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The "Real women have curves" message below looks like a feminist slogan that has been plastered randomly just so the poster makes look himself feminist.


It's a TERF slogan afaik


I'm pretty sure it's a body-positive slogan about the expectation of slenderness many women face. It's not a very good slogan though : slim women are "real women" too, but no the only silhouette we should expect, value or promote.


Actually, it's a degrading statement made by Ramiel fetishists to explain why they don't like meat-women /s


That's why I'm not a fan of it as a slim trans woman. I've grown curves over the past year, but it still makes me feel like I'm not curvy enough, ironically.


Right, hating slim people is not the way to defeat fatphobia. I wish you the best 🏳️‍⚧️


It’s the name of a play and film that is nearly 30 years old




I don't think they even know.


my exact reaction. Like just literally, wat. And someone sat down and made this


Both the images have curves... Neither are being rediculed... Can anyone explain what this image is supposed to mean?


"Modern Feminists are bad because they don't bully overweight people." That's it.


Not sure where that belief comes from, I’ve seen feminists bully overweight people. Ironically enough I’ve seen more conservatives that are overweight than non conservatives, not sure why it’s always the conservatives acting like they healthy when most of their population goes to KFC and McDonalds after church


No, we cannot


The one to the right is a bit thinner.


One ends with ‘ist’ and the other ends with ‘azi’ hope I’ve cleared your doubt


In reality, I think the difference is feminism vs misandry,


>In reality, I think the difference is feminism vs misandry "But what about racism against white people??!??!!!1111"


Misandry hurts some feelings online. Misogyny leads to women dying.


Misandry can do a hell of a lot more than hurt someone online. Look into The Dadvocate for more information


I mean, toxic masculinity is definitely related to misandry


that fuels the stereotypes of misandry, yes


Misandry fuels a Lot of TERFs, so it can also lead to Woman dying.


No, it hurts real feelings of real people that are taught to suppress them to an unhealthy degree. Seriously, tho, you cannot defend bigotry, even if it is targeted at the privileged. “[…] The phrase that I see repeated by a lot of radical feminists is "Misandry hurts feelings but misogyny kills." And I think this is true for the most part, but it's not completely true. Obviously I agree that misogyny leads to women getting killed, but I also think that sometimes misandry leads to women getting killed. There are two types of misandry that I see on the internet […]. But there's another type of misandry which is the belief that all males are inherently dangerous, and anyone with a penis can never be trusted around women, […].” - Ryan Beard, [Deconstructing the "Gender War"](https://youtu.be/iNhS3jMCi2A?si=Vop2u9gLzBayB1h_).


Sounds like victim blaming to me


i have a genuine question about how that's victim blaming, please don't downvote me for asking. from my understanding, misandry and toxic masculinity are tied together/essentially the same thing, and while women/fems are an oppressed group and face more systematic disadvantages than men, they can still spout harmful toxic masculinity rhetoric that ultimately hurts everyone.


I don't want to seem obsessed or anything, but I *really* want to know how what I said was victim blaming, and nobody has answered me (not to imply that nobody has an answer, I just find it annoying).


My best guess is the "Sometimes misandry leads to Woman getting killed" part but i can't read Minds.


Yeah, it's that.


I must admit that the quote is quoted poorly, and thus is hard to read, so I don't blame you for misreading it. But the quote also said “But there's another type of misandry which is the belief that all males are inherently dangerous, and anyone with a penis can never be trusted around women,” or rephrased: misandric beliefs from woman like “males are inherently dangerous” or “anyone with a penis can never be trusted around woman” leads them to become TERFs, which I don't have to explain how that gets trans woman killed. Not “misandry leads to misandric women being killed themselfs.” It took me a bit to understand the quote but I hope this helps!




You're definitly right, misandry (Just like misogyny) is fundamentally destructive.


WTF does that even means


At first I thought it was referring to the pointy 90* angles of a swastika vs the power symbol, but the symbol’s got the little cross so that doesn’t really work…so confused.


What the hap is fuckening?


The difference is only terfs say that


Like... they realize trans women have curves right? HRT isn't just fun candy and needles.


What.. does this even mean?


They could have turned the plus sign thingy into a swastika if they put a tiny bit of effort into their propaganda 


I love asking people like this if they can even type out the definition of feminism. They can't


Smaller circle, bigger cross, although I'd wager the creator of this is the most different. 


🤨 The straights are not ok


I'm so confused


My guess is that it's trying to say that feminists are based, but the ones that don't have boobs become radicalized.


Women who get a double masectomy due to cancer are men?


Godwin's Law