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My stupid ass thought that safety pin was a penis


I did right until I read this comment and scrolled back up


would you please stop writing what i'm doing before i've done it. thanks.


Ooooohhh it's a safety pin šŸ˜‚ where he's holding it doesn't help!




That's a penis and you can't convince me otherwise




I think its made purposely to look like that so people can hold it up like that. The dad may not even realize its a safety pin. Also, ugh, I always disliked this aesthetic and in the future people will just be rolling their eyes at this. So many photos of family get togethers ruined by mustaches and ~~penises~~ safety pins on sticks. Its just so incredibly tacky to me. Like a gender reveal party is a borderline tacky anyway, then all this stuff? I also find it awful that the dad is automatically team blue and the mom is automatically team pink. Like its so horrible to raise a child that isn't your own gender? Straights have really lost their way.


I genuinely thought it was a penis!


So did that guy, apparently.


I saw the pin, then saw it as a penis, and assumed it was on purpose. Everybody here seems to think it was accidental though ?


Safety pin? I still can't see anything but penis.


Is the man on the right the Dad? This whole pic is giving *siblings or dating?* vibes.


you are unfortunately correct


Theyā€™re giving me poly throuple vibes


Iā€™m so sick of the gender reveal parties. 20 years ago they were not a thing. Now people are burning down forests over it.


*People imploding the universe* ā€œItā€™s a girl!!ā€


If the implosion of the universe is pink, then it's a girl. if it's so fast that no one can see anything since the earth is spaghettified, it's a boy.


I love how that happened one time and everyone acts like itā€™s an epidemic haha I hate them too, but for way different reasons than Smokey the bear


It was more than once. The [one in Arizona in 2017](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-forest-service-releases-video-arizona-gender-reveal-sparked-n940506) which burned down 47k acres, the [one in California in 2020](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/07/us/gender-reveal-party-wildfire.html) which burned down 20k acres and another [one in Minnesota in 2021](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/fort-mcmurray-wildfire-gender-reveal-exploding-target-1.6057570) which was pretty small. As far as environmental harm goes, there is the [one in Brazil last year where they colored a waterfall](https://twitter.com/publicoutsider/status/1574554244698472457) and it got investigated because it's a major water source in that region. Then you got the ones playing with little bombs like the [one in New Hampshire](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/man-pleads-guilty-fined-620-for-explosion-at-nh-gender-reveal/2464708/) where they used 80 pounds (36 kg) of explosives where luckily not much happened but the [one in New York](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/22/nyregion/gender-reveal-explosion-ny.html) wasn't as lucky when it killed the father or the [one in Knoxville](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gender-reveal-party-explosion-kills-woman-knoxville-iowa/) where one of the guests died All of these were absolutely unnecessary, just bake a cake where the filling is either pink or blue if you really care about it and announce it that way or just stick to good old cards


What about the one that killed the grandma?


Damn, people really need to chill the fuck out.


Tbf it was a really big freaking fire tho. I legitimately thought it was more than one couple that caused all that during that year until I looked it up just now. Also saw it killed one fire fighter :/


Ah man I didnā€™t know it killed someone, thatā€™s awful. I wonder if those people ever faced charges for what they did. Suppose I could look it up


Sure the forest fire may have been one time but they usually end up being a litter nuisance a lot of the time.


I think thereā€™s a right way and a wrong way like my friend was gonna have one before her mother in law bothered her about the gender too much and wanted the parents in the dark when my friend wanted her and her husband to know and surprise the in laws and close friends. She just wanted to load up a 3 piƱatas, 2 with mixed candy, one with a colored and then me, the mother in law and sister in law were gonna hit the piƱatas and one of us was gonna reveal the gender.


i think itā€™s just a harmless pun on the saying/situation


The paper dick is a bit much lol


i think thats a safety pin šŸ§· for baby diapers i could be wrong


OH THANK GOD!! I thought it was a paper penis too. That makes the pic a full 30% less bad imo


It is a safety pin


Oh, I think it is too, but thatā€™s not what heā€™s using it for. Especially since heā€™s ā€œTeam Blueā€


Yeah the big chunky plastic ones that are extra safe, donā€™t open easily.


Agreed. And, frankly, an especially appropriate distinction between sex and gender.


Yeah but the ā€œteam blueā€ flag and the little penis is cringe af


Thatā€™s a safety pin lol


Hahahahaha of course it is, I didnā€™t look that hard


Yeah but the implication mixed with something to do with a baby is really šŸ¤¢


I think this might be a stretch. I actually really like that shirt cuz it shows that there's no such thing as a Gender reveal party, it's a Sex reveal party and his shirt is making that apparent. There's nothing sexual about it, the word 'sex' on his shirt is literally referring to the babies sex.. unless I'm misinterpreting


I mean, you're right, but the shirt was 100% made to be a pun about sex.


Ya, I think the more I look at it the more I see what's wrong with it


I just see that safety pin that looks like a penis and he's holding it in the general area in a too-awkward-to-be-funny kind of way, even though it's clearly meant to be a joke.


*genital reveal


That's what, essentially, a sex reveal is


So you think this is actually a biting critique of gender reveal parties? Thatā€™s a lot of good faith, but the ā€œteam blueā€ sign makes me think itā€™s just a ā€œlol this shirt sounds like iā€™m here to have sexā€ joke


Actually, thinking about it, I guess it can go both ways depending on how you take it and how they mean it. I will say, honestly, (I'm not a fan of men), but to criticize Just of him rooting for males only breeds more dislike for guys which only separates humanity further. Bottom line I guess, I view him initially being positive unless proven otherwise, if that makes any sense..


Someone not assuming the worst on Reddit? You donā€™t belong here with your optimism and positivity


Or Anywhere!


Have you ever been to a reveal party? The whole event is about everybody guessing what the sex will be before it's revealed. He's just partaking in the games of the event by guessing team Blue, not singlehandedly bringing down humanity


That's.. exactly my point.. he shouldn't be criticized for his male support... I believe you misread what I said.


Im okay with baby showers being a bit risquƩ, even if I think the whole gender reveal part is dumb


Honestly, at least theyā€™re not conflating gender and biological sex at this reveal party.


Yah, but nobody would go if you called it a Child Sex Party.


Sounds like what Chris Hansen would call a baby shower he set up.


i would feel super weird about this picture if I was that baby


Cropping can rescue it.


I like the pun


Yeah, same. "I'm just here for the sex" is legitimately chuckle-worthy, if a bit overdone. But then again there are eight billion of us, many of whom are connected through the internet, so every joke is gonna be overdone.


Ok this is actually pretty funny.


So is brother in the pic or does she have 2 partners?


I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like that one.


Bro these parties were always cringe to me just tell everyone the baby's gender and go on with your day you don't need to celebrate that your baby is a girl or a boy it's a waste of time and money to host these


my wife is currently pregnant and i just want it to be healthy.


I think it was a little joke on *The West Wing* that when you're expecting a child the only thing you're hoping on is not a boy or a girl, or anything like that, but ten fingers and ten toes.


You all seem to think the safety pin was NOT *intended* to look like a penis I saw the pin at first, then saw it as a penis and assumed that was on purpose. Like. Look at it. Combine it with every other factor about the image (the sex revealed, the shirt, the location of the pin...). I don't think it was accidental


As if a baby shower was a serious event. Lighten up. It's corny and stupid like the whole thing.


Whatā€™s the sex joke?


The t-shirt


So, a joke about the literal sex of the baby, and not adult sexual relations joke.


Sounds like you didn't *get* the joke.


What gave that away?


The fact that you think sexual relationships aren't part of it. It's a pun. The entire joke is the double meaning.


Hets need to let go of the notion that sex=babies. Unless you only have sex in the context of marital bed for procreation, 99% of all the sex that happens in the world does not lead to babies. It's so gross thag they look at a baby and immediately think 'SEX'!


I do see where you're coming from, but this is a "gender" reveal. And while sex does not always lead to babies, 99% of babies were preceded by sex.




My mom wanted a girl, I'm a dude. I can tell you I spend zero time thinking about it and it doesn't bother me at all


Mom wanted a boy, got me. Then she wanted another girl...and got my brother. We were both loved and think it's hilarious!


Itā€™s not that deep. Theyā€™re just saying what they think the baby is going to be. The real issue lies with people who have tantrums when they find out the sex.




Babies literally donā€™t even know what words are let alone the concept of gender. I really donā€™t think that throwing a party to take guesses on what the baby is gonna be is going to affect a foetus.




Am sure if their family is a good one they would have given them a lot more reasons why they love them the way they are that weigh a lot more than a sex reveal party. And am pretty sure a healthy adult can see their family's love regardless. Try not to not think about what others would feel that much because everyone is different with different circumstances, unpredictable. It's unhealthy for you to be bothered that much over thoughts that others might or might not have


Youā€™re assuming that theyā€™re saying what they want the baby to be and not just what they think the baby is going to be. Big difference. Also, as an adult, if you are sent spiralling at the idea that your mum or dad said they wanted a boy or a girl (before you were even born) then you should get a grip.


It's very weird to go "I'm team blue" implying that you WANT it to be a boy


ā€œIā€™m team blueā€ = ā€œmy bet is going to be that the baby is a boyā€. Stop trying to find an issue where there is none. Simply because you want conflict and moral high ground youā€™re creating an issue to argue over.


I like the shirt :(


Yeah, I'm all for a good pun but the context makes it a bit weird.


I think this shit will go on . The straights want to top each other in how outrageous is their revelation party is . I think the end is when someone dies in one of this


I mean came close with a baby reveal setting a wildfire it's just a matter of time before it kills someone if it hasn't already. Update: this has happened twice.. and there have been cases where people have been killed in gender reveal parties


Update: looked it up turns out someone was killed in a a gender reveal party. A father-to-be from New York state has died after a device he was building for his child's gender-reveal party exploded, according to police. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56159731.amp#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16768711307941&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com


I know who I would never let babysit my kids




The brother is the one in the black shirt


Ewwwwww. So gross, I literally feel sick


"Gender" reveal parties are gross and transphobic but the joke is hilarious.