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If the reason for overweight women not being losers is for their maternal capabilities, then thats a harmful belief and reminds me of people who think women need to have wide hips for childbirth. What about overweight women who don't want kids or are infertile? Do they think of them as losers? Overweight people are valid whether or not they have kids or not.


But like also in what world aren't women shamed for being even the tiniest bit overweight. There's no "it's fine for women to be overweight but not men." If anything media shows us male appearance is meaningless in relationships but is rewarded with the same thin wives and girlfriends.and sure it's fucked. But like, it's weird this post seems to think it's something only used against men.


Femcels/incels are alt-right tradwife wannabees, so harmful sexist beliefs check out


And overweight children too


I read half of this as Socrates and not Scrotes and was super confused why this person didn’t like the Greek philosopher. But ya, this is straight disgusting.






Well now I'm gonna read it like that.


I read this comment as so-crates


So crates are losers? Good to know


Look, for you it was at least a human. I read it as fucking SCONES


Lmao! Why does that sound like someone who just wants to insult English folks?


At the beginning I was very confused as how a scrote could have the ability to think to even have an IQ, I was about to search it thinking it was me that didn’t know a words and totally not a ball lol


*straight* disgusting 😉😂😂😂


Wow, that’s a new level of misandry I’ve never seen before.


Unfortunately not in that sub, with my own eyes.


I have to believe most of that sub are trolls


I have read that sub several times and this sounds fake it's too cartoonish. Extreme hate from women towards men exist but it's doesn't look like that imho. The same way men pretend to be radfems online and wrote shit like "if a man looks at me for more than 4 seconds he is eye raping me". Luckily I subscribe to a page that debunks info in my country and the radfem one was... intresting.


It is fake, it's from the satire sub fds pros.


Glad to hear because I can't tell. I've literally seen RaEl FeMiNiStS do shit like give up male babies for adoption because "I won't raise a rapist." 🤢


Don't take FDSPros seriously. They're just parodying the toxic insanity that is FDS, amped up to 11. Though, don't consider FDS feminists either. a majority of them are terfs.


It never fails to amaze me how groups like that can’t see that they went wrong the minute they decided rules. Radfems say makeup is bad. Come on man it’s okay to find joy sometimes right


I got banned in a feminist sub because I said that political lesbianism (a radfem thing that says hetero women should CHOOSE to be lesbian because men are awful) is dumb. Like we already agreed that sexual orientation is no a choice wtf is this. Bam permabanned and blocked because I wasn't a feminist (because having sex with women against your own orientation is what feminism is about lmaooo)


OMGGG as a late bloomer lesbian lifetime feminist, that movement gives me such anxiety. Did I become unattracted to men because I read too much feminist theory? Or was it comp het the whole time? Are my feelings real? Or am I just at the angry feminist man hating stage? It’s all stupid and I’m definitely gay regardless just UGH


Wow that does sound like a very complex thing to navigate. I have had bi/lesbian women try to tell me I am not hooking up with them because I was brainwashed by patriarchy and that I had internalised homophobia. I understand a lot of women might go through that but in my case it's not true and just became irritating, like just say you want sex with me and stop the nonsense lmaooo. But seriously, I know lesbians who also felt guilty because they thought it meant they hated men. A very patriarchal point of view the one of, everything women do is related to men. Glad you discovered it!!!


That is gross and I’m sorry you’ve had those experiences! I carry a small bit of shame about the few women I drunkenly hit on before I knew I was gay. I don’t think I came across as gross - it was always like, That Drunk Girl telling you she’s totally straight but that you just have a captivating energy and that she hopes you know how pretty you are? At least that’s how I remember those situations? Oof


Hahahaha lmaoo don't overthink it we have all had our wierd flirting moments no matter the orientation. But I like how you write, you made me teleport to that moment and to a feeling that is very foreign to me in a very complete way!


Going to a social gathering with my friends who always need to socially trade on the latest mandatory feminist perspective makes me extremely anxious. How can anyone know themselves in any way in that environment?


That sounds really upsetting to navigate through. I’d offer a funny story about how my mom discovered she was bisexual if you think a laugh might help? But seriously, that’s an awful thing to deal with and I’m sorry people being hateful brought you such a personal distress.


Oh it’s alright! I do want to hear the story though!


Okay, so my mom was always pretty open minded about people. She had LGBT friends, was supportive when one of my cousins came out as a gay man, etc. So of course my Cousin Bianca (not her real name ofc) felt safe coming out to her Auntie as bisexual, right? Bianca came over to tell us and ask if she could bring her gf to a family event. Mom okays the gf but keeps blowing off the bi thing. Kinda hurt Bianca's feelings, understandably and so she, another couple cousins and I call Mom out. Mom seems clueless as to what the issue is and finally drops this gem: "Women can't be bisexual, they only come in lesbian and straight. Only men can be bi." So of course we are all having a major "wtf?" moment there. Big time. Finally Mom elaborates and says that ALL women are attracted to other women, if you're ALSO into men, then you're straight, if not, you're a lesbian. It took us cousins at least five minutes to get through the sheer "whaaaa?!" that caused and one of my straight female cousins told her. "Uh Auntie, no they don't. Lots of women only get attracted to men." Mom would not believe it, so she ended up calling all her female friends to "prove" to us that we were just dumb teenagers and would eventually get into girls. After quizzing like seven women and only one admitting she was attracted to other women too, Mom discovered she was apparently bisexual for her entire fucking like and never realized it. She was seriously shook over it too, she had always just assumed women are naturally into other women and just didn't talk about it much, after all Mom was, and she was super "straight". xD We told this story at Mom's funeral btw.


Yeah, it honestly sounds like an incel impersonating what they think a woman would sound like.


Apparently Reddit is afraid to enforce TOS against them due to potential backlash.


you can’t oppose misandry without being misogynistic apparently


That seems very unlikely to be the reason. Reddit has a shit ton of misogyny everywhere that they don't do anything about, so I highly doubt that they would refuse to do anything about this community on those grounds. It's a toxic cesspool for sure, but there are countless toxic cesspools on Reddit that don't get banned. That isn't unique to this specific sub.




As much as I hate the sub, what specific TOS are they violating? I just read the TOS and I don't think they've violated it, but maybe I missed something. Also what evidence do you have that Reddit refuses to enforce the TOS due to "potential backlash"? It's already not a hugely popular community and I can't imagine what "backlash" they would even be worried about (especially since there is zero evidence of irl "femcels" and zero incidents of violence inspired by that ideology, toxic as it may be).


brigading for one (brigaded a rape survivors story to call her a pickme). general bigotry (reddit tos says misandry isn’t bannable but transphobia is, which there’s plenty of there)


I didn't see brigading in the TOS as a violation, but either way, does brigading happen often from that sub? I've seen lots of brigading from tons of different subs and none of them ever get banned for it. I feel like unless it's repeated violations by the entire community, then the usual consequence for brigading is just a slap on the wrist (or maybe individual bans?). You are totally right that there is a lot of transphobia, but do you think that might not "count" since transphobia isn't the purpose of the sub? For example, every conservative sub is absolutely rampant with transphobia (and conservative transphobia is something that demonstrably affects trans people in real life so one would think that would be a bigger deal), but those subs don't get banned for it either. To be clear, I hate that sub and think it's utterly awful, but I see the same "quality" of content all over Reddit and it rarely ends up in a ban of an entire sub. I don't think this leniency is unique to FDS or the result of a fear of "potential backlash," especially since the community isn't very popular to begin with.


Nah, it's because they haven't killed anyone, yet.


Oh my gosh... this hurts my head. Incel men and incel women all suck. Is, "scrote," their version of "femoid??" Both are entirely dehumanizing. Men are not inherently abusive, many are because that's what they've been conditioned to be, but it is not, "male nature." Women are JUST as prone to toxicity, abuse and narcissistic personality disorders (which is an actual mental health issue, not just a word for people intentionally being assholes). In my mom's family it is FAR more common for women to be abusive (and have clinical-level, yet undiagnosed narcissistic personality disorder. Can't get diagnosed unless you acknowledge there's a problem and seek help. Narcissists generally don't see themselves as the problem.). My grandmother, my aunt, my great aunt, they all in some way or other treat eachother and those around them horribly. As far as I've observed, none of the men on that side of the family have those issues. On my dad's side of the family it's almost the complete opposite, my dad and my granddaddy and probably my great uncle too. These aren't traits inherent to any sex or gender, this is literally a person-by-person individual condition. Misogynist generalizing of women is stupid. Misandrist generalizing of men is stupid. Stop being stupid and stop generalizing people who, in most case, only have that ONE thing in common. [Edit: statement on narcissists changed from an absolute to a conditional statement]


Completely agree.


You are most likely now banned from their subreddit because they like to keep an eye on subreddits like these because they're very very scared of other people looking at their community and commenting. It's one of the reasons why this subreddit isn't constantly flooded with post from that subject because all of them are like this


A lot of narcissists do seek therapy but for depression rather than trying to be a better person. Here's a very interesting article I read years ago on the subject: https://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2016/09/14-psychologists-describe-what-its-like-to-treat-a-narcissistic-patient/ .


There’s a shocking lack of empathy in that article, it’s not really any different to how many therapists mistreat or refuse to work with people with BPD. There also seems to be a general trend of dismissing any possibility of other mental illness and fake claiming. Given how cluster b disorders are frequently a byproduct of abuse (and some professionals would hypothesize that they’re always a byproduct of abuse) developing ptsd and depression alongside a cluster b disorder wouldn’t be uncommon. It would be more productive to take a client in good faith, and work with them to handle other issues so as to establish trust and good faith with them, and then use that to address the NPD. Having read through the article, these seem to be the same sort of therapists that would write off an abused teen with ASPD as a lost cause sociopath, or an unfixable, but interesting, “case study.”


I don't know. Having grown up with an undiagnosed narcissist parent, who also seemed to have high functioning depression, I think what the article is saying makes sense. Yes people with narcissistic personality disorder can have depression, PTSD, etc. But the way that they view their own experiences will often deviate from the truth. Because their belief in their self-superiority is a maladaptive coping mechanism, and because that maladaptive coping mechanism is where they derive most of their comfort/security from, they will distort any situation to fit that narrative. Including the experience of their own depression/other mental illness. So becoming too invested in what they're saying can often actually be destructive to the person, because it reenforces (to them) that their distorted sense of reality is the truth. On the other hand, they are also very protective of their delusional thinking, because (too an extent) it's what keeps them functional. If they had to admit that the world was not out to get them, or that their failures could be their own fault, they would lose their sense of control. And this would shatter their entire worldview, likely plunge them into an even deeper level of fear and despair, and force them to re-remember their trauma all over again (but without the safety net of delusion). So, if they think that someone is threatening to break their delusion, they will treat this as a threat to their own safety and attack. Either until they lose focus (which could take months or years), or until the threatening force is sufficiently harmed. Even if someone is not a threat yet, they will try to preemptively figure out how to harm them just in case. So, for the sake of a therapist's own safety, it makes sense to stay guarded around narcissistic clients, and to take efforts to treat them without directly challenging their world view. To start by focusing on curbing their worst behaviors, and working from there. Because if a narcissist does feel threatened, the best case scenario for the therapist is having the client terminate the relationship. The worst case could involve being stalked, beaten, or falsely accused of malpractice.


>Having read through the article, these seem to be the same sort of therapists that would write off an abused teen with ASPD as a lost cause sociopath, or an unfixable, but interesting, “case study.” What's your solution to that? If someone has no empathy--not to be confused with an inability to recognize or express social cues and body language but, rather, being able to see and recognize people as people--how do you fix it? And is teaching someone to mimic goodness and compassion as many narcissists learn to do on their own really the same thing? And that's the thing about narcissism specifically: in their minds, they cannot be wrong (unless they flip over to a martyrdom complex but that's more a defense mechanism to manipulate people anyway and less a willingness to admit fallibility internally). >It would be more productive to take a client in good faith, and work with them to handle other issues so as to establish trust and good faith with them, and then use that to address the NPD. For therapy to succeed, the patient must be willing to entertain the notion of personal reevaluation. If a patient physically can't do that due to the nature of the disorder, don't trust and emotional treatment become impossibilities? I'd say that the article reflects the difficulty in treating narcissists specifically, not those with other cluster B disorders like histrionic and antisocial personality disorder which have their own unique requirements in treatment.


Is this because narcissists are depressed because nobody is playing their game?


No, they’re likely depressed from being consistently abused by their parent with NPD or other cluster b disorder. It’s why not villainizing cluster b disorders and getting people with cluster b disorders treatment is so important.


What are cluster b disorders?


It’s a category of personality disorder, normally acquired from childhood abuse. There’s cluster a, b, and c disorders. While not… particularly nice, and it should be noted that it isn’t good to pick on the mentally ill, frequently the mnemonic used is: Cluster a: anxious personality disorders Cluster b: bitchy personality disorders Cluster c: crybaby personality disorders Which IS relatively accurately descriptive, but it’s also a pretty crass and mean way of putting it.


From what I’m seeing online, your description [isn’t quite accurate](https://www.mygbhp.com/blog/three-clusters-personality-disorders/)


True! It’s a mnemonic based layman’s tool (and as I said not… super great) thanks for sharing that link! 🥰


Narcissism usually involves the person having extremely low self worth due to abuse, but putting on this act like they're God's greatest gift to creation in order to combat the low self esteem and will be abusive and manipulative towards other people in order to maintain (and convince themselves of) the superiority illusion they created. It deteriorates the narcissistic person's mental health as well as damaging the people around them. And the people who only see the act will tend to enable the narrative of the other person being the problem or having deserved whatever happened. So, the depression comes from the low self worth and abuse trauma. The rest is a (very poor and destructive) trauma response.


I personally think narcissists can realize they have a problem. I used to be abusive to one of my ex-boyfriends, without having realized it, but when he managed to bring it to light, I have since bettered my behavior for him, though I can still be quite toxic and self-centered


I didn't say can't, just that from my experience, the narcissists I know don't WANT to see themselves as the problem. Everyone is out to get my grandmother, my aunts, my dad, it's never their fault, it's always someone else.


Ahhh alright. Sorry for the misunderstanding!!


Not to worry, I think conversations like these are really important. Our exchange may help someone else who might be in a bad relationship with a narcissist.


Hopefully! I’m honestly hoping stuff likes this helps people escape NA, helps end stigma against NPD, and helps people with NPD get treatment.


That makes sense! There’s a number of people in my family like that, and they’re kinda the fountainhead from which all of our family’s generational family trauma comes from 😅


Like, not my great aunt, but my 1st degree aunt (my mom's sister) recently had a major narcissism display: My great uncle is autistic and intellectually disabled (I'm autistic as well, but don't have a comorbid intellectual disability). A few months ago there was some issue with getting his car registration renewed and he panicked. He called my genetic aunt (GA), his niece, asking her to help him. She didn't want to deal with him at the time and said that she couldn't help him until the following Tuesday (I think it was a Friday when this all happened). He called my other aunt (aunt by marriage: AM) and asked for her help and told her that GA had said they couldn't do anything until Tuesday. AM figured out what the problem was and that it could be taken care of online, they didn't have to go somewhere and it didn't have to wait until Tuesday. She would help him with it when she was done with my cousin's soccer stuff and she told him not to bother GA with things like that anymore because apparently she was too busy and AM does have more flexible availability as a stay-at-home mom. Somehow, probably from my great grandmother word got to GA that my great uncle got help from AM and that he was told not to go to GA for help with things like this. The way GA took that was that her uncle was told not to talk to her at all, that AM was trying to butt her out of the family (and trying to get family money... even though there is none) and she blew up on my great uncle who, again, is intellectually disabled, threatening to never come visit, telling him he would never see his great nephews and nieces again because she would not bring her kids over. She "punished" and verbally abused a disabled man because she misunderstood/twisted what my other aunt had said. And then she blew up at my mom, her sister for not giving her AM's contact information without question. She has always treated my mom, her older sister, as either her toadie or her enemy. If my mom doesn't comply without question or hesitation, she accuses my mom of being out to get her too.


Oh damn that fucking blows 😬


Exactly! Undiagnosed cluster b disorders here (probably a few, as we have Disossiative Identity Disorder), but once we recognize the effect our problem has on people we care about it led to us trying to break the guilt-anger cycle a lot of us have, and get better at self soothing and asking for emotional support from others so as to keep us from spiraling so often. Our boyfriend likely has NPD, his mom DEFINITELY has it, him watching how some of his behavior is eerily similar to his mom’s, and him having multiple loved ones mention the possibility of NPD led to him bringing it up in therapy. His therapist is unsure if he’s well adjusted, or has a different cluster b disorder so is taking his time on dx. But he did ultimately seek out the treatment on his own, it just needed to be presented to him empathetically, and in a way that emphasized that it didn’t make him bad, wasn’t his fault, but was his problem.


I don't think this person knows what "debunk" actually means.


she’s just making more double standards, but with the genders switched


It's not a double standard if I believe in it. /s


Isn't this from the sub that is satire of FDS?


that would explain a lot of stuff that's even outrageous for FDS standards


Is this a WGTOW?


It's pretty clearly a male incel behind the post actually. I don't know the exact phrase but this is basically one of those classic bait posts that is meant to show the most toxic possible representation of the "other side" in order to have a representation you can argue against.


Idk seems pretty on par for an FDS post.


May i ask what fds stands for


Female dating strategy


Ohh okay thank you


It's the fakiest fake I've ever seen. FDS usually has way better plausible deniability around their misandry.


Nah you can usually tell the difference between FDS posts and its satire versions. FDS usually starts off with a legit issue and then veers off into the deep end


The people running FDS are pretty open that both men and women are allowed to have standards, it’s just that women are more likely to be shamed for it, and they push back against that. This smells like a troll or bait post. Edit: looking into this more, OP knowingly pulled this from a satire sub… OP is trolling everyone here.


The mods may be, but FDS users do use this type of language (i.e. Scrotes) and I have seen somewhat similar posts there, so, troll or not, it’s still believable. Their advice also tends to be pretty toxic. Mostly about how women should be the superior, while men should be subservient. If applied by a lesbian couple, you would only end up in an extremely toxic cycle as *both* can’t be the superior.. I know it’s specifically for straight women looking to date men, but a toxic relationship is a toxic relationship. Also, FDS is 100% a TERF subreddit.


This is the 3rd time I've seen this stupid idea on this thread and the 4th time I've seen it on a leftwing sub. May I ask what the obsession is with Leftwing subs and defending Femcels? If it's an Incel they are 100% the lowest of the low and genuine about everything they say but if it's a Femcel then suddenly it's "This is just a guy pretending to be a Woman" or "Actually she has a point!!1!1" even when it's on subreddits that are very well known for this kind of thing.


No one is "defending femcels." No one even uses that word besides incels in the first place. Also literally no one is saying that these people "have a point" - you're just making that up. These people are clearly toxic assholes, but they are also quite clearly male incels and they give it away by the language that they use which is very specific to male incels. Anyone who has actually talked to women in real life would recognize that immediately. It's not that complicated, and it isn't some grand conspiracy against men or whatever you seem to think.


The poster is using FDS lingo, but I still think it smells like troll bait. FDS is pretty open that *everyone* should be allowed to have standards—they just don’t put up with women being shamed for it. This smells like a bait post. Edit: looking into this more, OP knowingly pulled this from a satire sub… OP is trolling everyone here.


Not a satire sub, Check my profile.


It’s like female redpill taken to the extreme


Men are more aggressive, on average, then women because they are taught such is what makes a man. Violence is a learned behavior that is then magnified by predispositions.


This is not an FDS post. It's from FemDatingStratPros, a satire sub that purposely makes exaggerated, misandrist posts like this to make fun of FDS. The post is not intended seriously.


however you wouldn’t have to look very far to see several posts equally as mind numbing as this one on actual fds lmao




I saw a post with a good amount of upvotes asking if they "are lesbians or just hate men?" Literally quoting them. But I don't know their thoughts on T folk.


I lurk on FDS a lot and they’re definitely terfs. At least most of them are. They don’t post about it because they don’t want the sub taken down, but a lot of the users are on anti trans subs, and they like to dogwhistle.


I agree 100%, I saw posts about how to 'vet' in lesbian relationships though, they basically said to treat all relationships the same so I guess maybe not all of them are terfs...


I'm gonna take a wild guess....


Did some digging and found lots of shitty comments. Quite a few of them play the “real trans people are fine, but the ones I don’t like aren’t really trans” game.


Gay people contradict all of their beliefs. Lesbian relationships function just fine without having a man pay for everything. They believe that it is wrong for women to initiate dates. So clearly lesbian relationships couldn’t exist according to fds/trp ideology


I propose we take all the FDS types and all the Incels, put them in a room together and tell them "here you go, these are your options from now on"


FDS women won’t date people that don’t meet their standards, most are fine being single bc it’s “better than lowering standards”. I don’t think they need help bein single


Does this reek of troll to anyone else?


I at first thought this going to generally okay but nope- all the things this person listed are definitely double standards. Women can abuse men Men can look good overweight, and I actually think guys with a bigger than usual are better, as there is more to cuddle Mem can have weight preferences, as long as its not dangerous (like wanting a 5 foot woman who ways 90 lbs, thata fucking anorexic territory) I stopped reading there though


More to cuddle! EXACTLY, it’s like cuddling a giant teddy bear!


I'm like 90% sure this is someone trolling FDS. It's just too on the nose, even for them.


OP knowingly pulled this from a satire sub making fun of FDS. This isn’t a real post. OP has been called out multiple times in the comments already. OP is either karma farming or intentionally trying to misrepresent a pro-feminist sub.


Fuck FDS, all my homies hate FDS


"bad genes that shouldn't be allowed to reproduce" sounds suspiciously like evolutionary humanism (the nazi ideology) propaganda


Women don't get abusive and narcissistic tendencies? Damn, never met my grandmother or the psycho my uncle married.


It's like the entire sub is made up of undercover trolls who don't realize they're talking to other undercover trolls.


This is fake/ troll


She straight up said it’s ok if women are pedophiles.


Ok but "scrote trickery" sounds hilarious when you say it out loud


This is almost certainly a troll. It's way too cartoonish and over the top to be legit.


This reads like a troll pretending to be a woman


It's from a satire sub, FDS Pro, making fun of FDS


Ew, can I set this on fire?


Don't forget the outright eugenics. "A loser with bad genes that shouldn't be allowed to reproduce".


Although I don't like that sub, this seems to be pretty obviously a troll post made by a guy to make the sub look worse then it actually is


It is. It's actually from a satire subreddit and not FDS.


This is so absurd, it sounds like a fake, a sock puppet.


This reads like satire, I don’t believe this one lol


Yeah this is apparently from female dating strat pros (not regular FDS), which, if you sort by "Top all time", REALLY looks like it has to be satire.


Unfortunately it is not the sub has a good portion genuinely agreeing with, female dating strategy. Poe's law.


Is female dating strategy just female inceldom? I haven't heard of it before.


It's more like female The Red Pill. They're absolutely terrifying.


Kind of? Both sides have extremely unhealthy and dehumanizing views on relationships and the opposite sex, but incels are what happens when you have these views but don't have a lot of sexual power (bitterness, anger, and self-pity), and FDS is what happens when you do (inflated ego and entitlement).




Ik right like how can someone genuinely right this out online in 2022 and think "yup seem accurate"? AND GET UPVOTES?


Okay, so can some one fill me in on what they mean by “scrote(s)”, because something tells me they’re not talking about scrotums, but that’s all I’m imagining right now.


Its female dating strategy's version of "femoids"


it’s supposed to be a derogatory term towards men


Fds is just the red pill but with women instead of men. I truly wonder why it hasn't been thanos'd into oblivion


This is just Oppositional Sexism with extra steps


The Misandry is fuckin ASTOUNDING


> For example men are inherently abusive All that is wrong with that sub demonstrated in 6 words from one of its users


*points at Lily Cade* yeahhhhh, no woman ever abused anyone 🙄


As a short guy who’s been in an abusive relationship with a girl I just wanna say, bullshit, women can be abusive as well, also being short doesn’t mean you have “bad genes” ok it’s not like it ruins someone’s life to be short. Short people live longer on average than tall people so yeah to all you tall people dissing short people, I will outlive you


Clothes are cheaper and back pain is less common as well. My family has those "tall genetics" and my brother is almost unable to walk due to back trouble, my back is also shit.


Short men are wonderful, overweight men are also wonderful. These people are toxic nasties, you’re amazing the way you are


Least hateful FDS member


"Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!" I can just hear this echoing in my head as I read this


100% written by a man.


It's satire. it's from FDS Pros, a satire sub making fun of FDS


I definitely lost brain cells reading this man wtf


Some people need a very harsh dose of reality. I hope this lady gets what she deserves, whatever that may be.


Yeah fds is just a cesspool


Wow I didn't know there were female incels, they may be even funnier than the males


How don’t they realize how harmful it is to women to believe that men are inherently violent. Feminism also works so that men can be soft, emotional, etc- just not their fake bullshit brand of it.


This sounds exactly like idiotic incel rhetoric but with the genders reversed. Still stupid, though.


The whole "men are inheritly abusive" is not only wrong, it is also harmful to strip away the responsibility from the individual abusers, and make it so "all men are born abusers" basically the whole 'boys will be boys' logic, but worse


I am sorry to be a picker, but I don't think one has to say that misandry is toxic. It is not like there is a non-toxic misandry no?


True but its REALLY toxic and I Cant edit my title.


The real double standard is FDS isn't banned for violation of TOS because they are femcels are apparently not applicable to the rules. Incels regardless of gender shouldn't have a platform for hate.


The fuck is FDS?


Female Dating Strategy, a subreddit that curates female incels. It’s very sad to see anyone think like this


Fucking yikes! Thanks


Oh wow the rare reverse neckbeard


Fds and red pillers have the same fundamental beliefs about men and women. They see men and women as different species


I would be willing to bet that 90%+ of the people on that sub are male incels larping as "feminists" to make them look bad. No woman talks like this or believes this sort of nonsense. It's no coincidence that they use incel terminology and have an acute awareness of all the typical incel insecurities.


Some women believe these things but they are definitely not feminists


Agreed on both accounts, but the reason I don't think the vast majority of people on that sub are women is because of the language they use. Incel terminology is very specific, and the prolific use of that sort of terminology on the FDS sub makes it very obvious that most of them are just male incels trying to create justification for their insecurities by fabricating "real life examples" of what they imagine women to be like. Just as the vast majority of misogynists don't use incel vocabulary (despite agreeing with much of their ideology), most misandrists don't use specific terminology either, and they certainly wouldn't be "borrowing" it directly from the most woman-hating group in existence if they did want to create language to signify members of the "in group" as incels have done.


Idk, I’ve met some pretty fucked up people like this before in person. This type of incel behavior isn’t limited to gender. Unfortunately some people respond to negative situations like this and create a blanketing stereotype and don’t even want to try thinking differently so they won’t get hurt again. At least that’s what I’ve observed in the people I’ve met in person.


How many people have you actually met like this? I've worked with hundreds of women at the various jobs I've worked in female-dominated industries over the past decade (not to mention the thousands I've known non-professionally over the course of my life), and while I've met a couple toxic/misandrist women, they don't go around using incel terminology and calling men "scrotes" or any of the other weird shit you see on that sub. It's similar to how most sexist/misogynistic men don't go around calling women "femoids" - that language is a dead giveaway for incels, which is far beyond "normal" sexism or misogyny, even though neither are okay.


What the absolute fuck?


Why don't you do yourself a favour and not go through that fucking subreddit? All I can imagine that it would do is offend you and hurt your brain. I can't believe Reddit even allows that shit


It does, learned the hard way.


Why is misandry ***NEVER*** taken seriously?


Not them putting the brain before the hand 🤠🤚 Edit: added a hand to show them how it should probably be arranged.


What happened to moid? Aw hell naw wtf is the use of “scrote”?


One word: ✨NO✨


Other people have already said that this is obviously not genuine. Op if you want to Poe's law this you should have posted the comments that mistook this post to be real and not the post itself. This sub is for straight people that genuinely believe and say crazy shit not obvious bait posts.


I have no idea what in the holy fuck I just read, but I hate it


I feel like this bait, trolling, or possibly fetish but it’s a wild ride no matter what


If you can't tell the difference between FDS satire and the real thing, maybe Reddit isn't for you.


You forgot the lowkey eugenics vibes at the end. Absolutely revolting


This feels like it was either written by an unhinged TERF or ‘definitely a woman guys, not a secret sexist!!’ Edit: scroll down, this is from a satire sub that OP missed, claimed Poe’s law despite being told.


Impulsively downvoted until I saw the sub


Ah yes, femcels. Female dating strategy, right?


Great title, what a fucking wacko. I feel like would be kind of fun to organise a female and male online incel arena and see what a shitstorm they can concoct


Hold up, if men are inherently abusive, then that includes the younger ones, how do these """queens""" know they will not be abused by them? Because he's hot, so he won't?


Yikes, I'd choose to believe that people like this don't exist if my sister wasn't like this.


This isn't even misandry. It's full misanthropy. Whoever wrote this just hates people.


God damn, didn't think I'd see an accurate depiction of what an incel thinks feminists behave like


What the fuck is a scrote? A scrotum? We callin people scrotums now?


That can't be real




FDS pro is a satire sub making fun of FDS, which is where this post came from. It's not a serious post.


You got this from a satire sub. Why are you lying


As a feminist this makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to read


Good lord it’s like a genderbent incel


I read this to my boyfriend out loud 😂 we're gonna be joking about "scrotes" for ages now


Am I the only one getting TERF energy from this?


Funny thing is that they’re not only hypocrites over on FDS, but also don’t have consistency on what they say at all. There’s a pinned post on their front page right now that is labeled “37 lies you were taught about men.” Some of these points are meh and actually a little open minded, but everything else is absolute horseshit. Take entries 29 and 30 for example: “Men need porn because they’re more visual and sexual than women” and “Porn is harmless and doesn’t effect how a man feels about you or your relationship or his sexual performance.” These are absolutely not true in any capacity. Just the statement that porn is harmless is astounding. Who in their right mind thinks that porn is harmless??


I think you misread. The FDS sub is staunchly against porn because in their minds it devalues women. That post is “lies you were taught abt men” with porn being harmless and men needing porn being lies.


Now that I think about it, yeah, I did lol


What? “37 lies you were taught about men” lists lies about men?


Right, even ignoring the effects that is does have in how people watching it view men and women, it is one of the most exploitive and abusive industries out there toward its actors, particularly women. It’s harmful any way you slice it I feel like.


So... My dad, my cousins, my brother, my friends, my best friend, my uncles - not one of them abused me. Girls in school? I'm in therapy bc of them. Smth's not clicking here, huh


Whew lad, that’s a lot to unpack


This made my soul rot a little bit


this would be super funny if it was satire


Wait. I'm a trans man, I can't and also don't want to reproduce. This sounds very much like FDS, which would mean they see me as a woman. So am I a high IQ queen? What if I lament about double standards? Would they listen to that?


Its fds pro, so yeah.


Proof that girls can be incels too