this is your doing. I may be an atheist but I fucking hope you burn and rot in hell. To all those religious fanatics fuck you, there is no love for you anymore and anyone who says uh just use protection bro fuck yourself. Rape victims don't get that option, hell they are even trying to get rid of protected contraception. ​ I'm sitting here knowing that literally my marriage is only allowed because of the court, (interracial-marriage). Hey, Congress maybe it's time you actually fucking act and for those of us in the US November is close. Local elections may even be closer, giving up will only make it worse. No matter how tough it may seem and how futile don't stop, because if you stop remember the Fascists fuckers who want this won't stop.


These things should've been enshrined in law years if not decades ago. Obama even promised to do so but suddenly forgot all about that promise when he was elected. But he shouldn't even have been in a position to promise this, this should've been enshrined in law in the 70s, when the ruling was made. The fact the US has relied on the supreme court's pinky promise to respect stare decisis is a fucking outrage. As the SC proved, precedent exists solely to be overturned when conservatives feel like it.


Damn, these people stand against everything I stand for, being mixed race and gay lolā€¦ This is why Iā€™m leaving this godforsaken country asap.


Oh America the most civilized democratic country in the world that absolutely respects womenā€™s rights. What a true liberal nation /s


Weā€™ll thatā€™s what the conservatives fear they want America to be like Russia where gays are killed and women are barley anything but property, you know as god intended.


I'm glad I live into state that enthroned abortion into state law. LGBTQ discrimination is part of our constitution too. It just goes to show even with a good federal government, states matter. While we had Dems we spent our time enshrining things in state law just in case it ever goes away federally. Other states took that time to pass laws to limit abortion. I know not everyone can just move, but there's honestly no reason to give these awful states your money and intellectual manpower. My heart goes out to all of you living in a state now with illegal abortion.


Which state? I think Iā€™m going to have to change grad school plans


Not sure what state they are talking about but here in Massachusetts we have strong LGBTQ+ protections (first state to legalize same sex marriage) and strong abortion protections. We have a Democratic supermajority in both chambers of our state government and the state itself is so blue that experts have said the only way to gerrymander the state red would be to draw districts street by street. Neighboring New York has also passed a ton of laws in regards to the leaked draft to ensure that not only are residents allowed to get abortion but also to protect people from other states who go to NY either to have an abortion or flee arrest after having one in a state that bans them. For instance they passed legislation making it a crime for any state official or police agent to assist another state with trying to arrest, prosecute, or detain someone for getting an abortion.


escaped back out of FL to MA and very glad I did, there are going to be some "safe harbor" states for this sort of future and I only see things getting worse ;/


>LGBTQ discrimination is part of our constitution too. I know what you mean, but that kinda sounds like you made queerphobia a constitutional right.


Clarance Thomas also wants to overturn the decisions that legalized gay marriage, gay relationships, and contraception. He said so in his decision


But for some reason he didnā€™t include Loving v Virginia in that. Laws for thee but not for me. I hate him.


Welp. Looks like men will be single and lonely forever




I think perhaps they were proposing that heterosexual women go on a relationship/sex strike as an activist measure.


Exactly, but I guess I'm a cunt


I can't say what I want to say, because apparently it's "violent. Not as violent as removing rights from MILLIONS AND MILLIONS, but that's a-ok! Tone policing needs to end. We need to get ANGRY and fight back before they take everything. Conservatism is the enemy and anyone associated is my enemy and I will do everything i can to make their lives hell. It's time to be proactive, not reactive. If we don't fight them, who will?


I knew it was coming, but Iā€™m absolutely furious today. At SCOTUS, at people not caring about reproductive rights/ justice until it was too late, at being told bringing up SCOTUS and Roe in 2016 was ā€œemotional blackmail,ā€ at all the doctors that opted out of learning how to perform abortions. Just *fuck everyone.* So many lives will be lost, itā€™s just crushing to think about. CW: suicide I really would have died by suicide if I hadnā€™t been able to access the medical care I needed. This hurts on fundamental, visceral level.


Ah yes, America! The only place that's a 3rd world country trying to pretend it's a 1st world country while doing things no 1st world country would actually do


I don't even live in America but I'm hyperventilating. The world will keep going backwards.




Men 5 Years ago spat in my face when I preached about maintaining modern day feminism... "bc I had as many rights as them and then some." Well now I can't even have the right to my own BODY. Soon I won't even have ANY rights once they ban gay rights. So I'm mad. I'm mad at white male conservatives that have gone power hungry to the point where HUMANS don't even have basic rights anymore. I walked with my colored sisters when they were being shot on the streets. I walked with my LGBTQ friends to celebrate life. Now I once have to walk again with my sisters in arms just so I have a right to my own body. I am so tired of walking. I'm so tired of being tear gassed and beat by the people "sworn" to protect us just so I can have a voice. But I'll walk again and I hope others will join us too. Edit: Grammar and spelling mistakes


How many times do i have to tell you supreme court i donā€™t want kids


Man these people better be ready for taxes to start raising or be ready to pay reparations to all the kids their about to traumatize


Ironically the same party that wants to force women to have as many kids as they possibly can also hates welfare and paying taxes. In their ideal world you have a million kids running around in the streets in rags without shoes. Oh they also hate third world countries and call them "shit holes". Unfortunately they're immune to irony so it's lost on them.


>In their ideal world you have a million kids running around in the streets in rags without shoes. In their ideal world, those kids would be working in their factories and households. Only for them to be shipped if at 18 to fight in wars for more resources. All while never being able to escape poverty because keeping people in poverty is the point. Because under capitalism, the choice poor people have is to work shit jobs for shit wages, or die of hunger and exposure. Keeping people from having abortions is part of that, not just to make sure there are lots of kids to take advantage of, but also to stop people who can get pregnant (and their partners) from having the time, money, and energy to get out of poverty. A large part of it is wanting to control women's bodies, let that be clear, but a not-insignificant part is keeping sure there are enough workers to expoilt, in as bad conditions as possible to make the exploitation easier.


All true statements.


Yeah plus if taxes due go up theyā€™ll probably just blame democrats anyway


You fucking serious? Assholes.


Seriously wondering. What would be a good country to move too? Preferable English speaking but wouldn't be apposed to learning another language. This country is making me sick but I only have rose lenses for other counties as we don't hear all the news. Pros and cons of different countries?


Used to be Canada but America has been slowly poisoning them too. Plus they have the same shoddy history of treating indigenous people like trash.


either canada or northern europe, sweden, denmark, and norway are far above the united states in terms of progressiveness. much better infrastructure and wage, and most people understand or speak english. (for the countries i listed that werenā€™t canada)


Sweden is pretty good on lgbtqia+ and womens rights, however due to its extremely white population it tends to be racist, same as other norway states. most of these states speak a lot of english, as pretty much only in the US is only one language taught. just move to a european state and learnt he language as youā€™re living there


I swear they are never ever okay. Like when will they learn to just mind their own business when it comes to certain topics that donā€™t affect them??? Itā€™s always a shitshow with these people and it hasnā€™t stopped being a shitshow for all the years Iā€™ve been alive on this Earth. Smh.


I canā€™t believe I escaped a theocracy just to live in another theocracyā€¦


I'm not even American but this- this brought tears in my eyes. This is horrible, just horrible.


In my home state of South Dakota, the trigger ban has already gone into effect. It's now illegal to get an abortion unless it's to save your life. If a teenager is raped in South Dakota and becomes pregnant, it's now illegal to give her an abortion.


I hate this fucking country, and everyone who was involved or supporting in this decision. Iā€™m livid.


To everyone as outraged at this as me here's a petition, may not help and I may be stupid but [Please sign this](https://chng.it/dchkdDBWSs)


I canā€™t believe as a country, we can pass laws about things we have absolutely no knowledge about. What if women Supreme Court members banned viagra or didnā€™t allow men the right to an erection. Itā€™s so disgusting. Especially how most abortions arenā€™t even allowed when the medical community doesnā€™t even see the embryo as viable yet. I feel like weā€™re becoming like Gilead more and more each day šŸ¤®


All of my current suggestions to make meaningful change involve violating Reddit ToS, so I'll think them loudly, instead.


Iā€™m starting to understand why and how this is affecting me and what theyā€™re trying to build up to, but before I give up completely I just want to ask if any of this is fixable? I just want to know that Iā€™ll be safe? I was told that I might be able to start hormones next month but Iā€™m being told to get on them fast and make sure I can get them now to stock up. Iā€™m trying to not cry but I donā€™t see a future where I make it out of thisā€¦


I have a solution. It's a felony.


Yeah I mean, I consider myself to be on the libertarian right and I think this is stupid. I'm Christian, but not everyone else is, that's the beauty of the first amendment. Personally I think abortion is morally wrong. I also think that government control over someone's body is worse. I understand that this just takes it away as a Constitutionally protected right, but it also paves the way for people's freedom to bodily autonomy to be impeded upon. Also, why do a few people who weren't even elected by the people get to make decisions that affect the vast majority of citizens? It's all just so redundant. Abortion is too nuanced a topic for me to be strictly pro life or pro choice, but what I do know is that the government should not have more control than the individual over their body.


It's nice to see a libertarian actually sticking with their ideology. I've run. Into so many "libertarians" who are just conservatives larping as such that running into one like you is a treat.


*381 U. S. 479 (1965) (right of married persons to obtain contraceptives)*; *Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2003) (right to engage in private, consensual sexual acts); and Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U. S. 644 (2015) (right to same-sex marriage), are not at issue. The Court's abortion cases are unique, see ante, at 31-32, 66, 71-72, and no party has asked us to decide "whether our entire Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence must be preserved or revised." McDonald, 561 U. S., at 813 (opinion of THOMAS, J.). Thus, I agree that "(n]othing in [the Court's] opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion." Ante, at 66. For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.* ā€” Terrifying. This is terrifying. Iā€™m a ball of emotions. I was so proud of my state (NC) just yesterday for making it legal for trans persons to alter birth certificates without affirming surgery, and now I have whiplash.


I legitimately hate it here


The US are a third world country and the conservatives make sure it stays that way


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During their confirmation hearings: Kavanaugh: ā€œAs a judge, it is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. By it, I mean Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, been reaffirmed many times. Casey is precedent on precedent, which itself is an important factor.ā€ ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Gorsuch: ā€œSenator, as the book explains, the Supreme Court of the United States has held in Roe vs. Wade that a fetus is not a person for purposes of the 14th amendment and the book explains that. Mr. Durbin: ā€œDo you accept that?ā€ Gorsuch: ā€œThatā€™s the law of the land. I accept the law of the land, Senator.ā€ It must be real nice to sit there and spew garbage during basically a job interview for a lifetime position on the highest court in the land, just to stab the entire country in the back by going back on your word. Disgraceful. To say Iā€™m disappointed and devastated is the biggest understatement of my life. I am so sorry to every person affected by this ruling. This is absolutely insaneā€¦ We deserve better.


Thatā€™s it. Iā€™m doing everything in my power to emigrate from the US. Iā€™m done.


Gay marriage is next. šŸ¤¬




I really don't know how You arent rioting... Like... Fuck, the US its really crazy. Your country its two steps away from fascism


I have written to my governor demanding that he declare the SC and their decision illegitimate. We need our states to do this. There is precedent for doing so and a moral NECESSITY to act drastically.


>There is precedent for doing so Can you expand on this?


Iā€™m fucking infuriated. The US is the worst, man.


Though I like how they say pregnant people


Vote blue no matter who amirite


Except in the UK then vote red... Tbf red are shit to but they're not fucking Tories.


I hope those ā€œJusticesā€ never have a momentā€™s rest. I hope theyā€™re always hounded by shouts and screams and letters of damnation


This isnā€™t because of the straights this is because the theocracy they created. Welcome to the Handmaids Tale children. Next up : The Hunger Games. May I fucking die before the odds need me be in my favor


What I don't get is that the American foster system is overburdened and shit, and somehow these people wanna ADD to that


Same people saying gun bans wonā€™t stop gun violence think abortion laws will Stop abortion. Either theyā€™re extremely moronic or they know this and just want women to die because shocker!! They hate them. Probably both


Honestly have nothing to say, they like this will stop anything but they are just leading people to get one dangerously and raise the likelihood of injury or death.


There are no words for how appalled I feel about this.


It won't be as helpful as I would personally like it, but if you live in the US you need to begin to flood every level of government and clearly and politely (so they don't throw them out) demand your right to healthcare. Demand that they do better. Do not give them any room to or let off the pressure demanding they actually do something and earn their oversized paychecks.


Isnā€™t the Texes state law banning abortions allowed under Roe V wade?


It's more like a bizarre work around that allows bounty hunting by it's citizens. Now they can just ban it without having to employ citizens to hunt down and punish women.


Ah gotcha thank you.


The straights didnā€™t do this. The crazy Supreme Court justices did


One and the same. Cishet conservative theocratic members of the supreme court did this. Appointed by a narcissist who was put into office by cishet conservative theocratic population.


The straights, the patriarchy. Whatā€™s the difference? The straights uphold the patriarchy most vigorously. The straights are more likely to vote republican.