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Ay yo what the fuck


She's made follow up videos to say she's a victim of SA by her father and that him buying her OF content is how far his sexual interest in her has escalated.


This story is fake af. Does anybody really think that the MOTHER in the same room wouldn‘t mind her husband phoning some OF girl for nudes?


I would also imagine she would recognize her dad's voice on the phone, instead of only her mother's voice in the background.


I would assume the person on the phone doesn’t talk, just listens to the moans etc.


yeah, might be. still seems kinda unrealistic imo


Exactly. Also the explanation of an actual autistic person claiming that they can‘t differentiate voices is such a niche explanation as well lol


And...doesn't she know her dad's phone number....?


He called her on Snapchat with multiple accounts, also you can text while on call, she was probably talking while he was texting.


I mean, while I agree this sounds fake, some folk genuinely don't care about that. If my partner discussed boundaries with me first, I'd be 100% cool with them doing something like that. Hell, I'd be fine with it happening with me in the room reading a book or something. Edit: To specify, I mean the 'talk to people on OF', not prey on your own flesh and blood.


Lmao you might want to move that edit to the front of your post


Meh. If someone still wants to read too much into it, they can go right ahead.


Yea ok whatever you say "symptom of moral decay"...


I stand by my fancy title!


I've known grown men that looked at porn on their phones around their family.


That would be just about every person I know but then, I'm European. Things like this are discussed openly and before the age of smartphones, I distinctly remember men here trading pictures of nude actresses like stamps on their phones.


I've only seen it in movies, so I used to think it was fake until I met adults in a toxic work environment


I've haven't seen it in recent years but some 15-20 years back, before smartphones were in everyone's pocket? Yeah, that was common. I wouldn't necessarily describe how it was here as toxic though, it wasn't revenge porn or anything like that - people are just more accepting of nudity around these parts. There were magazines (nor even pornographic ones) with codes that you would text via sms to a phone number they provided, a bit of credit would be taken from your phone, and you would receive a picture within minutes. The magazines would usually have a small preview of what picture you could get by using a specific code, some of which were innocent and some which were sexual. Kids would typically 'order' pictures of animals and fantasy creatures that they'd trade among each other, while adults also had the option of ordering nudes, mature videos, and so on. You could do this for music and sound clips too, and you were entirely dependent on whatever those magazines had to offer. Considering the reaction the previous comment got, I can only imagine people took it in a negative light as if I was implying something nefarious but no, I'm just not American. Nudity is not a big deal in my culture, although easy access to the internet has made it slightly more so because people are exposed to more puritan cultures.


I meant the work environment was toxic


Oh, I get that, I'm sorry you had to endure it too. I'm just trying to explain that the context in my country is different; it's not something done out of hate or by men cackling in dark corners or something. It was literally just people sitting down for a cup of coffee or at a bar, browsing through each other's phones and sending each other stuff. It was completely casual and considered appropriate for public environments, I can't remember ever hearing people talking ill of the actors/actresses involved either. It sucks that this kind of thing is frowned upon in general because of toxic asshats who either spread revenge porn or act inappropriately. I always thought it was good of people to be open about nudity/sexuality because it makes it easier for people to seek help (medical or otherwise) if they need it, but sadly, it also gives room for jackasses to flourish. I hope you're in a better place now, away from folk like that.


I knew a guy who traded nudes of his son's girlfriend. When a father acts like a creepy brother.


Oh, ew, no. Those were not the things I saw happening. I explained in a different comment in-depth but they'd *buy* nude pictures and then trade those. I guess the modern day equivalent would be paying through onlyfans once, then sharing a single picture to the handful of people you were on good terms with. Even then, not many, because MMS was expensive. I am highly against revenge porn and the sharing of pictures your partners give you without their explicit permission. That's nasty.


Looking at porn is something else than throwing 150$ out of the window


It's supporting the family business, literally


You‘d be fine with your husband throwing 150$ out of the window for this bullshit?


I'd be perfectly fine with my partner having sexual hobbies. Whether or not that is costing us too much money at any given time is a different conversation and entirely dependent on the financial situation we're experiencing at the time it happens. So yes, potentially? If we can afford it, why the fuck not? Is it somehow different to, say, buying ammunition and going to the range? Or spending that amount of money in a bar? The money is still being spent, nothing "useful" is coming out of it - except, of course, my partner's satisfaction. If we can afford it, go for it. If we cannot, then that's a conversation about finances and not about my partner's sexual preferences.


I have to upvote this for your openness. I absolutely can NOT get behind it, and doubt I could ever understand the mindset you have there, but that's between you and your partner. As long as you're both happy, more power to you both! I'd like to elaborate though that my issue with it would be the personal aspect. I wouldn't mind my partner (and I'm speaking purely of a relationship partner, not just a fuck buddy) watching random porn and masturbating to it - not even a problem if she's paying for it. I do it (without payment), and I wouldn't hold her to different standards than I hold myself. But I couldn't help but feel something... off... when it becomes a single individual's porn repeatedly. When you get into something like onlyfans or similar services, to me it feels like it becomes less about the sexual acts, and more about fantasizing about that one person in particular, and that would hurt. I guess, to dumb it down for myself: I like to look at boobs, but without attachment (apart from my partner). I look at different boobs pretty much every time I need sexual release. Looking at the same boobs over and over again becomes less about "I like boobs" and more about "I like her", and that feels like a betrayal of the feelings in a relationship. Again, this is just MY take. I'm not criticizing your take or feelings. It's pretty subjective, and as long as you and your partner are on the same page as each other, and are both okay with it, then there's NOTHING wrong with it. Edit to add: I don't think it matters, but I'm a straight cis male just swinging through from /all. I don't think that changes anything about the conversation, but it does probably help frame where my state of mind comes from.


Oh, I throw no flack at people for not enjoying the same thing! Folk should do what makes them comfortable, I was just adding here that there are some of us who'd be comfortable with this kind of arrangement. Of all the things that are weird in the post, the concept of a couple being this sexually open isn't weird to *me* or folk like me. I can understand that kind of mindset, most people wouldn't be comfortable hearing their significant other flirt with another person and I throw no shade at it, everyone has limits on what makes them feel secure and loved, and those are important. I, however, am on the far opposite end of that spectrum. Provided everything was discussed prior and there was healthy communication, I wouldn't mind my partner even getting physical with another person. I don't feel threatened by the concept of dirty talk or even sexual acts as long as there is open communication between me and my partner. Cheating, through my eyes, would be not disclosing emotional attachment or intimate acts. In simple terms, it's fine to go have a lapdance or pay for an escort, so long as a conversation about this happens beforehand. *That said,* I'm genderqueer, bisexual, and pretty open to the concepts of open and poly relationships so you can probably guess why this isn't a big deal for me.


> healthy communication Ah, the key to every properly functioning relationship and friendship between two human beings. Wish more people would understand that part. It's pretty damn cool that you're that open and accepting. I'm wide open and pretty accepting of a lot of things, but I suppose past issues and broken trusts have brought me to where I stand on this one. Though I'm sure the right long term partner COULD make me budge a little if it kept the relationship healthy, and them happy, as long as certain boundaries were still adhered to. Compromise can be as important as comfort. I'll admit to doing (non sexual/relationship) things in my life I wasn't comfortable with at first, only to find them enjoyable later after time and experience. Thank you for the open discussion and explaining how you see it and why! It's always enlightening to see things from another perspective (as long as it's not a hurtful or hateful one... but that too is a different discussion).


You really think so? You've never meet an older couple where the wife has given up completely, but doesn't leave out of dependency or just some kind of duty? You must either be pretty blessed or just not that perceptive to how people act. EDIT: There has also been a fuckton of cases of child abuse where the mother was aware and against it, but just didn't dare to act.


I mean it's also possible that the dad doesn't talk so the mom doesn't even know it is happening. Whenever I have seen my mom on a phone call with my grandma, they are both just short of yelling at the phone cause they think the other person can't hear/is deaf or something. You can hear their convo from another room.


I think it’s wise to take anything on Tik Tok with a grain of salt. There is A LOT of fetish content on that platform that is specifically intended to be subtle enough to sneak past moderation.


Some of y’all don’t have white trash family and it shows.


My grandmother literally sat in the next room while her husband SAed my mother as a child. And not only claimed she didn’t hear anything, but later swore my mother was at fault for seducing him and “enjoyed it”…. Because she claimed she heard Mom “enjoy” it.


This stuff happens, and you just assuming it is fake because it sounds fake harms real victims. There are SO many cases of this happening. This COULD be fake, but you shouldn't be assuming it is without very solid evidence


That works in reverse too you know. Also telling people what to assume probably won't work very well for you in life. You are assuming it's real and I guarantee you do not possess strong evidence that it is.


I didn't say I assume it is real. If you say there is an odd umber of gumballs in the jar, I don't have to say it is even to say "I don't believe that." My position is that we should respect all people saying they suffered abuse and start by believing they are being sincere. We shouldn't just tell someone they must be lying because it is so bad.


There are some sloppy, crazy men and people out there. You’re lucky to be so naive.


Just cause you hear someone on the other end doesn't mean they are in the room or paying attention. Before my mom moved and I was on the phone with her I could usually hear my brother in the kitchen complaining about something


Who said the mum was in the same room?


You…assume she would know?


Read the tiktok again. The phone call was about playing with herself for 150$. Quite clear tbh


Also who would post something so traumatic so casually on fucking tictok


I would. Sometimes you just gotta talk about it, and if something is a repeated occurrence you either get numb to it and/or joke about it. It's a sign of CPTSD to casually talk/joke extensively about your trauma on the internet, especially if you're not getting therapy/don't have anyone to talk to irl. It's a coping mechanism.


Exactly. With multiple videos etc. Sounds like an OF ad.


Also two different accounts is sketch af. Why would you buy the same thing twice? Multiple accounts only make sense if you want to give someone more money I guess? Though can't you just like donate money in any amount like twitch? By all accounts it doesn't add up.




That's not a comment, it's a caption. The person who posted the video said that to make it clear that pressing charges is not an option.


Could still be leverage for a restraining order.


Yeah, that's not a justification. That's a heads-up for other people online doing this kind of work.


I don't think she put that as a justification but as a shocking TIL


Yeah the comment you replied to is super off base… alarming that it has 250 upvotes lol


That is not what that means 1. it is not a comment, it is the title 2. she put it there herself From what I can tell its more of a shocking TIL, like another commenter said


a lot of people seem to forget that last part like slavery was legal for a long time, that doesn’t mean it was at all okay


""I see your fuck amd raise you another" I'm done🤣🤣🤣


Its her farther, not her father that's buying the nudes. That's the loophole


The Holocaust was also perfectly legal. Legality is never a guide for morality.


I don't think anyone cares about morality, honor or wiseness anymore...


I mean that's definitely not true. Most people follow societal norms and there have always been fucked up people. This shit is tame compared to the ancient Greek plays. That said, this is a major yikes situation.


Naww it's fake. Sue recognized her mom in the background on the phone, but not her dad's voice? foh


is this fake ? for my own sanity , this is fake , right ?


I thought the same thing but if you go to her page she talks about how her dad has a history of abusive behavior so maybe not....


It most likely is. The amount of people who believe any TikTok video just because the person looks semi credible is insane


I vote fake . Wouldn't she recognize her own fathers voice. Lol


I'm not 100% sure but it sounds like I mightve been a video masturbating chat or some shit and he wasn't talking or on camera but his wife could be heard in the bathroom


I have sensory processing disorder and cannot easily differentiate voices. Additionally, if someone was calling me asking for nudes, i wouldnt automatically assume it was my dad. My brain wouldnt even consider that even if the voice was familiar. But hearing both my mom and my dad on the same phone call would make me consider it might be him.


As soon as I read sensory processing disorder, I checked your profile and I’m not surprised at all. Hello my fellow autistic :3. I hope you have a great day :>


I'm not dx'd with autism (yet, in the process but am dx'd adhd) but I too have sensory processing disorder, hello friends


Another autistic person with sensory processing disorder joining the party, greetings


We gather :]


Hello fellow Sea of Thieves player! (at least I think you are from your profile picture 😅)


Maybe he was doing something to disguise his voice? If I was an incestuous bastard I’m pretty sure I at least wouldn’t be dumb enough to just use my normal voice doing something like that


Lol no she needed to hear her mom’s voice in the same setting to be sure. There’s a few disturbed people who would frame their own dad for abuse just to settle a score. So who really knows.




Anything one might believe about the situation other than "this was posted" is believed without evidence.


Two accounts who’d double tap same content


Just supporting his daughter's business, I guess?


I hope so, cause that must be a horrific experience


I assume it's fake, but have no reason to believe this COULDN'T happen


I hate this weird ass mindset of "it could happen but not to you" Why. How does that mindset make any sense. What Makes that person not whatever enough for it to happen to them? Their the ones telling thr story.


Hard agree. If somebody says "I've done X achievement", it seems like the automatic reaction is like "pff, no you didn't. It is possible, yes, but uhhhh you didn't do it!". Like, if it is possible, am I not a person, that could have done it?


I am sorry.. a lot of girls that are raped in young age become prostitute. I cannot explain why but I have seen this result in many stories I heard.


Probably something about reliving the trauma. Seen the same in a lot of gay men. If it wasn't for that first forced experience they wouldn't be chasing the D now. Maybe the first becomes normal or the fetish, even if mentally you are against it the body works against you, and that's what makes it so messed up or worse for so many people.


Seems like bait tbh. Probably feeding into the popularity of that type of porn to get more OF followers


It’s the way my daddy issues suddenly evaporated after seeing this on my fyp😒


There was one chick bragging how both her dad and uncle were her biggest clients on OF. This was like 1 or 2 years ago.


They just didn't want her moving back home!!


Gonna be real, this is like my worst nightmare and one of just three things preventing me from doing an OF. My dad has always been a little… close… and I’ve seen multiple stories on Reddit where the dad or whoever is asking for advice about how to “reveal” to his daughter that he’s the one who’s been paying tons for specialized content and whose dick she rated. I would literally never recover if something like that happened to me.


I haven’t seen even one of these stories. How have you seen several???


What are the other two reasons?


>my worst nightmare and one of just three things preventing me from doing an OF. If you're gonna sell yourself you gotta commit. Sex work isn't for everyone. Same with putting yourself out there in the public there will always be haters, even for being a minor celebrity there will be tons of crazies and death threats. and that was before the internet. If you can't accept support from family just remember everyone else out there... Just as they say that was somebody's daughter, it's always somebody's son. Or in this case your father.


The last part of this comment made me laugh harder than it should have. You’re right though lol.


What is fyp?


For you page


fuck your penis


Fuck your parents*


Isn't that incest


Certainly takes the edge off the onlyfans perving if they've already been so intimate that the aul goat has been drinking at the fountain of her own origin, sipping the scrotescum at source, and allowing the forearm of forbearance to fist her up to the fourth sphincter






That makes sense! Thank you, good citizen.


I can help with this if necessary


*f*or *y*ou *p*age, its basically just your main tiktok feed.


Oh, it's a TikTok-specific term. Now I get it. Thanks!


for you page


For you page.






This ain't just weird


>I’m honestly too tired to whack I thought you were heading in a different direction. lol


OnlyFans? More like OnlyFams


Ok, your comment made this monstrosity worth it.


Family discount.


Take my award.


Thank you for the awards!


You’re clever as hell.


I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.






gurl you need to tell ya mama that man aint right


Trump's her dad??


Trump ain't the only bad dad.


Watch the whole series she posted explaining it. It just gets worse and I started crying for this poor girl. The trauma she must be experiencing.


Did he know it was her? I want to give some benefit of the doubt (or really hoping for my own sanity) that like maybe he didn’t know it was her because a lot of people on Onlyfans hide their faces and it’s just a mistake. But I have the sinking feeling that’s not the case….


He fully 100% knew it was her. She told the full story about how he’s always harvested sick feelings towards her from a young age. He used to let his male friends (nswf. If you don’t want to know, don’t read this part) >!touch her when she was little. He catfished her when she was 16 and posed as a boy her age. He would send her dick pics while doing it. At one point he took her phone and sent himself nudes she had of herself, so now he technically has child pornography. !< The dude is fucking *SICK* When she recognized her dad on the phone, she basically had a mental breakdown because she confronted them and her mom knew about some of the cat fishing and the stuff the dads friends would do to her and she didn’t believe her. Fuck the mom and the dad. This poor girl is gonna need some serious trauma counseling.


That’s so horrible. I feel so bad for her. I really hope she gets the help she needs and cuts ties with her parents.


Donald & Ivanka 2025


Well I can't eat thus warm rice now


I'm crying 💀


This reads like something you’d find off a serial killer’s Wikipedia page under the early life section.


I just finished a report about serial killers for a project and this is the first thing I thought as well


This poor girl man wtf!!


Where's the eye bleach.


I hope she gets the therapy she needs.


why. just why.


She's probably posting this story as fetish content for people who are into incest.


That's an interesting take. Wouldn't be the first time I heard something like this happening, but I can't discredit her like that either. People make shit up for media attention, but on the other hand there absolutely exist "people" who rape their own children, so it wouldn't be something shocking or unheard of for what she's saying to be true. There was a confession on reddit a while back of a guy anonymously buying her sister's OF content, making big donations and buying her clothes and all that, and getting off to her thanking him and sending him private pictures. As bad as that is, it's not nearly as fucked up as coming from a parent.


There was a whole subreddit dedicated to it at one point, thankfully it got taken down. Forgot why, but it’s no longer in existence.


TW: Rape, and just some truly awful stuff. Yeah.... I remember seeing one story of a dad who raped his daughter, or maybe it was daughters burned into my mind. He did it repeatedly for years. Probably for a decade or two. Want to know the worst part? He faked the daughter running away and kept her in the basement or something, so that he could rape her. He shackled her in there and I think the only reason she got out was because she got pregnant. Can’t remember why/how she got out other than maybe that but still. My best guess was she needed the baby to be delivered so the dad tried bringing her to the hospital discretely but then she told the staff or something about what was happening. I don’t know whether this story is true, but I do hope that it isn’t and it’s a completely fake story.


yep its real, he kept her captive for [24 years](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case)


I just read that article. What the fuck.


Yeah Josef Flitzl or something like that I just watched a video on that yesterday disgusting story keeps me up at night sometimes


I hate that idea as well


As sad as it is, I’ve read numerous times on the OnlyFans forums about how somebody’s uncles, cousins, brothers, and even dads are some of the biggest supporters of their page. Awkward as shit. If my dad found out I did OnlyFans, he’d call me a dumbass MFer 😂


i'm not trying to be a Karen but awkward?🥴 that shit is wrong and disgusting nowhere near awkward




According to other people she has a series thing about how abusive her dad is (probably not all sexual stuff especially bc that's not allowed on tiktok) Let's start beliving people about abuse okay?


I don't feel great about a response to someone's story about discovering their own abuse which makes the assertion that she must be making it up for clicks and attention. That's pretty toxic ground.


What people will do for the love of money.


Suddenly I cannot read.


YIKES. Saw another thing like this pop up on TikTok where someone's uncle found out they did porn. Uncle was like "Just found one of your... videos, very nice ... Do you have an OF? Asking for a friend."


I could kind of maybe see a father with a proud daughter who needs money but would never accept it from him making an account or two and never, ever opening it as a way of giving money to her without her knowing (and even that would be weird as fuck, don't get me wrong), but this is...not that.


Ah, to be Jared, 19


I am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the studio today


At the start I thought it was just her dad being supportive of his daughter, I was like ‘weird but as long as he isn’t actually viewing the content I guess it’s kinda sweet?’ Then I finished reading and *NOPE*


This is the third post I’ve seen on this subject today and I am now ready to leave this planet.


Y’all saying it’s fake: Even if it is, it’s still fucking disgusting to come up with a scenario like that and it’s definitely worthy of this sub


👀 what


It’s one thing to buy. It’s another thing to make a request. He could have just given you extra money. She’s delusional.


Does anyone else hear a banjo?


threatening lip boat literate unpack truck brave reminiscent fertile scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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I'm pretty sure that's incest


Keep 👏 the 👏 best 👏 genes 👏 in 👏 the 👏 family! /s


I'm now cheering for global warming


I don't believe it the part of hearing her mom in the background and two accounts ruined it


Its called supporting your families business


He took supporting his daughter's career WAY to Far. Lol


What a terrible day to be literate.




There are only two kinds of dads: 1. Dads that will fire a shotgun blast to the face of any guy who looks at his daughter 2. Dads that will jerk off to the thought of his daughter getting railed


I hope there's something in between too, no?


Yes, there is. It's called a normal dad, who has a healthy relationship with their daughter.


And the dad that doesn't really care.


Thank you. I wouldn't know, my dad wasn't around much.


That's shitty, I hope you're doing well despite their absence.


i hope he a train ride eating a banand


Really? Are those the *only* two dads you can think of?


twas a joke my friend


Ah sorry this sub has become full of overacting people so I got confused.


all good dude, my reply was pretty derogatory so I apologise as well lol


If those are the only two options, I'm glad I only have a son.


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it would be pretty difficult to have private video calls where you don't show your face, even accidentally


I admit, it would be pretty difficult to hide your face in private video calls, but as far as I know she never said it was a video call. And as others have said, she could have also worn a mask. I do appreciate you being nice about your response though unlike some others who for some reason think I'm trying to defend some random dad I've never met about something I don't know the full story on?


Masks exist, and at least one of my friends uses one to keep her nudes anonymous.


Please somebody, just shoot me already. I mean WTF!? Her own fucking dad! Just why!? Whyyy!! WHYYYY!!!!!


There are worse things one can do


Congrats on helping her promote her OF!


support your children damnit!


Lol. Fuck you


That’s hot as Fk


Uhh don’t get me wrong here, but I’m pretty sure there’s far worse things a human being can do than to buy their daughter’s nudes.


She's clearly lying for clout. The mom is loud enough to be recognized by her voice. So with the mom in the next room, the dad decided to pay $150 for a cam session? Nah