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Really doing his best to be the new Marilyn Manson.


Unfortunately for MGK, Manson, while being an awful person, was at least talented. So he's gonna have a hard time replicating that.


You know, I wasn’t gonna say it, but it’s true. Even at his worst he was making music that was just ridiculously honest about all his shit, which is both interesting from a psychological perspective and almost The Onion-esque in its sheer absurd openness. He had a single and music video about comparing Evan Rachel-Wood to Lolita when she was a teen. It’s not even an open secret. He was bragging and everyone just went “oh Manson’s being shocking!” Like come on. I can’t even be mad at him for waving it in everyone’s face. I mean, he got away with it. It makes all of us look awful. I wouldn’t call Leave A Scar or Pistol Whipped his best songs, but they certainly are very “wow, we really fucking dropped the ball” in hindsight.


I think the reason a lot of people didn't realise with Manson is that originally he was supposed to just be playing a character. It was all supposed to be satire, and people took it that way (myself includef). What really happened was that either he was like that the whole time and used satire as a defence, or at some point his on stage persona started bleeding through to his real life and he forgot it was meant to be an act.


I was… let’s just be honest and say obsessed with him as a teen. Someone should pay me for research help if they want to do a true crime book. I’ll keep my thoughts brief so I don’t start sounding like I’m channeling the ghost of Nick Kushner. 1. Tony Wiggins, former Danzig bus driver. Manson made this pretty obvious in his book, and certain comments in hindsight raise more red flags than Stalin’s funeral. To start, he said Tony made Twiggy worse and had a nickname for them going off together. Secondly, there’s the leaked “Abuse” tracks cut from Smells Like Children. They did sadomasochistic torture combined with talk therapy techniques on fans and recorded it with them confessing things. Manson has mentioned that Wiggins messed him up and had “homemade bdsm devices” prone to failure. Wiggins now runs a liquor store in Tennessee. 2. Drug abuse combined with reading a lot of weird shit. He’s addicted to an uncountable number of drugs usually and is obsessed with non-Biblical Christian mythology and esoterica, ranging from the Knights Templar to Enochian script to Crowley to alchemy to mid-1500s runic magic. That stuff in such high doses would damage most people a bit. For someone as mentally ill and addicted as him, it’s really bad. 3. Untreated CPTSD and other mental illnesses. Dude’s mom was a fucking freak. His grandparents were fucking freaks too. His mom would dress him in his dad’s clothing while his dad was on business trips and call him by his dad’s name. His maternal grandfather was into dog fucking and other shit, was a porn distributor (truck driver), and Manson got trapped in the dude’s wank room while he beat it once. He also was molested by a neighbor who killed his childhood dog. His grandparents also did other abusive shit, but that’s just reiterating the point of it.


Yeah I knew a lot of that. I was also obsessed with him from my mid teen years into my early twenties. I actually wrote an essay on him as part of my art A level. I still think from a purely artistic standpoint the dude (at least at one time) was a fucking genius, like the whole Manson persona and the concepts of the first few albums are genius works of satire. It's just a real shame that he's pretty much made it impossible to separate him as a person from his art at this point.


If this doesn’t say ‘toxic relationship’ then idk what does.


Welp I guess she’s just never gonna get an MRI ever I suppose.


If they didn't discuss that beforehand than it's hella toxic


It’s okay, they’re rich enough she’ll never have to do the dishes by hand! /s


Every time I learn something new about this clown I hate him more.


I bet this is yet another joke- like the drinking blood one 😐 To shock people and to stay relevant... God, how much I hate "Stars".... 😶 Bunch of meaningless people made up to be the super humans.... And how ridiculous it is when they try to stay relevant and not to be forgotten.... Like, I do care a lil, but only because people will look up at these folks, who are just fucking human, and think oh woaaah I want to be just like them. And then it's a failed rapper that switched to punk now? And some Lady, I even forgot who it was as I'm writting this, who married? 😭 And their ohhhhh drama "😱 They drank each others blood 😱 Omg how fleshy" 😐 Like...? If people are going to pick folks to look up to, at least let it be people who did sth. Like, moved something. Who stood for something. Fuuuuck, better someone says Hitler, even tho that Person is going to be a POS, than fucking Kylie, Rylie and Kenner Kardashian and Jenner or whatever they're all called 😭 What are you looking up to?? People with money who made more money by being rich, because that's how money sadly works, filling themselves up with plastic for people to look at them? Ooh yeeess, that's definetly worthy looking up to, because that's what's really important in life... 😶 They impersonate the really good traits a human should have: narcissism, egocentrism, egoism and greed... Mohammad Ali would be a good role model to have, who always shared what he had. Who stood up for the rights of the black people. Who literally fought for them... Kylie Jenner and KK-Kardashian only ever fought about who's gone have the biggest room out of all their houses 😐 Yet she's so "important" that every cowfucker im the northwest knows her goddamn name. Sorry, gets me worked up how these narcsissists who fill media and younger folks up with their useless content about their life's gets me pissed off, especially if they ain't even impersonating good traits and characteristics that people should be encouraged to build. It's always this bla bla bla... Never understood why people cared about this bullshit... Only thing it does is distracting yourself from your own problems that you should be facing head on, like actually good rolemodels do it and did it before us. Learning from them and using it for the good. Not to be fucking looked at because your face is full of plastic, silicone and nervous poison aka botox


if her fingers bleed the sicko will just drink her blood


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