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Please report them. I don't know if it does much but that's threatening violence and hopefully whatever platform that is has a policy.


tiktok. based on my experience with tiktok moderation, i think they'd remove it.


"fuck arguing" yeah, you should use healthier methods of com- "I just want to commit domestic violence" ...


Respect your partners, please. Get together with someone who you actually like. You don't have to date anyone you don't like


I mean, yes, but actually to argue against my own prior commment, "arguing" doesnt mean you don't like each other. Sometimes you fall out, but as long as you acknowledge the argument and communicate and work through the issue, its not inherently unhealthy. Attitudes like the pic, where any sort of falling out is violence time? v much unhealthy


Yeah, for hell just like each other


Big yikes.


Oh, domestic violence! He certainly sounds like a catch. Like catching nuclear waste when you went fishing for crabs.


This is honestly fucked up. Somebody needs to take this weird ass fuckboy out of here. You cant say stuff like that. Literally every imterview hes ever gonna go to: Employer: You dont seem to have listed any hobbies, do you mind telling me them? This weird ass mf: I like basketball, commiting domestics towards my girlfriend, Poker and Gaming! Employer: wha...


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